1.0.0 / February 29, 2016
(4.0/5) ()


Many different types of propaganda posterswereused in World War I, not only as a means of justifyinginvolvementto their own populace, but also as a means of procuringmen, moneyand resources to sustain the military campaign.
There was posters for: convincing people to go to war,convincingpeople that they were winning the war, to showsuperiority againstthe enemies, buying bonds and more. The enemywas very important inpropaganda, it was the easiest means ofdiverting public attentionfrom genuine social and politicalproblems at home.
This application shows the propaganda of the Great War(1914-1918)from Germany, Italy, France, England and United StatesofAmerica.


  • App naam
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    February 29, 2016
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Google Play Link

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Many different types of propaganda posterswereused in World War I, not only as a means of justifyinginvolvementto their own populace, but also as a means of procuringmen, moneyand resources to sustain the military campaign.There was posters for: convincing people to go to war,convincingpeople that they were winning the war, to showsuperiority againstthe enemies, buying bonds and more. The enemywas very important inpropaganda, it was the easiest means ofdiverting public attentionfrom genuine social and politicalproblems at home.This application shows the propaganda of the Great War(1914-1918)from Germany, Italy, France, England and United StatesofAmerica.
Anjo Meu 1.0.0 APK
De acordo com o dia de nascimento, todos nóstemos um Anjo Protetor ou Anjo Guardião que nos protege e nosacompanha ao longo de nossas vidas. É importante conhecermos ascaracterísticas de nosso anjo guardião e com fé podemos viver emcom todos e Deus.A App Meu Anjo, diz-nos qual o anjo do dia e o seu salmo. Podemosfazer uma prece ao Anjo ou Arcanjo e saber qual numerologiaassociada, carta de Tarot e chacra. Dizemos qual o horário, cristale cor de vela mais propício para fazermos preces, orações e pedidosao Anjo, Arcanjo ou Serafim de forma a nos sintonizarmos maisfacilmente com sua energia.A App Meu Anjo trabalha offline. Não precisa de ligação àinternet.According to the day ofbirth, we all have a guard or Angel Guardian Angel that protects usand accompanies us throughout our lives. It is important to knowthe characteristics of our guardian angel and with faith we canlive with everyone and God.The App My Angel, tells us that the angel of the day and his psalm.We can make a prayer to the Angel or Archangel and know whatassociated numerology, Tarot card and chakra. Say what time,crystal and more conducive candle color to do prayers, prayers andrequests to Angel, Archangel or Seraphim in order to more easily intune with your energy.The App My Angel works offline. You do not need internetconnection.
Nossa Senhora de Fátima 2.0.0 APK
As aparições de Nossa Senhora, em Fátima sãoconsideradas como sendo a mais profética aparição dos últimostempos.Em 13 de maio de 1917 os videntes pastorinhos, Lúcia , Francisco eJacinta tiveram a visão da Nossa Senhora de Fátima. Em 13 deOutubro, na última aparição da Nossa Senhora de Fátima aospastorinhos, deu-se o chamado milagre do Sol.Três segredos foram transmitidos. O terceiro Segredo de Fátima esuas profecias, ficou guardado no Vaticano até que João Paulo II odecidiu revelar.Jacinta e Francisco foram beatificados pelo Papa João Paulo II em13 de maio de 2000.No Centenário das Aparições de Fátima (1917-2017), o Papa Franciscoserá peregrino a Fátima no dia 13 de Maio de 2017.Guia Completo das Aparições de Fátima.The apparitions of OurLady of Fatima are considered to be the most prophetic appearanceof recent times.On May 13, 1917 the shepherd visionaries, Lucia, Francisco andJacinta had a vision of Our Lady of Fatima. On 13 October, the lastapparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children, there was theso-called miracle of the sun.Three secrets were transmitted. The third secret of Fatima and itsprophecies, was stored in the Vatican until John Paul II decided toreveal.Jacinta and Francisco were beatified by Pope John Paul II on May13, 2000.In the centenary of the Fatima apparitions (1917-2017), the PopeFrancis is a pilgrim to Fatima on May 13, 2017.Complete guide of the Fatima apparitions.
Many different types of propaganda posterswereused in World War I, not only as a means of justifyinginvolvementto their own populace, but also as a means of procuringmen, moneyand resources to sustain the military campaign.There was posters for: convincing people to go to war,convincingpeople that they were winning the war, to showsuperiority againstthe enemies, buying bonds and more. The enemywas very important inpropaganda, it was the easiest means ofdiverting public attentionfrom genuine social and politicalproblems at home.Lubok is a Russian popular print, and some of the pictureswereserialized, predecessors of the modern comic strip. DuringWorldWar I, lubok informed Russians about events on thefrontlines,bolstered morale, and served as propaganda againstenemycombatants.World War,One, 1914-1918 - Posters, Caricatures,Cartoons andSatiricdrawingsApp works offline. No internet connection needed.
Lisbon Map Audio Guide 1.0.0 APK
Going to travel to Portugal andLisbonCity?Discover the most beautiful places with Lisbon Map Audio Guide.Thisapp includes four tours by voice : Pombaline Downtown; ChiadoandBairro Alto district; Alfama district; Belém district and thetownof Sintra (a UNESCO World Heritage site).This app is designed to use offline. No need ofdataconnection.All the available attractions are located on the mapwithinteractive guide feature.
Paracelsus Prophecies 3.0.0 APK
Paracelsus was a famous Alchemist,Physician,Occultist, Mystic, Astrologer and s Prophet of thesixteenthcentury.The Prophecy of Paracelsus is composed of thirty-two chapterswithallegorical figures.The Paracelsus Prophecies APP works offline without ainternetconnection.
Nostradamus-Prophecies 1.0.0 APK
Nostradamus studied astrology andvarious“occult” sciences and used those to predict the future .Hepredicted many tragic events throughout history, includingtheassassinations of the Kennedy brothers, the rise of Hitler,thedefeat of Napoleon,The Nostradamus Prophecies APP presents the 10 CenturiesandAlmanacs.Nostradamus Prophecies APP works offline, no internetconnectionneeded.