1.1.1 / October 29, 2015
(3.0/5) (2)


Новостное приложение , признанного и широкоцитируемого источника оперативной и достоверной информации в Россиии за рубежом.
Получите мгновенный доступ к последним новостям федерального,регионального и международного масштаба:
- новости экономики, политики, экологии, спорта, науки, культуры ишоу-бизнеса
- комментарии и аналитика
- фотоленты по актуальным событиям
- авторские программы и тематические видеосюжеты
- наглядная инфографика

Возможности приложения:
- публикация новостей в социальные сети и отправка на электроннуюпочту
- смотреть видеоролики и фото, размер иллюстраций подбирается подразрешение устройства

Оптимизируйте потребление интернет-трафика:
- выберите один из трех вариантов качества мультимедиа-контента илиотключите его загрузку, оставив только получение текста.
- функция "Обновить всё" позволяет получить обновления интересующихрубрик (число статей настраивается), включая иллюстрации, дляпоследующего чтения без доступа в Интернет (например, в метро)

Все новости России сайтов в одном приложении.
Обновление новостей в фоновом режиме.
Удобно читать в метро, поезде или самолете.
Новости уже закешированны, и готовы к чтению в любой момент, ненадо ожидать подгрузки.
Более 2500 новостей в день.
Добавлен раздел - "Топ-20 новостей за последних 2 часа".

Открывается мгновенно.
Без тормозящей анимации.
Иллюстрации подгружаются по мере чтения новостей, поэтому незабирают трафик в фоновом режиме.

!!! это ТЕСТОВАЯ версия !!!
Хотите поддержать - поставьте пожалуйста позитивный отзыв

Уже доступны новости от:
Lenta.ru : Новости
Российская Газета
Нефть России
Московский Комсомолец
BBC: Русская служба
Москва 24
Сайт Президента России
Новости России

И в алфавитном порядке:
BBC: Русская служба
Forbes russia
Lenta.ru : Новости
Алексей Навальный
Аргументы и Факты (AiF.ru)
Москва 24
Московский Комсомолец
Независимая газета
Нефть России
Новости России
Правда о Путине
РИА Новости
Российская Газета
Сайт Президента России

Чим полезно приложение:
* Кеширует новости за расписанием, в фоне. ( ~5 мб. в сутки, ~2500новостей)
* Более 20 -ти сайтов .
* Минималистичный быстрый дизайн, без каких либо анимаций.
* В каждой новости - кнопка “поделиться”.
* В каждой новости - кнопка "перейти на сайт".
* В каждой новости - кнопка “загрузить приложение этого СМИ” (еслиу него оно есть конечно).

Читай все новости России в одном приложении:
Новости Бизнеса
Новости в мире
Новости Спорта
Новости культуры
Новости техники

Все новости бесплатно

News apps, recognized andwidely quoted source of operational and reliable information inRussia and abroad.
Get instant access to the latest news of the federal, regional andinternational scale:
- News of the economy, politics, ecology, sports, science, cultureand show business
- Comments and analytics
- Photo report on current events
- All program and thematic videos
- Visual infographics

Application features:
- The publication of news in the social networking and sending ane-mail
- Watch videos and photos, the size of illustrations selected byresolution of the device

Optimize the consumption of Internet traffic:
- Select one of three quality multimedia content or disabledownloading it, leaving only the receipt of the text.
- Function "Update All" allows you to update columns of interest(the number of articles adjusted), including illustrations, is tobe read without access to the Internet (for example, in thesubway)

All Russian news sites in the same application.
Update news in the background.
It is convenient to read on the subway, train or plane.
News zakeshirovanny already, and we are ready to read at any time,do not expect podgruzki.
2500 news per day.
Added section - "Top 20 news over the last 2:00."

Opens instantly.
Without braking animation.
Illustrations loaded as a news reader, so do not take the trafficin the background.

!!! This is a test version !!!
Want to support the - please put a positive review

Already available on the news:
Lenta.ru: News
Russian newspaper
Russian Oil
Moskovsky Komsomolets
BBC: Russian Service
Moscow 24
Site of the President of Russia
Russian News

In alphabetical order:
BBC: Russian Service
Forbes russia
Lenta.ru: News
Alexei Navalny
Arguments and Facts (AiF.ru)
BBC News
Moscow 24
Moskovsky Komsomolets
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Russian Oil
Russian News
True about Putin
RIA News
Russian newspaper
Site of the President of Russia

Chim useful applications:
* Caches news for the schedule in the background. (~ 5 Mb. Per day,about 2500 news)
* More than 20 ti sites.
* Minimalistic design fast, without any animation.
* Each news - the button "share".
* Each news - the button "go to the website."
* Each news - the button "download the application of the Media"(if it is, it of course).

Read all the news from Russia in the same application:
Business News
World News
Sports News
Culture News
News technology

All news FREE

App Information Новости Белгорода

  • App Name
    Новости Белгорода
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    October 29, 2015
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Kiss My Apps
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • الفئة
    News & Magazines
  • المطور
    Email thomasbeerten@gmail.com
    Kapelstraat 8.11 3500 Heusden-Zolder Belgie
  • Google Play Link

Kiss My Apps عرض المزيد...

Jornais Portugal 1.3.0 APK
Kiss My Apps
Com este aplicativo, você tem acesso fácil atodos os jornais portugueses.Aceda às notícias mais recentes dos jornais portugueses, atravésde uma interface simples e intuitiva, poderá navegar sobre ostópicos mais importantes de cada jornal, e estar sempreactualizado.Jornais disponíveis:◉ Diário de Notícias◉ Sapo◉ Jornal de Notícias◉ Público◉ A Bola◉ Diário Digital◉ Sol◉ Economico◉ Expresso◉ RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal◉ O JogoCom a nova app do Jornal de Notícias para smartphones Androidtenha acesso a toda a informação publicada on-line sobre o País, oMundo, o Desporto, a Economia, a Cultura e muito mais. Com acessosimples, rápido e gratuito, tenha ainda acesso a vídeos, à capa daedição diária, às notícias relacionadas e à pesquisa de notícias.App compatível com tablets Android.News, sport, cultura? rápido, simples e fiável! diverta-se!:)With this app, you haveeasy access to all Portuguese newspapers.Access the latest news from Portuguese newspapers, through asimple and intuitive interface, you can surf on the most importanttopics of each newspaper, and always be updated.Newspapers available:◉ Daily News◉ Frog◉ Journal News◉ Public◉ The Ball◉ Digital Diary◉ Sun◉ Economic◉ Express◉ RTP - Radio and Television of Portugal◉ The GameWith the new Android smartphones for News Journal app has accessto all information published online about the country, the world,sport, economics, culture and more. With simple, fast and free, yethave access to videos, to cover the daily edition, to related newsand news search. App compatible with Android tablets.News, sport, culture? fast, simple and reliable! have fun!:)
Kranten Nederland XL 1.7.0 APK
Kiss My Apps
Elke krant opzoeken is tijdrovend. Deze appgeeft een handig overzicht van Nederlandse kranten in een modernelayout. Als Nederlander wil u kranten uit het hele land kunnenlezen.De teksten schalen vanzelf voor smartphone en tablet, zodat jekrant er steeds optimaal uit ziet!Deze Nederlandse kranten zijn toegevoegd: De Telegraaf, AlgemeenDagblad, Metro, Spits, De Volkskrant, Het Financieele Dagblad,Trouw, Het Parool, Katholiek Nieuwsblad & NRC Handelsblad.Veel leesplezier met deze eenvoudige app!Every newspaper look istime consuming. This app provides a handy overview of Dutchnewspapers in a modern layout. As a Dutchman wants you to readnewspapers from around the country.The texts scales itself for smartphone and tablet, so yournewspaper always best looks!The Dutch newspaper added: De Telegraaf, Algemeen Dagblad,Metro, Spits, De Volkskrant, Het Financieele Dagblad, Trouw, HetParool, Catholic Newspaper & TVNZ.Enjoy this simple app!
Journaux Belges XL 2.2.0 APK
Kiss My Apps
Les journaux Belges en français et ennéerlandais pour tablet / phone.Les journaux wallonsLe Soir,La Dernière Heure,La Libre Belgique,Sud Presse,L'Avenir, ...les journaux flamandsHet NieuwsbladDe MorgenDe StandaardKnackHet Laatste Nieuws, ...La meilleure application mobile belge, gratuitement et facile!Tous les journaux importants! Cette app de Google Play seratoujours gratuit avec journaux belges.Lire les nouvelles de Charleroi, Liège, Namur, Mons, LaLouvière, Tournai, Seraing, Verviers, Mouscron, Herstal, Chatelet,Wavre, Binche, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Ath, Arlon, Nivelles,...Les sports: Football, Cyclisme, Hockey, Volleybal, Basket, Rugby& Handball!Voor de Vlaamse versie van deze app kan je op zoek gaan naarKranten België, of voor een gratis app met nieuw design naar Belgiënieuws! Deze apps zijn gratis en van dezelfde ontwikkelaar!Pas de publicité?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.thomascbeerten.kranten.belgepaidBelgian newspapers inFrench and Dutch for tablet / phone.Walloon newspapersThe evening,La Dernière Heure,La Libre Belgique,Sud Presse,The Future ...Flemish newspapersHet NieuwsbladDe MorgenDe StandaardKnackHet Laatste Nieuws, ...The best Belgian mobile application, free and easy! All majornewspapers! This app will always be free Google Play with Belgiannewspapers.Read news Charleroi, Liège, Namur, Mons, La Louvière, Tournai,Seraing, Verviers, Mouscron, Herstal, Chatelet, Wavre, Binche,Louvain-la-Neuve, Ath, Arlon, Nivelles, ...Sports: Soccer, Cycling, Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball,Handball Rugby &!Voor versie van de Vlaamse kan deze app I zoek op gaan naarBelgië Kranten, voor een of gratis app puts naar nieuw designBelgië nieuws! Deze zijn gratis apps in van dezelfdeontwikkelaar!No advertising?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.thomascbeerten.kranten.belgepaid
Newspapers France free 1.2.0 APK
Kiss My Apps
This simple, easy & free app includes thefollowing newspapers:◉ Le Figaro◉ Le Monde◉ Libération◉ L'Humanité◉ L'Express◉ La Croix◉ Le Canard enchaîné◉ Le Nouvel Observateur◉ Le Parisien◉ France 24◉ Nouvelle Republique◉ 20 Minutes◉ Direct Matin◉ Les Échos◉ L'Équipe◉ France Soir◉ Mediapart◉ Metro◉ La Tribune◉ Météo en France et prévisions météo.This app is totally free forever. We like to keep it simple, nooptions hidden and no ads will block your content.Newspapers France free is accessible 24/7 on your Android phoneor tablet. Stay informed, consuming news is now quick, easy orenjoyable.Browse the latest headlines with daily updates on News, Sports,Life, Money, Tech, Travel and Opinion. Latest news on localcelebrities and famous persons. Stories are updated 24/7 and themobile app be shared via Facebook & Google+.Check out the latest sports scores, college football, martial arts,sumo, baseball, golf and college basketball.Get current weather conditions, forecasts, and radar maps, and savethem for up to ten locations.Local news from Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Lille–Roubaix–Tourcoing, Bordeaux, Nice ,...★ Top 10 Consumer Mobile App ★Nummer 1 News App for France news free updates from Paris, Lyon,Marseille, etc. in de Android Market!You will find newspapers from your state, but also a few bignewspapers from your country.No need for separate apps for each paper! It's the app every newslover should have in their pocket.You can download and use for free.★ Any star ratings, +1 and review is appreciated very very much!★
Newspapers China free 1.7.0 APK
Kiss My Apps
This simple, easy & free app includes thefollowing newspapers:◉ Reference News◉ People's Daily◉ Qilu Evening News◉ Information Times◉ Guangzhou Daily◉ Southern Metropolis Daily◉ Yangtse Evening Post◉ Yangcheng Evening News◉ Nikkan Sports◉ Global Times◉ Chutian Metro DailyThis app is totally free forever. We like to keep it simple, nooptions hidden and no ads will block your content.Newspapers Korea free is accessible 24/7 on your Android phoneor tablet. Stay informed, consuming news is now quick, easy orenjoyable.Browse the latest headlines with daily updates on News, Sports,Life, Money, Tech, Travel and Opinion. Latest news on localcelebrities and famous persons. Stories are updated 24/7 and themobile app be shared via Facebook & Google+.Check out the latest sports scores, college football, martial arts,sumo, baseball, golf and college basketball.Get current weather conditions, forecasts, and radar maps, and savethem for up to ten locations.Local news from Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shantou, Shenzhen,Tianjin, Chengdu,...★ Top 10 Consumer Mobile App ★Nummer 1 News App for China news free updates from Guangzhou,Shanghai, Beijing, etc. in de Android Market!You will find newspapers from your state, but also a few bignewspapers from your country.No need for separate apps for each paper! It's the app every newslover should have in their pocket.You can download and use for free.★ Any star ratings, +1 and review is appreciated very very much!★
Gayspot - Gay News & Magazines 1.1.1 APK
Kiss My Apps
The goal of this appThis app provides the best gay & lesbian magazines and straightnewspapers.At the bottom you can find the Hornet website, which is moretowards meeting and dating (hookup in particular), but the primefocus is on information, gay rights, weddings, news articles,photos & a tiny bit of gossip.This simple, easy & free app includes the following gay& lesbian magazines & newspapers:◉ OUT◉ The Advocate◉ Instinct Magazine◉ Metrosource◉ The San Francisco Bay Times◉ The Official New York City Pride Guide◉ Pink Magazine◉ Passport◉ Curve◉ Towleroad◉ Hornet NetworkIf you want a defenition of what the term gay stands for:Gay is a term that primarily refers to a homosexual person orthe trait of being homosexual. The term was originally used torefer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright andshowy". - WikipediaIf you want a defeinition of what the term lesbian standsfor:A lesbian is a female homosexual: a female who experiencesromantic love or sexual attraction to other females. The termlesbian is also used to express sexual identity or sexual behaviorregardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective tocharacterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality orsame-sex attraction. - WikipediaAre we on the same page? Good! You love the same sex? Goodtoo.This free app is could be better. If you have comments orcomplaints, please tell. Maybe you love other magazines or websitesbetter, or maybe you have your own interesting blog. Do tell, so wecan make this app better!Disclaimer: this is not a dating app, there are other apps fordating. This app is for gayish news.So no gay video or gay videos. No gay roulette, whatever thatmeans. If you went from straight to gay and you are bored in thegay bar, just start reading!
Alaska News 1.3.12 APK
Kiss My Apps
This simple, easy & free app includes thefollowing newspapers:◉ Alaska Dispatch News◉ Fairbanks Daily News-Miner◉ Juneau Empire◉ Ketchikan Daily News◉ Peninsula Clarion◉ Daily Sitka Sentinel◉ NBC2 KTUU◉ Alaska Journal of Commerce◉ Alaska Star◉ The Skagway News◉ Seward City NewsThis app is totally free forever. We like to keep it simple, nooptions hidden and no ads will block your content.Alaska news is accessible 24/7 on your Android phone or tablet.Stay informed, consuming news is now quick, easy orenjoyable.Browse the latest headlines with daily updates on News, Sports,Life, Money, Tech, Travel and Opinion. Latest news on localcelebrities and famous persons. Stories are updated 24/7 and themobile app be shared via Facebook & Google+.Check out the latest sports scores for the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS,college football and college basketball.Get current weather conditions, forecasts, and radar maps, and savethem for up to ten locations.★ Top 10 Consumer Mobile App ★Nummer 1 News App for Alaska news updates in de Android Market!No need for separate apps for each paper! It's the app everynews lover should have in their pocket.You can download and use for free.For global USA news:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.thomascbeerten.kranten.be.usafree★ Any star ratings, +1 and review is appreciated very very much!★
Aviser i Danmark 1.7.1 APK
Kiss My Apps
Danmark Aviser★★★★★Liste over store Danmark aviser, tidsskrifter, nyheder sitesonline. Du kan finde nyheder fra Jyllands-Posten, Politiken,Berlingske Tidende, Ekstra Bladet, B.T., Børsen, Information,Billed Bladet, Sporten, Stiften, Erhvervs Bladet...Berlingske TidendeB.T.EkstrabladetDagbladet BørsenDagbladet InformationDagbladet PolitikenMorgenavisen Jyllands-PostenDagbladet ArbejderenKristeligt DagbladmetroXpress★ Top 10 Consumer Mobile App ★Nummer 1 News App for Danish news from Denmark in de AndroidMarket!You will find newspapers from national, but also regionalnewspapers from your country.No need for separate apps for each paper! It's the app every newslover should have in their pocket.You can download and use for free.Danmarks største samling af nyheds aviser.Hurtigt og nem indlæsning af de sidste nyheder fra de danske medier/ Danske avisers hjemmesider.Danske Nyheder er en lyn hurtig webbrowser hvor du selv hurtigt ognemt kan bogmærke links til de hjemmesider du ønsker.Danske Nyheder indeholder sin egen LITE WebBrowser.Som er optimeret til de fleste nyhedssider for at give den bedsteoplevelse og dermed Danmarks bedste nyheds app.Skulle den indbygget webbrowser ikke leve op til dine forventningerkan du altid vælge en ekstern webbrowser.With this application you will have easy access to all the danishnewspapers. You will have access to more than 140 newspapers. Theapplication will automatically rank the newspapers that you readmost.You will be able to easily share the news items within thedifferent social networks. You will have access all the newspapersin Denmark. Essential to remain up-to-date of all the news andhighlights related to national, local, sports and financial press…"newspapers and magazines. Danmark, denmark, Dagblade, aviserne,magasiner, tidsskrifter, ugebladeCopenhagen avis magasiner, Danske avisen og blade, Århus bladeDenmark Newspapers★★★★★List of major Denmark newspapers, magazines, news sites online. Youcan find news from Jyllands-Posten, Politiken, Berlingske Tidende,Ekstra Bladet, BT, Exchange, Information, Billed Bladet, sport,pin, Enterprise magazine ...Berlingske TidendeB.T.Ekstra BladetBørsenDagbladet InformationDagbladet PolitikenJyllands-PostenDagbladet workerTold the paperMetro★ Top 10 Consumer Mobile App ★Number 1 News App for English news from Denmark in the AndroidMarket!You will find newspapers from national, också regional newspapersfrom your country.No need for separate apps for varje paper! It's the app every newspromises skal i sin pocket.You can download and use for free.Denmark's largest collection of news newspapers.Fast and easy loading of the latest news from the Danish media /Danish newspapers' websites.Danish News is a lightning fast web browser where you can quicklyand easily bookmark links to the websites you want.Danish News contains its own LITE WebBrowser.As is optimized for most news sites to provide the best experienceand thereby Denmark's best news app.Should the built-in Web browser does not live up to yourexpectations, you can always choose an external browser.With this application you willhave easy access to all the englishnewspapers. You will have the access two more than 140 newspapers.The application vil automatisk rank the newspapers att you readmust.You will kunna nemt share the news items indenfor different socialnetworks. You willhave access all the newspapers in Denmark.Essential two gjenstår up-to-date of all the news and highlightsrelated to national, local, sports and financial press ... "newspapers and magazines. Denmark, denmark, daily newspapers,newspapers, magazines, periodicals, magazinesCopenhagen newspaper magazines Danish newspaper and magazines,Aarhus leaves