2.0 / July 9, 2016
(2.7/5) (15)


The Anti Mosquito repellent application emit avery unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) that most mosquitoesfind distasteful and prevents you from getting bitten bymosquitoes.
This app can help you prevent Mosquito bites.
Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes. Effectively,it complements the traditional methods of a spray or hand flapping,to avoid bites.It have different frequencies sounds, so for thisyou can set your own choice of sound.
Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes be away fromyou and your smartphone. Start repellent is done by selecting afrequency sound or tap mosquito graphics.
The female mosquito draws food for her developing eggs by insertingher proboscis into a mammal or reptile and drawing blood.
Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. But If femalemosquito Spawned, She did not like approaching male mosquitoes anymore.
So Female may be running away from theirs(male) wing'ssounds.
Anti-mosquito repel app
This app is not scientifically proved by scientists so you can useit like a prank. Mosquitos are most dangerous small insects it canruin your camping. Your sleep… Get rid of this bloodsucker enemywith this amazing application. Anti-mosquito app produce ultrasonichigh frequency sound which keep away these bloodsuckers from you.

Anti-Mosquito is prank application and you will fool many ofyour friend with.
This mosquito repelling app is not confirmed by science so treat itlike a prank!

The anti mosquito app have 3 modes (Indoor, Outdoor, Silent) andend time for stop playing.

This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emitting highfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away from thesource of the sound.
High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing sense of humanears.

Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysounds that mimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.

You can use this app in background.
Anti Mosquito Simulator is a prank app which is used to repelmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito Simulator is such a nice app due to whichMosquito never comes near you. High frequency Sounds are used inthis app which are beyond the hearing sense of human ears. AntiMosquito Simulator is entertainment purpose to make your friendsfool
• Anti Mosquito Prank
• Anti Mosquito Simulator
• Anti Mosquito Repellent
• Anti Mosquito
• Sound Repellent
• Insect repeller
• Free App
Having not been conclusively proven by science, we have to set thisapplication as a Prank. However we suggest you to try it as theresult of studies on this system.
We are invaded by mosquitoes. Our app offers an opportunity tosound repulsive to 4 different types of mosquitoes. The frequencyemitted from 15khz helps scare away mosquitoes and mainly malemosquitoes.
In addition, the tiger mosquitoes are also concerned.
It is highly advisable to switch your phone to airplane mode whenusing our application, as well as lowering the brightness of yourphone and surrounding lights

App Information anti mosquito repellent PRANK

  • App Name
    anti mosquito repellent PRANK
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    July 9, 2016
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 2.3 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • الفئة
  • المطور
  • Google Play Link

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Anti Moustiques efficace prank 2.0 APK
AVERTISSEMENT!Ce répulsif application de moustique est pas confirmée par lascience afin de traiter comme une farce!Absolument nouvelle application de moustiques lutte! Nouvellequalité!Cette application empêche les moustiques de vous mordre en émettantdes ultrasons à haute fréquence à partir de votre téléphone qui lesrepousse loin de la source du son.Sons à haute fréquence qui sont au-delà du sens de l'ouïe del'oreille humaine.répulsif contre les moustiques génère puissante sons à hautefréquence que les sons imitent des moustiques prédateursnaturels.Vous pouvez utiliser cette application en arrière-plan.Attention:Cette méthode de répulsion des moustiques est pas confirmée par lascience afin de traiter comme une farce!app anti-moustiques fonctionne très bien sur le monde entier surles moustiques et les insectes.Ce sifflet peut être utilisé sur les chiens à. Votre chien vadéteste ça.Exécutez cette application dans un arrière-plan.anti-moustiques génère puissante sons à haute fréquence que lessons imitent des moustiques prédateurs naturels.Conseils:- Augmentez le volume au plus haut niveau pour un son plus efficaceanti-moustiques.- Utilisez les commandes de fréquence pour trouver la fréquencerépulsive optimale pour votre région.IMPORTANT !Traiter ce soft comme une farce! Il est pas un outil de répulsifréelle de moustiques! Éloigner les moustiques et autres insectes àl'aide de l'échographie ne sont pas confirmées par la science.Ci-dessous la description est seulement conjectures! Nous vousdonnons outil gratuit afin que vous puissiez tester parvous-même."Anti Moustique Son farce" est l'application de farce et va essayerde vous aider à garder tous les moustiques et les insectes loin devous! Ce soft est capable d'émettre des sons de haute fréquence(sons ultrasoniques) qui devrait irriter tous les petits insectes.Les moustiques peuvent prendre ce bruit que le bruit de leursennemis (par exemple, les libellules, les chauves-souris). Ilsdevraient garder loin de la source du son. Il suffit de tourner lerépulsif sonore sur et garder votre téléphone mobile près de chezvous. Pas de piqûres de moustiques, pas plus!Rappelez-vous: Transformez votre volume max en jouant duson.Cette application ne donnera pas 100% de chances de succès. Ilya beaucoup d'espèces de moustiques dans le monde et certainsd'entre eux peuvent être résistantes à ultra-sons. En outre,certains des orateurs de téléphone intégrées ne sont pas en mesurede produire des sons à haute fréquenceCeci est un moustique lutte libre simuléAnti Mosquito application permet à votre téléphone de devenir undes dispositifs efficaces anti-moustiques!Basé sur les caractéristiques du moustique, ils craignent la hautefréquence des sons comme le bruit des chauves-souris, libellules,qui font que les animaux restent à l'écart les moustiques, parcequ'on craignait ennemis de moustiques. Anti Mosquito utilisanthaut-parleurs externes émettent-sons de haute fréquence de 17 KHz à22 KHz, est la région qui must moustiques.En raison des caractéristiques de chacune des différentesespèces de moustiques, les moustiques développent des logiciels surle téléphone, nous aidons les utilisateurs peuvent ajuster lafréquence. Vous essayez de voir si la fréquence d'autres moustiquesdans votre maison doit être retiré. Nous recommandons d'utiliserdes fréquences de 20 kHz à 22 kHz, cette fréquence l'oreillehumaine ne peut entendre, mais toujours efficace dans la parfaiteanti-moustique.Les principales fonctionnalités de l'application:- Non-toxique pour les humains, les animaux domestiques dans votrefamille.- Ne pas bruyant.- Anti moustique parfait, la fréquence peut être ajustée enconséquence.- Les applications peuvent fonctionner en parallèle avec d'autresapplications, la barre de notification, vous pouvez toujoursutiliser votre téléphone normalement avec d'autres fonctions.- Anti moustique simple, facile à utiliser.WARNING!This mosquito repellent application is not supported by science totreat it as a joke!Absolutely new application of mosquito control! New quality!This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emitting highfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away from thesound source.high frequency sounds that are beyond the sense of hearing of thehuman ear.repellent against mosquitoes generates powerful high-frequencysounds that mimic the sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.You can use this application in the background.Warning:This method of repelling mosquitoes is not confirmed by science totreat it as a joke!Mosquito app works fine on the world of mosquitoes andinsects.This whistle can be used on dogs. Your dog will hate it.Run this application in background.Mosquito generates powerful high-frequency sounds that mimic thesounds of mosquitoes natural predators.Advice:- Increase the volume at the highest level for a mosquito's moreeffective.- Use the frequency command to find the optimal repelling frequencyfor your region.IMPORTANT!Treat this app like a farce! It is not a real tool repellentmosquito! Away mosquitoes and other insects using ultrasound arenot supported by the science. The following description is onlyconjecture! We give you free tool so you can test foryourself."Anti Mosquito His farce" is the application of farce and will tryto help you keep all the mosquitoes and insects away from you! Thisapp is able to emit high frequency sounds (ultrasonic sounds) thatshould irritate all the little insects. Mosquitoes can take thatnoise that the sound of their enemies (eg, dragonflies, bats). Theyshould keep away from the sound source. Just turn the sound onrepellent and keep your mobile phone near you. No mosquitoes, nomore!Remember: Transform your max volume by playing the sound.This application does not give 100% chance of success. There aremany species of mosquitoes in the world and some of them may beresistant to ultrasound. In addition, some integrated phonespeakers are not able to produce high-frequency soundsThis is a simulated wrestling mosquitoAnti Mosquito application allows your phone to become a mosquitoeffective devices!Based on the characteristics of the mosquito, they fear the highfrequency sounds such as the sound of bats, dragonflies, who keepanimals away mosquitoes, because it was feared enemies ofmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito using external speakers emit sounds-highfrequency of 17 KHz to 22 KHz, is the region that mustmosquitoes.Due to the characteristics of each different species ofmosquitoes, mosquitoes develop software on the phone, we arehelping users can adjust the frequency. You try to see if thefrequency of other mosquitoes in your home must be removed. Werecommend using the frequencies from 20 kHz to 22 kHz, thefrequency the human ear can not hear, but still effective inmosquito perfect.The main features of the application:- Non-toxic to humans, pets in your family.- Do not noisy.- Anti perfect mosquito, the frequency can be adjustedaccordingly.- Applications can run in parallel with other applications, thenotification bar, you can still use your phone normally with otherfunctions.- Anti mosquito single, easy to use.
مضاد البعوض والحشرات prank 3.0 APK
قد تتدمر من البعوض الذي يجوب كل مكان فيالغرفةخصوصا في فترة الربيع حيث تكثر الحشرات، مضاد الباعود و الحشراتهوتطبيق يمكنك تجربته بنفسك على هاتفك وهو يعمل على طرد الناموس عنطريقالذبذبات الصوتية والتي ستزعج الناموس وتتركك في حالك .مضاد الباعوض والحشرات هو برنامج يعمل على إصدار موجات فوق صوتيةلانشعر بها نحن البشر ولكنها تسبب أدى شديد للحشرات فتجبرها علىالهروببعيدا من مناطق إصدار تلك الموجات وبدالك ترتاحون من الباعوضالمزعجوالحشرات الأخرى المتطفلة حيت لا يضر بصحتك متل المبيدات،الكل يعلم اننا في فصل الصيف بما يحمله من أجواء رائعة و أيام جميلة.ولكن يحمل معه أيضا الكثير من الأمور الغير مرغوب فيها كالناموساوالباعوض كما يسميه البعض لذلك جئتكم ببرنامج صغير جــــدا لكنه مفيد,انه برنامج طارد الناموس لاجهزة الاندرويد اسمه Anti Mosquitoهوبرنامج رائع يقوم بطرد الناموس و الحشرات من منزلك .في الواقع البرنامج يستغل نقطة ضعف الباعوض الكبيرة وهي الموجاتالفوقصوتية الغير مسموع من طرف الانسانفيقوم بتوليدها عبر مكبّر الصوت للهاتف فتغادر هذه الحشرات.كيف يعمل التطبيق :طريقة عمل التطبيق سهلة و بسيطة ماعليك الا اختيار تردد الموجةوالضغطعلى الزر الذي فيه صورة الناموس او الباعوض.ملاحظة :هذه الموجات قد يسمعها بعض الحيوانات الأليفة كالقطط و الكلابوقدتقللق راحتهم.this is a prank appHas been destroyedbymosquitoes that roam everywhere in the room, especially inthespring period where insects abound, Anti Albaaud and insects isanapplication that you can try it yourself on your phone, whichworkson the expulsion of the law by acoustic vibrations, whichwillupset the law and leaves you in are you.Anti mosquitoes and insects is a program that runs onversionultrasound do not feel out we humans but causes resulted insevereinsect Vtghebrha to flee away from the issuance of thesewaves andBdalk areas Tertahon of mosquitoes spam and other insectsspammedsaluting does not hurt your health Mattel pesticides,Everyone knows that we are in the summer, including the magnitudeofthe wonderful atmosphere and a beautiful day. But also carrieswithit a lot of things unwanted Kalnamos mosquitoes or as somecall so Icome to a very small program but it is useful, it's thelawrepellent for Android devices named Anti Mosquito program isawonderful program that the expulsion of the Law and the insectsoutof your home.In fact the program exploits the weak point is the largemosquitoesultrasound non-audible by humanWho shall they generate through the loudspeaker of the phonewilldepart these insects.How the application works:Method of application work easy and simple, but you had to dotochoose frequency and press the button in which the image ofthelaw, or mosquitoes.Note :These waves some pets may hear cats and dogs haveTqllqcomfort.this is a prank app
anti mosquito repellent PRANK 2.0 APK
The Anti Mosquito repellent application emit avery unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) that most mosquitoesfind distasteful and prevents you from getting bitten bymosquitoes.This app can help you prevent Mosquito bites.Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes. Effectively,it complements the traditional methods of a spray or hand flapping,to avoid bites.It have different frequencies sounds, so for thisyou can set your own choice of sound.Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes be away fromyou and your smartphone. Start repellent is done by selecting afrequency sound or tap mosquito graphics.The female mosquito draws food for her developing eggs by insertingher proboscis into a mammal or reptile and drawing blood.Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. But If femalemosquito Spawned, She did not like approaching male mosquitoes anymore.So Female may be running away from theirs(male) wing'ssounds.Anti-mosquito repel appThis app is not scientifically proved by scientists so you can useit like a prank. Mosquitos are most dangerous small insects it canruin your camping. Your sleep… Get rid of this bloodsucker enemywith this amazing application. Anti-mosquito app produce ultrasonichigh frequency sound which keep away these bloodsuckers from you.Anti-Mosquito is prank application and you will fool many ofyour friend with.WARNING!This mosquito repelling app is not confirmed by science so treat itlike a prank!The anti mosquito app have 3 modes (Indoor, Outdoor, Silent) andend time for stop playing.This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emitting highfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away from thesource of the sound.High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing sense of humanears.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysounds that mimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.You can use this app in background.Anti Mosquito Simulator is a prank app which is used to repelmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito Simulator is such a nice app due to whichMosquito never comes near you. High frequency Sounds are used inthis app which are beyond the hearing sense of human ears. AntiMosquito Simulator is entertainment purpose to make your friendsfoolFeature:• Anti Mosquito Prank• Anti Mosquito Simulator• Anti Mosquito Repellent• Anti Mosquito• Sound Repellent• Insect repeller• Free AppHaving not been conclusively proven by science, we have to set thisapplication as a Prank. However we suggest you to try it as theresult of studies on this system.We are invaded by mosquitoes. Our app offers an opportunity tosound repulsive to 4 different types of mosquitoes. The frequencyemitted from 15khz helps scare away mosquitoes and mainly malemosquitoes.In addition, the tiger mosquitoes are also concerned.It is highly advisable to switch your phone to airplane mode whenusing our application, as well as lowering the brightness of yourphone and surrounding lights
★ Wi-Fi Hacker AppI am sure you have always been looking for the Wi-Fipasswordhack while being in a cafe or at home where there areencryptedWi-Fi connections. Of course, today’s sophisticatedtechnology canprovide you with the best solutions ever to hack anywirelessnetwork with easy to use applications and programs.Also, the modern technology has made it very easy for a lotofpeople to find network passwords through using Wi-Fipasswordfinder. This Wi-Fi password finder can be software to beinstalledon desktops or laptops but the best thing is to have aWi-Fipassword finder at hand while you are outside your home.Our application we are offering you today is one of thetopAndroid apps out there. It is all about Wi-Fi password hack tohackany wireless network. It is also meant to be for Wi-Fipasswordrecovery with so amazing characteristics. I am sure youwillinstall it and enjoy the Internet connection just whereveryougo.It does not need any complicated steps; just download andinstallthe Wi-Fi hacker application in the App Store of GooglePlay andstart enjoying your Internet connection. Wi-Fi passwordrecovery hasnever been easier with Wi-Fi hacker application.Main Characteristics:★- Easy Wi-Fi password hack★- You can hack any wireless network whatever the type of theWi-Finetwork★- Find Wi-Fi passwords easily★- Wi-Fi passwords recovery with a simple touchDisclaimer:This is not a wifi password hacker; it cannot hack or break anywifinetwork. Instead, it is a useful and powerful app to retrievethepassword of the wifi networks to which your phone haveeverconnected.Wifi Password Hacker is a new free wifi app which allows youtopretend to break the password of all the networks nearby andgainthe access. It looks professional and it is the best app toprankyour friends.How to Use★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. Theprivatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is allok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwilldetect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal canbe detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2015 will show the fake animations whichanalyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.Disclaimer:Our wifi password breaker is just for fun. It cannot reallycrackany wifi passwords. If you think it is funny, please give us5stars and we will produce more good apps for you.
★ Wi-Fi Hacker AppI am sure you have always been looking for the Wi-Fipasswordhack while being in a cafe or at home where there areencryptedWi-Fi connections. Of course, today’s sophisticatedtechnology canprovide you with the best solutions ever to hack anywirelessnetwork with easy to use applications and programs.Also, the modern technology has made it very easy for a lotofpeople to find network passwords through using Wi-Fipasswordfinder. This Wi-Fi password finder can be software to beinstalledon desktops or laptops but the best thing is to have aWi-Fipassword finder at hand while you are outside your home.Our application we are offering you today is one of thetopAndroid apps out there. It is all about Wi-Fi password hack tohackany wireless network. It is also meant to be for Wi-Fipasswordrecovery with so amazing characteristics. I am sure youwillinstall it and enjoy the Internet connection just whereveryougo.It does not need any complicated steps; just download andinstallthe Wi-Fi hacker application in the App Store of GooglePlay andstart enjoying your Internet connection. Wi-Fi passwordrecovery hasnever been easier with Wi-Fi hacker application.Main Characteristics:★- Easy Wi-Fi password hack★- You can hack any wireless network whatever the type of theWi-Finetwork★- Find Wi-Fi passwords easily★- Wi-Fi passwords recovery with a simple touchDisclaimer:This is not a wifi password hacker; it cannot hack or break anywifinetwork. Instead, it is a useful and powerful app to retrievethepassword of the wifi networks to which your phone haveeverconnected.Wifi Password Hacker is a new free wifi app which allows youtopretend to break the password of all the networks nearby andgainthe access. It looks professional and it is the best app toprankyour friends.How to Use★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. Theprivatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is allok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwilldetect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal canbe detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2015 will show the fake animations whichanalyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.Disclaimer:Our wifi password breaker is just for fun. It cannot reallycrackany wifi passwords. If you think it is funny, please give us5stars and we will produce more good apps for you.