1.0 / September 19, 2015
(3.9/5) (33)


The national flag of Armenia, the Armenian Tricolour (Armenian:Եռագույն, Yeřaguyn), consists of three horizontal bands of equalwidth, red on the top, blue in the middle, and orange (alsodescribed as "colour of apricot") on the bottom. The ArmenianSupreme Soviet adopted the current flag on 24 August 1990. On 15June 2006, the Law on the National Flag of Armenia, governing itsusage, was passed by the National Assembly of Armenia. Throughouthistory, there have been many variations of the Armenian flag. Inancient times, Armenian dynasties were represented by differentsymbolic animals displayed on their flags. In the twentiethcentury, various Soviet flags represented the Armenian SSR. Themeanings of the colors are interpreted in many different ways. Forexample, red stands for the blood of the 1.5 million Armenianskilled in the Armenian Genocide, blue is for the Armenian pure sky,and orange, represents the country's courage. Armenia (along withGeorgia) is not one of the easier countries of the Caucasus tovisit; though there are more and more road signs in Latin scriptespecially in Yerevan. English is not widely spoken. For instancemany taxi drivers and sales ladies in the grocery stores and mallsdo not speak and understand English. Russian has remained the mostimportant foreign language. Police don't appear to be too crooked,at least not in Yerevan, and in general the country appears to beboth reasonably safe and well-organised. On a trip to Armenia, youwill frequently be reminded that Armenia was the world's firstofficially Christian country. You will have a hard time forgettingthis as a tourist, since countless monasteries are among Armenia'spremier tourist attractions. Fortunately for those who mightotherwise suffer monastery fatigue, many of these monasteries arebuilt in places of incredible natural beauty, making the sites ofmonasteries like Tatev, Noravank, Haghartsin, Haghpat and Geghardwell worth a visit even without the impressive, millennium oldmonasteries found there. Since 2001, when Armenia celebrated the1,700th anniversary of the nation’s conversion to Christianity, thegrowth in the number of tourists has grown by about 25% every year.Straddling Europe and Asia in the lesser Caucasus Mountains, anex-Soviet state, with a culture over 3,000 years old and examplesof ancient architecture and art all over the countryside, thisbeautiful country offers something exotic for many tourists.Armenian history extends for over 3,000 years. Armenians havehistorically inhabited the "Armenian Highlands", a vast section ofmountains and valleys across eastern Anatolia and the SouthernCaucasus. Armenian vassal states, principalities, kingdoms andempires would rise and fall in different parts of this highlandduring history. They were only unified once, just before the timeof Christ in the empire of Tigran the Great, stretching from theCaspian to the Mediterranean Sea. Much of the history was spentunder the domination of the great powers of the region. The westernparts of Armenia were for long periods under Byzantine or OttomanTurkish rule, while the eastern parts were under Persian or Russianrule. These empires often fought their wars on Armenian territory,using Armenian soldiers. It was a rough neighborhood, but Armeniansmanaged to hold on to their language and church, and prosperwhenever given a chance. Being located on the silk road, Armeniansbuilt a network of merchant communities and ties extending fromeastern Asia to Venice. Eventually, with the onslaught ofnationalism, Armenians paid a heavy price for their religion andtheir envy-inducing wealth.

App Information Armenia Flag

  • App Name
    Armenia Flag
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    September 19, 2015
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 2.3 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
  • Price
  • الفئة
  • المطور
  • Google Play Link

welbeckza عرض المزيد...

Belize Flag 1.0 APK
The flag of Belize is a continued version of the earlier flag ofBritish Honduras (the name of Belize during the British colonialperiod). British Honduras obtained a coat of arms on January 28,1907, which formed the basis of the badge used on British ensigns.The coat of arms recalls the logging industry that first led toBritish settlement there. The figures, tools, and mahogany treerepresent this industry. From 1950 onward an unofficial nationalflag was in use. It was blue, with a modified version of the armson a white disc in the centre (sometimes a blank white circle wasused as the coat of arms was difficult to draw). The nationalmotto, Sub Umbra Floreo, meaning “I Flourish in the Shade”, iswritten in the lower part of the coat of arms. The flag is royalblue, with a white disc at the centre containing the national coatof arms held by a mestizo and a black man (Belize is one of onlytwo sovereign states with a flag that has people appearing on it,with the other being Malta), surrounded by fifty mahoganyleaves.[1] The flag is bordered at top and bottom by two redstripes. The colours on the flag are respectively those of thecountry's national parties, the People's United Party (PUP) andUnited Democratic Party (Belize) (UDP). The UDP, established in1973, had objected to the original blue and white design, those twocolours being the PUP's representative colours. The two red stripesat the top and bottom were added to the original design atindependence. The coat of arms was granted in 1907. Red stripeswere added to denote the colour of the opposition party. Blue isthe party colour of the PUP (People's United Party. The 50 leavesrecall 1950, the year PUP came to power. The flag of Belize is theonly country to have humans depicted as a major design element onits national flag, although the flag of Malta contains an image ofSaint George on the badge of the George Cross, and the flags ofBritish dependencies Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, and that ofFrench Polynesia also depict humans. Like the neighboring parts ofGuatemala and Mexico, this area was settled for thousands of yearsby the Maya people. They are still here, an important part ofBelize's people and culture. While the Spanish Empire claimed thearea in the 16th century, the Spanish made little progress insettling here. The British settled first on the coast and offshoreislands for logging. In 1798 British Belizean forces defeated aSpanish attempt to drive them out in "the Battle of St. George'sCaye", whose anniversary is still celebrated as a holiday each 10September. The colony of "British Honduras" grew in the 19thcentury. At first Africans were brought in as slaves, but slaverywas abolished here in 1838. Many refugees from the 19th centuryCaste War of Yucatan escaped the conflict to settle in Belize,especially the northern section. The government of Guatemala longclaimed to have inherited the Spanish claim to Belize; theterritorial dispute delayed the independence of Belize until 1981.Guatemala refused to recognize the new nation until 1991. Belizeescaped the bloody civil conflicts of the 1980s that engulfed muchof Central America, and refugees from the conflict in Guatemalaarrived, mostly settling in the west. While Belize has not beenimmune to the rampant drug crime and grinding poverty of itsneighbors it is a comparatively safe destination in a conflictprone part of the world. Tourism has become the mainstay of theeconomy as the old agricultural products -- sugar, banana, andoranges -- have lost ground. The country remains plagued by highunemployment, growing involvement in the South American drug trade,and increased urban crime. In 2006 commercial quantity oil wasdiscovered in the Spanish Lookout area.
Brunei Flag 1.0 APK
The national flag of Brunei has the crest of Brunei in the centre,on a yellow field. The field is cut by black and white diagonalstripes (parallelograms at an angle). The yellow field representsthe sultan of Brunei. In Southeast Asia, yellow is traditionallythe color of royalty, and the royal standards of Malaysia andThailand, and the flag of Sarawak, along with the presidential flagof Indonesia, also use a yellow field. The crest consists of acrescent (symbolising Islam) facing upwards, joined with a parasol(symbolising monarchy), with hands on the sides (signifying thebenevolence of the government). On the crescent is the nationalmotto in Arabic: “Always render service with God's guidance”(الدائمون المحسنون بالهدى). Below this is a banner inscribed withBrunei Darussalam (‘Brunei, the Abode of Peace’). The black andwhite stripes represent Brunei's chief ministers who were oncejoint-regents and then – after the sultan came of age – senioradvisors: the Pengiran Bendahara (First Minister, symbolised by aslightly thicker white stripe) and the Pengiran Pemancha (SecondMinister, governing foreign affairs, symbolised by black). Bruneiis a pint-sized and fabulously wealthy oil-rich sultanate with apopulation of just under half a million, if illegal immigrants fromcountries such as Indonesia and the Philippines are included. It isa member of the Commonwealth and has good education and hygiene.The Sultanate of Brunei's heyday occurred between the 15th and 17thcenturies, when its control extended over coastal areas ofnorthwest Borneo and the southern Philippines. Brunei subsequentlyentered a period of decline brought on by internal strife overroyal succession, colonial expansion of European powers, andpiracy. In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate. It wasoffered the opportunity to join Malaysia as a state in 1963, butopted out of the Federation due to a disagreement on the amount ofits oil income that would have to be given to the centralgovernment in Kuala Lumpur. Independence was achieved in 1984. Thesame family has ruled Brunei for over six centuries. The backboneof Brunei's economy is oil and gas and the Sultan of Brunei is,famously, one of the richest people in the world with an estimatedpersonal wealth of around 40 billion dollars. Per capita GDP is farabove most other developing countries, and substantial income fromoverseas investment supplements income from domestic production.The government provides for all medical services and subsidizesrice and housing. All sectors of economy are fairly heavilyregulated and government policy is an odd mixture of subsidies,protectionism and encouragement of entrepreneurship. Brunei'sleaders are attempting to balance the country's steadily increasingintegration into the world economy with internal social cohesion.It became a more prominent player in the world by serving aschairman for the 2005 APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation)forum. Plans for the future include upgrading the workforce,reducing unemployment, strengthening the banking and touristsectors, and, in general, widening the economic base beyond oil andgas. Brunei is officially an Islamic state, with hundreds of largebeautiful mosques across the country. Sale of alcohol is banned.Bringing in meat, (other than seafood) which has not been certified"halal", (slaughtered according to Islamic law), is also banned.During the fasting month of Ramadan, many shops and restaurantswill be open. However, eating, drinking or smoking in front ofpeople who are fasting is considered rude and asking permission isappropriate. In 2014, new law had been passed by the governmentwhere non-fasting people only allowed to take-out foods from allrestaurants and eat privately. This due to the respect of the HolyMonth in Islam.
Afghanistan Flag 1.0 APK
Le temperature negli altopiani centrali sono sotto lo zero per lamaggior parte dell'inverno, e la neve è comune ad altitudini piùelevate. Alti Summertime a quote più basse (come Jalalabad oMazar-e Sharif) possono superare il 50? C / 120? F. Nelle zone piùalte come Kabul, le temperature estive possono essere 30? C / 90? Fe inverno intorno 0? C / 30? F. Il tempo più piacevole a Kabul ènei mesi di aprile, maggio e settembre. Terreno Per lo più aspremontagne; pianure del nord e sud-ovest. Le montagne dell'Hindu Kushcorrono nordest a sudovest, dividendo le province del nord dalresto del paese, con le vette più alte si trovano nel nord delWakhan Corridor. A sud di Kandahar è deserto. Kandahar è bella inmolti luoghi. Persone L'Afghanistan è un paese etnicamentediversificata. Alleanze tribali e locali sono forti, il checomplica la politica nazionale immensamente. Il più grande gruppoetnico è la Pashtun, seguita da tagiko, hazara, uzbeki e altri.Baloch tribù, ancora in gran parte nomadi, si possono trovare inqualsiasi punto tra Quetta in Pakistan e Mashad in Iran, compresagran parte occidentale dell'Afghanistan. Fanno meravigliositappeti, se un po 'semplice. Ci sono circa tremila indù e sikh chevivono in diverse città del paese, ma soprattutto a Kabul,Jalalabad e Kandahar che appartengono ai gruppi etnici punjabi,Sindhi, Kabuli, e Kandhari. Hazara nelle montagne centrali unaspetto molto più asiatico di altri afgani. Secondo alcune teorie,molti di loro discendono da soldati di Gengis Khan. L'Afghanistan èun paese plurilingue in cui due lingue - persiano (Dari) e Pashtosono entrambi ufficiale con persiano di essere più ampiamenteparlato nel paese. Altoparlanti Pashto predominano nel Sud edell'Est, persiano a nord, ovest e centrale dell'Afghanistan. Circal'11% della popolazione ha lingue turche, uzbeko o turkmeno, comeprima lingua. Molti di loro sono al Nord, nei pressi di Uzbekistane Turkmenistan. Gruppi minori lingua madre includono Nuristani,dardico e Pamiri, che si trova in piccole sacche ad est e nord-est.Storia Mir Wais Hotak, un leader tribale afgano, insorse contro glioppressori sciiti Safavidi nel 1709 e ha fatto in Afghanistan unostato indipendente, stabilendo dinastia Hotaki, con capitale aKandahar. Suo figlio Mahmud poi conquistata quello che oggi èl'Iraq e l'Iran, ma la dinastia Hotaki crollato nel 1738. Nel 1747,Ahmad Shah Durrani ristabilito un Afghanistan indipendente, eampliato per includere quello che oggi è il Pakistan e l'Irannord-orientale e le parti occidentali di India. Il paese ha unalunga storia di guerra, per lo più contro gli invasori, comeAlessandro il Macedone, Persiani, arabi, turchi, mongoli, e gliinglesi. Al contrario, un tempo era il secondo grande centro diapprendimento islamica dopo Baghdad. Molti di fama mondialestudiosi, scienziati, matematici e poeti provengono da quello cheora è l'Afghanistan. Questo include Avicenna, al-Biruni, Rumi, ealtri.
Cayman Islands Flag 1.0 APK
The Flag of the Cayman Islands was adopted on 14 May 1958 after thecolony was officially granted a coat-of-arms. Prior to that, theIslands had used the British flag for all official occasions. In1999, the white disc was removed and the arms were more thandoubled in size, although the pre-1999 flag remains popular and isstill used on some official occasions, and the Cayman IslandsGovernment website describes the flag as a "British blue ensignwith the arms on a white disc in the fly". During the 2004, 2008and 2012 Summer Olympics, and during the 2010 and 2014 WinterOlympics, the Cayman Islands team marched in under the flag asdescribed on the government website. The Cayman Islands werecolonized from Jamaica by the British during the 18th and 19thcenturies. Administered by Jamaica from 1863, they remained aBritish dependency after 1962 when the former became independent.In addition to banking (the islands have no direct taxation, makingthem a popular incorporation site), tourism is a mainstay, aimed atthe luxury market and catering mainly to visitors from NorthAmerica. Total tourist arrivals exceeded 2.19 million in 2006,although the vast majority of visitors arrive for single day cruiseship visits (1.93 million). About 90% of the islands' food andconsumer goods must be imported. The Caymanians enjoy one of thehighest outputs per capita and one of the highest standards ofliving in the world. The Cayman Islands are one of the richestislands not only in the Caribbean but in the world. The culinaryinfluences of many regions are reflected in Cayman cuisine. Localspecialties such as fish, turtle, and conch are delicious and oftenless expensive as they don't need to be imported. With more than150 restaurants, unwinding with a good meal in the Cayman Islandscan include chic five-star dining as well as a more casual venueunder the stars, or even a themed event. From traditional Caymanianseafood to Caribbean to Thai to Italian and New World cuisine,discerning diners are sure to find something to fit their taste.Other exciting options include dinner cruises on luxury catamaransand even an authentic tall ship. Meal prices range from $10 to wellover $30 per person at high-end restaurants. While in Cayman askyour taxi driver for their favorite local Jerk Stand (a MUST try),and also ask them the tourist spot they suggest. A decent amount ofGluten Free, Organic, and Kosher Foods are available at localsupermarkets, contact the Jewish community of Cayman for ShabbatDinners [10]. Finding budget food on the Cayman islands cansometimes be a challenge as the cost of living is higher than mostother countries including the united states. Most restaurants areexpensive. However, there are still a few options for charmingcasual places to eat. Rackams is a local favourite for the scubadivers on the island thanks to its free chicken wings on a Fridaynight.
Cameroon Flag 1.0 APK
The national flag of Cameroon was adopted in its present form on 20May 1975 after Cameroon became a unitary state. It is a verticaltricolor of green, red and yellow, defaced with a five-pointed starin its center. There is a wide variation in the size of the centralstar, although it is always contained within the inside stripe. Theterritory of present day Cameroon was first settled during theNeolithic period. Portuguese sailors reached the coast in 1472.Over the following few centuries, European interests regularisedtrade with the coastal peoples, and Christian missionaries pushedinland. In the early 19th century, Modibo Adama led Fulani soldierson a jihad in the north against non-Muslim and partially Muslimpeoples and established the Adamawa Emirate. Settled peoples whofled the Fulani caused a major redistribution of population. TheGerman Empire claimed the territory as the colony of Kamerun in1884 and began a steady push inland. With the defeat of Germany inWorld War I, Kamerun became a League of Nations mandate territoryand was split into French Cameroun and British Cameroons in 1919.The French carefully integrated the economy of Cameroun with thatof France and improved the infrastructure with capital investments,skilled workers, and continued forced labour. The Britishadministered their territory from neighbouring Nigeria. Nativescomplained that this made them a neglected "colony of a colony".The League of Nations mandates were converted into United NationsTrusteeships in 1946, and the question of independence became apressing issue in French Cameroun. France outlawed the most radicalpolitical party, the Union des Populations du Cameroun (UPC), on 13July 1955. This prompted a long guerilla war. In British Cameroons,the question was whether to reunify with French Cameroun or joinNigeria. On 1 January 1960, French Cameroun gained independencefrom France under President Ahmadou Ahidjo, and on 1 October 1961,the formerly British Northern Cameroons became a part of Nigeria,while the formerly British Southern Cameroons united with itsneighbour to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon.
Brazil Flag 1.0 APK
The national flag of Brazil (Portuguese: Bandeira do Brasil), oftencolloquially called the Auriverde (The Gold and Green), is a bluedisc depicting a starry sky spanned by a curved band inscribed withthe national motto, within a gold rhombus, on a green field. Brazilofficially adopted this design for its national flag on November19, 1888, replacing the flag of the Empire of Brazil. The conceptwas the work of Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, with the collaboration ofMiguel Lemos, Manuel Pereira Reis and Décio Villares. The greenfield and the gold rhombus from the previous imperial flag werepreserved — the green represented the House of Braganza of Pedro I,the first Emperor of Brazil, while the gold represented the Houseof Habsburg of his wife, Empress Maria Leopoldina. A blue circlewith 27 white five-pointed stars replaced the arms of the Empire ofBrazil. The stars, whose position in the flag reflect the sky overRio de Janeiro on November 15, 1889, represent the union'sfederated units - each star representing a specific state, plus onefor the Federal District. Brazil was inhabited solely by indigenouspeople, mainly of the Tupi and Guarani ethnic groups. Settling bythe Portuguese began late in the 16th century, with the extractionof valuable wood from the pau brasil tree, from which the countrydraws its name. Brazil was settled by the Portuguese and not theSpanish, as were the rest of Central, South and parts of NorthAmerica in the New World. Despite Portuguese rule, some parts ofBrazil formed a Dutch colony between 1630 and 1654. They foundedseveral cities, such as Mauritsville (actually Recife, capital ofthe state of Pernambuco, at the edge of North-East of the country),and many sugar cane plantations. The Dutch fought a grim jungle warwith the Portuguese, and without the support of the Republic oftheir homeland due to a war with England, the Dutch surrendered tothe Portuguese, though they did not officially recognize Portugueserule, which led to an all-out war with Portugal off the coast ofPortugal in 1656. In 1665 the Peace Treaty of The Hague was signed,Portugal lost its Asian colonies and had to pay 63 tons of gold tocompensate the Dutch Republic for the loss of its colony. Brazilbecame the centre of the Portuguese Empire by 1808, when the KingDom João VI (John VI) fled from Napoleon's invasion of Portugal andestablished himself and his government in the city of Rio deJaneiro. The following centuries saw further exploitation of thecountry's natural riches such as gold and rubber, alongside therise of an economy based largely on sugar, coffee and African slavelabour. Meanwhile, extermination and Christianizing of natives keptits pace, and in the 19th and 20th centuries a second wave ofimmigration took place, mainly Italian, German (in southernBrazil), Spanish, Japanese (in São Paulo and Paraná states) andPortuguese, making Brazilian culture and society complex andunique. Following three centuries under the rule of Portugal,Brazil became an independent nation on September 7th, 1822. Until1889 Brazil was an Empire under the rule of Dom Pedro I and his sonDom Pedro II. By this time, it became an emerging internationalpower. But during these three and a half centuries, Brazil was thenation in the Americas with the most widespread slavery, the firstto bring African people to work by force, and the last to set themfree. Due to English laws against slavery (some argue more foreconomic contests than humanity reasons) and fighting between whiteand black people, slaves and free, for abolition, slavery ended in1888. But freedom didn't mean equality to the now-free black peopleand their descendants.
Argentina Flag 1.0 APK
La bandiera nazionale di Argentina è un triband, composta da trebande orizzontali larghe altrettanto colorati azzurro e bianco. Cisono molteplici interpretazioni sui motivi quei colori. La bandieraè stato creato da Manuel Belgrano, in linea con la recentecreazione della Coccarda dell'Argentina, e fu sollevata la città diRosario il 27 febbraio 1812, durante la guerra d'indipendenzaargentina. La bandiera National Memorial fu poi costruito sul sito.Il primo triumvirato non ha approvato l'uso della bandiera, ma laAsamblea del A? O XIII ha permesso l'uso della bandiera come unabandiera di guerra. E 'stato il Congresso di Tucum? N che alla finelo ha designato come bandiera nazionale, nel 1816. Un Giallo soledi maggio è stato aggiunto al centro nel 1818. La bandiera pienocon il sole è chiamato l'ufficio Cerimoniale Bandiera (in spagnolo:Bandera Oficial de Ceremonia). La bandiera senza il sole èconsiderata la bandiera Ornamentali (Bandera de Ornato). Mentreentrambe le versioni sono ugualmente considerati la bandieranazionale, la versione ornamentali deve sempre essere issata sottola Cerimonia Ufficiale di Bandiera. In termini vessillologico dellaGazzetta Cerimoniale Flag è la, lo stato e la guerra civile dibandiera e stendardo, mentre la Bandiera Ornamentali è una bandieracivile alternativo e guardiamarina. Argentina (ufficialmente laRepubblica argentina) è il paese ottavo più grande del mondo. Ipunti più alti e il più basso tra il Sud America si trovano anchein Argentina: A 6,960m, Cerro Aconcagua è la montagna più alta delcontinente americano, mentre Laguna del Carb n, a 105m sotto illivello del mare, è il punto più basso nelle Americhe?. Sulla puntameridionale dell'Argentina ci sono diverse rotte tra l'Atlanticodel Sud e del Pacifico Oceani del Sud, tra cui lo Stretto diMagellano, Canale di Beagle, e il Passaggio di Drake --- comealternative alla vela intorno Capo Horn in mare aperto tra il SudAmerica e l'Antartide. Il nome deriva da Argentina Argentinos, laforma antica diminutivo greco (Tinos) per l'argento (argentos), cheè ciò che i primi esploratori spagnoli cercavano quando hannoraggiunto la regione nel XVI secolo. Buenos Aires e la Pampa sonotemperate; freddo in inverno, caldo e umido in estate. I deserti diCuyo, che può raggiungere una temperatura di 50 ° C, sonoestremamente caldo e secco in estate e moderatamente freddo e seccoin inverno. Primavera e autunno spesso mostrano inversioni rapidedi temperatura; diversi giorni di tempo estremamente caldo possonoessere seguiti da diversi giorni di freddo, poi di nuovo moltocaldo. Le Ande sono fresco d'estate e molto freddo in inverno, chevaria a seconda dell'altitudine. Patagonia è fresco in estate efreddo in inverno. Variazioni estreme di temperatura all'interno diun solo giorno sono ancora più comuni qui; confezionare un varietàdi vestiti e di vestirsi a strati. Non dimenticate che stagionisono invertite rispetto a quelli dell'emisfero settentrionale. Laregione centrale dell'Argentina è la ricca pianura conosciuta comeLa Pampa. C'è giungla nell'estremo nord-est. La metà meridionaledell'Argentina è dominata dal piano di altopiano della Patagoniarotolamento. Il confine occidentale con il Cile si trova lungo lacatena delle Ande aspre, tra cui l'Aconcagua, la montagna più altaal di fuori dell'Himalaya. Le regioni occidentali Cuyo alla basedelle Ande sono principalmente rocciose del deserto con alcunialberi redingote velenosi.
Colombia Flag 1.0 APK
The flag of Colombia was adopted on December 17, 1819. It is ahorizontal tricolour of yellow, blue and red. The yellow stripetakes up the top half of the flag and the blue and red take up aquarter of the space each. The horizontal stripes (from top tobottom) of yellow, blue and red tricolour have a ratio of 2:1:1.It—together with that of Ecuador, also derived from the flag ofGran Colombia—is different from most other tricolour flags, eithervertical or horizontal, in having stripes which are not equal insize. Colombia - Twice the size of France, and with a diversity oflandscapes and cultures that would be hard to find even incountries five times its size, Colombia should by all rights be oneof the world's top travel destinations. Pick a climate, and it'syours—if you find the light jacket weather of Bogotá cold, drive anhour down through the mountains and sunbathe next to the pool ofyour rented hacienda. If you don't want to sit still, head off intothe Amazon or any of the country's other many inland jungles,snow-capped volcanoes, rocky deserts, endless plains, lush valleys,coffee plantations, alpine lakes, deserted beaches. For culture,intellectual Bogotá might lead the rest of Latin America inexperimental theater, indie-rock, and just sheer volume ofbookstores, but you could also get a completely alien education inan Amazonian malocca, or you could delve into the huge Latin musicscene of salsa and cumbia, with the most exciting dance displaybeing the enormous Carnival of Barranquilla. For history, wanderthe narrow streets of South America's original capital in Bogotá,check out old Spanish colonial provincial retreats like Villa deLeyva, trek through the thick jungle-covered mountains of thenortheast to the Lost City of the Tayrona Indians. Walk the wallsof Cartagena's achingly beautiful old city, looking over thefortified ramparts upon which the colonial history of South Americapivoted. For nightlife, hot Cali is today's world capital of salsa,claiming that competitive distinction even over Colombia's othervibrant big city party scenes, which keep the music going long intothe small hours of the morning. For dining, you'll find everythingfrom the ubiquitous cheap, delicious Colombian home-style meals toworld-class upscale and modern culinary arts in the big cities,with cuisines from all corners of the world represented. And forrelaxing, there are gorgeous tropical beaches along Colombia'sCaribbean and Pacific coasts, but you can find even more laidbackand peaceful retreats on the idyllic and unspoilt Caribbean islandof Providencia.