1.1 / January 21, 2012
(4.4/5) (7)


AudioHertz is just for fun. It picks up audio signal frommicrophone and displays as a spectrum wheel of frequencies at realtime. Three ranges of frequency spectrum, 43Hz - 22KHz, 21.5Hz –11KHz, and 10.8Hz – 5.5KHz, are selectable by tapping on thescreen. The frequencies are displayed from the lowest to thehighest counterclockwise starting at the 3 o’clock position, andalso in color from red through green to blue. If, for a period ofshort of time, no active audio (music, vocal or loud noise) hasbeen picked up by the microphone, some bugs will show up andapproach the spectrum wheel. Think of the scene as cockroaches takeover your kitchen in the night. The spectrum wheel will dischargean electric shock and kill the bugs when they come in contact withthe wheel, and releasing a flashing lightning with a bang. If themedia sound volume is on, the bang (as a noise) will be recursivelypicked up by the app and scare off other bugs a little bit. Havefun watching!

App Information AudioHertz

  • App Name
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    January 21, 2012
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 2.2 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Curtis Chou
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
  • Price
  • الفئة
    Music & Audio
  • المطور
    台灣 台北市南港區忠孝東路六段248號2樓
  • Google Play Link

Curtis Chou عرض المزيد...

Magic Eyes in Motion 1.4 APK
Curtis Chou
You saw "Magic Eye" in still pictures, andnow, Magic Eyes in Motion.A brief note on depth perceptionTo device stereo audio to fool our ears into "hearing" stereosound, is way much easier than to device stereo image to fool oureyes into "seeing" stereo scene. Firstly, the scene (be it still ormotion pictures) has to be produced in such a way that the "depth"information is encoded into the scene seemlessly. And secondly theviewer will need a device to mount over their eyes in order todecode the "depth" out of the sene. For example, to see the stereo3D effect (the "depth" of a scene) in a moive theater, you need towear a pair of specialized glasses.One of the most "handy" way to see stereo 3D effect has beenknown for decades as the "Magic Eye." It's handy because, while theproduction of the stereogram encoding the depth information is justas tedious as in other 3D motion pictures, you don't need to mountanything over your eyes; the naked eyes will do the trick.But then, if you have not yet had the wonderful experience ofMagic Eye, you might want to google "Magic Eye" for some hints andtips as to how you can get started fast and easy. Or, if you havebeen a happy Magic Eye person for years just like me, then readon...Magic Eyes in MotionNow you can watch and play the stereo 3D animation by using thevery same Magic Eye. Just position the phone screen in itslandscape orientation and place it in front of your eyes 20 to 40cm away, just like you have been doing the Magic Eye before. Lo andbehold, a hexagonal tunnel spins in space and a few astroids fliesthrough the tunnel and come toward you.How to PlayAt the start-up, this application enters the stand-by mode andawait your tapping action on the screen to start. Note that thetext at the bottom of the screen is NOT prepared for the MagicEye.Starting from Level 1, and through Level 7, you will have 60seconds at each level to retrieve the flying astroids comingthrough the spinning tunnel. The spinning tunnel exerts acentrifugal force on the astroids and thus pushing them toward thewalls of the tunnel. The objects will crash and burn when hittingthe walls of the tunnel, or arrive at your side safely if youmanage to drag and thus slow down the spinning speed of the tunnel.Slower spinning speed exerts small centrifugal force, you know thephysics.For each object arrives at your side (or rather, for each objectyou catch), you get one point. You need at least one point at eachlevel to advance to the next level. The flying speed (toward you)of the objects decreases, and the idle spinning speed of the tunnelincreases, as the level goes from 1 through 7. You know what I amdoing.If you get through Level 7, and I must admit you gotta be sogood at touch-screen drag control, the game will loop back to Level1. And at each loop back, the flying speed (toward you) of theobjects, level to level, will decrease further and further.For the beginners, Level 1 is designed to get you familiar withthe scene. Astroids at this level fly fast enough to reach yourside (and score) regardless the exerted centrifugal force. Youdon’t need to drag the spinning tunnel at this level, but of courseyou may choose to as a exercise. Starting from Level 2 though, youwill have to drag on the screen to slow down the spinning.So, have fun watching and playing. Be aware of the astroidcrash-bang audio effect. It could be very loud and noisy to otherpeople near you.What's next?We will fly through the tunnel and out to the Space for someadventure. Coming soon, I hope.Extra CreditThe background picture was retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hannys_voorwerp.jpg
Viewer for IP camera in a LAN 2.0 APK
Curtis Chou
You will need the camera app, LanCamera,titled "IP camera in a LAN", installed on another phone in order toreceive and view the video stream captured and transmitted fromthat IP camera (LanCamera).Supports only wifi LAN environment, and is capable of reachingthe camera (LanCamera) phone of a 2nd domain.Supports only one camera (LanCamera).This LanViewer (client) phone will automatically connect to aLanCamera (server) phone. If more than one camera servers arepresent in the same LAN, this client may connect to any of theservers.Now with audio support.You will need the cameraapp, LanCamera, titled "IP camera in a LAN", installed on anotherphone in order to receive and view the video stream captured andtransmitted from that IP camera (LanCamera).Supports only wifi LAN environment, and is capable of reachingthe camera (LanCamera) phone of a 2nd domain.Supports only one camera (LanCamera).This LanViewer (client) phone will automatically connect to aLanCamera (server) phone. If more than one camera servers arepresent in the same LAN, this client may connect to any of theservers.Now with audio support.
IP camera in a LAN 2.0 APK
Curtis Chou
You will need the viewer app, LanViewer,titled "Viewer for IP camera in a LAN", installed on other phonesin order to receive and view the video stream captured andtransmitted from this IP camera (LanCamera).Supports only wifi LAN environment, and is capable of reachingviewer (LanViewer) phones of a 2nd domain.Supports maximum 4 viewer (LanViewer) phones concurrently.This LanCamera (server) phone will automatically connect to upto 4 LanViewer (client) phones.Now with audio support.You will need the viewerapp, LanViewer, titled "Viewer for IP camera in a LAN", installedon other phones in order to receive and view the video streamcaptured and transmitted from this IP camera (LanCamera).Supports only wifi LAN environment, and is capable of reachingviewer (LanViewer) phones of a 2nd domain.Supports maximum 4 viewer (LanViewer) phones concurrently.This LanCamera (server) phone will automatically connect to upto 4 LanViewer (client) phones.Now with audio support.
針灸筆記 2.3a APK
Curtis Chou
關於 "董氏針灸分部點穴圖" 的著作權聲明: 該著作權屬於王全民醫師, 授權同意使用於本程式, 請勿任意擷取轉載他用.王醫師的聯絡網頁: http://www.acup-chiro.com/ ===== 本程式的用途是,讓針灸醫師可以自己建立臨床症狀與針灸穴位關聯性的筆記本, 以便可以隨時翻閱參考. 需要自己輸入的資料分成兩大類: 臨床症狀,和針灸穴位. 本程式則提供邏輯將這兩類資料關聯起來. 以下是簡單的使用說明. ===== 臨床症狀首先分 "症狀類篇",然後在每項類篇底下建立臨床症狀. 本程式已內建六項類篇: 酸痛篇, 胃腸篇, 肺部篇, 心臟篇, 血液循環篇, 泌尿篇.使用者可以自行增加/修改/刪除症狀類篇. 每項類篇底下可以新增/修改/刪除臨床症狀. ===== 針灸穴位首先分 "軀幹部位圖",然後在每張圖上標示穴位的名稱和位置. 本程式已內建18幅源自 "董氏針灸分部點穴圖" 的軀幹部位圖, 可以立刻在圖面上標示穴位.使用者也可以新增自己所需要的軀幹部位圖 (透過手機的相機或相簿), 或刪除. 新增穴位時, 先點選該穴位所在的軀幹部位圖,然後以手指點觸定位, 並輸入穴位名稱. ===== 程式首頁畫面分上, 中, 下, 三個區塊.上方橫幅的左邊可以下拉點選疾病症狀類篇, 點選之後, 畫面下方的區塊即會條列顯示屬於該類篇的所有症狀, 可以上下捲動.首頁畫面中段是所有軀幹部位圖的縮圖, 可左右捲動. 首頁畫面上方橫幅的右邊是功能選項, 可以選擇的功能有: * 編輯[症狀類篇], *編輯[軀幹部位], * 從雲端下載, * 儲存至雲端, * 雲端存取期限說明, 以及 * 授權使用帳號 注意事項: *本程式所提供的雲端存取服務, 不保證所存取資料的完整性或即時性或私密性, 使用者必須自己衡量並承擔所有可能的風險.在合法合理的範圍內, 本程式的作者會以善良管理的原則來維護使用者雲端資料的存取. * 雲端存取服務是一項使用者付費的服務,但是本程式下次改版之前, 使用者可以免費使用這項服務. * 本程式是以手機上的Google郵件帳號 (例如:username@gmail.com), 做為使用者的身分證明, 因此需要使用者的授權. 本程式只會用到上例的"username@gmail.com" 這幾個英文字, 不會存取手機上的任何其他資料.
Magic Eyes 2 in Motion 1.3 APK
Curtis Chou
This is the second episode of the Magic Eyesin Motion sequel. If you have not tried the first episode, searchfor "Magic Eyes in Motion" on the Market.If you don’t know how to "see" stereo scene by crossing yournaked eyes (hence the name cross-eye or magic-eye), you may want toGoogle the internet on that topic first.How to PlayIn this episode, you will fly in the outer space. The settingincludes one space station and 7 space ships. Each ship hasdifferent color (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow &white) and shading so that they can be distinguished from theunreachable stars (as background).Your mission is to bring the ships (I call then LIS in thisgame) back to the space station.Use the following four actions to control the game.1. Tap the screen. This action is used when:- At the start-up, the game enters standby mode and waits for yourtap to begin. Before you tap, adjust the roll & pitch (seebelow) of the screen to best your view angle.- You can "grab" or attach an LIS when you get close enough to thatLIS. Its color & shade will become transparent to signal thatyou are within the attachable distance.- Another tap when an LIS is attached will release that LIS.- If you tap and neither an LIS is within attachable distance noran LIS is attached, then:* the background stars will blink (dim) once so that you can seebetter other LIS out there among the stars, if there is any;or* the stars do not blink because no LIS is in your facingdirection (the half-sphere you are facing). Try to turn left-rightor up-down and continue tapping to find one.2. Touch and hold the screen. This action will move you forward.You can bump into the station or an LIS if you fast forward all theway.3. Turn the screen to left or right (adjust roll angle). Yourotate the handler to turn left or right when you drive a car; justlike that. You rotate the screen counter-clockwise to turn left andclockwise to turn right. There is one catch though. Because theleft and right images are fixed on the screen for your both eyes,your head (and hence eyes) will need to tilt accordingly when youturn the screen so that both eyes can receive the correct images togive you clear depth perception. My experience is that it’s notthat difficult but does need a few round of exercise.4. Flip the screen to up or down (adjust pitch angle). Flip thescreen face toward upside to turn your fly direction down, or flipthe screen face toward downside to turn your fly direction up. Thisaction is very similar to when you hold a piece of glass (as a viewwindow) and try to see things around you through that glass panel.Your depth perception will not (virtually) be affected by thisaction.So, how do you bring the 7 LIS back to the station? Firstly youneed to identify where they are among the stars by searching forspots with bright colors. Then move forward to one of them andattach when getting close enough to the target LIS. Fly back andinto the station through either gate (hole) and release the LIS.Repeat for all LIS.Make sure you release the LIS within the station to score. Bothgates will close when you fly into the station.A timer will display the time elapsed since you tap the screento start the game. The timer stops on the last LIS been releaseinside the station. See how fast you can complete the mission. Myrecord is 7 minutes & 19 seconds.This game will not record high scores. And you will have tomanually restart the game if you want. Just press the "back" or"home" buttons on your phone and go to the app page and start theapplication again.
AI2 GanGan 1.19 APK
Curtis Chou
You will need to log in to your Googleaccounton the first run.You will need a QR code scanner such as Google Goggles inorderto subscribe to friends' channel.You will need to replace the default photo ID of yourchannelwith an image of your choice before it is available tobesubscribed by friends. You can still subscribe to friends'channelwithout activating your own channel.All photos posted will last 3 days only.You can post photos to friends' channel, just like postingtoyour own channel.This app is implemented in MIT AI2, uses Googleaccountmanagement, Google Maps, Google Drive and GoogleFusionTablesresources. The author is NOT affiliated to MIT or MITAI2 team, norto Google, Google Maps, Google Drive or GoogleFusionTables teams,in any way other than just a happy user.You will need to log intoyour Google account on the first run.You will need a QR code scanner such as Google Goggles inorderto subscribe to friends' channel.You will need to replace the default photo ID of yourchannelwith an image of your choice before it is available tobesubscribed by friends. You can still subscribe to friends'channelwithout activating your own channel.All photos posted will last 3 days only.You can post photos to friends' channel, just like postingtoyour own channel.This app is implemented in MIT AI2, uses Googleaccountmanagement, Google Maps, Google Drive and GoogleFusionTablesresources. The author is NOT affiliated to MIT or MITAI2 team, norto Google, Google Maps, Google Drive or GoogleFusionTables teams,in any way other than just a happy user.
Magic Eyes 3 Uni Motion 1.3 APK
Curtis Chou
This is the third episode of the Magic EyesinMotion sequel. If you have not tried the first two episodes,searchfor "Magic Eyes in Motion" on the Market.Due to the low execution speed on my HTC Legend, I choose nottoimplement cross-eye mode for this game, and hence insert “Uni”inthe app name. For those who possess dual-core CPU smart phoneandwish to play the game in cross-eye mode, please drop me a noteandI will try to compile one and publish here.This game is way much easier to play than the previous two.Youwill first tap the screen to lift off and start the game. Yourshipwill automatically cruise forward.Control your fly direction by rotating thephonecounter-clockwise to turn left and clockwise to turn right;muchlike driving a car.Flip the screen with the top edge outward to head down, andthetop edge inward to head up. That’s it. Just remember to adjustthepitch (flipping) and roll (rotating) to a comfortable positionandorientation before tapping and starting the game.Your mission is to chase and smash the LIS’s (flying objectsincolors) on the earth surface. The LIS’s will slowly move towardthespot on the earth directly under the sun, and can freely moveonthe earth surface or fly up in the sky.Most of the LIS’s, and sometime the sun too, will be maskedbythe earth. You may tap the screen to “see through” the earth forashort one second to help yourself locate the sun and theLIS’s.The text at the bottom shows you the number of LIS’sbeensmashed, the fuel of your ship, and the altitude over theearthsurface. When the fuel level drops below zero, the game isover andrestarts again. When you smash an LIS, you get refuel.Different colors of the LIS’s denote different generations.Whenan LIS is smashed, it will reappear as a next generation(hencedifferent color) LIS and might equipped with a betterescapestrategy. The revolution algorithm (roughly) ensures that youwillspend more time chasing LIS’s when you play long enough.Have fun playing.The earth map was taken from here:http://mappery.com/map-of/Printable-World-Map-Elevation-WikThe theme was taken from here:http://globalnewsviews.gather.com/viewVideo.action?id=11821949021871952
AudioHertz 1.1 APK
Curtis Chou
AudioHertz is just for fun. It picks up audio signal frommicrophone and displays as a spectrum wheel of frequencies at realtime. Three ranges of frequency spectrum, 43Hz - 22KHz, 21.5Hz –11KHz, and 10.8Hz – 5.5KHz, are selectable by tapping on thescreen. The frequencies are displayed from the lowest to thehighest counterclockwise starting at the 3 o’clock position, andalso in color from red through green to blue. If, for a period ofshort of time, no active audio (music, vocal or loud noise) hasbeen picked up by the microphone, some bugs will show up andapproach the spectrum wheel. Think of the scene as cockroaches takeover your kitchen in the night. The spectrum wheel will dischargean electric shock and kill the bugs when they come in contact withthe wheel, and releasing a flashing lightning with a bang. If themedia sound volume is on, the bang (as a noise) will be recursivelypicked up by the app and scare off other bugs a little bit. Havefun watching!