1.0 / June 30, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


Whether you want to go to Europe, Asia,theSouth Pacific, Australia, Africa, South America, the Caribbeanorsomewhere closer to home, we have the industry relationshipstoprovide you with the best options, at the best prices, withthegreatest added value to help you reach your final destination.

Our goal is to brand ourselves as providers of theultimatetravel planning experience while becoming a one stop shopfor everytravel service available in the industry.

Cruises, Spas, Ski Holidays, Private Islands, RiverBarges,All-Inclusive Resorts, Safaris, Family Vacations, LuxuryEscapesand Honeymoons -these are only some of the many adventureswe canhelp you plan.

We believe that the key of success lies in nurturingvendor,employee, partner, and client relationships and establishingapositive work environment conveying happiness for our teamandclients all throughout.

We are committed to offering travel services of thehighestquality, combining our energy and enthusiasm, with our yearsofexperience. Our greatest satisfaction comes in servinglargenumbers of satisfied clients who have experienced the joysandinspiration of travel.

Our Travel Consultants have the professional expertise andthepersonal experience necessary to make your next vacation theuniqueand unforgettable experience you deserve.

App Information Dersaadet Travel

  • App Name
    Dersaadet Travel
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    June 30, 2015
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 2.3 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Adem Aganovic
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • الفئة
    Travel & Local
  • المطور
  • Google Play Link

Adem Aganovic عرض المزيد...

Adem Aganovic
Balansonline.ba osnovan je u maju 2015. godinesa ciljem da na jedan drugačiji način predstavi dobre priče idešavanja iz Bosne i Hercegovine, regije i cijelog svijeta.Balansonline.ba donosi tačne, provjerene i uvijek aktuelneinformacije koje se protežu kroz teme poštujući postulatenovinarske profesije i profesionalne standarde.Sadržaj magazina je raznovrstan, a dnevno se objavi stotinjakvijesti u različitim rubrikama, među kojima korisnici internetamogu pronaći pregršt važnih i zanimljivih podataka.Balansonline.ba kontinuirano će raditi na razvoju i unapređenjusadržaja, što će korisnici interneta znati prepoznati.Balansonline.ba wasestablished in May 2015 with the aim in a different way to presenta good story and the events in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the regionand around the world.Balansonline.ba delivers accurate, verified and always currentinformation spanning topics respecting the postulates of thejournalistic profession and professional standards.The content of the magazine is diverse, and a day to publishhundreds of news in different sections, among which Internet userscan find all the important and interesting information.Balansonline.ba will continuously work on developing andimproving the content, Internet users will be able torecognize.
Adem Aganovic
Kompanija Adazal d.o.o osnovana je1996.godinesa početnom mišlju malog porodničnog obrta. Počeciposlovanjavezuju se za prostor površine 50m2, i pet uposlenihradnika.Ali zahvaljujući upornom radu osnivača i vlasnika gospodinaRameBajrića, kao i, nadasve, poštenom i korektnom odnosu premakupcima,danas je Adazal, sa ponosom se može reći, jedna odvodećihkompanija koja na jednom mjestu nudi svojim kupcima sve onošto jepotrebno za siguran i miran dom.Rezultat naših dugoročnih nastojanja, želje za uspjehom,inapornog rada, je Adazal MEGA baucentar, objekat izgrađenvlastitimsredstvima na lokaciji Aleja Bosne srebrene 201, prekoputaaerodroma, i isti je počeo sa radom 10.04.2014.godine.Objekat ukupne površine cca 3000m2 urađen je u skladusaevropskim standardima, gdje na jednom mjestu kupcima nudimoširokasortiman keramike, sanitarija, rasvjete, laminata, alata. SveštoVam je potrebno potrebno za građenje i izgradnju možete naćiunašem baucentru, kao i vrtlarski program iz asortimanasvjetskipoznatog brenda Let's doit, čiji smo zastupnici.Naše temeljno načelo i ključ našeg uspjeha jestjednostavnost,prema kojoj se ravna naše cjelokupno djelovanje.Kupujemo i prodajemo kako bismo našim kupcima ponudilirobuširoke potrošnje dobrog kvaliteta, po povoljnim cijenama.Naša primarna djelatnost je trgovina na veliko imaloelektromaterijalom, vodomaterijalom, boje i lakovi, materijalzagrijanje, vijčana roba, alati i mašine, materijal za izolaciju,teostali građevinski materijal.Kao organizirani lanac firme sa iskustvom,svakodnevnopokušavamoostvariti što veću i bolju saradnju sa lokalnim iregionalnimkompanijama i proizvođačima.Kvaliteta našeg poslovanja ogleda se,kako u dobrojorganizaciji,tako i u zalaganju i spremnosti naših radnika natimski rad iunapređenje poslovanja. Ulaganjem u obrazovni program,prezentacijei seminari, omogućavaju stručno i obučeno osoblje kojenašimkupcima pruža savjetodavnu pomoć prilikom odabira i kupovinerobaiz našeg asortimana.U cilju zadovoljstva naših kupaca, za kupljenu robu iopremuAdazal d.o.o Sarajevo nudi BESPLATNU DOSTAVU u najkraćemroku, i potačno utvrđenim količinama. Nudimo i usluge utovara iistovarakupljene robe.Stalna ispitivanja tržišta, traganje za kvalitetom a sve uskladusa potrošačkim trendovima, rezultiralo je razvojem saradnjesavodećim kompanijama kao što su: Baumit, EPS Laštro, Nexe,CementaraKakanj, Ecos, Hager, IGM Visoko, kao i mnogi drugi.Uvažavajući potrebe i želje naših kupaca proširujemo saradnjuisa vodećim ino partnerima, te u našem asortimanu možetepronaćialate i opremu i poznatih svjetskih brendova Bosh,Makita,Deltroni,iz odjela sanitarija i keramike Sanotechnick,CeramicaColli, kao i mnogi drugi.Dođite i uvjerite se sami u asortiman robe koji nudimo.Kod nas je kupac uvijek na prvom mjestu,jer vašezadovoljstvonaša je briga.The company ADAZALLtd.was founded in 1996 with initial thought porodničnog smallcraft.The beginnings of business are related to the area of ​​50m2,andfive employees.But thanks to the hard work of the founder and owner of Mr.RamaBajrić, and, above all, fair and correct relation to thecustomers,today ADAZAL, with pride we can say, one of the leadingcompaniesin one place that offers its customers everything theyneed forsafe and secure home.The result of our long-term efforts, the desire for successandhard work, is ADAZAL MEGA Baucentar, facility built itsownresources at the site Alley Bosnia silver 201, across thestreetfrom the airport, and the same was startedin10.04.2014.godine.The building total area of ​​approximately 3000m2 preparedinaccordance with European standards, where in one place offerourcustomers a wide range of ceramics, sanitary ware,lighting,laminate, tools. All you need is necessary forconstruction andbuilding yourself up in the baucentru, as well asgardening programfrom a range of world-renowned brand Let's doit,that werepresent.Our basic principle and the key to our success issimplicity,according to which the flat our whole operation.We buy and sell in order to provide our clients withconsumergoods of good quality, at affordable prices.Our primary business is wholesale and retail electrical,pluming,paints and varnishes, materials for heating, bolts, tools,machines,materials for insulation and other buildingmaterials.As an organized chain company with experience, every day wetryat getting better and better cooperation with local andregionalcompanies and manufacturers.The quality of our business is reflected both in thegoodorganization, and in the commitment and willingness ofouremployees to work in teams and business improvement. Byinvestingin educational programs, presentations and seminars,provideprofessional and trained staff that provides our customerswithadvice when selecting and purchasing goods from our range.In order to please our customers, for the purchased goodsandequipment ADAZAL doo Sarajevo offers delivery in theshortestpossible time, and precisely determined quantities. We alsoofferloading and unloading of goods purchased.Continuous market research, the search for quality all inlinewith consumer trends, resulted in the development ofcooperationwith leading companies such as: Baumit, EPS Laštro,Nexe, PlantKakanj, Ecos, Hager, IGM high, as well as manyothers.Taking into account the needs and desires of our customersareexpanding cooperation with leading international partners, andinour offer you can find tools and equipment and world famousbrandBosh, Makita, Deltron, from the department of sanitaryfacilitiesand ceramics Sanotechnick, Ceramica Colli, as well asmanyothers.Come and see for yourself the range of goods that we offer.Here, the customer always comes first, because yoursatisfactionis our concern.
Standard PLAST 1.0 APK
Adem Aganovic
Firma STANDARD PLAST je osnovana 2007. godine,te uspješno posluje sve godine. Od samog osnivanja bavimo seproizvodnjom građevinske stolarije od PVC I ALU profila.Firma STANDARD PLAST pažljivo se trudi u odabiru kvalitetnihrepromaterijala za proizvodnju svojih proizvoda koji zadovoljavajupotrebe domaćeg i evropskog tržišta, te obavljamo čitav procesproizvodnje, dostavljanja i montaže naših proizvoda. Vrlo radopomažemo kupcima u pravom odabiru i kreiranju njihove budućestolarije. Ključ našeg uspjeha jesu zadovoljni kupci, kojikorištenjem naših proizvoda lično osjete kvalitet i prednost uštedekoji stvaraju naši proizvodi.Svoj pogled i korak u svijet kroz naše prozore i vrata danasostvaruju građani Hrvatske, Italije, Austrije, Njemačke, Norveške inadamo se uskoro ostalih evropskihPored proizvodnje PVC i ALU stolarije bavimo se i proizvodnjomal roletina, alu ograde, garažna sekciona i rolo vrata, blindovrata, pvc i alu klupice, te proizvodnjom izo stakla.Uz kvalitetne proizvode nudimo vam i najbolji servis, tako da jenaš prvi i osnovni prioritet zadovoljan kupac. Naši proizvodiodlikuju se privlačnim dizajnom, jednostavnim otvaranjem, visokimstepenom toplotne i zvučne izolacije, jednostavnim održavanjem iizuzetnom trajnošću.STANDARD PLAST Companywas established in 2007 and has been operating successfully foryears. Since the very beginning we are producing joinery PVC andaluminum profiles.Company STANDARD LAYER carefully tries in the selection ofquality raw materials for the manufacture of their products to meetthe needs of the domestic and European market, and carry out thewhole process of production, the delivery and installation of ourproducts. Gladly we assist customers in choosing the right andcreate their future window. Key to our success are satisfiedcustomers, who use our products personally feel the quality andbenefit savings that produce our products.Its look and step into the world through our windows and doorstoday realize Croatian citizens, Italy, Austria, Germany, Norwayand hopefully soon in other EuropeanIn addition to the production of PVC and aluminum joinery we areproducing al roletina, aluminum railings, garage sectional androlling doors, safety doors, PVC and aluminum sills, and theproduction of insulation glass.In addition to quality products we offer the best service, sothat our immediate priority satisfied customer. Our products arecharacterized by attractive design, easy opening, a high degree ofthermal and sound insulation, easy maintenance and exceptionaldurability.
Dersaadet Travel 1.0 APK
Adem Aganovic
Whether you want to go to Europe, Asia,theSouth Pacific, Australia, Africa, South America, the Caribbeanorsomewhere closer to home, we have the industry relationshipstoprovide you with the best options, at the best prices, withthegreatest added value to help you reach your final destination.Our goal is to brand ourselves as providers of theultimatetravel planning experience while becoming a one stop shopfor everytravel service available in the industry.Cruises, Spas, Ski Holidays, Private Islands, RiverBarges,All-Inclusive Resorts, Safaris, Family Vacations, LuxuryEscapesand Honeymoons -these are only some of the many adventureswe canhelp you plan.We believe that the key of success lies in nurturingvendor,employee, partner, and client relationships and establishingapositive work environment conveying happiness for our teamandclients all throughout.We are committed to offering travel services of thehighestquality, combining our energy and enthusiasm, with our yearsofexperience. Our greatest satisfaction comes in servinglargenumbers of satisfied clients who have experienced the joysandinspiration of travel.Our Travel Consultants have the professional expertise andthepersonal experience necessary to make your next vacation theuniqueand unforgettable experience you deserve.
Adem Aganovic
Firma STANDARD PLAST je osnovana 2007. godine, te uspješnoposlujesve godine. Od samog osnivanja bavimo se proizvodnjomgrađevinskestolarije od PVC I ALU profila. Firma STANDARD PLASTpažljivo setrudi u odabiru kvalitetnih repromaterijala zaproizvodnju svojihproizvoda koji zadovoljavaju potrebe domaćeg ievropskog tržišta,te obavljamo čitav proces proizvodnje,dostavljanja i montaže našihproizvoda. Vrlo rado pomažemo kupcima upravom odabiru i kreiranjunjihove buduće stolarije. Ključ našeguspjeha jesu zadovoljnikupci, koji korištenjem naših proizvodalično osjete kvalitet iprednost uštede koji stvaraju našiproizvodi. Svoj pogled i korak usvijet kroz naše prozore i vratadanas ostvaruju građani Hrvatske,Italije, Austrije, Njemačke,Norveške itd. Pored proizvodnje PVC iALU stolarije bavimo se iproizvodnjom al roletina, alu ograde,garažna sekciona i rolo vrata,blindo vrata, pvc i alu klupice, teproizvodnjom izo stakla. Uzkvalitetne proizvode nudimo vam inajbolji servis, tako da je našprvi i osnovni prioritet zadovoljankupac. Naši proizvodi odlikujuse privlačnim dizajnom, jednostavnimotvaranjem, visokim stepenomtoplotne i zvučne izolacije,jednostavnim održavanjem i izuzetnomtrajnošću.