刘志邦 التطبيقات

Virtual USB(No Data Cable) 1.4
Let your phone serve as ftp server, so you can control yourphone-files by PC.1. Where have wifi, where you can transfer files between PC andphoneconveniently.You can operate your files on phone even if you haven't datacable.2. Considered of security, you must set the username andpassword.3. Provide a widget, you can control the ftp server conveniently.
萌萌颜文字表情符号 5.6.0
这里有各种超可爱的颜文字供您复制粘贴并使用。不管您是不是90后,是不是非主流,是不是使用火星文,我们都希望您能喜欢上这卖萌必备的、年轻时尚潮流的颜文字。5大亮点1. 史上最全颜文字表情符号,完虐其它同类产品2. 最简单的操作,点击即可复制,并可以粘贴到其它任何需要使用的地方3. 首创云颜文字,精选网友制作的萌萌哒颜文字,持续不间断更新4. QQ登陆,同步最喜欢的颜文字到云端5. 超有爱的萌友社区,各种话题嗨翻天QQ群:465055597There are a variety ofsuper cute color for you to copy and paste text and use.If you are not 90, is not a non-mainstream, is not the use of theMartian language, we hope you enjoy this essential selling Meng, ayoung fashion color text.Top 5 highlights1. The history of the whole color of text emoticons, end abuseother similar products2. The most simple operation, click to copy, and can be pasted intoany other place you want to use3. The first cloud color text selection made friends Meng Meng DaYan text, continued uninterrupted update4. QQ landing, synchronous favorite color text to the cloud5. super love Meng Friends of community, a variety of topics HeyearthshakingQQ group: 465 055 597
宝宝学英语水果篇 1.0
脑筋急转弯5000 1.5.0
唐诗三百首中英文对照(300 Tang Poems) 1.5
唐诗三百首,全部319首,中英文对照版支持中文简体、中文繁体、英文Chinese Three Hundred Tang Poems
Japanese News Reader 1.3
Japanese News Reader- Provide weather forecast- Provide news from the major news sites in Japan:* NHK* 読売新聞* 朝日新聞社* 毎日新聞社* ZAKZAK* goo
论语中英文对照(Analects of Confucius) 1.1
论语,中英文对照版Chinese Classic, Analects of ConfuciusBible of ChinaVer1.1修改了一些错别字Ver1.0.0初版发布
可愛い顔文字 2.2.0
多様な顔文字を易しく使おう!6000余個のきれいなイモティコンウを主題別で区分して提供します.コピーして使う場合には願うどの所にも活用が可能だから,面白く活用して私だけの感情を面白く伝達してください.We will provide aseparatesection in the theme of a beautiful piece of Imotikon'u!6000 willTsukao gently over a variety of emoticons.Because it can take advantage of any place where hope is if youwantto use to copy,Please interesting to convey feelings am I just take advantageofinteresting.
Stock Alarm 1.6
1. Show stock widget on Home2. It will notify you when raise/fall to your settings3. Of course, support any stock
星座运势 1.6
宝宝学英语动物篇 1.0
Gravity Ball 1.0.0
You should control the BLUE ball to reachtheRED ball,And must escape the YELLOW ball,And must collect all the GOLDs.It's hard, but interesting.
全国天气空气质量 1.0.0
• 支持超过 350 个城市的 1500 多个监测点。• 能够根据所在位置显示最近的监测点的监测数据,更具参考价值。• 数据来自国家环保部和中国天气网的权威发布,每小时更新。• 提供空气质量地图和排行榜,全国空气质量状况尽收眼底。•体贴的健康建议:根据当前的污染状况,向您给出是否适合户外活动、是否需要佩戴口罩、是否适合开窗通风以及是否需要保护低抵抗力人群的建议。• Support for morethan350 cities in more than 1,500 monitoring points.• The ability to display the most recent monitoring data basedonthe location of the monitoring point, more useful.• authoritative data from the National EnvironmentalProtectionMinistry and China Weather release, updated hourly.• Provide air quality maps and charts, the national airqualitystatus panoramic view.• considerate health advice: According to the currentpollutionsituation, you give is suitable for outdoor activities,the need towear a mask, whether for ventilation windows andrecommend whetherthe need to protect low-resistance groups.
Moodiary 11.0.0
Diary of recording the mood, with image and text, retain thegoodtimes.