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Easy MoMan Camera Transform 3.9.3
You need to install the latest version ofMomanCamera, in order to use this software.And sdcard inside the machine, there must be MomanCamera foldersand have used Magic Man cameras produced photos.((Drawing orEmoticon relevant folder).)==================================================- Be able to share photos and GIF emoticon, save SD, exportSD.- The default location MoManCamrea pictures, displayed on thebuilt-in photo album.- Or click on any app in the Add / add a picture, you can findMoman picture.- Support languages​​: English, Traditional Chinese,Simplifiedps: only a few phones can not use the software properly display GIFanimation.
TianLai Theme
Features:1. 1. Supporting the Line theme have a variety of colors styles tochoose from.2. Support from the file preview Line theme styles (for version:Topic 5.0.0 above).3. Support Line theme style quick change from SD cardoperation.4. support FTP, can be operated from the computer, the theme filetransfer to the phone side.5. Support Line theme editing functionality (Part of the format isnot supported)PS:● file preview support only Line theme 5.0.0 above (Part topicsmight abnormal)● old and new subject areas are synchronizedInstructional videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-cxoEv4qewNew ThemeTeaching:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY78a2-rgQ0New Theme Teaching (LINE 5.9.0UP):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLTaccYfjIMPrecautions:● When you select a topic, press delete and rename may havedownloaded or imported theme.● avoid problems of infringement, start your own Internet todownload the theme package (themefile).
Move BookU 移動趣看書
趣看書(BookU)過期的限免書本刪掉了,手機容量不夠了怎麼辦,別擔心,此軟體幫您把書本儲存起來,讓您日後也能重新加入,並在趣看書軟體中再次下載觀看。必要安裝:官方軟體趣看書https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magv.booku.play簡易教學:1。首先安裝[趣看書],然後在下載本軟體,2。並且從限免索取中,找自己想看的書本,點擊加入本地後,3。再開啟[趣看書]的書籍選項,此時您在本軟體所選擇加入的書本,就會出現在[趣看書 - 書籍]裡,爾後就能在[趣看書]觀看您加入的書本了。
狄克森片語 & TOEIC
狄克森片語 Dixon Phrase & TOEIC『功能特色』1. 中譯功能,每個片語皆有完整的英文與中文例句內容。2. 語音功能,每個片語及例句均附有英文的語音。3. 所有片語都可以發音,所有例句也全部可以發音。4. 可自行匯入額外片語。5. 並提供單字測驗(聽力與書寫)單元:0.已匯入的片語。(Pro版提供單字測驗:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skystars.dicksonphrasepro)1. 狄克森片語。2. 基礎單字。3. TOEIC單字550UP。4. TOEIC單字750UP。5. TOEIC單字860UP。6. 不可思議成語A-Z。PS:若已經安裝舊版,卻因為更新,導致程式開啟失敗或無任何片語時,請先移除舊版,在重新下載安裝。英語學習片語學習單字學習
Some Stickers Line
- Make photos and maps are combined into a newphoto.- New Stickers Sharing(Line WeChat...etc)Necessary to install Line, LineCamera, BeeTalk
Mos FlashLight 1.2
Whenever and wherever, it gives you thebrightest white light, let your phone become a real flashlight.Features:- The Quick Start- Support around sliding screen to toggle the flashlight mode- Back using the flash, LED flashlight- Screen Flashlight- Morse code can speed flashing lights
Teana Ringtone Clips
Ringtones clip is a very compact and practicalringtone cut tools. You can cut the music files stored on thephone. Software supports audio formats MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR. Softwarewill produce a good sound file as the default ring tone or warningtone tone, can be added to a contact as a ringtone!Features:Preview ringtones and assign it to a contact.Browse and open the sound file.Waveform display, and there are five scaling.To adjust the tone start and end positions by touch.Record a new ringtone.Remove the ringing tone.Installation Permissions explanation:android.permission.INTERNETandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATEandroid.premission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEIn order to display advertising, permission advertising SDK aboverequirements.android.permission.READ_CONTACTSandroid.permission.WRITE_CONTACTSAfter you have created a new ringtone, you can easily have a choiceof the ringtone directly to a contact. So you need to read andmodify permissions contacts, we will not collect your contactinformation. Tens of millions of users trust us!android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGSandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEYou save new ringtone files, applications need permission to writeto the SD card.Keywords:Ringtones clips, ringtones edit, cut ringtones
狄克森片語Pro & TOEIC(無廣告)
狄克森片語 Dixon Phrase & TOEIC(無廣告)『功能特色』1. 中譯功能,每個片語皆有完整的英文與中文例句內容。2. 語音功能,每個片語及例句均附有英文的語音。3. 所有片語都可以發音,所有例句也全部可以發音。4. 可自行匯入額外片語。5. 部份單元提供單字測驗(聽力與書寫)單元:0. 已匯入的片語。(提供單字測驗)1. 狄克森片語。2. 基礎單字。3. TOEIC單字550UP。4. TOEIC單字750UP。5. TOEIC單字860UP。6. 不可思議成語A-Z。PS:若已經安裝舊版,卻因為更新,導致程式開啟失敗或無任何片語時,請先移除舊版,在重新下載安裝。英語學習片語學習單字學習
對發票 1.0.1
簡約、清爽風格介面,讓您發票對獎快速。統一發票中獎號碼資料來源為財政部稅務入口網http://service.etax.nat.gov.tw/etwmain/front/ETW183W1。若有任何出入以財政部資料為準。Simple, fresh styleinterface that allows you to quickly invoice on the prize.Source GUI winning numbers for the Ministry of Finance TaxPortalhttp://service.etax.nat.gov.tw/etwmain/front/ETW183W1.If there is any discrepancy in the Ministry of Finance dataprevail.
臺灣3+2郵遞區號 1.0.1
* 查詢全台灣374鄉鎮、59000筆的3+2碼郵遞區號。* 可將常用的地址,加入我的最愛。* 可將中文地址轉換成英文地址。* Discover Taiwan 374townships, 59000 pen 3 + 2-letter postal code.* Frequently used addresses, Add to Favorites.* Can the Chinese address into English address.