是方電訊股份有限公司 التطبيقات

行動雲信箱 3.1.20
中華電信行動辦公雲系列產品-行動雲信箱China Telecom mobileoffice cloud series - action cloud mailbox
行動雲微博 3.1.26
中華電信行動辦公雲系列產品-行動雲微博China Telecom mobileoffice cloud series - action cloud microblogging
行動雲Chat 1.7.19
中華電信行動辦公雲系列產品-行動雲ChatChina Telecom mobileoffice cloud series - action cloud Chat
070行動商務 3.10.30
070 Mobile Commerce - by the square Telecom shares have companybuilding, providing 070 Internet phone call customer service touse.
行動雲簽核 2.4.30
中華電信行動辦公雲系列產品-行動雲簽核China Telecommobileoffice cloud series - action cloud signoff
行動雲會議 1.0.053
中華電信行動辦公雲系列產品-行動雲會議China Telecommobileoffice cloud series - action Cloud Conference
是方網路電話 3.10.30
Square VoIP - the new company is to build Telecom offers 070customer call service using VoIP.
是方i健康 1.0.169
Manage your health wisely Analyze your recorded data on healthyliving conditions and chronic disease risks to help you find yourown health management method and create a personalized healthmanagement center.
是方健康手錶 1.2.6
With Chief iWatch, connected care for tomorrow.