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黑浮咖啡 1.1.7
【RÈVE CAFE】是一個敘述咖啡夢想的品牌。【RÈVE】 一詞來自法文RÈVE = Dream ,而 "RÈVE" 法音像是英音的 "HAVE" ,意即為動詞【擁有】 。擁有一個咖啡的夢想,造就了 『 黑浮咖啡 』。LOGO設計以倒印的R及C組成,靈感取自倒寫 R似一咖啡把手,C代表咖啡,而中心滴落的咖啡則代表的我們將最精萃的所有獻予您。這個品牌的由來代表著一個咖啡的夢想。是由三個在學生時期在咖啡館打工而認識的大男孩所創立的。結束學生生活後各奔東西,忙碌於上班族生活後的某一次聚會,這個咖啡的夢再度被喚起,三人毅然決然地放棄原本令人看好的工作重回學生時期打工的咖啡館,學習更多的專業知識。三年後,【REVE 黑浮夢】因此誕生。2011年可說是我們築夢的一年,所以有了【REVE 黑浮夢】。2012年【夢】已經實現,因此我們正式將品牌更名為【REVE 黑浮咖啡】。LOGO設計也改採鮮亮為主軸。代表著我們一貫熱情的服務的精神。然而我們對咖啡的堅持、餐點的要求及服務的熱誠仍舊保持不變。相關商品服務:手工餅乾,烘焙食品,喜餅禮盒,宴會餅乾,手工咖啡,高雄咖啡餐廳,高雄美食,高雄旅遊,高雄捷運,咖啡豆專賣,咖啡機專賣[RÈVE CAFE] is a dreamnarrative coffee brand.The word comes from the French] [RÈVE RÈVE = Dream,The "RÈVE" Audiovisual law is English sound "HAVE",Meaning of the verb [have].Coffee has a dream, creating a "floating black coffee."LOGO designed to pour India R and C form,Inspired to write down like a coffee handle R, C for coffee,The center drip coffee is the most representative of the essence ofall that we will offer to you.The origin of the brand represents a coffee dream.Is composed of three students while working in a cafe during theawareness created by the big boys.Went their separate ways after the end of student life,A gathering of workers in a busy life afterThe coffee's dream was again aroused,Three people had to abandon resolutely optimistic workStudents return to work during the cafes,Learn more expertise.Three years later, [REVE black floating dream] was born.2011 can be said is that we build a dream year, so there [REVEblack floating dream].2012 [dream] has been achieved, so we officially changed its namebrand coffee] [REVE black float.LOGO design also shift to bright for the spindle.Represents the spirit of our usual friendly service.However, we insist on the coffee, warm meals and servicerequirements remains unchanged.Related goods and services: handmade biscuits, baked goods, cakeboxes, banquet biscuits, handmade coffee, Cafe Kaohsiung, Kaohsiungcuisine, Kaohsiung tourism Kaohsiung MRT, specialty coffee beans,coffee machine monopoly
NQ精品植睫植甲 1.1.0
2007年起創立NQ給客人最大的素求,就是每位都能享有獨一無二的專屬眼型設計,獨立的植睫空間,我們不斷推陳出新每一處角落~店裡的美睫老師一定都要通過乙級檢定,不管是技術或環境~都要有一定的品質,您才能安心把自己心愛的眼睛睫毛交給我們!品質控管.環境的舒適.獨領的技術使用的商品也經過多重精選,認為眼部必定用到最溫和的商品不可;所以代理日本原裝進口品牌,由日本眼科醫生所研發出來植睫商品,經過多重測試,達到第一安全、ISO檢驗、溫和、舒適。持續推出絹繡,美甲專業區,全數經過合格檢定技術,用經驗加專業把最好的品質帶給每位客戶。青海旗艦店預約專線:07-555-5690高雄市鼓山區青海路290號左營富民店預約專線:07-550-8658高雄市左營區富民路176號(AM 10:00~PM9:00)服務官網:http://www.nqeyeshow.com/服務項目:抗菌睫毛、植睫商品、植睫工具、植睫課程、美甲課程、沙龍設備、藝術彩繪、晶透光療
MOMO魔膜保護膜專業門市 1.0.7
品質/專業/平價/是我們一貫的堅持 技師均擁有兩年以上實際操作經驗 首創三天滿意鑑賞期制度MOMO等您來親身體驗平價/專業/高品質的包膜營業時間:週一~週六(週日休假)門市客服:07-2237886門市地址:高雄市苓雅區五福一路131號五福一路跟福建街口(麗景酒店斜對面)公車:76、77號公車,於"自來水公園站"下車捷運:橘線"文化中心站"下車,需步行15分鐘相關字詞:手機包膜、電腦包膜、耳機包膜、平板包膜、iPhone維修Quality /Professional / parity / is our consistent adherence technicians allhave at least two years of practical experience satisfactoryappreciation of the system's first three days waiting for you toexperience the MOMO parity / professional / high quality envelopeHours: Monday to Saturday (Sunday holiday)Retail Customer :07 -2237886Store Address: Wufu way Lingya District 131Dr. Chen along with Fujian blocks (Lijing Hotel diagonallyopposite)Bus: Bus No. 76, 77, in the "water park Station"Metro: Orange Line "Cultural Center Station", a 15-minutewalkRelated terms: Mobile envelope, the envelope computer, headsetcapsule, tablet capsule, iPhone repairs
KKQR行動二維條碼掃描器 1.1.1
簡單快速的QRcodereader掃描程式,可應用在解讀條碼內容,網址導覽,電話號碼,郵件信箱手機紀錄功能,辨識率高,快速又便利Simple and fast qrcodereader scanning program that can be used in the interpretation ofthe content of the barcode, Site Map, phone number, e-mail inboxThe phone record function, high recognition accuracy, fast andconvenient
台灣固延勁 1.0.2
全力打造品牌店,全面提昇銷售軟實力。隨著台灣汽車和工程機械行業的突飛猛進,製造廠與消費者對產品的精緻化逐年上升由此帶動市場的繁榮發展。針對市場現狀,台灣固延勁不斷完善自我,尋求突破,一方面網化銷售服務,另一方面著手充實建立實體店面,期待完成最佳的售後服務平台。To build stores, toenhance the sales of soft power.With Taiwan's automobile and engineering machinery industry byleaps and bounds, the manufacturer and consumer of refined productsincreased year by year thus driving the boom market.For the market situation, Taiwan-extension strength andconstantly improve themselves, to seek a breakthrough, one networkof sales and service, on the other hand started to enrich establishphysical stores, expect to complete the best service platform.
高雄夜市美食快報 1.1.3
提供高雄瑞豐夜市、凱旋夜市、金鑽夜市、大高雄夜市以及六合夜市等國際光觀夜市的地點導覽,夜市裡頭的攤位超過一千家,賣的東西更是五花八門,可說是高雄美食雲集的地方特色,而逛夜市已成為高雄市民夜晚散步品嚐小吃的聚集地。以及提供更多高雄美食、旅遊景點、飯店住宿等資訊快報,相關字詞:高雄美食、高雄旅遊、高雄商圈、高雄夜市、高雄住宿、高雄捷運景點Provided Ruifeng NightMarket in Kaohsiung, Triumph Night, International Night view of thelocation of Diamond Light Night Market, Kaohsiung night market andnight market and other tours, night inside the booth more than onethousand, selling things is varied, can be said that Kaohsiungcuisine gathered in the local characteristics, while the nightmarket in Kaohsiung citizens has become a snack at night walkingthe gathering. Kaohsiung and provide more food, touristattractions, hotel accommodation and other information Letters,Related words: Kaohsiung food, Kaohsiung tourism Kaohsiungdistrict, night market in Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung accommodationKaohsiung MRT Attractions
宏遠經典書院 1.2.3
起宏遠於民國九十年二月一日設立至今,承蒙各界肯定,招收學齡前及國小之學童,以讀經教育為書院主要課程,藉由經典之引導,端正孩童品格發展,體悟經典精神,建立中華文化基礎體系,培育有宏觀視野的優質下一代。萌台灣推動讀經之風氣,日益漸盛,回首草創時期經典書院四處林立,皆屬個人式經營模式,教學資源匱乏,師資良莠不齊;教學過程中,想引導孩童深入體悟經典之美,又受限於教材編訂、課程規劃、師資養成..等,舉步難矣!感此深切,於是走入體制內,為的就是想讓孩子接受正軌的讀經教育。茁宏遠體認到經典是永續傳承之大業,因此成立宏遠經典文教機構,統籌規劃各分校的所有活動課程、師資研習,以深耕讀經教育多年的資源,採用博雅式經典多元教學,結合高師大經學研究所之專業能力,共同提昇讀經教育品質而盡力。愿人心改造的願景是需要長時間的大工程,我們願意扮演活水源頭般的領航者。獨善其身更要兼善天下,統籌各界賢達寶貴的經驗得以交流跟傳授!期許永續發展出更多優質的讀經書院,俾利更多的莘莘學子。讓我們一起立足台灣,放眼世界,共同創造經學新紀元。相關詞 高雄幼稚園 幼兒園 高雄才藝補習班 高雄安親班 美語補習班 詩經學院 兒童讀經班 成人讀經班宏遠經典書院TEL:075224945 / 075500821高雄市鼓山區富農路306號
幸福台灣EverSmile 1.0.6
創新永續的全家人服飾專家樂活時尚 優質平價 社會關懷幸福台灣EverSmile是宏遠興業EVEREST TEXTILE 創立之服飾品牌。宏遠是高科技創新研發導向的紡織製造商,以創新永續製程,生產對人類及生態無害的紡織品,供應全球知名運動、戶外活動、休閒和都會流行服飾品牌。● 幸福台灣 採簡單、樂活時尚設計,定位為優質平價,人人買得起● 幸福台灣 堅持台灣製造(MIT),實踐「在地幸福經濟、創造共享價值」,以「人本關懷」的精神,促進在地產業發展,增加就業機會● 通過全球最嚴格之瑞士 bluesign® 環保紡織品認證,是高科技環保布料專家● 營業額 1% 做為支持台灣社會慈善公益之基金,讓消費者購買商品同時也為公益行善盡一份心力Family of innovativesustainable clothing expertsThe Broadwood fashion high quality affordable social careThe happiness Taiwan EverSmile is a clothing brand foundedEverest EVEREST TEXTILE.Everest is high-tech innovation and R & D-oriented textilemanufacturer of innovative sustainable process, harmless to humanand ecological production of textiles, the supply of world-renownedsports, outdoor activities, leisure and will fashion brand.● happiness of Taiwan adopted a simple, the Broadwood stylishdesign, positioning for quality affordable that everyone canafford● happiness Taiwan insists Made in Taiwan (MIT), practice "tohappiness economy, creating shared value" to the spirit of "peoplecare", to promote the development of the real estate industry,increase employment opportunities.● by the world's most stringent Swiss bluesign ® environmentallyfriendly textiles certification, is a high-tech environmentalprotection fabric expert● 1% of turnover as a charitable fund to support Taiwan'ssociety, allow consumers to purchase goods and also do good for thepublic good, make a contribution to
品家族 1.0.6
PIN FAMILY (品家族)源起於家族團結創業經營理念而取創立於1995年,手工製造髮飾、口罩、材料與布料的延伸至今的再加工防水布料,一條龍的打樣、選材到生產、完成經由實體旗艦店~洋品飾集~銷售於各大通路另一實體門市~溢品日式雜貨~則取年輕人所愛的諸類雜貨商品以外國連線、代購方式與現今的通訊軟體"Line和臉書"做為銷售的主要通路。因應日益增加的客戶,本公司再更用心,讓更多的貴賓客戶能享有更方便簡易的購物平台,來加入"品家族"的夥伴行列PIN FAMILY (productfamily) from the source and take on family solidarity businessphilosophyFounded in 1995, handmade hair accessories, extension masks,materials and fabricsSo far reprocessing waterproof fabric, one-stop proofing,material selection to production, completeVia physical flagship store - foreign goods ornaments set -sales in all major accessAnother entity store ~ ​​overflow product of Japanese groceries- then take the various classes of young love grocery goodsWith foreign connections, purchasing modern way communicationsoftware "Line and face book" as the primary channel of sales.In response to the increasing customers, the company again morecarefully, so that more VIP customers can enjoy a more convenientand easy shopping platform, to join the "product family" partnerranks
台東自遊行 1.1.1
台東自遊行提供您台東與綠島最夯動態旅遊資訊,無論是美食、旅遊、住宿或水上活動資訊,通通讓您一手掌握!趕快下載唷!相關字詞:台東鐵路、台東餐飲、台東旅遊、台東美食、綠島美食、綠島旅遊、台東民宿、綠島浮淺、綠島水上活動、綠島潛水活動Taitung Taitung since theprocession provide you with the most ram Green dynamic travelinformation, whether it is food, travel, accommodation or watersports information, all allow you to stay informed! Quicklydownload yo!Related terms: Taitung Railway, Taitung catering, Taitung travel,Taitung cuisine, Green Gourmet, Green tourism, Taitung Bed andBreakfast, Green Island snorkeling, Green Island Water Activities,Green diving activities
日發冷凍餐飲機械設備 1.0.0
日發冷凍餐飲機械設備,創立於民國76年,主要從事大廚房設計及餐飲不銹鋼設備與配備。並且秉持著『滿足消費者的最大需求,服務第一』的經營理念。營業項目如下列:冰箱系列烤箱系列蛋糕櫃系列食品機械飲品機械烘培機械肉品加工機械蔬果加工機械豆米加工機械製冰機系列餐飲機器系列不鏽鋼系列Rifa Frozen FoodMachinery, founded in the Republic of China 76 years, mainlyengaged in designing large kitchen with stainless steel appliancesand catering equipment. And uphold the "meet the maximum demand ofconsumers, service first" business philosophy.Operating items such as the following:Refrigerator SeriesOven SeriesCake CabinetFood MachineryDrinks MachineryBaking machineryMeat Processing MachineryFruit and vegetable processing machineryBeans, rice processing machineryIce MachineFood Machine SeriesStainless Steel Series
有形有色專業染護髮中心 1.1.0
我們是一群資深美髮人,結合最上遊美髮材料進口商, 創造可能是全台灣最便宜、最專業,服務最好,品質最高的專業染髮護髮中心。本店採用第一手進貨價格,薄利多銷經營原則,直接回饋顧客。便宜一樣有好品質好服務,本店採用義大利進口染髮劑,產品都經過衛生署核準,合法安全,店內備有合格字號証書供查閱。為了使客人不浪費時間在等候,及有良好服務品質,本店採預約制,請先打預約專線,預約好服務時間,謝謝!有形有色染護中心提供399染髮服務,可能是高雄染髮,台北染髮,便宜染髮首選,給你新髮型,流行髮型同時使髮質健康亮麗.台北大安店:台北市大安路一段98號2樓(捷連忠孝復興站3號出口)本店座位數:15台北忠孝店:台北市忠孝東路四段57號5樓(捷運忠孝復興站4號出口)本店座位數:43高雄美麗島店: 高雄市中山一路162號3樓(捷運美麗島站10號出口)本店座位數:30台北預約專線:0933 228051高雄預約專線:0932 360983預約時間:11:00am - 9:00pm專業美髮沙龍 專業染護髮沙龍We are a group of seniorhair people, combined with the most upstream hairdressing materialsimporters, creating Taiwan may be the cheapest and mostprofessional, best service and highest quality professional hairconditioner center.Our purchase price using the first-hand, the operating principleof small profits, direct customer feedback. There are good qualityand cheap, like good service, the restaurant uses imported Italianhair dye products have been approved by the Department of Health,legal security, the store offers a qualified certificate and famousfor inspection.In order to make the guests do not waste time waiting, and havea good quality of service, the restaurant reservation systemadopted, please hit the reservation line, good service appointmenttime, thank you!Tangible colored dyed hair care center offers 399 service, hairmay be in Kaohsiung, Taipei hair, cheap hair preferred, to give youa new hairstyle, popular hairstyle while making hair healthy andbeautiful.Taipei Daan shop: Daan Road, 2nd Floor, No. 98, Sec.(McNair even Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit 3) Our Number of seats:15Zhongxiao Taipei: Taipei Chung Hsiao E. Rd 57, 5th Floor(MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit 4) Shop Number of seats: 43Kaohsiung Formosa shop: Zhongshan Road, Kaohsiung 162, 3rdFloor(Formosa MRT Station Exit 10) Shop Number of seats: 30Taipei Reservation Hotline: 0933228051Kaohsiung Reservation Hotline: 0932360983Appointment Time: 11:00 am - 9:00 pmProfessional salon professional hair salon dye
名留集團(北區) 1.1.0
『顧客滿意,是我們存在的理由。』名留集團成立于1982年,旗下包含四大髮型沙龍品牌,『名留剪燙染護專業沙龍』,『上越國際髮型』,『AT國際髮型』及 『PS國際髮型』。近年來跨足生物科技領域『名麗美妍館』,以及醫學美容診所『名瑿時尚美學』。提供全系列................................................1. 洗髮舒壓SPA2. 個性剪髮造型3. 美感燙髮造型4. 質感染髮設計5. 新秘專案服務6. 專業頭皮養護"Customer satisfaction isour raison d'etre. "Name stay Group was established in 1982, its brands include fourmajor hair salon, "were left cut hot dyeing care professionalsalon", "hair on the international", "AT international hairstyle"and "PS International hairstyle." In recent years, branched outinto the field of biotechnology, "the name of Korea Mi-yeonPavilion", as well as medical beauty clinic "name Yi fashionaesthetic."Providing a full range of................................................1. Shampoo Relaxation SPA2. Personalize the haircut style3. aesthetic style permThe texture of hair design5. The new secret project services6. Professional scalp conservation
Chick in TFC 1.0.4
This app features our Rewards Program, LuckyDraw, Chickselfies, LBS and more! The content is updated throughoutthe working week, along with our delightful food menu, the latestpromotions, e-coupons and push alert.Our Scratch & Win promotion is an ongoing activity which’s letride day-to-day for Chick-in’s customers. Now, take advantage ofChick-in TFC every time you visit with this app!App Features includes:⁃Browsing through our full menu by category.⁃Receiving exclusive rewards and offers.⁃Participating Chick-in’s lucky draws to win & save.⁃Earning, tracking and redeeming your PeckPoints rewards.⁃Checking your Chick-in account balance.⁃Viewing your purchase history, total savings statistics.⁃Locating your nearest Chick-in and get driving directions.⁃Fun Selfies with Chick-in built-in cute photo frames, snap &share.⁃Rate your satisfaction and give feedback.⁃Built-in QRCode Scanner
泉椗生技國際有限公司 1.1.4
泉椗生技國際有限公司Quan-Ding biotechnology international Co.,Ltd泉椗生技,主要是以牛樟芝相關保健產品及天然保養品的銷售/批發/代工為主要項目,堅持重視產品的品質保證是公司成立的宗旨,堅持給大眾消費者最好、最適合、最安心的產品,產品皆有通過第三方相關公正單位檢驗合格,讓客戶都能吃得健康、用得安心,"呵護您的外在,保養您的內在"是泉椗生技為大眾服務的決心。●ADD :840台灣‧高雄市大樹區新鎮路18號5F●TEL :07-6523193●EIN :54541741●E-mail:quanding315@gmail.com營業項目台灣牛樟芝相關產品批發保健與美容保養品研發製造與批發(O.E.M / O.D.M / O.B.M)品牌通路規劃與開發Stephen anchorBiotechInternational LimitedQuan-Ding biotechnology international Co., LtdStephen anchor biotechnology, mainly in sales Antrodiarelatedhealth care products and natural skin care products /wholesale /OEM for major projects, adhere to attach importance toproductquality assurance is the company set up the purpose, adhereto themass of consumers the best, most appropriate, most secureproducts,the products have obtained through a third party relatedto justiceunit inspected, so that customers can eat healthy, withpeace ofmind, "care of your external maintenance your inner" is thespringIkari biotechnology for the public service determination.● ADD: 840 New Town Road 18 5F ‧ Taiwan Kaohsiung treearea● TEL: 07-6523193● EIN: 54541741● E-mail: quanding315@gmail.comBusiness ProjectTaiwan Antrodia Related Products WholesaleHealth and beauty care products R & D manufacturingandwholesale(O.E.M / O.D.M / O.B.M)Brands path planning and development
海裕屋 1.0.8
「匯永實業股份有限公司」成立於西元1987年,緊臨高雄市前鎮漁港。創辦人有感於高雄的冷凍魚貨產業發達,從船家直接引進大量深水海魚做進一步加工,魚鬆的原料皆用的生魚片等級的魚肉來製作!從原料採買到加工製造,所有製作過程都有專業人員嚴格控管。工廠擁有HACCP食品認證工廠以及完整的生產線,並榮獲國家CAS優良食品以及食品GMP認證,更在2009年榮獲清眞認證(HALALCertificate)。「匯永實業股份有限公司」不但在冷凍海鮮及冷凍調理獲得各方人士的支持與認同,更維持了老字號魚鬆的一貫標準。我們的優勢我們擁有HACCP食品認證工廠以及完整的生產線,所有製作過程不僅有專業人員嚴格控管,工廠更符合輸出歐盟完全認證。1.合格工廠2. 國家認證 品質保證GMP● 魚鬆生產線● 生魚片 - 鮪魚、鮭魚、旗魚CAS● 鮪魚鬆15G、60G、200G● 鮭魚鬆15G、200G● 旗魚鬆15G、200G  3. 原料穩定我們有來自各地的原料提供商經營理念“吃岀健康!”一直是我們堅持的使命!因為創辦人深感食品製造業的艱辛,導致許多業者為了降低成本而不惜販售黑心商品和原料,讓消費者在無形中造成了身體的負擔和傷害。我們提供良好乾淨的作業環境和讓消費者可以吃的安心、買的放心,所以也教育每一位員工務必要堅持好品質的原則和使命!「匯永實業股份有限公司」不但在冷凍海鮮及冷凍調理獲得各方人士的支持與認同,更維持了老字號魚鬆的一貫標準。「匯永實業股份有限公司」不但在冷凍海鮮及冷凍調理獲得各方人士的支持與認同,更維持了老字號魚鬆的一貫標準。"Focus Wing IndustrialCo., Ltd." was established in 1987 BC, close to the former fishingport town of Kaohsiung. Responding to Kaohsiung founder frozen fishproducts industry developed, the introduction of a large number ofdeep-water fish directly from the boatman for further processing,raw materials are used floss sashimi grade fish to make! Buy rawmaterials collected from manufacturing, all professionals havestrict control of the production process. Factories have HACCP foodcertification factories and complete production line, and won thenational CAS excellent food and food GMP certification, in 2009 wonmore Qing Zhen certification (HALAL Certificate)."The Department of Industrial Co., Ltd. Wing" only in frozenseafood and frozen prepared to get the support and recognition ofall parties, but also to maintain a consistent standard of olddried fish floss.Our advantageWe have the HACCP certification of food factories and completeproduction lines, all of the production process is not only strictcontrol professionals, factory output is more in line with the EUfully certified.1. Eligible factory2. Certification and Quality AssuranceGMP● fish floss production line● sashimi - tuna, salmon, swordfishCAS● tuna fish floss 15G, 60G, 200G● salmon fish floss 15G, 200G● flag floss 15G, 200G  3. stable raw materialWe have raw material providers from around the worldBusiness philosophy"Eat healthy Chu!" Has always been our mission to insist!Founder deeply because the food industry hard, resulting in a lotof industry in order to reduce costs and sell at the black heartcommodities and raw materials, so that consumers in virtuallycaused a burden on the body and injury. We offer a good workingenvironment and clean so that consumers can eat at ease, restassured to buy, so it is important to educate every employee toadhere to the principle of good quality and mission!"The Department of Industrial Co., Ltd. Wing" only in frozenseafood and frozen prepared to get the support and recognition ofall parties, but also to maintain a consistent standard of olddried fish floss. "The Department of Industrial Co., Ltd. Wing"only in frozen seafood and frozen prepared to get the support andrecognition of all parties, but also to maintain a consistentstandard of old dried fish floss.
高雄市牙醫師公會 1.0.1
高雄牙e公會本會全名為 「社團法人高雄市牙醫師公會」,英文名稱為「Kaohsiung Dental Association oftheROC」,簡稱為"KDA"。Kaohsiung AssociationofDental eThis will be the full name of "Corp. Kaohsiung Associationofdentists," the English name for the "Kaohsiung DentalAssociationof the ROC," abbreviated as "KDA".
名留集團(南區) 1.1.2
PS髮型提供喜歡流行、追逐潮流的顧客一個從頭展現動人光采,展現不變的青春美麗,激起妳對〝型〞的渴望,這是一片屬於有型有色潮男潮女的天地。AT髮型永遠走在流行的前端,了解年輕人需求,繽紛亮眼的空間設計,充滿青春活力、熱情洋溢的SALON環境,更是為年輕族群提供「一樣消費價消費,優質享受,多樣免費」的服務。PS hairstyleOffers like pop, chasing a scratch to show the trend ofcustomersmoving honor, to show the same youthful beauty, sparking udesireto "type", which is a part of a type of colored tidal wave ofmenwoman world.AT hairstyleAlways walk in the popular front, to understand the needs ofyoungpeople, colorful dazzling space design, youthful,enthusiasticSALON environment, but also provides "the same consumerpriceconsumption, high-quality enjoyment, diverse free" serviceforyounger.
享溫馨庭院自助式KTV 1.0.9
提供您及時最新的享溫馨歌唱優惠活動訊息,各分店的連絡資訊以及最新歌曲排行榜與新進歌曲排行榜,能讓您隨時掌握流行歌曲資訊喔!Provided you keep warmandenjoy singing the latest promotions information, contactinformationfor each branch and the latest music charts musiccharts with newentrants, allowing you to keep the pop InformationOh!
公爵服飾 1.1.8
近年來由於消費結構改變,大陸及東南亞低價商品大量湧入,造成消費型態逐漸往高價及低價兩極化演進,最受衝擊的本土產製的中價位成衣,不但產量日減,開發意願低落,加上同業削價競爭,營業額及獲利率大不如往常。但是目前市場演化方向,對本公司而言,卻是空前的利多消息。長久以來,本公司即以平行輸入商品為主,因為產地的區域間隔,貨品的品質要求以及樣式都不同於國內產品。公司優勢1.由於產品絕大多數由平行輸入,樣式與國內產品品味不同,雖然進貨價額較高,但具備稀有,高品質特性,在實際行銷中因無類似商品競價,加上專業銷售人員促銷,所以顧客成交率高,利潤豐厚穩定。2.商品多樣,單一商品數量少,本公司採多樣少量的進貨策略,進貨項目除本業男裝服飾外,更加置皮鞋,皮包,領帶,皮帶等配件副產品,以提高單一顧客消費總額。3.商品自銷,定價統一,商譽穩健。公司發展史1981年10月16日公爵創辦、同時並成立泰順商行。1999年10月16日創立公爵時尚精品。2000年5月20日隨著公司業績迅速成長,擴大營業並同時改為歐洲公爵股份有限公司。2003年7月15日開始獨家代理許多進口品牌。2005年1月1日引進國外許多知名品牌;皇冠、ED、帆船等。2010年 至今,已有多間連鎖門市於南台灣營運中,並且還在繼續擴大成長In recent years, due tothe influx of consumption structure change, mainland China andSoutheast Asia, low-priced goods, resulting in consumption patternsgradually to high and low prices Polarization evolution, the most impact on local production systemin the price of clothing, not only yield diminishing, lowwillingness to develop, together with the industry cut Price competition, and is eligible large turnover rate better thanusual. But the current market evolution direction of the company, beforethe good news is empty.Over the years, the company that is parallel to the inputcommodity-based, because the origin of the regional gap, goodsquality requirements and styles Unlike domestic product. Advantages 1. The vast majority of products from the parallel input, stylesand different tastes domestic product, although the amount of thepurchase price is higher, but with dilute There, high-quality properties in the actual marketing of similargoods auction, plus promotional sales professionals, so thecustomer turnover rate because no High, lucrative stable. 2. Commodity diverse, a small number of single commodity, thecompany adopted a variety of strategies to purchase a small amount,in addition to purchase items outside of the menswearindustry, More home shoes, handbags, ties, belts and other accessoriesbyproduct of a single customer in order to improve the totalspending. 3. from the sale of goods, pricing unity, goodwill robust. Company History October 16, 1981 the Duke founded and established simultaneouslyTaishun firm. October 16, 1999 the creation of the Duke of fashionboutique. May 20, 2000 with the performance of the company grew rapidly,expanding the business and at the same time Duke to Europe Limited. July 15, 2003 began the sole agent of many imported brands. January 1, 2005 introduction of many foreign brands; crown, ED,sailing. Since 2010, there have been a number of chain stores in operationin southern Taiwan, and continues to expand to grow
高雄國際青年商會 1.1.0
東方藝驛 1.0.8
『東方藝驛』是由台灣唯一設計大學-『東方設計學院』輔導,『WOW奇觀文創整合行銷公司』 結合文創人才打造之”藝術人文與生活樂學的結構藍圖 ”。2014年於大東藝術文化中心成立『東方藝學堂』,提供民眾一個舒適的藝文樂學環境。 並有新銳設計師之文創商品於『東方藝棧』內販售。聯絡方式陳俐婷lita@wow11.com.tw官網:wow11.com.twWOW奇觀文創藝術行銷統編:26010860TEL:0921-520818FAX:(07)726-2008"Oriental Art Station"isa unique design from Taiwan University - "Oriental SchoolofDesign" counseling, "WOW wondersCultural and creative integrated marketing company"combinecultural and creative talent to create the" structuralblueprintArts and Humanities and the music school of life. " 2014 Arts and Cultural Center in the Big Eastwasestablished "Oriental Arts Academy" to provide people withacomfortable ArtsMusic school environment. And a cutting-edge designer ofculturaland creative goods in the "Oriental Arts stack" Sold.Contact InfoChen Litinglita@wow11.com.twOfficial website: wow11.com.twWOW wonders of cultural and creative arts marketingSystem Code: 26010860TEL: 0921-520818FAX: (07) 726-2008
MATA台東原住民文化會館 1.0.1
「MATA」為南島民族語中「眼睛、看見」之意。會館以原住民為主題訴求,藉由會館空間之展示、旅遊活動之推廣,看見臺灣東部原住民族的生活、美學文化;並與每年在此舉辦之南島文化節相結合,訴求台灣與南島民族之連結。願景:透過MATA臺東讓台灣被世界看見使命:以培育人才為核心價值定位:MATA 臺東縣原住民文化會館"MATA" asAustronesianlanguage "eyes to see" was intended. Hall aboriginaltheme demandsby the promotion display hall space, tourismactivities, seeeastern Taiwan Aboriginal life, aesthetic culture;and with theAustronesian culture festival held here every year inthe combineddemands of Taiwan and Austronesian the link.Vision: Through MATA Taitung allow Taiwan to be seen intheworldMission: to nurture talent as the core valuesLocation: MATA Taitung Aboriginal Culture Center
金鋒珠寶 1.0.5
金鋒銀樓是由鍾爸和鍾媽一起同甘共苦的創業,鍾爸是手工細膩的金工師傅,鍾媽是熱忱貼心的老闆娘。金鋒雖然沒有顯赫的銀樓家族傳承背景,但鍾爸鍾媽一步一腳印攜手經營,始終秉持著真摯服務及誠信至上的精神,來迎接每一位上門的賓客哦!鍾爸鍾媽的用心至今累積很多忠心的客群,從1984年至今將近30個年頭囉!並成立金鋒夢想小團隊在這個產業不斷的精進求新求變,我們有經驗豐富的維修師傅及GIA鑑定員來提供最新最專業的服務給各位貴賓,金鋒真誠的感謝一路上的貴賓相伴。金彩鋒耀、與您相隨門市地址: 842高雄市旗山區中山路154號免付費客服專線: 0800-661988撥打客服:07-6613358Jinfeng silver floorbyBell and Bell dad mom entrepreneurs together through thickandthin, delicate hand bell dad metalworking shop, the bellwasdedicated caring mom boss.Although there is no silver KIMPHONG prominent familyheritagebuilding background, but the bell bell mom dad worktogether stepby step operation, and always uphold the sincerespirit of serviceand integrity first, to meet every guest a homeOh!Dad Mom's intentions bell bell has accumulated lots ofloyalcustomer base, from 1984 has nearly 30 years of Hello! Andtheestablishment of a small team KIMPHONG dream of in thisindustrycontinues to sophisticated and innovative ideas, wehaveexperienced chef and maintenance GIA assessors to providethelatest and most professional service to the distinguishedguests,Jinfeng sincere thanks VIP companions along the way.Jincai Feng Yao, with you hand in handStore Address: 842 Zhongshan Road 154 QishanDistrictKaohsiungToll-free customer service line: 0800-661988Call Customer Service: 07-6613358
基隆國際青年商會 1.1.2
◎成立:民國44年成立,創始會員共五十二位,是全國第一個青商分會,全市第一個國際社團。◎會館:基隆國際青年商會TEL:02-2462-3044 FAX:02-2462-8945202-基隆市中正區武昌街二號五樓◎入會條件:凡擁有中華民國身份,18~40歲之有志青年
宇凡高中英文 1.0.9
高中升大學的專業英文教學團隊!全省宇凡教室(由南到北)屏東直營校(屏東總管理處)宇凡補習班 屏東市福建路3-8號6樓 (08) 733-6177高雄中華校(成人美語部門)花旗美語補習班 高雄市中華三路108號5樓 (07) 216-1001高雄站前校捷勝補習班 高雄市中山一路311號 (07) 285-6060高雄新興校冠緯補習班 高雄市五福二路79號3樓 (07) 216-1656台南站前校心遠景補習班 台南市北門路一段184號 (06) 228-8366彰化校家家補習班 彰化市中華路93號4樓 (04) 723-1877台中來來校中儒林補習班 台中市三民路三段125號6樓 (04) 2223-4389台中北屯校楊宜修補習班 台中市文心路201號5樓 (04) 2297-5666相關字詞:高雄教育、高雄英文、高雄多益、高雄托福考、高雄英文補習班、高中美語、高中補習班、英文補習班、英語教學、英文線上試聽教學High school tocollegeEnglish teaching professional team!Where the province Yu classroom (from south to north)Direct Pingtung University (Pingtung Head Office)6th Floor, No. 3-8 Yu who cram Pingtung City, Fujian Road(08)733-6177Kaohsiung China school (adult American Englishdepartments)5th Floor, 108 Kaohsiung China Citi American English cramthree-way(07) 216-1001Kaohsiung Station schoolJieSheng cram Kaohsiung Zhongshan Road No. 311 (07) 285-6060Kaohsiung new schoolDr. Chen Wei crown cram Kaohsiung Road No. 79, 3rd Floor,(07)216-1656Tainan Station schoolHeart Vision cram some 184 North Gate Road, Tainan City(06)228-8366Changhua schoolChinese families cram Changhua Road, 4th Floor, 93 (04)723-1877Taichung to come to the schoolRulin cram in Taichung City, San Min Rd, 6th Floor, 125(04)2223-4389Taichung Beitun schoolYang Yi Wen Xiu cram Mind Taichung 201, 5th Floor (04)2297-5666Related terms: Kaohsiung education, English KaohsiungKaohsiungTOEIC, TOEFL Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung English cram school,high schoolAmerican English, high school cram, cram in English,Englishteaching, teaching English online audition
US美髮美妝沙龍 1.0.9
國信汽車二手車訊 1.1.5
今喜生活集團 1.0.0
今喜旅遊TEL:07-3161983chinhsits@yahoo.com.tw今喜通運TEL:07-3113111jinshiibus@yahoo.com.tw喜品生物科技TEL:07-3137258xipin3137258@gmail.com營業時間:周一至周五 09:00~18:00地址:高雄市三民區博愛一路189號9FToday Hi tourismTEL: 07-3161983chinhsits@yahoo.com.twToday Hi ExpressTEL: 07-3113111jinshiibus@yahoo.com.twHi biotech productsTEL: 07-3137258xipin3137258@gmail.comOpening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 ~ 18:00Address: Kaohsiung Sanmin District No. 189 9F Fraternity
國際青年商會南區會 1.1.5
青商運動是一個青年人步入社會服務性社團的發展過程。由美國開始,逐漸擴散至全世界各大洲,然後在許多國家持續發展。1915年10月13日在美國密蘇里州聖路易斯巿,一位名叫亨利.葛森宓(HenryGiessenbier)的青年,和朋友們組成一個叫「青年勵進會」(Young Men's Progress CivicAssociation)的團體,在「訓練自己、服務人群」的信念下,聯合青年們一起為地方服務,做一個優良的公民。這就是青商運動的起源。「青年勵進會」成立後,積極推展各項社會服務活動,吸引了很多有志青年的參與,因此在六個月內會員便由原來的32人擴展至750人。快速的進展,使得成員更加熱心推展這個社團的活動,也得到社會更多的迴響與支持,在1916年,社團的名稱改為「青年公民協會」(JuniorCitizens),簡稱 J.C.。1919年這個社團得到聖路易市商會的支持與贊助,因此改名為「青年商會」(Junior Chamber ofCommerce),至此,聖路易市的青商會推展運動,已不再局限於當地的青年,而逐漸擴大至美國各地,許多地方都紛紛成立了青商社團。美國全國性的「青年商會」終於在1920年6月成立了。青年商會的發起人葛森宓,在全美青年商會成立之時,說明青年商會主要的目的為:1.促進國內青年團體的合作。2.促進此類團體的效率和發展。3.提供青年人研究本地、本州、本國團體的機會。4.用各種積極的方法,提高會員的辦事能力。5.對影響國內民間商業利益的問題,透過討論方式來獲得一致的意見和行動。青年商會的宗旨,在此時由原來的「訓練自己、服務人群」進一步擴充,加入團結、合作、了解、效率等主題,同時強調其性質為「非宗教性、非政治性」的「永久性」社團,以「服務」為其基本原則。青商會發展至此時,大致上已有相當清楚的方向、原則和組織型態。積極在各地成立分會,除參與青商各項訓練及活動外,也鼓勵分會成員努力推展社區服務工作,因而形成了青商社團的基本活動模式。自1915年開始,許多的美國知識青年參加這個社團,他們多半具有獨立的經濟能力、一定的社會地位,在自己的工作餘暇,想為社會做更多的事,也想多訓練自己的能力。這些充滿朝氣及活力的年輕菁英,透過這種自發性的社團組織,發揮自己的才能及熱情,回饋社會,同時學習合作與民主精神。於是,這個運動不僅成為美國全國的運動,更進一步擴展至海外。青年商會的國際化青商運動,原本只是美國青年在第一次世界大戰期間,因為感到青年們在社會上需要互助合作、關懷社區及從事公益服務,而形成的青年社團運動。在大戰結束後,它不僅成為美國全國性的運動;也在加拿大、英國紛紛成立分會,繼而擴展到中、南美洲各國,以及大洋洲的澳洲、紐西蘭等國家。青商運動的國際化後,各國的青商組織也在1932年首次聯合成一個組織。1932年,美國的青商大會在加州的巴薩迪那(Pasadena)舉行。同年,奧林匹克運動大會也在洛杉磯舉行,因此許多外國的青商會員順道前來參加青商大會。在此機緣下,各國代表商議成立「青商國際執行委員會」(InternationalExecutive Council of Junior Chamber ofCommerce),會員包括:美國、墨西哥、加拿大、紐西蘭。這是第一次國際性青商組織的嘗試。但這個組織的定位不夠明確,到了1935年便停止活動了。第二次世界大戰日本戰機於1941年12月7日轟炸美國珍珠港海軍基地後,美國青商會感到美國需要和中南美洲的國家有更多的合作,於是決定支持、幫助中南美洲國家成立青商會,並積極尋求建立青年商會的機會。1944年,時機終於成熟,當年在墨西哥(Mexico)舉行的會議,邀請了美洲及其他地區有青商社團的國家參加,宣佈成立國際青年商會(JuniorChamber International 簡稱 JCI)並以其成立的日子,即12月11日,為「國際青商日」(JCIDAY)。葛森宓在第一次世界大戰期間發起的青商運動,在第二次世界大戰時邁向一個新紀元。主要的原因是,戰爭使青年在社會中的角色突顯出來,使社會意識到青年的力量,提高青年對自己的期許,及對社會的責任。第二次世界大戰使美國放棄在國際孤立的態度,並認識到國際合作的重要性。當時美國的青商會發現他們也必須與其他國家的青商運動結合,於是才積極地推動青商國際組織的成立。1946年2月,在巴拿馬舉行國際青年商會第一次世界大會,通過了國際青年商會憲章,並提出「國際青年商會信條」(THE JCICREED)如下。在第一次大會上,並規定青商運動的參與者必須是年滿二十歲至三十五歲的青年。因為青年擁有純潔、熱情及理想的性格。國際青年商會成立後,美國總會會長指出:「青商會不僅是個組織嚴密的團體,應該也可說是全世界青年的團體,更是一項尋求人類親善與和平的團體」。至今,青商會已成為全世界最大的青年組織,遍及各大洲,而且每年都有新的分會成立。青商運動方興未艾。目前青商會共有91個國家總會,8571個地方分會,近三十五萬名個人會員;使用四種通訊語言,分別是:法文、西班牙文、英文、日文;每年召開世界大會及區域性會議。中華民國青商沿革民國40年(西元1951年)2月,世界青商主管亞洲區副主席菲籍維蘭紐瓦(Mr. Rober to T.Villarnuew)來華訪問,他希望把青商運動推介給我國青年朋友,他透過菲律賓駐華公使艾德瓦的介紹,認識在外交部任職的王國銓。並由王國銓出面邀請張廉、馮玉衡、沈杉等十二位中外青年舉行了一個座談會,詳細的報告青商的精神和宗旨,鼓勵大家籌備成立中國分會,敦促派員出席在香港、日本舉行的一、二屆青商亞洲區年會,這幾點都被接受了,並立即成立一個臨時籌備小組,推馮玉衡為組長,王國銓為祕書,負責籌備組織分會事宜。王國銓以觀察員的身份,先後參加了不久之後在香港及翌年在日本舉行的第一、二屆青年亞洲區年會,對青商精神獲得深刻印象,他充滿了擴展青商運動的熱心,回國決定組織中國分會,終於在張廉驤、謝震、周基正、張名湘、王詩珣、黃亮、丁維棟、張任飛、漆敬堯、沈逵聲、張仲仁、葉清平、丁元生、潘力生、胡維敏、王國銓、朱肇筠、呂松盛、李明豫等十九人為籌備委員,張廉驤(首任總會長)為召集人,積極籌備,再經呈內政部准予在民國42年3月1日舉行成立大會,國際青年商會中華民國總會因而正式誕生。國際青年商會中華民國分會經內政部核准在台北市成立後,當時名稱是中國國際貿易友誼協會(Junior Chamber ofRepublic ofChina),後為配合世界總會名稱,直到50年12月間在台中召開第九屆年會時決議呈准內政部名為「中華民國青年商會」,51年2月又呈准更名為「國際青年商會中華民國總會」。國際青年商會中華民國總會目前在台灣省各縣市及重要鄉鎮均有分會組織到2014年共計有156個分會,六仟多位現職會員。於每年召開之全國員代表大會選舉總會會長、理監事,代表全國會員行使會務活動及所有對外事宜。總會會址於台北市南京東路四段45號8樓,設有秘書處並聘受薪人員處理例行會務。「服務人群、訓練自己」是青商人最高的理想。國際青年商會中國民國總會為鼓勵青年服務社會、創造事業,發揚傑出成就,自民國52年開始舉辦「十大傑出青年」選拔,至今52屆成效卓越。
路上海蒸籠海鮮火鍋 1.1.5
路上海主廚林俊榮 — 「用平凡的食材 作出令人感動的滋味」有如夜上海這首歌,雖然是首老歌,但主廚林俊榮卻讓曲調和唱法充滿新意。路上海主廚林俊榮,血液裡絕對流動著濃郁的「職人精神」!年少時就已經立志培養自己成為一流的廚師,藉著犧牲睡眠的時間,勤奮不懈地在廚藝上琢磨!林俊榮卻從來不曾引以為苦,堅定執著地認為有付出必定會有收獲!而當他終於有機會去到日本,他願意做少見日本最傳統的學徒,無論環境多辛苦,或是每日只睡1個小時,他總是那位半夜站在雪地上,第一個等待老師傅開門的學徒。在日本的學習中,讓他知道真正的職人是「廚師是得向自己挑戰,並且學習不斷和時代進步,讓未來客人每一口都能吃得到感動」!這幾年他積極走訪大陸與國外體察市場,探尋新食材並且不斷地嚐試修正,找出屬於他自己的新美味主義!HL:「堆疊的層次味蕾 這鍋有意思」經過20年淬鍊,進行多年的廚藝學習經驗,他帶領團隊近年已在府城開立許多令人喜愛的餐廳;並且獲得國際美食養生大賽金牌,今年他要突破府城老饕們味覺的習慣!用他熟諳香料藥材入饌,選用放山雞,創新鑽研出獨家秘製配方的「干鍋鴨頭」與「花雕雞」,搭配透過古法手工竹蒸籠;去蒸出的每日嚴選的海鮮,透過堆疊的海鮮塔;層層滴入鮮甜美味!仿佛增添了能量與熱情;成為一鍋吃過的台南老饕們,都讚不絕口、嘖嘖稱奇的有意思好鍋!不只有濃郁風味,入口更誘人!繚繞感動的層次,十分引人回味!Chef Lin JunrongRoadShanghai - "made impressive use ordinary ingredients taste"Shanghai night like this song, although it is an old song,butlet Chef Lin Junrong tunes and singing full of new ideas.Chef Lin Junrong Road Shanghai, absolute blood flow with therich"level the spirit of man"! When the young had alreadydetermined hisdevelopment into a first-class chef, by sacrificingsleep time, hardwork and tireless efforts to pondering on cooking!Lin Junrong proudbut never bitter, clinging firmly believe thatthere is bound to beharvested to pay! And when he finally got thechance to go to Japan,he is willing to do the most traditionalapprenticeship rare inJapan, no matter how tough the environment,or sleep only one hour aday, he who always stood on the snow atnight, waiting for the firstGrandfather door apprentice.Study in Japan, let him know the real level are "the chef hadtochallenge themselves, and constantly learning and progress ofthetimes, so that future guests can get to eat every bite ofmoving!"In recent years he actively visited the mainland andabroadunderstand the market, to explore new ingredients andcontinue totry to fix, to find his own new doctrinedelicious!HL: "stack level taste buds this pot is interesting."After 20 years of quenching chain, carried out years ofculinarylearning experience, he led the team in recent years hasopened inthe city with many delightful restaurants; andinternational foodhealth gold medal contest, this year he wants tobreak the habit ofTainan connoisseurs of taste! He is well versedwith herbs spicesinto the dishes, put the pheasant choice,innovation and researchthe "Griddle duck head" exclusive secretrecipe through the healinghand of bamboo steamer with "Huadiaochicken" with; evaporated tocarefully selected daily seafood,seafood through stacked tower;layers of sweet and deliciousdropped! As if to add energy andenthusiasm; became eaten pot Tainanconnoisseurs, are full ofpraise, amazed interesting good pot! Notonly rich flavor, entrancemore attractive! Shrouded moved level,the introduction of verymemorable!
山澤伊餐飲連鎖 1.0.6
山沢伊連鎖餐飲成立於2016年,是由一群7年級生所創辦的餐廳,帶給繁忙的台北人在中午的時段,獻上沒壓力的視覺及味覺上的享受,我們嚴選食材,堅持當天現做給消費者健康新鮮的品質。Mountain Kanazawa Iraqirestaurant chain was founded in 2016 by a group of Grade 7 studentsfounded the restaurant, to bring people in Taipei at noon busyperiod, offer to enjoy the visual and taste no pressure on, wecarefully selected ingredients adhere to the same day now do to thehealth of consumers fresh quality.