Studio T Peluquería 2.0.5
Peluquería moderna y ecológica, todos nuestrosproductos son a base de flores y frutas!Trabajamos con la biocosmética, la cosmética del futuro, Spa ytratamientos estéticos, especializada en Novias.Modern andenvironmentally Barber, all our products are based on flowers andfruits!We work with biocosmética, cosmetics of the future, Spa andbeauty treatments, specializing in Brides.
Gasolina Lowcost 1.7
Mediante esta aplicación, podrás buscar la gasolinera más próxima yeconómica en la que podrás disfrutar de tus condiciones especiales.Gasolina Low Cost se basa en el principio de la compracolectiva. Cuantos más seamos, menos pagaremos.Además, podrás obtener increíbles descuentos en cambios deneumáticos, revisiones en talleres, seguros de automóvil y muchomás...¿Buscas una gasolinera barata? ¿A qué estás esperando?¡Descárgate ya la aplicación y empieza a ahorrar!Using thisapplication, you can find the nearest gas station and economicalthat you can enjoy your special conditions.Low Cost Gasoline is based on the principle of collectivebuying. The more we are, the less we pay.Also, you can get amazing discounts on tire changes, revisionsor workshop, car insurance and more ...Looking for a cheap gas station? So what are you waiting for?DOWNLOAD application and start saving!
QFM QMusica Radio 1.3
Qfm is Spain's Nº1 independent radio station,broadcasting a fusion of World Jazz, Blues, Soul, Funk, Chillout,Bossa, and Electronica. The station is based on the island ofTenerife, and shows are in English, Spanish and German languages.Qfm’s live online service, via www.qmusica.com, is the CanaryIsland’s most successful online station, with over 10,000 listenerseach day. Now, you can listen free on your device. The app chosesthe format most suited to your particular device for the mostreliable service.Enjoy the music!
Tu Boda In, bodas y eventos 3.0.3
Organizador de bodas y Eventos. WeddingPlanner. Organizamos vuestro enlace y diseñamos vuestro día avuestra medida.Wedding planner andEvents. Wedding Planner. We organize your design link your day toyour measure.
La Fresca FM Andalucía 1.2
Aplicación oficial de la emisora La Fresca FM,Andalucía.
T'apuntas comercios y turismo 2.6
Conoce el comercio local que te rodea cont'apuntasMeet local businessesaround you with t'apuntas
PostMinute Post Minute BCN 1.9.1
Te traemos lo que necesites, cuando lonecesites, en menos de una hora.Te ayudamos a salir de un apuro. ¿Cuantas veces estás de viajede negocios y no tienes el cargador del móvil? O tienes muchotrabajo, reuniones, exámenes... ¿y no tienes tiempo para comer? O,tal vez, necesites unos pañales para tu bebé y no hay nadie quepueda quedarse en casa para vigilarlo...¡Pero estás de suerte! Con la llegada de PostMinute, todos estosproblemas desaparecerán. Podrás seguir con tu ritmo diario y nocancelar ningún compromiso. Ahora ya puedes tener todo lo quedesees en menos de una hora y, si hechas algo en falta...contáctanos y haremos lo posible para proporcionártelo.We bring you what youneed, when you need it, in less than an hour.We help you to get out of trouble. How often do you travel forbusiness and do not have phone charger? Or you have a lot of work,meetings, exams ... and do not have time to eat? Or perhaps youneed some diapers for your baby and no one can stay home to watchhim ...But you're in luck! With the arrival of PostMinute, all theseproblems disappear. You can continue with your daily rhythm and notcancel any commitment. Now you can have anything you want in lessthan an hour and if done anything missing ... contact us and wewill try to provide this for you.
Radio Megawelle Tenerife 1.2
Aplicación oficial de la emisora de radioMegawelle Tenerife.Official application ofthe radio station Megawelle Tenerife.
Famecatch celebrities locator 3.4
Famecatch it's an app to locate celebrities onyour Smartphone at real time. Basicly it allows you to know inwhich hotel are your idols hosted, where are they having dinner at,the clubs they are parting or when are they landing at theairport.All the celebrities post pictures after they leave the place.Famecatch makes it possible, now you can find them and meet them,by sharing their location on live. Your idol could be around thecorner or maybe in front of you, but you don't even know it. Italso keeps up to date on the hotspots in your city wherecelebrities are most frequently spotted, such as hotels, clubs,restaurants…The users are the absolute main role, because they are who catchthe celebrities. The users take photos when they spot any celebrityand then, once this picture is upload on Famecatch, all thefollowers of this celeb will know when and where was the spotting.Time and place, totally accurated. This is what you get on yournotification.Also Famecatch has the option of chat and forum with other users,public or private, so you can share your opinion or maybe set ameeting to assist at any event with other fans of the sameidol.Then, when someone shares a picture of a famous person (time andplace tagged) all the followers of this celebrity will get anotification on his smartphones, instantly. So, Famecatch offers anew possibility to follow an unlimited number of singers, actors,models, quarterbacks,… and your own profile too, with your timelineof "Catches".But Famecatch doesn't stop here. It will also works reversely.Coming soon you will be able to know who is close to you (even ifyou do not follow this celebrity). How it works? Easy, turn on yourGPS and watch your smartphone or tablet, all the spots are pointedin a map... and you are the center of this map.To find your favorite celebrities it’s never been easier. Thosedays when you saw the picture of your idol too are gone, getFamecatch and meet them all!
Fact Worldwide Events 1.5
Aplicación oficial de Fact Worldwide Events.Entérate de todas nuestras fiestas y eventos gracias a nuestraaplicación oficial para iPhone.Apúntate en lista, participa en sorteos, disfruta de lasventajas exclusivas para los usuarios de la APP... ¡y muchomás!Official application ofFact Worldwide Events.Learn about all our parties and events through our officialiPhone application.List Join, participate in sweepstakes, enjoying the uniquebenefits to users of the APP ... and more!
Teatre Principal Barcelona 1.8
El Teatre Principal una sala multidisciplinarypolivalente dedicado a la industria creativa y las artesescénicas,donde tendrán cabida diversas disciplinas con losvalores añadidosde la creatividad y la tendencia.The TeatrePrincipalmultidisciplinary and multipurpose room dedicated tocreative andperforming arts industry, which will accommodatevariousdisciplines with the added values ​​of creativity andtrend.
Pericos Online 3.2
Des de la seva creació, l'any 2004, unabonamunió d'espanyolistes han format part de la famíliadePericosOnline.Des creació theseva,l'any 2004 a bona format Munio d'espanyolistes have part ofthefamily of PericosOnline.
La Mega FM 2.0
Aplicación oficial de La Mega Radio FM.The officialapplicationof Radio Mega FM.
Civinet Masnou 1.2
Civinet Masnou, joc per a mòbils queensenyaals masnovins i masnovines la importància de sercívics.Civinet Masnou mobilegamethat teaches masnovins masnovines and the importance ofbeingcivil.
Francesc Vayreda, Museu d'Olot 1.4
Catàleg digital de l'Exposició:FrancescVayreda, de l’impressionisme al Noucentisme aCatalunya.Museus d'Olot.Digital catalog oftheexhibition: Francis Vayreda of Impressionism in NoucentisminCatalonia.Museums Olot.
Sala BIKINI discoteca 2.2.1
Sala Bikini Barcelona, app móvil oficial deladiscoteca. Lista VIP y más.Regístrate en la red social exclusiva de SalaBikiniBarcelona.Entérate de todas nuestras fiestas y eventos, accede a listas VIPymucho más desde la APP.Sorteos, concursos...Sala BikiniBarcelona,​​official mobile app of the club. VIP list andmore.Join the social network exclusive Sala Bikini Barcelona.Learn about all our events, VIP access lists and more fromtheAPP.Sweepstakes, contests ...
Nick Havanna Barcelona 1.5
Bájate la aplicación oficial de ladiscotecaNick Havanna Barcelona.Entérate de todas nuestras fiestas y eventos.Apúntate a nuestras listas para tener ventajas exclusivas,entraren sorteos y... ¡mucho más!Download the officialappof Nick Havanna club Barcelona.Learn about all our parties and events.Join our list to get exclusive rewards, enter sweepstakes and...more!