AHSCBC التطبيقات

Prime Number Generator 1.0
A Fun and Cool Looking Prime NumberGenerator.Fast results up to 100000.One of the fastest ways to find prime numbers.It is an attractive app for school kids to generate prime numbers.Please leave your feedback!
Hypertension Treatment JNC 8 1.0
Medications with dosing added to a thepractical tool to help guide treatment of Hypertension based onlatest JNC 8, 2014 Guidelines.Just put age, and BP settings as well as check whether Diabetes orKidney Disease is present or not and the tool guides through thetreatment options.Up-to-date tool for evidence based management of hypertension(elevated blood pressure).Treatment medications with dosing added.Great tool for treatment of high blood pressure.Disclaimer: Developer carries no liability for medical decisionsmade by users of this application.Please leave your feedback.Check out our other apps.1-PFT Interpreter and COPD Treatment Tool.2-Lung Cancer Staging 7th ed.3-Diabetes Mellitus II Treatment Algorithm.4-Code911 App for Emergency Communication with contacts and911.Disclaimer: The developer is not liable for any decisions made byusers of these applications.
Selfie Time Lapse Camera 1.0
This app is a must have for everyday use. Itallows you to take pictures of yourself, your loved one, your babyor anybody or anything you choose at a time interval and watch themon your screen at a fast pace.You can take a picture of yourself every day all-year and thenreplay the images all at once.Photos taken are played in sequence regardless of your usual use ofyour camera outside this app.You can replay pictures manually or as a slideshow.You can also adjust the playback speed.When you take a picture it allows you to accept or reject theimage taken. Once accepted it gets stored in a database in yourphone independent of your photo gallery, so you can always watchyour images in the sequence they were taken.You can also review them in the gallery. Some phones need to bepowered off then restarted to move pictures into gallery. To seepictures in full quality, we recommend that you review them on yourcomputer monitor after you sync your device.Since screen sizes differ there is an option to correct fordifferent displays.The picture quality is that of the device.If you uninstall the program and re-install it you will start anew series of pictures. You will not lose your old series.It will remain on your phone.We strongly recommend to always back-up your photos to acomputer however.Disclaimer:The developer is not liable for any lost images.Always backup your phone or tablet to a PC.
Diabetes Mellitus 2 Treatment 1.0
Easy overview and step-wise approach to treatDiabetes Mellitus 2.Based on Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2014American Diabetes AssociationDisclaimer; Developer is not liable for any decisions made byusers of this application.
Candy Doodle Alphabet 1.0
Candy Doodle Alphabet is a fun way forchildren to practice writing and to develop their hand-eyecoordination by tracing the letters of the alphabet using theOrientation-Sensor. This is lots of fun for all ages!Need a break? Press the Off-Button and use your fingertipinstead. Move the slider to change paint-width in that mode. Pressand hold the Off-Button and move on to the next letter. Press theOn-Button to turn the sensor tracing back on. Press On-Button againto reset at any time.To add some challenge try to maintain a score 950 or higher foreach letter. Stay at a 1000 and you’re a Champion!Enjoy the game!And by the way your feedback is appreciated.
Emergency Phone Family and 911 1.0
Please read carefully!This application provides a clear and easy to operate screen tocallfor help when needed. It allows easy access to 4 contactsordirectly call 911 (or any emergency number you enter basedoncountry). Push the 911 button and 911 (or your localemergencynumber in countries using other numbers) will be dialed,you willthen press the talk or send button to complete the call.The 911call option can be disabled and re-enabled.To keep the contacts on the screen you have to assign4 contacts. If you do not have 4 contacts you can assign onecontactmore than once. The app will not store the numbers untilall 4contact buttons are assigned!You can contact 4 people individually by phone or by textingall4 contacts with the push of 1 button. It will send thefollowingtext message: “This is an Emergency! I need help!”. Forthis tofunction the sending and receiving phones have to be SMSenabledphones. The receiver will depend on the caller ID torecognize thesender of the message. The app will confirmtransmission of SMSmessage by voice alert. 911 option can bedisabled on set-up. Youcan always reassign the phone numbers aswell as enable/disable 911Button by placing the 1234 Password andreset. The Text-All Buttonand the 911 Button require a long click(press and hold) to avoidunintentional activation. The app worksonly when open. It shouldbe placed on the home screen or screenanchor next to the phoneicon for easy access. App can be used innon-emergency situationsfor easy access of contacts. And inemergency it provides a simplemeans to contact family members,neighbors, physicians or 911 ifnecessary.Disclaimer: The developer of this app is not liable foranypersonal harm or injury. This app is for free and designed to beofassistance but as such can have glitches due to malfunctionwhichcan occur as a result of faulty operation or technicalreasons.This app should not be considered as an alternative for alifealert system!
Personal Time Lapse Camera 1.0
This is the free app version. The proversion"Selfie Time Lapse Camera" by AHSCBC offers variablespeedslideshow with image adjustment.This app allows you to take pictures of yourself, your lovedone,your baby or anybody or anything you choose at a time intervalandwatch them on your screen at a fast pace.You can take a picture of yourself every day all-year andthenreplay the images all at once.Photos taken are played in sequence regardless of your usual useofyour camera outside this app.When you take a picture it allows you to accept or rejecttheimage taken. Once accepted it gets stored in a database inyourphone independent of your photo gallery, so you can alwayswatchyour images in the sequence they were taken.Disclaimer:This is app is not intended for professional use.The developer is not liable for any lost images.Always backup your phone or tablet on a PC.
PFT Interpreter & COPD Rx 1.0
The "PFT Interpreter & COPD TreatmentTool"application is a comprehensive application intended to helpmedicalprofessionals interpret PFT results and suggest treatment(for adultpatients only) based on COPD severity. It should be usedinconjunction with the clinical presentation. It shouldguidetreatment options not limit them. It lists categories and doesnotprovide an exhaustive list of medications. It is not analternativeto the detailed guidelines in the medical literature.Disclaimer: The developer of this application is not liableforany medical decisions made by users of this application!
Lung Cancer Staging 7thEdition 1.0
Practical and easy to use lung cancerstagingtool, instantly adjusting as you modify the findingsandinputs.It is based on the American Joint Committee on Cancer7thEdition.
Spirometry & COPD Treatment 1.0
The only practical SpirometryInterpreteravailable on Google Play.The "Spirometry Interpreter & Severity Based COPDTreatment"application is a tool to help medical professionalsinterpretspirometry results and suggest treatment based on COPDseverity. Itshould be used in conjunction with the clinicalpresentation. Itshould guide treatment options not limit them. Itlists broadcategories and does not provide an exhaustive list oftreatmentoptions. It is not an alternative to the detailedguidelines in themedical literature.It is based on guidelines as recommended by the AmericanThoracicSociety / European Respiratory Society.Also check out the Full PFT Interpreter and Treatment App.Disclaimer: The developer of this application carriesnoliability for any decisions made by users of thisapplication!