Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA التطبيقات

Lean Office 1.0
Are you losing money due to wasted effort and low productivity ofyour knowledge workers? Is your office inefficiency leading to lowworker morale and high workforce turnover? Are you losing customersor irritated due to disorganized office practices? Applying Leanprinciples to your office operations can solve these problems andcreate efficient knowledge workers that are a real competitiveadvantage. Given the success that Lean Manufacturing has shown incleaning up production processes, why not achieve a Lean Enterpriseby driving Lean Office practices into the front office whereinefficient procedures, paperwork and bureaucracy in one area canstall the leanest efforts of other operations. Lean is not aboutcutting staff and resources. Instead, it is about: • Focusingpeople’s efforts creating value for the customer and eliminatingwaste. • Speeding up the operation by eliminating idle time createdby paperwork and bureaucracy.
5s Lean Manufacturing 1.0
Understanding what lean manufacturing isdoesnot take rocket science, nor does it take a conference oftenexperts to bear down to the basic concepts. Simply put,leanmanufacturing is the achievement of the greatest efficiencyandprofitability for a company by eliminating the wasteful methodsandactivities that are commonly present in corporate regimes.At first glance, some firms are intimated with the thoughtofadopting lean manufacturing because of its fancy soundingname.But, if truth be told, it is actually easier than seems. Whatyoujust need to have is the dedication and the discipline toseethings through and make change happen.