Agent Assist التطبيقات

Fundi 1.0.0
Agent Assist
Fundi offers consumers discounts to favoritelocal restaurants and merchants while also providing a percentagefrom each purchase to your favorite charities. It’s a money saverfor consumers, a turn-key donation request platform forrestaurants/merchants and a seamless fundraising program for localcharities.FUNDi is a simple solution for consumers, local charities, andlocal merchants to easily work together to create awareness of thecharitable organization, raise funds for the charity and reward thecharities supporters for their participation with significantdiscounts from their favorite local merchants and restaurants.Download FUNDI’s App to instantly access your discounted FUNDIcertificates on your mobile device anytime you want!
Agentassist 1.0.0
Agent Assist
Digital open house sign-in app with pre-setdrip campaigns for automated follow up and Optimized Lead CaptureSingle Property website creator for any real estate listing!Optimized Lead Capture Single Property Website:For every open home you host, create a single property webpagedesigned to get potential buyers to opt-in to request moreinformation. Our easy to use single-page builder is complete with avideo creator to create a high quality virtual tours with optionaltext or voice over image descriptions with ease. Combine the SingleProperty Website with our step by step social media trafficstrategy and you'll learn how to maximize the leads generatedthrough this page.Pre-Set Drip Campaigns:Immediately start your follow up with potential clients rightfrom any open home. You'll choose a Drip-Campaign Template based onwhether the lead came from a Buyer, Seller, or Online lead fromyour Single Property page. Once you've captured a lead's email,your pre-set drip campaign automatically follows up with them. ThePre-Set Drip Campaigns are completely customizable. Use ours orcreate your own with attachments such as disclosures or a quickarea market analysis. Start the lead nurturing process right away,increase your productivity instantly, generate more leads, andclose more deals.Digital Open Home Sign In Sheet:As potential buyers and sellers walk through your open home,invite them to sign in on our App. Once they've chosen to give youtheir information, the lead will be asked whether they're a buyeror a neighbor (potential seller) thus triggering a specific dripcampaign. You'll receive a full report after you've closed the openhouse.Key Features:- Learn Cutting Edge Social Media Lead Generation Strategies- Create simple Mobile and Web Open Home web pages inminutes.- Learn to Gamify Real Estate Lead Generation by raffling off giftcards to only those who opt-in.- Start the automatic email follow-up to a potential buyer orSeller right away.
Get Points 1.0.0
Agent Assist
Earning loyalty reward points fromlocalmerchants has now never been easier with the GETPOINTS app.Join any merchant’s loyalty reward program in our networksimplyby clicking on their join rewards button and then every timeyoumake a purchase or dine out you'll earn reward points towardfreeitems and gift certificates every time. After downloadingtheGETPOINTS app simply register your credit or debit card onceanduse your linked credit or debit card at that location.Say goodbye to digging through your purse or wallet tofindreward cards. Now you’ll be able to access all your rewardsandredeem them right from your phone and instantly get text oremailalerts when you earn rewards.Download the Getpoints App and see how simple it is tostartearning rewards.
GetPoints 8.4.0
Agent Assist
Join any merchant’s loyalty reward program.