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Dimmer : Night reading Screen 1.0
Dimmer lets you reduce your screen brightnessbelow the level that Android allows. It's very helpful to avoid eyestrain when using the phone in the night.The app has a minimalist interface to keep things sweet andsimple. The background service has negligible battery and memoryconsumption and runs only when it is turned ON.It works by creating an always-on-top translucent overlay, whenON. It does not mess around with your phone's brightness settingsin any way.Features :- Widget for one-touch operation- Timer to turn off service automatically- Turn off option in NotificationNote : For some users, the widget stops responding after sometime. This is because of a weird behaviour of widgets in theAndroid OS. Just use the button in the app once if this happens. Itwill refresh the widget and make it work.This project is Open Source. Feel free to have a look :
Lifrack : Activity tracker 1.05
Track your activities/habits with Lifrack.Use cases→ Track your study duration and target specific conceptstolearn.→ Use it as a reminder for your daily dose of vitamins.→ Use it as a log to keep track of the times you have gone tothegym.Schedule your activitiesBy creating schedules and reminders, you can rest assured thatyouare being consistent in performing your activity and NOTgraduallygoing off-track.Focus on targetsCreating small achievable targets can help you stay focused onyouractivity by positive reinforcement. Nothing feels betterthanknowing you are progressing in one way or the other.Count every step of the wayVarious counters give instant feedback on performance andhistory.It can help bring structure to your routine and providedata toassess how far you have come since you started.Philosophy : Consistency over motivationThe only guaranteed way known to humanity to bring change intoyourlife is by repetition. Wanting to do something new can beextremelyfrustrating and procrastination-inducing. Motivation mayhelp inthe short term, but it will inevitably burn out prettyquick.Instead, perform an activity enough number of times and itgetsseared into your brain by changing your brain's neuralconnectionsand default pathways. An impossible dream transformsinto anachievable goal. This tried and tested method can be appliedtoanything like improving muscle tone by exercising orachievingmindfulness through meditation or learning a new language.Lifrackhelps you on your journey to make change a constant in yourlifeand to ensure each day is better than the last.Open Source :