AppInMed AB التطبيقات

Kirurgveckan 2015 1.0.4
AppInMed AB
Kirurgveckan 2015 i Örebro.Surgeon Week 2015 inÖrebro.
WADC 2016 1.0.0
AppInMed AB
Application for the 3rd World AquaticDevelopment Conference and Nordic and International Learn to SwimConferenceIn our conference app you will find information about program,sponsors, abstracts, powerpoints, speakers etc. You can also designyour own schedule and keep notes.Download the app for free and get the latest information aboutWADC 2016. The app will give you the latest information about ourfour days in Lund.Welcome!!World Aquatic Development Conference (WADC) 2014 , organised bySwedish Center for Aquatic Research (SCAR), will present astar-studded program of innovative swimming experts, coaches, andelite athletes. All speakers on this list are recognised for theircreative lateral thinking, and their persistence in askingchallenging questions about the future directions of competitiveswimming.SCAR is also very happy to announce Nordic and InternationalLearn to Swim Conference. This year the conference will be ajointApplication for the 3rdWorld Aquatic Development Conference and the Nordic andInternational Learn to Swim ConferenceIn our conference updates you will find information aboutprograms, sponsors, abstracts, powerpoints, speakers, etc. You CanAlso design your own schedule and keep notes.Download the app for free and get the latest information aboutWADC 2016. The app will give you the latest information about ourfour days in Lund.Welcome !!World Aquatic Development Conference (WADC) in 2014, Organisedby the Swedish Center for Aquatic Research (SCAR), will present astar-studded programs of Innovative swimming experts, coaches andelite athletes. All speakers on this list are Recognised for Theircreative lateral thinking, and Their persistence in askingchallenging questions about the future directions of competitiveswimming.SCAR is alsovery happy to announce Nordic and InternationalLearn to Swim Conference. This year the conference will be ajoint
Ortopedkliniken SUS 1.0.2
AppInMed AB
Ortopedkliniken SUSOrtopeden SUSOrtopedkliniken SUSOrthopedics SUS
Handkirurgen SUS 1.0.0
AppInMed AB
En klinikapp för internt bruk påHandkirurgenSUS.A klinikapp forinternaluse in the hand surgeon SUS.
Chefsdagen 2015 1.0.2
AppInMed AB
Välkommen till Region Skånes chefsdag,eninnehållsrik dag om hur ett värderingsstyrt ledarskap hjälperossatt navigera i en tid präglad av globalisering, urbaniseringochdigitalisering.Vi ses på Malmö Arena, onsdagen den 18 november,kl08:30-16:00.Welcome to RegionSkåneManager's day, a long day of how a values-driven leadershipwillhelp us navigate in the era of globalization, urbanizationanddigitization.See you at the Malmo Arena, Wednesday, November 18, at 08:30-16:00th
AppInConf Multimeeting 1.0.6
AppInMed AB
Appen för flera event, skapadavAppInMed!The app for theevent,created by AppInMed!
AppInConf Branded 1.0.1
AppInMed AB
Appen för ditt event!Skapad av AppInMed.The app for your event!Created by AppInMed.
Mitt ! Liv 1.0.1
AppInMed AB
Mitt ! Liv är en app för personer ”mitt ilivet” som vill ha snabb och enkel åtkomst till attraktivaprodukter och tjänster som ska göra vardagen lite enklare.Sökord: Mitt i LivMy! Life is an app forpeople "center of life" who want quick and easy access toattractive products and services that will make life a littleeasier.Keywords: My Life in
Sveriges Ögonläk. Årsmöte 2015 1.0.1
AppInMed AB
Ögonsjukvården vidSahlgrenskaUniversitetssjukhuset har nöjet att inbjuda till årsmötesom kommeratt hållas på Svenska Mässan i hjärtat av Göteborg26-28/8 2015.Det vetenskapliga programmet rymmer både bredd och spjutspetsmedkurser för uppdatering inom ett flertal områden och föredragavnationella och internationella oftalmologiska storheter. Enfylligutställningsdel med det senaste inom medicin och teknikkommerförstås också att finnas. Det sociala programmetinnehållersamvaro, natur, kultur , båttur och förstås denobligatoriskagolfturneringen “Eyes wide open”. Vi hoppas kunna fåvisa upp endel av vad Göteborgsområdet har att erbjuda.Sveriges framsida är lätt att nå via tåg, bil, flyg ellerännuhellre med båt. Hjärtligt välkomna att droppa in tillinspirerandeoch upplysande dagar tillsammans med oss!Vi hoppas att få se så många som möjligt i Göteborg iaugusti2015,Lokala organisationskommitténgenomAnders Bergström • Anders Möller Andersen • Karin SundelinWolf Wonneberger • Madeleine ZetterbergSÖF2015, SÖF 2015.Eye Health Care attheSahlgrenska University Hospital has the pleasure to invite youtothe annual meeting which will be held at the SwedishExhibitionCentre in the heart of Gothenburg 26-28 / 8 2015thThe scientific program has both breadth and cutting-edgecoursesfor updating in several areas and lectures by nationalandinternational ophthalmological quantities. A rich exhibitionareawith the latest in medicine and technology will of course alsobeincluded. The social program includes socializing, nature,culture,boat trip and of course the obligatory golf tournament"Eyes WideOpen". We hope to showcase some of what the Gothenburgarea has tooffer.Sweden's front is easily reached by train, car, plane, orevenbetter by boat. Welcome to drip into the inspiring andinformativedays with us!We hope to see as many as possible in Gothenburg inAugust2015;Local Organising CommitteebyAnders Bergström • Anders Moller Andersen • Karin SundelinWolf Wonneberger • Madeleine ZetterbergSÖF2015, SÖF 2015th
Kulturnatten i Landskrona 0.9.0
AppInMed AB
Varje höst, för en kväll, lyserKulturnattenupp höstmörkret och runt om centrum finns aktiviteterför stora ochsmå. Stan myllrar av kulturliv!Välkomna till Kulturnatten i Landskrona, 14 oktober!Every autumn, foranevening, lights Kulturnatten up the darkness and around thecenterthere are activities for young and old. Town teems withculturallife!Welcome to Culture Night in Landskrona, October 14!
Acta Orthopaedica
AppInMed AB
Acta Orthopaedica (previously ActaOrthopaedicaScandinavica) presents original articles of basicresearch interest,as well as clinical studies in the field oforthopedics and relatedsubdisciplines. Ever since the journal wasfounded in 1930, by agroup of Scandinavian orthopedic surgeons,the journal has beenpublished for an international audience withoriginal papers fromall parts of the world. Articles requiringextensive space, such asmonographs and doctoral theses arepublished as supplements. Overthe years, Acta Orthopaedica hasissued more than 300 supplements.Acta is distributed by InformaHealthcare.Acta Orthopaedica ( is a non-profit,OpenAccess journal (free of cost also for authors) owned by theNordicOrthopaedic Federation and the official publication ofthisfederation. All articles, full-text, published since start 1930arefree and can be found on this App (or via PubMed or at Taylor&Francis/Informa Health Care (search for ActaOrthopaedicaScandinavica until 2004, thereafter Acta Orthopaedica).Allarticles are distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommonsAttribution Noncommercial License which permits anynoncommercialuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided thesource is credited.On this App you find all articles and supplements publishedsince1930 until now. The App is regularly updated with recentlyacceptedarticles. Each article has a link to Google Scholar wereyou canfind how often the (your!) article has been cited.
Palliativ 2016 1.0.0
AppInMed AB
Inriktningen på den 4:e Nationellakonferensenär Palliativ vård i brytningstid. Vi hoppas att du påkonferensenska känna att du både får lära dig något nytt och fårmöjlighet attdela med dig av dina erfarenheter. Programmet ärriktat till allasom arbetar i den palliativa vården oavsettvårdform, vårdnivåeller diagnoser. Vi ser fram emot aktivkommunikation mellansessionsledare och deltagare och hoppas på eninteraktivkonferens.The focus of the4thNational Conference is Palliative Care in transition. We hopethatthe conference should feel that you both get to learn somethingnewand get the opportunity to share your experiences. The programisaimed at anyone working in palliative care regardless of theformof care, care level or diagnoses. We look forward toactivecommunication between session leaders and participants andhope foran interactive conference.
Svenska Thoraxmötet 2016 1.0.1
AppInMed AB
Årets möte fokuserar på fyra områden somallainnebär spännande utmaningar för thorax allaprofessioner:minimal-invasiv kirurgi, komplex hjärtkirurgi,modernklaffbehandling och personcentrerad vård. Till vår hjälp harvibjudit in de mest framstående experterna inom varje område ochviär väldigt glada för den positiva respons vi fick. Detblirmatnyttigt och ett unikt tillfälle för givande diskussioner iettmindre forum.This year'smeetingfocused on four areas that all the exciting challenges ofThoracicall professions: minimally-invasive surgery, complexcardiacsurgery, valvular modern therapy and person-centered care.To helpus, we have invited the most prominent experts in everyfield andwe are very pleased with the positive response we got. Itbecomesuseful information and a unique opportunity forfruitfuldiscussions in a smaller forum.
Landskrona Foto Festival 2016 1.0.4
AppInMed AB
Ten days of exhibitions, photo books,seminars,portfolio reviews, artist talks, and more. Since thestart fouryears ago Landskrona Foto Festival has established itsposition asan international meeting place for photographers andthose with aninterest in photography. Renowned artists areexhibited alongsidenew, promising names and many of the pictureson display have neverbeen shown in Sweden or Scandinavia before.We take photographyseriously.Photographers such as Duane Michals, Nan Goldin, LarsTunbjörkand Tacita Dean have exhibited at previous festivals andthe visionfor the 2016 edition is as, if not more, ambitious. Undertheartistic direction of Christian Caujolle and Jenny Nordquist wearelooking forward to yet another year of exciting andinnovativephotography.Welcome to Landskrona Foto Festival 2016.Ten days ofexhibitions,photobooks, seminars, portfolio reviews, artist talks,and more.Since the start four years ago Landskrona Photo Festivalhasestablished its position as an international meeting placeforphotographers and Those with an interest in photography.Renownedartists are exhibited alongside new, promising names andmany ofthe pictures on display have never been shown in SwedenorScandinavia before. We take photography seriously.Photographers Such as Duane Michals, Nan Goldin, LarsTunbjörkand Tacita Dean have exhibited at previous festivals andthe visionfor the 2016 edition is as, if not more, ambitious. Undertheartistic direction of Christian Caujolle and Jenny Nordquist wearelooking forward to yet another year of exciting andinnovativephotography.Welcome to Landskrona Photo Festival in 2016.
Ménière Lund 1.0.0
AppInMed AB
Detta är en träningsapp för dig medMénièressjukdom. Här hittar du information om sjukdomen och hur mantränarbalansen vid Ménières sjukdom. Här finns ett antal filmer somvisarövningar om du känner dig gungig och ostadig samt övningar omdutycker att blicken inte kan följa med när du rör dig.This is one's fitnessforthose with Meniere's disease. Here you will find informationaboutthe disease and how to train the balance of Ménière's disease.Hereare a number of videos showing exercises if you feel rockingandunsteady and exercises if you think that the eyes can not followasyou move.
BB Kristianstad 1.0.0
AppInMed AB
BB Kristianstad är appen förBB-avdelningen053-054 på Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad. Här hittardu allinformation du behöver i anslutning till en förlossninghososs.BB Kristianstad is theappfor the maternity ward at 053-054 Central HospitalKristianstad.Here you can find all the information you need inconnection with abirth in us.