AppsEdoo التطبيقات

Chemistry Lessons - 2 1.0
The app, CHEMISTRY LESSONS-2, has lots oflessons on the subject. They contain videos, curated from YouTube.The contents are structured in such a way as to cover all thetopics that are required to write exams like IIT-JEE,SAT-Chemistry, AP-Level Chemistry, GCSE Chemistry etc. Class 11 and12 students appearing for Indian CBSE/State Board too would findapp just perfect.Since the complete syllabus is covered with lessons and videos,the student can use this app as a reference tool for gettingclarity in concepts and also for last minute revision beforeexams.(NOTE TO TEACHERS: If you are a teacher, this app will be a boonfor you as this will help you pick up new tricks and new insightson how to explain the topics better from fellow educators acrossthe globe.)Why You Will Love This App:• This app contains Chemistry lessons (collected from Text booksfrom India such as NCERT books) that havebeen made available for students online.• You can get your doubts cleared, concepts reinforced andknowledge retained in a far effective manner, sinceyou get to watch many videos, each with distinct style ofteaching.• You get to understand complex topics easily, reading lessonsand then listening to expert tutors.• You missed your classes due to some reason? You can now keeppace with your school/college teacher byreading lessons and watching the videos regularly.• The app covers wide variety of topics. Enough material to helpyou score high in exams like IIT-JEE, GCSE-Chemistry,SAT-Chemistry, A-Level Chemistry, and other college levelcompetitive exams !This Is Like Having A Tutor In Your Pocket !*****The app requires WiFi/3G/Internet connection and issupported by ads. Lessons are available offline.***** Very ideal for devices with large screens.********Please Be Patient When The App Loads For First Time. TheApp Will Load Fast On Subsequent Uses *****This app is a GREAT BLESSING for students who cannot affordprivate tutors. So, please don't give negative remarks/low ratingand prevent the reach of this app. If you have a critical point tomake, please don't post them here, but please mail us !DISCLAIMER: This is a free app that only catalogs and presents thelinks of videos already available in YouTube. The videos have notbeen uploaded by this developer nor this developer claim ownershipto any of the videos presented herein. The videos in YouTube havebeen uploaded either by the owners or by those who are allowed todo so. This app only furnishes the links of such uploaded videos,to simplify the search-process for the viewers.Please also note - YouTube or the uploader/owner of the videomight remove the links at any time and in that case, the link willbe dead and you will not be able to watch the video in your device.Thanks for understanding!
Class 12 Physics 1.2
The app, PHYSICS LESSONS - 2, has lots of lessons on the subject.The content is structured with - Text Lessons - Videos (Relevantand Topical). - Revision Notes - Problems and Solutions -Flashcards Physics Lessons 2, is a portable digital text-book, withchapters on: • Basic Concepts like Atoms and Nuclei, Nature ofMatter, Electricity, Magnetism, Types of Current and Waves •Advanced Concepts like Charges, Optics, Radiation, Semiconductors,Instruments and Systems ... and more. The contents are structuredin such a way as to cover all the topics that are required forbeginners as well as preparation for tests and exams like: -IIT-JEE - SAT-Physics - AP-Level Physics - GCSE Physics etc. Usefulfor High School Students from Grade / Class 11 and 12. Perfect forstudents appearing for Indian CBSE / State Board Exams. Since thecomplete syllabus is covered with lessons and videos, the studentcan use this app as a reference tool for getting clarity inconcepts and also for last minute revision before exams. (NOTE TOTEACHERS: If you are a teacher, this app will be a boon for you asthis will help you pick up new tricks and new insights on how toexplain the topics better from fellow educators across the globe.)Why You Will Love This App: • Learn Physics for Free offline. • Youcan get your doubts cleared, concepts reinforced and knowledgeretained in a far effective manner, since you get to watch manyvideos, each with distinct style of teaching. • You get tounderstand complex topics easily, reading lessons and thenlistening to expert tutors. • You missed your classes due to somereason? You can now keep pace with your school/college teacher byreading lessons and watching the videos regularly. • The app coverswide variety of topics. Enough material to help you score high inexams like IIT-JEE, GCSE-Physics, SAT-Physics, A-Level Physics, andother college level competitive exams ! This Is Like Having A TutorIn Your Phone ! *****The app requires WiFi/3G/Internet connectionand is supported by ads. Lessons are available offline. ***** Veryideal for devices with large screens. ********Please Be PatientWhen The App Loads For First Time. The App Will Load Fast OnSubsequent Uses ***** This app is a GREAT BLESSING for students whocannot afford private tutors. So, please don't give negativeremarks/low rating and prevent the reach of this app. If you have acritical point to make, please don't post them here, but pleasemail us !
Class 11 Maths 1.5
Digital Maths Textbook and Resources To Help You Score High In YourExams !
Class 11 Chemistry 1.3
Digital Chemistry Textbook and Resources To Help You Score High InYour Exams !
Learn Intermediate Algebra 0.0.1
In this app, you can read the full textbookonBasic and Intermediate Algebra written by Prof TylerWallace,Washington, USA.The contents are structured in such a way as to cover allthetopics that are required to get good knowledge of Algebra.The specialty of this app is that this also containsvideos,curated from YouTube, very relevant to the subject.Since many topics on Basic and Intermediate Algebra arecoveredwith lessons and videos, the student can use this app asareference tool for getting clarity in concepts and also forlastminute revision before exams.Attribution: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra by MrTylerWallace is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution3.0Unported License. Available for free downloadat: TO TEACHERS: If you are a teacher, this app will be aboonfor you as this will help you pick up new tricks and newinsightson how to explain the topics better from fellow educatorsacrossthe globe.)Why You Will Love This App:• This app contains the full textbook of Mr Tyler Wallacethathas been made available for students online inpublic domain. You get a quality textbook free of cost and abookthat you can read anytime, anywhere.• You can get your doubts cleared, concepts reinforcedandknowledge retained in a far effective manner,because not only you get to read a quality textbook, but youalsoyou get to watch many videos, each withdistinct style of teaching.• You get to understand complex topics easily, readinglessonsand then listening to expert tutors.• You missed your classes due to some reason? You can nowkeeppace with your school/college teacher byreading lessons and watching the videos regularly.• The app covers wide variety of topics. Enough material tohelpyou score high in exams.This Is Like Having A Tutor In Your Pocket !*****The app requires WiFi/3G/Internet connection andissupported by ads. Lessons are available offline.***** Very ideal for devices with large screens.********Please Be Patient When The App Loads For First Time.TheApp Will Load Fast On Subsequent Uses *****This app is a GREAT BLESSING for students who cannotaffordcostly textbooks or private tutors. So, please don't givenegativeremarks/low rating and prevent the reach of this app. Ifyou have acritical point to make, please don't post them here, butpleasemail us !DISCLAIMER: This is a free app that only catalogs and presentsthelinks of videos already available in YouTube. The videos havenotbeen uploaded by this developer nor this developer claimownershipto any of the videos presented herein. The videos inYouTube havebeen uploaded either by the owners or by those who areallowed todo so. This app only furnishes the links of such uploadedvideos,to simplify the search-process for the viewers.Kindly read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policydocumentsprovided in the app before using it.Please also note - YouTube or the uploader/owner of thevideomight remove the links at any time and in that case, the linkwillbe dead and you will not be able to watch the video in yourdevice.Thanks for understanding!
Learn Trigonometry 0.0.1
In this app, you can read the full textbookonTrigonometry written by by Prof Mike Corral, Professor,MathematicsDepartment, Schoolcraft College , Livonia, Michigan,USA.The traditional topics are covered, but a moregeometricalapproach is taken than usual. Also, some numericalmethods (e.g.the secant method for solving trigonometric equations)arediscussed. A brief tutorial on using Gnuplot to graphtrigonometricfunctions is also included.The contents are structured in such a way as to cover allthetopics that are required to get good knowledge onTrigonometry.The specialty of this app is that this also containsvideos,curated from YouTube, very relevant to the subject.Since many topics on Trigonometry are covered with lessonsandvideos, the student can use this app as a reference toolforgetting clarity in concepts and also for last minuterevisionbefore exams.(NOTE TO TEACHERS: If you are a teacher, this app will be aboonfor you as this will help you pick up new tricks and newinsightson how to explain the topics better from fellow educatorsacrossthe globe.)Why You Will Love This App:• This app contains the full textbook of Prof Mike Corralthathas been made available for students online inpublic domain.• You can get your doubts cleared, concepts reinforcedandknowledge retained in a far effective manner,because not only you get to read a quality textbook, but youalsoyou get to watch many videos, each withdistinct style of teaching.• You get to understand complex topics easily, readinglessonsand then listening to expert tutors.• You missed your classes due to some reason? You can nowkeeppace with your school/college teacher byreading lessons and watching the videos regularly.• The app covers wide variety of topics. Enough material tohelpyou score high in exams.This Is Like Having A Tutor In Your Pocket !*****The app requires WiFi/3G/Internet connection andissupported by ads. Lessons are available offline.***** Very ideal for devices with large screens.********Please Be Patient When The App Loads For First Time.TheApp Will Load Fast On Subsequent Uses *****This app is a GREAT BLESSING for students who cannotaffordcostly textbooks or private tutors. So, please don't givenegativeremarks/low rating and prevent the reach of this app. Ifyou have acritical point to make, please don't post them here, butpleasemail us !DISCLAIMER: This is a free app that only catalogs and presentsthelinks of videos already available in YouTube. The videos havenotbeen uploaded by this developer nor this developer claimownershipto any of the videos presented herein. The videos inYouTube havebeen uploaded either by the owners or by those who areallowed todo so. This app only furnishes the links of such uploadedvideos,to simplify the search-process for the viewers. Kindly readtheTerms of Use and Privacy Policy documents provided in theappbefore using it.Please also note - YouTube or the uploader/owner of thevideomight remove the links at any time and in that case, the linkwillbe dead and you will not be able to watch the video in yourdevice.Thanks for understanding!
Learn Basic Arithmetic 0.0.3
Digital Basic Arithmetic Textbook and Resources To Help You Score !
Learn Precalculus 0.0.1
In LEARN PRECALCULUS, you can read thefulltextbook on Precalculus written by Mr David Lippman and MsMelonieRasmussen, both renowned academicans from Lakewood,Washington,USA. You can also watch videos relating to the subject,which areprovided with each lesson.Topics covered include: functions, linearfunctions,polynomialand rational functions, exponential andlogarithmic functions,trigonometric functions of angles, periodicfunctions,trigonometric equations and other applications oftrigonometry.The contents are structured in such a way as to providestudentswith a solid foundation in Precalculus for the rest oftheir mathcourses.The specialty of this app is that this also containsvideos,curated from YouTube, very relevant to the subject.Since many topics on Precalculus are covered with lessonsandvideos, the students can use this app as a reference toolforgetting clarity in concepts and also for last minuterevisionbefore exams.Attribution: Precalculus - An Investigation of Functions-Copyright (c) 2015 David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen islicensedunder a Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 USLicense.Available for free download at:Available for freedownloadat: TO TEACHERS: If you are a teacher, this app will be aboonfor you as this will help you pick up new tricks and newinsightson how to explain the topics better from fellow educatorsacrossthe globe.)Why You Will Love This App:• You get a quality textbook free of cost and a book that youcanread anytime, anywhere.• You can get your doubts cleared, concepts reinforcedandknowledge retained in a far effective manner,because not only you get to read a quality textbook, but youalsoyou get to watch many videos, each withdistinct style of teaching.• You get to understand complex topics easily, readinglessonsand then listening to expert tutors.• You missed your classes due to some reason? You can nowkeeppace with your school/college teacher byreading lessons and watching the videos regularly.• The app covers wide variety of topics. Enough material forhomeschooling. And to help you score high inexams!This Is Like Having A Tutor In Your Pocket !*****The app requires WiFi/3G/Internet connection andissupported by ads. Lessons are available offline.***** Very ideal for devices with large screens.********Please Be Patient When The App Loads For First Time.TheApp Will Load Fast On Subsequent Uses.This app is a GREAT BLESSING for students who cannotaffordcostly textbooks or private tutors. So, please don't givenegativeremarks/low rating and prevent the reach of this app. Ifyou have acritical point to make, please don't post them here, butpleasemail us !DISCLAIMER: This is a free app that only catalogs andpresentsthe links of videos already available in YouTube. Thevideos havenot been uploaded by this developer nor this developerclaimownership to any of the videos presented herein. The videosinYouTube have been uploaded either by the owners or by those whoareallowed to do so. This app only furnishes the links ofsuchuploaded videos, to simplify the search-process for theviewers.Kindly read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy documentsprovidedin the app before using it.Please also note - YouTube or the uploader/owner of thevideomight remove the links at any time and in that case, the linkwillbe dead and you will not be able to watch the video in yourdevice.Thanks for understanding!
Learn Psychology 0.0.2
Digital Psychology Textbook With Video Lessons and Resources !
Plus 2 Accountancy 2.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Exams !
Plus 2 Sociology 2.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Your Exams !
Learn Basic & Vector Calculus 0.0.4
Digital Basic & Vector Calculus Textbook and Resources To HelpYou Score !
Learn College Physics 0.0.5
Digital College Physics Textbook and Resources To Help You ScoreHigh!
Learn Astronomy 0.0.2
Digital Astronomy Textbook With Video Lessons and Resources !
Learn Algebra and Trigonometry 0.0.2
Digital Algebra - Trigonometry Textbook and Resources To Help YouScore High !
Class 12 Maths 1.3
Digital Mathematics Textbook and Resources To Help You Score HighIn Your Exams!
Class 11 Physics 1.3
Digital Physics Textbook and Resources To Help You Score High InYour Exams !
Learn Economics - Study Help
Study Material on Economics - Ace College Exams And MajorFieldTests !
Plus 2 Psychology 2.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Your Exams !
Plus 2 Biology 2.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Your Exams !
Plus 2 Business Studies 3.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Exams !
Plus 2 Political Science 2.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Score High In Exams !
Plus 2 Chemistry 1.0
Self-Study Resources To Help You Ace Exams !