Appsbakery التطبيقات

Bass Booster 2.7
Bass booster:Bass booster controls all of your equalizer settings so that youget a maximum BASS BOOST on your phone.For best experience please use headphones or speakers.For best experience please keep the application RUNNING whileyou're listening to music - that will change the current BASSLEVEL.Additional features - BOOST the Volume of your phoneWhen you click on advertisements delivered by Bass Booster, youwill typically be directed to a third-party’s web page. We may passcertain information to the third parties operating or hosting thesepages, including your email address, phone number, and a list ofother apps on your device.
Volume Booster 2.6
Volume Booster helps you control all of thesounds in your phone!! It can boost your volumes to the maximumlevel!!!Improve sound quality on your Android™ device and get live audioreadings of your current music volume level.When you click on advertisements delivered by Volume Booster,you will typically be directed to a third-party’s web page. We maypass certain information to the third parties operating or hostingthese pages, including your email address, phone number, and a listof other apps on your device.