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The Colorado Trail Hiker 6.0.19
The Colorado Trail Hiker is a smartphone guidefor your Colorado Trail hiking or mountain biking trip.NO CELL OR INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED for the app to workon-trail. After initial setup, the app uses your GPS and offlinemaps to guide you along the trail.The free demo is a fully functional version of the app with Segment1 of The Colorado Trail (Miles 0 to 16.8 from the Waterton CanyonTrailhead outside Denver). In-app purchases include (1) TheColorado Trail, which includes the hiking route, the five mountainbike wilderness detours, the Collegiate West Alternative route andthe Collegiate Loop (775.2 miles of trail in total) and (2) astandalone version of the Collegiate Loop route (a 161-mile loopcomposed of the 82.3-mile Collegiate West Alternative route and a78-mile portion of The Colorado Trail).The app has been built in partnership with Jerry Brown of BearCreek Survey Service. Each waypoint in the Colorado Trail Map Book,written by Jerry Brown and offered by The Colorado TrailFoundation, is plotted and described in The Colorado Trail Hikerapp. A portion all proceeds from the sale of The Colorado TrailHiker app will go to The Colorado Trail Foundation.The Colorado Trail Hiker uses a combination of your phone's GPS,downloaded topo maps, and the Google Maps interface to accuratelylocate your position on the trail. No phone service? Not a problem-- your phone's GPS pinpoints your location on top of topo mapsdownloaded as part of the app.A bright red line indicates the location of The Colorado Trail onthe map. Alternate routes are indicated in other colors. Anelevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plots yourcurrent location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoint is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of many of the waypoints,distance to the next trailhead, a Trail Register where you may postcomments and read other users' comments, and other details thatwill help you during your hike, and help you plan your hike.The types of waypoints include:-->Trailheads and parking areas-->Water sources-->Resupply towns/services-->Trail junctions-->Road crossings-->Powerlines, fences, gates, toilets-->Other Landmarks and points of interest
Guthook's CDT Guide: Wyoming 6.0.18
**NOTE: THIS APP WILL BE PHASED OUT IN 2018;PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE IDENTICAL APP INFORMATION IN THE ALL-IN-ONE'CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL' APP BUILT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THECONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL COALITION**CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide is a 5-part smartphone guide for yourhike on the Continental Divide Trail. The CDT Wyoming app coversthe 509.8-mile official CDT route in Wyoming from theColorado/Wyoming border to the Wyoming/Idaho border. It alsoincludes these alternate routes: (1) Cirque of the Towers, (2)Knapsack Col, and (3) Leeds Creek Alternate.The app has been built in partnership with Jerry Brown of BearCreek Survey Service. Each waypoint in the Bear Creek map books isplotted and described in the CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide apps.Guthook's Guide use a combination of your phone's GPS, downloadedtopo maps, and the Google Maps interface to accurately locate yourposition on the trail. No phone service? Not a problem -- yourphone's GPS pinpoints your location on top of topo maps downloadedas part of the app.A bright red line indicates the location of the official CDT on themap. Alternate routes are indicated in blue and accompanied by aseparate list of waypoints and elevation profile. Waypoints ofinterest to the hiker are plotted on the map. There are alsomarkers on the map every mile or kilometer of the trailtrack.The elevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plotsyour current location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoints is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of many of the waypoints,distance northbound and southbound to the next water source, aTrail Register where you may post comments and read other users'comments, and other details that will help you during your hike,and help you plan your hike.The types of waypoints include:-->Water sources-->Towns/post offices/services-->Trail junctions-->Parking areas along the trail-->Campgrounds, ranger stations-->Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates-->Other LandmarksAlso available:Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail (5-part series)Guthook's Guide to the Appalachian Trail (9-part guide to theAppalachian Trail)John Muir Trail HikerTahoe Rim Trail HikerMt. Whitney GuideVermont's Long Trail HikerTrailblazer's South Downs WayGhost Ranch Guide
Mount Whitney Guide 6.0.18
The Mt. Whitney Guide is a smartphone guidefor your hike up the Mt. Whitney Trail.Mobile phone service is not available on all but a few feet of theMt. Whitney Trail. But not to worry because the Mt. Whitney Guideapp uses a combination of your phone's GPS, downloaded topo maps,and the Google Maps interface to accurately locate your position onthe trail.The Mt. Whitney Guide takes the guess work out of wondering howmuch farther you have to go, and more importantly, whether you arestill on the trail. A bright red line indicates the location of themain trail on the map. Side trails are indicated in blue. Waypointsof interest to the hiker are plotted on the map. There are alsomarkers on the map every mile or kilometer of the trailtrack.The elevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plotsyour current location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoints is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of the waypoint, distancenorthbound and southbound to the next water source, a TrailRegister where you may post comments and read other users'comments, and other details that will help you during your hike,and help you plan your hike.Types of waypoints include:-->Water sources (including reliability of each watersource)-->Campsites-->Trail junctions-->Information/landmarks-->ViewsAbout the Mt. Whitney Trail: The Mt. Whitney Trail is the mostpopular route to the top of Mt. Whitney, the highest point in theLower 48 United States, at 14,505 feet (4,421 m). Located outsideof Lone Pine, California, in the heart of the Sierra Nevadamountain range, the Mt. Whitney Trail connects to the 212-mile JohnMuir Trail, which in turn connects to the 2,660-mile Pacific CrestTrail. From the Mt. Whitney Trail trailhead to the top of Mt.Whitney is 10.4 miles (16.7 km) with an elevation gain of 6056 feet(1846 m). Many hike to the top and back in one day, while manyothers spend one or two nights on the trail.Also available:Guthook's PCT Guide (5-part guide to the Pacific Crest Trail)Guthook's John Muir Trail GuideTahoe Rim Trail Hiker
Tahoe Rim Trail Guide 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Tahoe Rim Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app. TheTahoe Rim Trail Guide is the official map-based navigational guidefor the Tahoe Rim Trail Association. It maps and lists over 500important hiker waypoints along the 173-mile TRT, such as watersources, tenting sites, road crossings, detailed resupplyinformation, and many more. The free demo for the Tahoe Rim Trailcovers the 20.3-mile Tahoe City North Trailhead to Brockway Summitsection of the Tahoe Rim Trail. Key features: - No mobile orinternet connection is required after initial setup -- works inAirplane Mode - Detailed maps with your GPS location - Elevationprofile view - Custom route creator - Multiple offline map choices- Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your current locationto friends or family via text message or email The guidebook listsevery waypoint in order by distance along the trail and how faraway you are from each waypoint. The guidebook also includes adetailed town guide for major resupply points, towns, and servicesalong the TRT. Waypoint details include: - Mileage point andelevation - Photographs - Distance to the next water source andtent site - Comments section where you may post comments and readother hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views About the TahoeRim Trail: The Tahoe Rim Trail is a 173-mile trail that circlesbeautiful Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The trailpasses through California (113.5 miles) and Nevada (59.5 miles). 50miles of the trail overlap the Pacific Crest Trail and 31 milesoverlap the Tahoe-Yosemite Trail. The trail is broken into 8sections, ranging from 17 miles to 32 miles each. Many hikerscomplete the entire Tahoe Rim Trail all at once while otherscomplete the trail section by section. Countless others enjoyday-hiking and mountain biking the trail. Tahoe Rim Trail, TRT
Trailblazer Walking Guides 7.3.2
Trailblazer, UK-based publisher of adventure travel guides for over25 years, brings you the Trailblazer Walking Guide smartphone app,your navigational supplement and companion to our popular line ofBritish Walking Guides. The Trailblazer Special includes guidesfor: - South Downs Way - West Highland Way - The Ridgeway -Wainwright's Coast to Coast - Hadrian's Wall Path - Cotswold WayTour du Mont Blanc Also available for individual purchase Keyfeatures: - No mobile or internet connection is required afterinitial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailed maps with yourGPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom route creator -Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments from other hikers- Send your current location to friends or family via text messageor email The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distancealong the trail and how far away you are from each waypoint. Theguidebook also includes a detailed town guide for major resupplypoints, towns, and services including convenient references to theapplicable guide book. Waypoint details include: - Mileage pointand elevation - Photographs - Distance to the next water source andtent site - Comments section where you may post comments and readother hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views AboutTrailblazer Guides: We publish more than 40 travel guides. Theyinclude the British walking guides series, trekking guides, railguides and adventure travel guides. We now publish around a dozentitles a year. Trailblazer authors have a voice. Our authors aretravellers first and authors second. We think that a guidebookshould inspire the reader to travel and encourage him or her tointeract with local people. Our guides are entertaining as well asinformative. In the words of one reviewer, Trailblazer guides areexamples of: 'Good guides (that) read like a novel and get youpacking in no time'. Visit us at
Mammoth Tracks - Ice Age Trail 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Ice Age Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Mammoth Tracks is the official app for the Ice Age National ScenicTrail, built through a collaboration of the Ice Age Trail Allianceand the creators of Guthook's Guides hiking guide apps. The MammothTracks app is a GPS- and map-based guide for your Ice Age Trailhiking experience. Whether you're backpacking, or in search ofIATA's Cold Caches, this app will help you plan your trip and checkyour location on the trail. Key features: - No mobile or internetconnection is required after initial setup -- works in AirplaneMode - Detailed maps with your GPS location - Elevation profileview - Custom route creator - Multiple offline map choices -Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your current locationto friends or family via text message or email The guidebook listsevery waypoint in order by distance along the trail and how faraway you are from each waypoint. The guidebook also includes adetailed town guide for major resupply points, towns, and servicesalong the Ice Age Trail. Waypoint details include: - Mileage pointand elevation - Photographs - Distance to the next water source andtent site - Comments section where you may post comments and readother hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views
Guthook's CDT Guide: N.Montana 6.0.18
**NOTE: THIS APP WILL BE PHASED OUT IN 2018;PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE IDENTICAL APP INFORMATION IN THE ALL-IN-ONE'CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL' APP BUILT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THECONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL COALITION**CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide is a 5-part smartphone guide for yourhike on the Continental Divide Trail. The CDT Nor.Montana appcovers the 584.0-mile official CDT route in Northern Montana, fromthe Johnson Lake to the Canada border. It also includes (1) the4-mile route from the Canada border to Waterton, Alberta, (2) theChief Mountain CDT alternative route to the Canada, (3) theAnaconda Cutoff Alternate, and (4) the Spotted BearAlternate.The app has been built in partnership with Jerry Brown of BearCreek Survey Service. Each waypoint in the Bear Creek map books isplotted and described in the CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide apps.Guthook's Guide use a combination of your phone's GPS, downloadedtopo maps, and the Google Maps interface to accurately locate yourposition on the trail. No phone service? Not a problem -- yourphone's GPS pinpoints your location on top of topo maps downloadedas part of the app.A bright red line indicates the location of the official CDT on themap. Alternate routes are indicated in blue and accompanied by aseparate list of waypoints and elevation profile. Waypoints ofinterest to the hiker are plotted on the map. There are alsomarkers on the map every mile or kilometer of the trailtrack.The elevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plotsyour current location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoints is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of many of the waypoints,distance northbound and southbound to the next water source, aTrail Register where you may post comments and read other users'comments, and other details that will help you during your hike,and help you plan your hike.The types of waypoints include:-->Water sources-->Towns/post offices/services-->Trail junctions-->Parking areas along the trail-->Campgrounds, ranger stations-->Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates-->Other LandmarksAlso available:Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail (5-part series)Guthook's Guide to the Appalachian Trail (9-part guide to theAppalachian Trail)John Muir Trail HikerTahoe Rim Trail HikerMt. Whitney GuideVermont's Long Trail HikerTrailblazer's South Downs WayGhost Ranch Guide
Guthook's Long Trail Guide 7.3.4
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Long Trail Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook's Long Trail Guide is a detailed, map-based smartphoneguide for your hike on the 270-mile Long Trail. It maps and listsmore than 500 important hiker waypoints along the LT such as watersources, shelters, tenting sites, road crossings, resupplylocations, and may others. Key features: - No mobile or internetconnection is required after initial setup -- works in AirplaneMode - Detailed maps with your GPS location - Elevation profileview - Custom route creator - Multiple offline map choices -Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your current locationto friends or family via text message or email The guidebook listsevery waypoint in order by distance along the trail and how faraway you are from each waypoint. The guidebook also includes adetailed town guide for major resupply points, towns, and servicesalong the Long Trail. Waypoint details include: - Mileage point andelevation - Photographs - Distance to the next water source andtent site - Comments section where you may post comments and readother hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views About the LongTrail*: The Long Trail, or LT, is the original and oldest longdistance hiking trail in the United States. The 273-mile trailcrosses south-to-north through the state of Vermont along the GreenMountains, from the Massachusetts border to the Canada border. Thefirst 107 miles of the trail overlaps the famous Appalachian Trail.Countless hikers enjoy hiking anywhere from a few miles to theentire trail each year. *"Long Trail" is a registered trademark ofthe Green Mountain Club
Guthook's CDT Guide: ID/So.MT 6.0.18
**NOTE: THIS APP WILL BE PHASED OUT IN 2018;PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE IDENTICAL APP INFORMATION IN THE ALL-IN-ONE'CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL' APP BUILT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THECONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL COALITION**CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide is a 5-part smartphone guide for yourhike on the Continental Divide Trail. The CDT Idaho/So.Montana appcovers the 408.8-mile official CDT route in along the Idaho-Montanaborder and Southern Montana from the Wyoming/Idaho border to theJohnson Lake in Montana. It also includes the Mack's Inn Alternateroute.The app has been built in partnership with Jerry Brown of BearCreek Survey Service. Each waypoint in the Bear Creek map books isplotted and described in the CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide apps.Guthook's Guide use a combination of your phone's GPS, downloadedtopo maps, and the Google Maps interface to accurately locate yourposition on the trail. No phone service? Not a problem -- yourphone's GPS pinpoints your location on top of topo maps downloadedas part of the app.A bright red line indicates the location of the official CDT on themap. Alternate routes are indicated in blue and accompanied by aseparate list of waypoints and elevation profile. Waypoints ofinterest to the hiker are plotted on the map. There are alsomarkers on the map every mile or kilometer of the trailtrack.The elevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plotsyour current location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoints is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of many of the waypoints,distance northbound and southbound to the next water source, aTrail Register where you may post comments and read other users'comments, and other details that will help you during your hike,and help you plan your hike.The types of waypoints include:-->Water sources-->Towns/post offices/services-->Trail junctions-->Parking areas along the trail-->Campgrounds, ranger stations-->Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates-->Other LandmarksAlso available:Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail (5-part series)Guthook's Guide to the Appalachian Trail (9-part guide to theAppalachian Trail)John Muir Trail HikerTahoe Rim Trail HikerMt. Whitney GuideVermont's Long Trail HikerTrailblazer's South Downs WayGhost Ranch Guide
Guthook's John Muir Trail Guide 7.3.4
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe John Muir Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook's John Muir Trail Guide is a smartphone guide for your hikeon the John Muir Trail. It covers the 210.5 mile John Muir Trailfrom Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park to the summit of Mt.Whitney. It also includes the entire Mt. Whitney Trail (10.4 miletrail from Whitney Portal to Mt. Whitney summit) and many sidetrails. Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along the JMT. Waypointdetails include: - Mileage point and elevation - Photographs -Distance to the next water source and tent site - Comments sectionwhere you may post comments and read other hikers’ comments Typesof waypoints: - Water sources (including the reliability of eachwater source) - Detailed resupply and town information: - postoffices and other package services - restaurants - grocery storesand convenience stores - gear shops and hardware stores -laundromats - lodging, public showers, public restrooms - publiclibraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parkingareas along the trail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations- Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks (e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views SideTrails: - Baxter Pass - Bear Ridge (to Lake Edison) - Bishop Pass -Blayney Meadows - Cascade Valley/Fish Valley Alternate - CharlotteLake - Darwin Bench - Devils Postpile - Duck Pass - Edison Lake (toferry and to Vermilion Valley Resort) - Evolution CrossingAlternate - Florence Lake Ferry - Half Dome - Isberg Pass Alternate- Kearsarge Pass (to Onion Valley) - Rainbow Falls (at Reds Meadow)- Mist Trail - Mount Whitney Trail - Muir Ranch - Pacific CrestTrail Alternate - Panorama Trail (to Glacier Peak Trailhead) -Piute Pass - Reds Meadow - Sawmill Pass - Shepherd Pass - SunriseLakes/Tenaya Lake Trailhead Resupply Info: - Yosemite Village -Tuolumne Meadows - Lee Vining - Red's Meadow - Mammoth Lakes, CA -Vermillion Valley Resort - Muir Trail Ranch - Bishop, CA -Independence, CA - Lone Pine, CA About the John Muir Trail: TheJohn Muir Trail, or JMT, is revered as one of the most pristine andbeautiful trails in the world. The 210.5 mile trail makes its waythrough the heart of the Sierra Nevada Range in Central California.Much of the trail is above 10,000 feet elevation and is quitesteep, making this a rather difficult trail. Most hikers hike theJMT southbound, beginning at Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park,and ending at the summit of the highest peak in the "lower 48" --Mt. Whitney. It takes about 2-3 weeks to hike the entire trail(some hikers are faster, some are slower). Many hikers complete theentire trail in one go, and countless others enjoy hiking a fewmiles along the trail via the many remote side trails that branchoff the JMT. Also available: Guthook's Pacific Crest Trail GuideGuthook's Tahoe Rim Trail Guide Mount Whitney Guide
The Florida Trail Guide 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Florida Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Information in this app is based on “The Florida Trail Guide” bySandra Friend and John Keatley. The Florida Trail Guide is adetailed, map-based smartphone guide for your hike on the FloridaTrail. It lists important hiker waypoints on the FT such as watersources, shelters, tenting sites, road crossings, resupplylocations, and may others. The free demo covers the 42.3-mileBlackwater route from the Florida-Alabama border to Harold. In-apppurchases include guides for: - South Florida - Ocean to Lake Trail- Central Florida - Central Florida West - Ocala Northeast -Suwannee & Big Bend - Eastern Panhandle - Western Panhandle -Blackwater Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along the Florida Trail.Waypoint details include: - Mileage point and elevation -Photographs - Distance to the next water source and tent site -Comments section where you may post comments and read other hikers’comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources (including thereliability of each water source) - Detailed resupply and towninformation: - post offices and other package services -restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores - gear shopsand hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, public showers, publicrestrooms - public libraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trailjunctions - Parking areas along the trail - Picnic areas,campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads, railroad tracks, power lines,fences, gates - Natural landmarks (e.g. mountain passes) -Privies/restrooms - Views
Guthook's CDT Guide: Colorado 6.0.18
**NOTE: THIS APP WILL BE PHASED OUT IN 2018;PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE IDENTICAL APP INFORMATION IN THE ALL-IN-ONE'CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL' APP BUILT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THECONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL COALITION**CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide is a 5-part smartphone guide for yourhike on the Continental Divide Trail. The CDT Colorado app coversthe 739.0-mile official CDT route in Colorado from the NewMexico/Colorado border to the Colorado/Wyoming border. It alsoincludes these alternate routes: (1) Creede Cutoff, (2)Silverthorne, (3) Argentine Spine, and (4) Rocky Mountain NationalPark shortcut.The app has been built in partnership with Jerry Brown of BearCreek Survey Service. Each waypoint in the Bear Creek map books isplotted and described in the CDT Hiker: Guthook's Guide apps.Guthook's Guide use a combination of your phone's GPS, downloadedtopo maps, and the Google Maps interface to accurately locate yourposition on the trail. No phone service? Not a problem -- yourphone's GPS pinpoints your location on top of topo maps downloadedas part of the app.A bright red line indicates the location of the official CDT on themap. Alternate routes are indicated in blue and accompanied by aseparate list of waypoints and elevation profile. Waypoints ofinterest to the hiker are plotted on the map. There are alsomarkers on the map every mile or kilometer of the trailtrack.The elevation profile shows trail distance vs elevation and plotsyour current location on the trail. Each waypoint is plotted on theprofile. Each waypoints is clickable, opening to the waypoint'sdetail page.The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrail.Each waypoint includes a detail page, providing further detailsabout that particular waypoint. Details include the waypoint'smileage point and elevation, photographs of many of the waypoints,distance northbound and southbound to the next water source, aTrail Register where you may post comments and read other users'comments, and other details that will help you during your hike,and help you plan your hike.The types of waypoints include:-->Water sources-->Towns/post offices/services-->Trail junctions-->Parking areas along the trail-->Campgrounds, ranger stations-->Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates-->Other LandmarksAlso available:Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail (5-part series)Guthook's Guide to the Appalachian Trail (9-part guide to theAppalachian Trail)John Muir Trail HikerTahoe Rim Trail HikerMt. Whitney GuideVermont's Long Trail HikerTrailblazer's South Downs WayGhost Ranch Guide
Arkansas Hiker 7.3.3
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessArkansas Hiker trail guides. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Arkansas Hiker is a detailed, map-based smartphone guide toArkansas' best trails. It maps and lists hundreds of importanthiker waypoints such as water sources, tenting sites, roadcrossings, detailed resupply information, and many more. The freedemo covers the Pinnacle Mountain State Park trail system, alongwith 20 miles of the eastern end of the Ouachita Trail. In-apppurchases include guides for: - Ouachita National Recreation Trail- Eagle Rock Loop - Buffalo River Trail - Pinnacle Mountain - OzarkHighlands Trail Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along each trail.Waypoint details include: - Mileage point and elevation -Photographs - Distance to the next water source and tent site -Comments section where you may post comments and read other hikers’comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources (including thereliability of each water source) - Detailed resupply and towninformation: - post offices and other package services -restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores - gear shopsand hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, public showers, publicrestrooms - public libraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trailjunctions - Parking areas along the trail - Picnic areas,campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads, railroad tracks, power lines,fences, gates - Natural landmarks (e.g. mountain passes) -Privies/restrooms - Views
Great Divide Trail 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Great Divide Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app. GreatDivide Trail is a GPS- and map-based guide for your hiking trip onCanada's majestic 1,120-km (700-mile) Great Divide Trail. The GreatDivide Trail stretches from the Canada-U.S. border at WatertonLakes National Park, Alberta, through the Canadian Rocky Mountainsto Kakwa Provincial Park in British Columbia. The free demo for theGreat Divide Trail covers the 25-km portion from its southernterminus at the Canada-U.S. border in Waterton Lakes National Parkto Cameron Lake, Alberta. In-app purchases include guides for:Entire 1,120-km Great Divide Trail - GDT Section A - GDT Section B- GDT Section C - GDT Section D - GDT Section E - GDT Section F -GDT Section G Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along the GDT. Waypointdetails include: - Mileage point and elevation - Photographs -Distance to the next water source and tent site - Comments sectionwhere you may post comments and read other hikers’ comments Typesof waypoints: - Water sources (including the reliability of eachwater source) - Detailed resupply and town information: - postoffices and other package services - restaurants - grocery storesand convenience stores - gear shops and hardware stores -laundromats - lodging, public showers, public restrooms - publiclibraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parkingareas along the trail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations- Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks (e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - ViewsRelated apps: The southern terminus of the Great Divide Trailconnects to the northern terminus of the Continental Divide Trail,a 3,100-mile trail that stretches the entire length of the UnitedStates from Canada to Mexico. Check out our CDT Hiker: Guthook'sGuide app to continue your GDT adventure southbound.
Wonderland Trail by Tami Asars 7.3.4
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Wonderland Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Wonderland Trail by Tami Asars is built through a collaboration ofthe creators of Guthook Guides hiking guide apps and Tami Asars,author of the popular guidebook "Hiking the Wonderland Trail: TheComplete Guide to Mount Rainier's Premier Trail." The WonderlandTrail app is a map-based guide with over 400 waypoints and 500photos for your Wonderland Trail hiking experience. Key features: -No mobile or internet connection is required after initial setup --works in Airplane Mode - Detailed maps with your GPS location -Elevation profile view - Custom route creator - Multiple offlinemap choices - Real-time comments from other hikers - Send yourcurrent location to friends or family via text message or email Theguidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along the trailand how far away you are from each waypoint. The guidebook alsoincludes a detailed town guide for major resupply points, towns,and services along the Wonderland Trail. Waypoint details include:- Mileage point and elevation - Photographs - Distance to the nextwater source and tent site - Comments section where you may postcomments and read other hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: -Water sources (including the reliability of each water source) -Detailed resupply and town information: - post offices and otherpackage services - restaurants - grocery stores and conveniencestores - gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging,public showers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views About theWonderland Trail: the Wonderland Trail is a 91-mile trail in MountRainier National Park (Washington state) that circumnavigates MountRainier and its 25 named glaciers.
Bikepacking Guides 8.1.17
Bikepacking Guides is Atlas Guides' new sister bikepacking apptoour proven and popular Guthook Guides backpacking app. You'llfeelassured that you're on the right track with real-time locationon aGPS-enabled map and highly-detailed guides showing youwhat'sahead. Our bikepacking guides include: UNITED STATES: WildWestRoute (official guide of Bikepacking Roots) Arizona TrailBikeRoute (official guide of Arizona Trail Association) TheColoradoTrail Bike Route (official guide of The Colorado TrailFoundation)AUSTRALIA & TIMOR LESTE: Mawson Trail Munda BiddiWalk theYorke (by Bike) Epic long rides: --Adelaide Beaches toAliceSprings --Adelaide to Melbourne Coastal Trail --AdelaidetoMelbourne Outback Trail --Alice Springs to Darwin --BrisbanetoSydney --Sydney to Melbourne --Tasmanian Circuit --AcrossTimorLeste ...and many more regional rides in Australia mainland&Tasmania Key features: —Detailed offline maps includingGPSlocation, detailed routes, and waypoints —Elevation profileviewwith GPS and key features —Custom route creator to plan yourtrip—Background map choices Waypoint data: —Waypoints are plottedonthe main trail and side trails —Water sources, camp sites,roadcrossings, trailheads, junctions, viewpoints, passes, and muchmore—Town details including accommodation, restaurants, andotherservices
New England Hiker 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe guides in New England Hiker. Existing customers may transfertheir purchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Explore the hiking trails of New England with this easy-to-use andinformation-packed app. It maps and lists hundreds of importanthiker waypoints such as water sources, tenting sites, roadcrossings, detailed resupply information, and many more. Choosefrom an ever-growing list of hiking destinations, with in-apppurchases including: New Hampshire: - Franconia Ridge - MonadnockState Park - Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway - Sunapee & PillsburyState Parks - Moat Mountain - White Mountain National Forest (inprogress) Maine: - Acadia National Park - Bigelow Mountain - CamdenHills State Park - Cutler Coast - Mt Abraham - Grafton Loop Trail -Gulf Hagas - Tumbledown Mountain Vermont: - Mt Mansfield - Camel’sHump - Stratton Mountain - Killington & Pico - GlastenburyMountain - Hunger Mtn & the Worcester Range Massachusetts: -Tully Trail Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along each trail.Waypoint details include: - Mileage point and elevation -Photographs - Distance to the next water source and tent site -Comments section where you may post comments and read other hikers’comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources (including thereliability of each water source) - Detailed resupply and towninformation: - post offices and other package services -restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores - gear shopsand hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, public showers, publicrestrooms - public libraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trailjunctions - Parking areas along the trail - Picnic areas,campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads, railroad tracks, power lines,fences, gates - Natural landmarks (e.g. mountain passes) -Privies/restrooms - Views
Guthook's Pacific Northwest Trail Guide 7.3.2
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Pacific Northwest Trail guide. Existing customers may transfertheir purchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook Guides brings you the official smartphone navigationalguide of the Pacific Northwest Trail Association.
Guthook's Appalachian Trail Guide 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Appalachian Trail, Pinhoti, Benton MacKaye, Long Trail, and MidState Trail guides. Existing customers may transfer their purchasesto the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app. Guthook's Guideto the Appalachian Trail is a detailed, map-based smartphone guidefor your hike on the Appalachian Trail or the Long Trail. It mapsand lists thousands of important hiker waypoints on the AT (andhundreds for the Long Trail) such as water sources, shelters,tenting sites, road crossings, resupply locations, and many others.The free demo covers the 8.8-mile Springer Mountain Approach Trailfrom Amicalola Falls State Park to Springer Mountain southernterminus. In-app purchases include 9 sections of the AT and theLong Trail in Vermont. Key features: - No mobile or internetconnection is required after initial setup -- works in AirplaneMode - Detailed maps with your GPS location - Elevation profileview - Custom route creator - Multiple offline map choices -Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your current locationand a message to friends or family via Checkin feature Theguidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along the trailand how far away you are from each waypoint. The guidebook alsoincludes a detailed town guide for major resupply points, towns,and services along the AT. Waypoint details include: - Mileagepoint and elevation - Photographs - Distance to the next watersource and tent site - Comments section where you may post commentsand read other hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views About theAppalachian Trail: The Appalachian Trail, or AT, is one of theUnited States' most treasured national trails. The 2,168-mile trailstretches from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin inMaine. Along the way it passes through 14 states, includingGeorgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia,Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut,Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Much of the LongTrail overlaps the AT through the State of Vermont. Many hikerscomplete the entire trail in one season ("thru-hikers"), andcountless others enjoy hiking anywhere from a few miles to hundredsof miles each year. Appalachian Trail, AT
Camino de Santiago Companion 7.3.2
Camino Companion is a detailed, map-based smartphone guide for yourpilgrimage on the Camino Frances route of the Camino de Santiago(aka Way of St. James). It lists more than 1,300 importantwaypoints (with 1,360 photographs) from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port toMuxia such as accommodation, junctions, road crossings, churches,towns, and many others. The free demo covers the 42-mile (68-km)segment from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Pamplona. In-app purchasesinclude: - The 557-mile/896-km Camino Frances fromSaint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Muxia (via Santiago de Compostela) morethan 130 miles/210 kilometers of alternate and side-routes - Anabbreviated 71-mile/114-km Camino Frances from Sarria to Santiagode Compostela Key features: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired after initial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with your GPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator - Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers - Send your current location to friends or family viatext message or email The guidebook lists every waypoint in orderby distance along the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. The guidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupply points, towns, and services along the Camino deSantiago. Waypoint details include: - Mileage point and elevation -Photographs - Distance to the next water source and tent site -Comments section where you may post comments and read other hikers’comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources (including thereliability of each water source) - Detailed resupply and towninformation: - post offices and other package services -restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores - gear shopsand hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, public showers, publicrestrooms - public libraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trailjunctions - Parking areas along the trail - Picnic areas,campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads, railroad tracks, power lines,fences, gates - Natural landmarks (e.g. mountain passes) -Privies/restrooms - Views - Other points of interest (e.g.sculptures, historic sites, etc.) This app is a collaborationbetween long-distance hiker Keith Foskett and the creators of thepopular Guthook's Guides series of long distance hiking apps.
Guthook's Pacific Crest Trail Guide 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Pacific Crest Trail guide. Existing customers may transfertheir purchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail is a detailed, map-based5-part smartphone guide for your hike on the Pacific Crest NationalScenic Trail. It maps and lists 4,524 important hiker waypointssuch as water sources, tenting sites, road crossings, detailedresupply information, and many more. The free demo for the PacificCrest Trail covers the 43 mile portion in Southern California fromthe U.S./Mexico Border to Mt. Laguna. In-app purchases includeguides for: - PCT: Southern California - PCT: Central California(Sierra) - PCT: Northern California - PCT: Oregon - PCT: Washington- John Muir Trail - Mount Whitney Trail - Wonderland Trail Keyfeatures: - No mobile or internet connection is required afterinitial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailed maps with yourGPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom route creator -Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments from other hikers- Send your current location to friends or family via text messageor email The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distancealong the trail and how far away you are from each waypoint. Theguidebook also includes a detailed town guide for major resupplypoints, towns, and services along the PCT. Waypoint detailsinclude: - Mileage point and elevation - Photographs - Distance tothe next water source and tent site - Comments section where youmay post comments and read other hikers’ comments Types ofwaypoints: - Water sources (including the reliability of each watersource) - Detailed resupply and town information: - post officesand other package services - restaurants - grocery stores andconvenience stores - gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats -lodging, public showers, public restrooms - public libraries -Tenting sites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas alongthe trail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views About thePacific Crest Trail: The Pacific Crest Trail, or PCT, is thelongest completed trail in the world at 2,650 miles. The trailbegins at the U.S./Mexico border near Campo, California, and windsits way through California, Oregon, and Washington to its northernterminus at the U.S./Canada border near Manning Park in BritishColumbia, Canada. Many hikers complete the entire trail in just oneseason ( a.k.a. "thru-hikers"), and countless others enjoy hikinganywhere from a few miles to hundreds of miles each year.
Arizona Trail 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Arizona Trail guide. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Arizona Trail is the official navigation app for the ArizonaNational Scenic Trail, built through a collaboration of the ArizonaTrail Association and the creators of Guthook's Guides hiking guideapps. The Arizona Trail app is a GPS- and map-based guide for yourArizona Trail hiking, equestrian, or mountain biking trip. Freedemo: Fully functional version of the app that includes the 36-mileSan Francisco Peaks Passage (Passage 34) of the Arizona Trail nearFlagstaff and Snowbowl. In app purchases: - Entire 800-mile ArizonaTrail including Flagstaff Urban Trail and Mountain Biking Route Keyfeatures: - No mobile or internet connection is required afterinitial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailed maps with yourGPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom route creator -Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments from other hikers- Send your current location to friends or family via text messageor email The guidebook lists every waypoint in order by distancealong the trail and how far away you are from each waypoint. Theguidebook also includes a detailed town guide for major resupplypoints, towns, and services along the Arizona Trail. Waypointdetails include: - Mileage point and elevation - Photographs -Distance to the next water source and tent site - Comments sectionwhere you may post comments and read other hikers’ comments Typesof waypoints: - Water sources (including the reliability of eachwater source) - Detailed resupply and town information: - postoffices and other package services - restaurants - grocery storesand convenience stores - gear shops and hardware stores -laundromats - lodging, public showers, public restrooms - publiclibraries - Tenting sites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parkingareas along the trail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations- Roads, railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks (e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views
Continental Divide Trail 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" to accessthe Continental Divide Trail guide. Existing customers may transfertheir purchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Continental Divide Trail is the official smartphone navigationalguide of the Continental Divide Trail Coalition for your hike onthe Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. This app was formerlyknown as "Guthook's CDT Guide." There are more than 20 alternateroutes plus 3,800+ waypoints, including comprehensive water sourceinformation. The free demo includes portions of the two routes fromthe Mexico-U.S. border: the Crazy Cook route to Lordsburg, and theColumbus Gila route to Deming. In-app purchases include guides for:- CDT: New Mexico - CDT: Colorado - CDT: Wyoming - CDT: Idaho/S.Montana (to Johnson Lake) - CDT: North Montana Key features: - Nomobile or internet connection is required after initial setup --works in Airplane Mode - Detailed maps with your GPS location -Elevation profile view - Custom route creator - Multiple offlinemap choices - Real-time comments from other hikers - Send yourcurrent location to friends or family via text message or email Theguidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along the trailand how far away you are from each waypoint. The guidebook alsoincludes a detailed town guide for major resupply points, towns,and services along the CDT. Waypoint details include: - Mileagepoint and elevation - Photographs - Distance to the next watersource and tent site - Comments section where you may post commentsand read other hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Water sources(including the reliability of each water source) - Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and other packageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and convenience stores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging, publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries - Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas along thetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations - Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Natural landmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views
Guthook Guides Australia & New Zealand 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" toaccessthe Te Araroa and other Australia and New Zealand Guidesoffered byGuthook Guides. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchases tothe Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook GuidesAustralia & New Zealand is a detailed, map-basedsmartphoneguide to the best trails in Australia and New Zealand,includingthe famous 3000-kilometre Te Araroa in New Zealand. Eachtrailguide maps and lists important hiker waypoints such aswatersources, tenting sites, junctions, road crossings,resupplyinformation, and many others. The Te Araroa guide has morethan2,000 waypoints. The free demo covers a 60-kilometre portion oftheTe Araroa in the Auckland area on the North Island of NewZealand.In app purchases include: New Zealand: - Te Araroa -RouteburnTrack - Greenstone and Caples Track - Kepler Track -Milford TrackAustralia: - Bibbulmun Track - Overland Track -Larapinta Trail -Three Capes Track - Cape to Cape - WilsonsPromontory Grand Circuit- George Bass Coast Trail Key features: -No mobile or internetconnection is required after initial setup --works in AirplaneMode - Detailed maps with your GPS location -Elevation profileview - Custom route creator - Multiple offline mapchoices -Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your currentlocationto friends or family via text message or email Theguidebook listsevery waypoint in order by distance along the trailand how faraway you are from each waypoint. The guidebook alsoincludes adetailed town guide for major resupply points, towns, andservicesalong each trail. Waypoint details include: - Mileage pointandelevation - Photographs - Distance to the next water sourceandtent site - Comments section where you may post comments andreadother hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Watersources(including the reliability of each water source) -Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and otherpackageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and conveniencestores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging,publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries -Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas alongthetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations -Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views