Bible KJV التطبيقات

Biblia de estudio 📖 3.0
Bible KJV
Para todo cristiano es esencial la lectura de la Biblia. Con estaaplicación podrás llevarla a todos lados y escucharla o leerlacuando lo desees. La “Biblia de estudio” es una aplicación que teayudará a interpretar los textos de la sagrada escritura porquecontiene la Biblia SEVA, Sagradas escrituras versión antigua 2002más los comentarios del pastor Matthew Henry en idioma español.Esta versión estudio de la Biblia permite a los lectoresinterpretar los versículos con mayor claridad. Es una herramientaque facilita el análisis y comprensión de las sagradas escrituras.Podrás estudiar, leer, marcar y compartir los versículos con quiendesees. 👍 Conoce más sobre esta herramienta: SEVA, Sagradasescrituras versión antigua 2002, es el modelo bíblico incorporadoen la aplicación. Está dedicada a cristianos protestantes. Con laBiblia de estudio podrás leer las Sagradas escrituras desde tuTablet o celular cuantas veces lo desees. Esta es una herramientapotente y útil para la comprensión de la palabra de Dios. La bibliaSEVA 2002 es una versión moderna y fiel a los textos originales.Entender su significado será muy sencillo. Los comentarios delpastor Matthew Henry te servirán para comprender cada versículo. 👍¿Quién fue Matthew Henry? Matthew Henry fue un pastor destacado porsumergirse desde muy joven en la comprensión y difusión de lostextos sagrados. Realizó un análisis profundo de la Biblia en suépoca (siglo XVII), que aún se mantiene vigente. Con sucontribución en la difusión de la palabra de Dios, logró trascenderhasta nuestro tiempo. 👍 Comentarios para que te guíes La Bibliapuede ser difícil o confusa en algunos trechos. Por eso la Bibliade estudio contiene comentarios en la mayoría de sus versículos quete ayudan a aclarar el contenido y entender el texto. Podráscomparar, agregar notas y compartir los versículos. Tienereferencias cruzadas que te permiten ir de un versículo a otrorelacionados por temas. Y todo esto puedes hacerlo sin internet,una vez que descargues la aplicación. Además de esto la app tieneotras características importantes que facilitan la interpretacióndel texto bíblico. 👍 Características de la Biblia de estudio ⚫Puedes descargar esta aplicación totalmente gratis. ⚫ Cuenta con unformato de audio que permite escuchar los versículos independienteso reproducir todo el capítulo. ⚫ Es offline. No requiere conexión ainternet. ⚫ Los versículos están conectados por referencias quepermiten ir de unos a otros versículos relacionados por temascomunes. ⚫ Permite guardar, marcar o seleccionar versículos de labiblia para hacer una lista de favoritos. ⚫ Admite agregar notas alos versículos. Las notas pueden ordenarse por fechas de creación.⚫ Puedes interactuar con otras personas compartiendo los versículosen redes sociales, a través de SMS o por correo electrónico. ⚫ Aldejar de usar la aplicación podrás retomar el texto en el últimopárrafo leído. ⚫ Se puede ajustar el tamaño de la letra conforme ala capacidad o tamaño deseado y aplicar modo nocturno para protegerla vista y mejorar la visión. Descarga el texto bíblico completo,con el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. 📖 Lista de libros: AntiguoTestamento: (Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio,Josué, Jueces, Rut, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Reyes, 2 Reyes, 1Crónicas, 2 Crónicas, Esdras, Nehemías, Ester, Job, Salmos,Proverbios, Eclesiastés, Cantares, Isaías, Jeremías, Lamentaciones,Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseas, Joel, Amós, Abdías, Jonás, Miqueas, Nahúm,Habacuc, Sofonías, Hageo, Zacarías, Malaquías) Nuevo Testamento:(Mateo, Marcos, Lucas, Juan, Hechos, Romanos, 1 Corintios, 2Corintios, Gálatas, Efesios, Filipenses, Colosenses, 1Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo, Tito,Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, 1 Juan, 2 Juan, 3Juan, Judas, Apocalipsis)
German Bible App Deutsche Bibel App für Christen kostenlos 9.0
Bible KJV
German Bible App made for Christians with an easy user interface.
Bible KJV offline audio
Bible KJV
Bible KJV app is offline Touch Bible KJV English for anywhere andanytime read.
João Ferreira de Almeida audio Bíblia João Ferreira de Almeida grátis 9.0
Bible KJV
JFAA, the Bible widely used and accepted by Protestants andCatholics in Brazil.
Dutch Bible app Bijbel 5.0
Bible KJV
👍 We offer the most important Bible in Dutch: StatenvertalingBible. Statenvertaling Bible is the first official Dutch-languagetranslation of the Bible, commonly read and accepted for use inProtestant Christian churches. Statenvertaling Bible was translateddirectly from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts in 1637and authorized by the State of Netherlands. Bijbel app is designedwith friendly and easy to navigate graphic user interface whichfits and suits perfectly for today’s high demand for flexibility inthe software application. 👍 Bijbel app features: ⚫ Audio Bible 🔉:It is quite refreshing to listen to the very words of thescriptures being read aloud and you are just enjoying theawesomeness of the presence of God as you listen keenly to theprecious words or busy with your days chores or other things andstill being able to listen to these lively words from the bible. ⚫Offline Bible: No internet, not a problem, Statenvertaling Bibleapp has ensured that the Bible app works fully when you areoffline. Free: You can download this Bible App totally free andthere are no hidden charges. ⚫ Bookmark: You can easily bookmarkseveral portions of the Bible that ministers to your spirit foreasy reference. ⚫ Changing text size: This is one feature thatmakes Bijbel app one of the best Bible App because you get toadjust the text of Bible to higher or lower fonts that suits youreyes the best. ⚫ Night mode: The night mode feature makes it easierto study at night because the night mode feature eliminates theblue light rays that can affect not only the eyes but the qualityand quantity of sleep as well. ⚫ Favorite List: The Bible is aliveand as you study or listen to Statenvertaling Bible gives you thedue flexibility to create, organize portion and save with datedifferent verses of the Bible for easy reference. ⚫ Add notes:Making notes while studying is one of the best ways to retainknowledge and Statenvertaling Bible app has ensured that the AddNotes feature is easy to use. ⚫ Sharing: You can share portions,verses of the Bible with friends, families, and colleagues on allsocial media platforms that are readily accessible to you. ⚫ Sendverses by email: you can send verses of the scriptures throughemails. ⚫ Receive verses on the phone: It has a unique feature thatmakes you send the verses and portions of the scriptures directlyto the phone as text messages or through wireless transfer. ⚫Keyword search: Studying the Bible has been made much easier whenusing Statenvertaling Bible app keyword search which allows you tosurf the Bible looking for different verses and portion of thescriptures. ⚫ Remember the last verse: You can close the Bible appbut anytime you open the app, it automatically returns to the lastchapter and the verse you read. 📖 The books and divisions of theBible: OLD TESTAMENT: Law: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy. History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First Samuel, SecondSamuel, First Kings, Second Kings, First Chronicles, SecondChronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos,Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi. NEW TESTAMENT: Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke,John. History. Acts Epistles: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Prophecy:Revelation
Given Bible app offline Bible 4.0
Bible KJV
Free Bible is one of the best Bible study tools that is recommendedfor Devoted Christians. This is the WEB (World English Bible)Version of the Holy Bible that you can use to read or listen toBible quotes. Motivate yourself with the best Bible app. The WEB isthe modern translation of the Holy Bible. This version comes fromthe American Standard Version and actually, it’s the updatedversion. 👍 The Features of Free Bible: ⚫ Offers offline featuresfree of cost ⚫ Both audio and readable version is available ⚫Customize the text size ⚫ Turn on/off Night Mode ⚫ Bookmarking ofthe verses and include notes ⚫ Organize the verses by creating alist ⚫ Share verses with friends and family ⚫ Send verses via Email⚫ Receive motivational Bible quotes on mobile ⚫ Keyword searchfunction ⚫ Remember last read verse feature 👍 Spread The Holy WordsTo Everyone This Bible app offers you a full free Bible readingopportunity using your phone. You can read the best Bible versesand Bible quotes whenever you feel like. Spread the Holy Words andshare the peace with everyone you know by using the social networksharing option of our app. 👍 The Most comforting Features Our FreeBible will only fulfill your life with peace and happiness whichwill not harm you. You can protect your eyes and ears by using ourvarious features like Night Mode, changing text font and many more.👍 Find the Favorite Verses Easily This Bible app remembers the lastverse you read that’s why when you come back to start your Biblereading again, you will find the specific verse easily. There's alot more; you can bookmark the verses, add any tiny notes if youwant and even create lists. Also, you can select a date to getBible quotes on your phone. 📖 The books and divisions of the Bible:OLD TESTAMENT: Law: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy. History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First Samuel, SecondSamuel, First Kings, Second Kings, First Chronicles, SecondChronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos,Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi. NEW TESTAMENT: Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke,John. History. Acts Epistles: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Prophecy:Revelation
Bíblia Católica em Portugués Bíblia Sagrada Católica com audio 7.0
Bible KJV
The best and most complete application of the Catholic Bible forAndroid
Catholic Bible audio app Catholic Bible free 7.0
Bible KJV
Catholic Bible is an app with the Douay-Rheims Catholic edition ofthe Bible.
Bible Louis Segond 📖 Téléchargez la Bible Louis Segond 9.0
Bible KJV
Cette application vous permet de télécharger la Bible traduite parLouis Segond à partir des textes hébreux et grecs originaux. LaBible de Louis Segond est une traduction précise et complète desSaintes Écritures, éditée en 1873 après une décennie de travail.Louis Segond était un pasteur protestant qui enseignait l’hébreubiblique. À la demande de la Compagnie des Pasteurs de Genève, il aréalisé une traduction fidèle de la Bible, considérée de nos jourscomme une référence dans le monde chrétien. À travers cetteapplication, plongez-vous dans les Saintes Écritures et découvrezla parole de Dieu. La Bible doit être accessible à tous, en toutecirconstance. C’est pour cela que cette application propose lesservices suivants : 👍 GRATUIT Téléchargez gratuitement votre BibleLouis Segond et partagez-la avec vos proches. Immergez-vous dansles Écritures et laissez la parole de Dieu guider votre vie. 👍AUDIO DESCRIPTION Sélectionnez un verset ou un chapitre de la Bibleet entendez la voix de Dieu! Réglez le volume et la vitesse de lalecture audio à votre convenance et profitez des Saintes Écritures.👍 HORS-LIGNE Accédez aux Écritures et emportez la parole de Dieuavec vous où que vous soyez. Une fois l’application téléchargée,vous n’avez pas besoin d’être connecté à internet pour lire ouécouter la Bible de Louis Segond. 👍 PERSONNALISEZ VOTRE BIBLE : ⚫ Àl’aide du marque page, retrouvez facilement vos versets favoris. ⚫Avec l’application, créez une liste de vos chapitres et versetspréférés. ⚫ Organisez vos versets favoris par date. ⚫ Utilisez larecherche par mots-clés pour retrouver des versets de la Bible. ⚫Demandez à notre application de garder en mémoire les derniersversets lus. ⚫ Partagez les écritures qui vous touchent surFacebook, Twitter ou Instagram. ⚫ Annotez les versets et chapitresde votre choix. ⚫ Envoyer des versets par email à vos proches. ⚫Recevez des versets inspirants sur votre téléphone. ⚫ Ajustez lataille du texte et utilisez le mode nuit pour ne pas fatiguer vosyeux. ⚫ Réglez les paramètres audios pour entendre parfaitement laparole de Dieu. La lecture des Saintes Écritures vous inspire etvous guide dans votre vie. N’attendez pas pour vous plonger dans laBible, téléchargez-la dès aujourd’hui. Pour les chrétiens, la Bibleest divisée en deux grandes parties: l'Ancien et le NouveauTestament. 📖 Chapitres et livres de l'Ancien Testament : *LePentateuque : Genèse, Exode, Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome. *LesLivres historiques : Josué, Juges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1Rois, 2 Rois, 1 Chroniques, 2 Chroniques, Esdras, Néhémie, Esther.*Les Livres poétiques de la Bible : Job, Psaumes, Proverbes,Ecclésiaste, Cantique. *Les Prophètes : Isaïe, Jérémie,Lamentations, Ezéchiel, Jérémie, Daniel, Osée, Amos, Michée, Joël,Abdias, Jonas, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonie, Agée, Zacharie, Malachie.📖 Chapitres et livres du Nouveau Testament: *Les évangiles :Matthieu, Marc, Luc, Jean *Le livre des Actes des Apôtres *LesEpîtres de Paul: Romains, 1 Corinthiens, 2 Corinthiens, Galates,Éphésiens, Philippiens, Colossiens, 1 Thessaloniciens, 2Thessaloniciens, 1 Timothée, 2 Timothée, Tite, Philémon, Hébreux.*Les autres Epîtres: Jacques, 1 Pierre, 2 Pierre, 1 Jean, 2 Jean, 3Jean, Jude *Le livre de l’Apocalypse
Bible in Indonesian Alkitab Indonesia Tagalog i-download 8.0
Bible KJV
Indonesian Holy Bible App made for Christians with an easy userinterface.
Bíblia de estudo pregai audio Bíblia de estudo grátis com comentário bíblic 8.0
Bible KJV
A Portuguese Bible created to help you in your daily Bible studies
Bible en Français Courant Bible en audio gratuit 9.0
Bible KJV
The Bible in audio faithful to the sacred text in current French:Bible Bovet Bonnet
Easy to read Bible version Bible easy to read 4.0
Bible KJV
If you are looking for a beginners Bible which will help with yourregular Bible reading, this one is for you. Easy To Read Bible is aBible app that contains easy Bible verses written in basic English.Our app makes your Bible reading more comfortable even if you arenot a pro in English. The Holy Words are waiting for you, reshapeyour life with the words of God. 👍 This app offers you somethingbetter! We often want to read or listen to the Holy Bible by usingour phone. This Bible app offers you a perfect opportunity tosimplify your Bible reading and enlighten your life. You can evenlisten to the words of God while traveling or any time you want. 👍The Features of Easy To Read Bible ⚫ 🔉Offers audio Bible features ⚫🔉Control the volume, speed, and tone of the audio ⚫ Totally Freeand can be read or listen offline ⚫ Bookmark favorite Bible Versesplus Add notes ⚫ Customize the text size ⚫ Switch between Day andNight Mode. Save your eyes while reading at night by turning on theNight Mode. ⚫ Make a list of motivational Bible quotes and organizethem by date ⚫ Share the God’s Word with everyone in Social media ⚫Send Verses to email contacts ⚫ Simple Keyword Search Option ⚫ TheApp remembers the last read verse ⚫ Turn on verse notification toreceive them on your phone 👍 Share With Everyone You Know You candirectly share any specific Bible verse or passage in the socialmedia or email contacts by using our app. This easy read Bible willaid everyone whose first language is not English. 👍 Start Where YouHave Stopped This Bible app remembers the last verse read, when youfinish your study and come again, you can start from where youleft. Also, you can get the Bible verses on your phone every day ifyou want. You can select any date when you want to receive theBible quotes. Download and explore the complete text of the Biblein easy English. Here is a complete list of the Books and chaptersof the Bible: 📖 OLD TESTAMENT: Law: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy. History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First Samuel,Second Samuel, First Kings, Second Kings, First Chronicles, SecondChronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos,Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi. 📖 NEW TESTAMENT: Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke,John. History. Acts Epistles: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Prophecy:Revelation
Biblia RV 1960 sin internet
Bible KJV
"Bible" mobile application that facilitates the reading of the HolyScriptures.
Bible offline audio app New Holy Bible with audio free 8.0
Bible KJV
Grow closer to God by listening and reading the KJV Bible withBible app.
Study Bible commentary offline Study Bible with Matthew Henry commentary 8.0
Bible KJV
Study Bible app presents inspiring verses from KJV and MatthewHenry commentary.
King James Version Bible - KJV Free King James Version in english 7.0
Bible KJV
KJV Holy Bible App made for Christians with an easy graphical userinterface.
Women Bible KJV offline
Bible KJV
Women Bible app offers Holy Bible for women in Englishwithinspirational quotes
Audio Bible offline Free Audio Bible 10.0
Bible KJV
The AKJV Audio Bible App is designed and approved for use byChristians.
Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Biblia Reina Valera gratis en español 7.0
Bible KJV
With this app of the King James Bible, he takes the Word ofGodwherever you want.
Biblia en español Reina Valera Biblia Reina Valera gratis en español 8.0
Bible KJV
The word of God is always with you. Read and listen to the Bibleonyour mobile or tablet