Biblica التطبيقات

الإنجيل للدراسة في مجموعات 1.0
يقدم الإنجيل للدراسة في مجموعات صغيرة طريقةسهلة وفعالة لدراسة الإنجيل في مجموعات صغيرة العدد، وهي طريقة جديدةنسبيًا لدراسة كلمة الله. كل ما يحتاجه الدارسون هو لقاء ودي لعدد منالأصدقاء يتناولون معًا كوبًا من الشاي أو القهوة، ثم يبدأون الدراسةمعًا.لا يحتاج الأمر هنا لخبير في التعليم الروحي أو دراسة الكتابالمقدس لقيادة المجموعة الدراسية.يمكن لكل مجموعة أن تختار من يدير اللقاء الدراسي من ضمن أعضاءالمجموعة بالتناوب فيما بينهم.أخذ نص الإنجيل )العهد الجديد( من كتاب الحياة، وهو ترجمة للكتابالمقدس بلغة عربية حديثة،لسهولة القراءة والفهم.مميزات البرنامج:- أمكانية البحث في الإنجيل بدون أستخدام الانترنت.- يمكنك تظليل النص بأربع ألوان مختلفة حسب احتياجك.- الاستمتاع بكتاب الحياة المسموع وإمكانية تحميله على جهازكالمحمول.- يمكنك أضافة ملاحظاتك الشخصية Comments- يمكنك حفظ الآيات المفضلة لك.It offers Bible study insmall groups easy and effective way to study the Bible in smallgroups number, a relatively new way to study the word of God. Allit takes scholars is a friendly to a number of friends eatingtogether a cup of tea or coffee, and then begin to study together.It does not take an expert here in the spiritual education orstudy the Bible to lead the study group.Each group can choose from the meeting, the school runs from withinthe members of the group rotates among them.Taking the text of the Bible) New Testament (from the book of life,a translation of the Bible modern Arabic language, for easy readingand understanding.The program features:- Ability to search the Bible without using the Internet.- You can highlight text in four different colors according to yourneed.- Enjoy the book of life and the possibility of audio-loaded onyour mobile device.- You can add your personal Comments- You can save your favorite verses.
Bible Stories (OT Stories) 1.0
These Stories are helpful in teaching aboutthe main characters of the Old Testament and what we can learn fromtheir lives and their relationships with God.Application Features:- Contains 14 different stories for the Old TestamentCharacters- Ability to download the tracks- Most of the story contains the scriptStories that is included in the application:1- The Life of Abrahim2- The Life of Daniel3- The Life of David4- The Life of Elijah5- The Life of Job6- The Life of Jonah7- The Life of Joseph Arabic8- The life of Joseph Sudan9- The Life of Joseph with poems10- The Life of Moses Arabic11- The Life of Moses Sudan12- The Life of Samuel13- The Life of Solomon14- The Life Ruth
My Bible - Bible
Finally, you have the opportunity to read,listen and share the word of God in Arabic Language with our firstofficial Book of Life Application for Android.For more information kindly visit www.ketaby.netWhat’s New v4- Work in “offline mode” (no need for internet connection todisplay the text)- Search in “offline mode” (no need for internet connection tosearch the text).- stream the Audio files while reading the Bible- Reading Plan- Daily verseWhat’s New v2.5- includes 2 translations NAV and The Arabic Bible (Van Dyke)- Highlight Verses using 5 different colors- Advanced Search
Ketaby Catalog - Book of Life 1.0
The Ketaby Catalog application allows you toview the latest edition of our products and share them with yourfriends including links for devices like Mobiles (Android &Apple) & Personal Computers.The application also allows you to read some of our books onyour device.You can also listen to the bible (old and new testaments) onlineand download your playlist on your device to listen whileoffline.It is an easy use catalog where you will find many applicationsfor youth and kids as well.
Biblica LA 1.3
Sobre NosotrosNos apasiona leer la Biblia bien para que podamos vivirla bien.Pormás de doscientos años hemos ayudado a que millones depersonastengan acceso a la Palabra de Dios y la experimenten a finde quepueda transformar sus vidas.Nuestro ministerioTraducir la Biblia para cuatro mil millones de personasTraducimos y publicamos la Biblia en docenas de idiomas,entreellas la New International Version (NIV), la Biblia eningléscontemporáneo más ampliamente usada en el mundo.Creemos que todos merecen tener una traducción de lasEscriturasconfiable y fácil de leer en su idioma materno.Publicamostraducciones de la Biblia completa, no solamenteporcionesbíblicas. Nos concentramos en lenguas que cuentan con unmillón omás de hablantes a fin de poder alcanzar al mayor númeroposible depersonas con la Palabra de Dios.En estos momentos trabajamos para convertir todaslastraducciones que tenemos impresas, a texto digital y audiodigital—para superar la barrera del analfabetismo y el costo delasBiblias impresas. Lea más acerca de nuestros esfuerzos enlatraducción bíblica.Ayudamos a iglesias e individuos a que lean bien la BibliaNo dejamos a un lado la traducción de la Biblia, pero sabemosqueel solo acceso a la Biblia no garantiza la interacción conlaPalabra de Dios. Ayudamos a que iglesias, ministerios eindividuosexperimenten las Escrituras de maneras poderosas —desdeampliascampañas de lectura de la Biblia en las iglesias, hastaenseñanzabíblica de prevención contra el VIH para jóvenes.Nuestro trabajo no terminará hasta que la última personahayatenido un encuentro transformador de vida con la PalabradeDios.Nuestra historiaBíblica se remonta a más de doscientos años, cuando algunosdelos principales filántropos, pensadores y hombres de negocio delaCiudad de Nueva York la fundaron con el fin de alcanzar a laciudadmás importante de los Estados Unidos de América —y finalmentealmundo— con el Evangelio.Primero como la Sociedad Bíblica de Nueva York, luego comolaSociedad Bíblica Internacional y ahora como Bíblica, hemossidopioneros en abordar nuevas formas de acceder a la Bibliayexperimentarla:En 1820 patrocinamos nuestra primera traducción bíblica:laBiblia en bengalí de William Carey.Fuimos los primeros en entregar Biblias a los soldados durantelaGuerra de 1812.Fuimos los primeros en colocar Biblias en las habitacionesdehotel.Publicamos las primeras Biblias en Braille.En 1867 produjimos la primera Biblia en audio.En 1978 publicamos la New International Version (NIV), latraducciónlíder en el mundo de las Escrituras en ingléscontemporáneo.Al entrar a nuestro tercer siglo de ministerio en 2009, Bíblicayahabía suministrado más de seiscientos cincuenta millones deBibliasy de materiales bíblicos a la gente en todo el mundo. Leamásacerca de la historia de Bíblica aquí.Nuestros valores y creenciasLa Palabra de Dios está en el centro de todo lo que hacemos.Estaextraordinaria colección de libros nos cautiva, nos reta ynosinspira. Creemos que la Biblia es la verdad de Dios y lahistoriade Dios; y en todo aquello que hacemos buscamos honrar anuestroSalvador y a su Palabra eterna. Lea más acerca de nuestrosvaloresy creencias.Nuestro futuroEstamos sirviendo en cincuenta y cinco países, alcanzandocadaaño a más de cien millones de personas con la Palabra de Dios.Peroesto es apenas el comienzo.Nuestros corazones laten por los que todavía carecen delaPalabra de Dios. Ya hemos traducido la Biblia a veintisiete delastreinta lenguas principales que se hablan. Y por medio denuestrainiciativa global de publicar las Escrituras en versiónimpresacomo texto digital y en audio digital, estasveintisietetraducciones bíblicas pueden llevar la Palabra de Dios acuatro milmillones de personas.Nuestra visión es la de ayudar a encender unreavivamientomundial de lectura de la Biblia, en la iglesia y pormedio deella.About UsWe are passionate about reading the Bible well so that we canliveit well. For over two hundred years we have helped millionsofpeople have access to the Word of God and to experience thatcantransform their lives.Our ministryTranslate the Bible to four billion peopleWe translate and publish the Bible in dozens oflanguages,including the New International Version (NIV) BibleContemporaryEnglish most widely used in the world.We believe that everyone deserves a translation of theScripturesreliable and easy to read in their native language. Wepublishtranslations of the whole Bible, not only biblicalportions. Wefocus on languages ​​that have a million or morespeakers in orderto achieve the greatest possible number of peoplewith the Word ofGod.We are currently working to convert all translations wehaveprinted to digital text and audio digital-to overcome thebarrierof illiteracy and the cost of printed Bibles. Read moreabout ourefforts in Bible translation.We help churches and individuals to read the Bible wellWe leave aside the translation of the Bible, but we know thattheonly access to the Bible does not guarantee interaction withtheWord of God. We help churches, ministries and individualsScriptureextensive experience powerful ways -from campaigns Biblereading inchurches, Bible teaching to HIV prevention for youngpeople.Our job does not end until the last person has hadalife-transforming encounter with the Word of God.Our historyBiblical dates back over two hundred years, when somemajorphilanthropists, thinkers and business people of the City ofNewYork founded it in order to reach the largest city in theUnitedStates finally -and the world - with the Gospel.First as the Bible Society in New York, then as theInternationalBible Society and now as Bible, we have been pioneersin addressingnew ways of accessing and experiencing the Bible:In 1820 we sponsored our first Bible translation: the BibleinBengali of William Carey.We were the first to deliver Bibles to soldiers during the Warof1812.We were the first to place Bibles in hotel rooms.We published the first Bibles in Braille.In 1867 we produced the first Bible in audio.In 1978 we published the New International Version (NIV),theworld's leading translation of the Scriptures intocontemporaryEnglish.Upon entering our third century of ministry in 2009,Biblicalalready supplied more than six hundred fifty million Biblesandbiblical materials to people worldwide. Read more about thehistoryof Bible here.Our values ​​and beliefsThe Word of God is at the center of everything we do.Thisextraordinary collection of books captivates us, challenges usandinspires us. We believe the Bible is God's truth and God'sstory;and in all that we seek to honor our Savior and his eternalWord.Read more about our values ​​and beliefs.Our futureWe are serving in fifty-five countries, reaching each year overahundred million people with the Word of God. But this is justthebeginning.Our hearts beat for those who still lack the Word of God.We'vetranslated the Bible into twenty-seven of the thirtymajorlanguages ​​spoken. And through our global initiative topublishthe scriptures in print and digital text and digital audio,thesetwenty-seven Bible translations can take the Word of God tofourbillion people.Our vision is to help ignite a worldwide revival ofBiblereading, church and through her.
Biblica LA 1.3
Sobre NosotrosNos apasiona leer la Biblia bien para que podamos vivirla bien. Pormás de doscientos años hemos ayudado a que millones de personastengan acceso a la Palabra de Dios y la experimenten a fin de quepueda transformar sus vidas.Nuestro ministerioTraducir la Biblia para cuatro mil millones de personasTraducimos y publicamos la Biblia en docenas de idiomas, entreellas la New International Version (NIV), la Biblia en ingléscontemporáneo más ampliamente usada en el mundo.Creemos que todos merecen tener una traducción de las Escriturasconfiable y fácil de leer en su idioma materno. Publicamostraducciones de la Biblia completa, no solamente porcionesbíblicas. Nos concentramos en lenguas que cuentan con un millón omás de hablantes a fin de poder alcanzar al mayor número posible depersonas con la Palabra de Dios.En estos momentos trabajamos para convertir todas lastraducciones que tenemos impresas, a texto digital y audio digital—para superar la barrera del analfabetismo y el costo de lasBiblias impresas. Lea más acerca de nuestros esfuerzos en latraducción bíblica.Ayudamos a iglesias e individuos a que lean bien la BibliaNo dejamos a un lado la traducción de la Biblia, pero sabemosque el solo acceso a la Biblia no garantiza la interacción con laPalabra de Dios. Ayudamos a que iglesias, ministerios e individuosexperimenten las Escrituras de maneras poderosas —desde ampliascampañas de lectura de la Biblia en las iglesias, hasta enseñanzabíblica de prevención contra el VIH para jóvenes.Nuestro trabajo no terminará hasta que la última persona hayatenido un encuentro transformador de vida con la Palabra deDios.Nuestra historiaBíblica se remonta a más de doscientos años, cuando algunos delos principales filántropos, pensadores y hombres de negocio de laCiudad de Nueva York la fundaron con el fin de alcanzar a la ciudadmás importante de los Estados Unidos de América —y finalmente almundo— con el Evangelio.Primero como la Sociedad Bíblica de Nueva York, luego como laSociedad Bíblica Internacional y ahora como Bíblica, hemos sidopioneros en abordar nuevas formas de acceder a la Biblia yexperimentarla:En 1820 patrocinamos nuestra primera traducción bíblica: laBiblia en bengalí de William Carey.Fuimos los primeros en entregar Biblias a los soldados durante laGuerra de 1812.Fuimos los primeros en colocar Biblias en las habitaciones dehotel.Publicamos las primeras Biblias en Braille.En 1867 produjimos la primera Biblia en audio.En 1978 publicamos la New International Version (NIV), latraducción líder en el mundo de las Escrituras en ingléscontemporáneo.Al entrar a nuestro tercer siglo de ministerio en 2009, Bíblica yahabía suministrado más de seiscientos cincuenta millones de Bibliasy de materiales bíblicos a la gente en todo el mundo. Lea másacerca de la historia de Bíblica aquí.Nuestros valores y creenciasLa Palabra de Dios está en el centro de todo lo que hacemos.Esta extraordinaria colección de libros nos cautiva, nos reta y nosinspira. Creemos que la Biblia es la verdad de Dios y la historiade Dios; y en todo aquello que hacemos buscamos honrar a nuestroSalvador y a su Palabra eterna. Lea más acerca de nuestros valoresy creencias.Nuestro futuroEstamos sirviendo en cincuenta y cinco países, alcanzando cadaaño a más de cien millones de personas con la Palabra de Dios. Peroesto es apenas el comienzo.Nuestros corazones laten por los que todavía carecen de laPalabra de Dios. Ya hemos traducido la Biblia a veintisiete de lastreinta lenguas principales que se hablan. Y por medio de nuestrainiciativa global de publicar las Escrituras en versión impresacomo texto digital y en audio digital, estas veintisietetraducciones bíblicas pueden llevar la Palabra de Dios a cuatro milmillones de personas.Nuestra visión es la de ayudar a encender un reavivamientomundial de lectura de la Biblia, en la iglesia y por medio deella.About usWe love reading the Bible well so that we can live it well. Forover two hundred years we have helped millions of people haveaccess to the Word of God and the experience to enable it totransform their lives.Our ministryTranslating the Bible to four billion peopleWe translate and publish the Bible in dozens of languages,including the New International Version (NIV), the Bible incontemporary English most widely used in the world.We believe that everyone deserves a translation of theScriptures reliable and easy to read in their native language. Wepublish translations of the whole Bible, not just Bible portions.We focus on languages ​​that have a million or more speakers inorder to reach the largest possible number of people with the Wordof God.We are currently working to convert all translations that haveprinted to digital text and digital audio -to overcome the barrierof illiteracy and the cost of the printed Bibles. Read more aboutour efforts in Bible translation.We help churches and individuals to read the Bible wellWe leave aside the translation of the Bible, but we know thatthe only access to the Bible does not guarantee interaction withthe Word of God. We help churches, ministries and individualsexperience the scriptures powerful ways-from large campaignsreading the Bible in church, Bible teaching to HIV prevention foryoung people.Our work will not end until the last person has had alife-transforming encounter with the Word of God.Our historyBible goes back over two hundred years, when some majorphilanthropists, thinkers and businessmen of the City of New Yorkfounded in order to reach the most important city in the UnitedStates-and the world finally - with the Gospel.First as the Bible Society of New York, then as theInternational Bible Society and Bible now as we have been pioneersin addressing new ways of accessing and experiencing the Bible:In 1820 we sponsored our first Bible translation: the Bible inBengali of William Carey.We were the first to deliver Bibles to soldiers during the War of1812.We were the first to place Bibles in hotel rooms.We published the first Bibles in Braille.In 1867 we produced the first Bible in audio.In 1978 we published the New International Version (NIV), the worldleader in the translation of Scripture in contemporaryEnglish.Upon entering our third century of ministry in 2009, he had alreadysupplied more Biblical than six hundred fifty million Bibles andBible materials to people worldwide. Read more about the history ofBible here.Our values ​​and beliefsThe Word of God is at the center of everything we do. Thisextraordinary collection of books captivates us, challenges us andinspires us. We believe that the Bible is God's truth and God'sstory; and all that we seek to honor our Savior and his eternalWord. Read more about our values ​​and beliefs.Our futureWe are serving in fifty-five countries, reaching each year morethan one hundred million people with the Word of God. But this isjust the beginning.Our hearts beat for those who still lack the Word of God. Wehave translated the Bible into twenty of the thirty major languages​​spoken. And through our global initiative to publish thescriptures in print and digital text and digital audio, thesetwenty-seven Bible translations can take the Word of God to fourbillion people.Our vision is to help ignite a worldwide revival of Biblereading, church and through her.
Easter 2013 by Biblica 5.1
Easter is the season for the celebration oftheresurrection of Jesus the Messiah. The entire story of theBibleturns on Jesus’ battle with evil, and then his surprisingvictory.The resurrection demonstrates God’s defeat of sin anddeath, andintroduces the great light of God’s salvation into theworld. Weinvite you to fully enter into this season with the dailyreading ofthe Scriptures.The focus will be on how God became King through the workofMessiah Jesus, and then welcomes us into our own inheritanceofrenewed life. The readings are taken first from the GospelofMatthew and then Paul’s letter to the Romans. The readings,whichinclude a daily prayer, cover the week from Palm Sunday toEasterSunday, and then also the first full week of the Easterseason.You can maximize the benefits of God’s word even more byreadingthrough the entire books of Matthew and Romans (in a singlesittingfor each one). Set aside some time for Matthew during theweekbetween Palm Sunday and Easter, and for Romans during thefirstweek of the Easter season.The darkness battled against Jesus. But God’s great,renewingpower has broken into our world! Jesus is risen! Therightful Lordof the creation now reigns, and we are invited to joinwith him inannouncing this, living it, and longing for itscompletion.
Advent 2013 by Biblica 6.03
Advent 2013 by BiblicaAdvent Psalms: Singing our HopeAdvent means “coming.” It is a season to prepare for thecomingof the Messiah, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. The weeks ofAdventprecede the twelve days of Christmas celebration that beginonDecember 25.In the time before Jesus was born, God’s people wereinexile—slaves of the Roman Empire in their own land. Theyweresuffering greatly, so they longed for the appearance of theLord’sAnointed to save them. The season of Advent takes on thistone ofexile. Thus it is a season characterized by both repentanceandhope. There is a need for being honest, for facing up to whatiswrong—in us and in our world. But there is also reasonforexpectant waiting—knowing that God will act to save theworldthrough his king.There is no better way to enter this season than toimmerseourselves in God’s own revelation—the Bible. These Adventreadingsare from Israel’s songbook—the Psalms. We will follow thepatternof the book of Psalms itself, as seen in the structure ofits fivebooks. Books One and Two focus on the rule of God’s king(psalms ofDavid). Books Three and Four center on the time ofIsrael’s exile.Finally in Book Five we will find the joy that comeswhen God sendshis new king and saves his people. The readings willcover all thedays from December 1–24, including the four Sundays inAdvent.Our world has plenty of pain and the evidence of ourmanyfailures is all around. But God’s word to us is hopeforrestoration, leading to joy. The strong language of thepsalmsinsists that God come and fulfill his promises. May you befilledwith this insistent hope as we journey together to the timeof hisappearing!
تلوين وألغاز الكتاب المقدس 1.0
على مدى ما يزيد على ألفي عام، ظل الكتابالمقدسمصدرًا لإلهام الكتاب والشعراء والموسيقيين والمصورين في مختلفالعصوروالثقافات. ومازال هذا النبع المقدس يثري أذهان المبدعينويوقظأخيلتهم.في هذا التطبيق عدد من القصص المستوحى من الكتاب المقدس الثمين,يحتوىهذا التطبيق على 115 صورة من العهدين القديم و الجديد. يتيحلأطفالناتعلم القصص و ايضا اللعب من خلال أختيار القصة و تلوينها أولعبالبازل بمستويات صعوبة مختلفة..ونحن نسأل الله أن يستخدم هذه الصفحات لمساعدتنا على تذكر كلمةاللهووصاياه، وتعليم الرب يسوع المسيح، لكي تثمر ثمارًا مقدسة فيحياتناوحياة أولادنا.For over a thousandyears,the Bible remained a source of inspiration for writers,poets,musicians and photographers in different eras and cultures.Andstill this sacred spring enriches the minds of the creatorsandawakens Okhalthm.In this application, inspired by a number of precious Biblestories,this application contains 115 picture of the Old and NewTestaments.It allows our children to learn the stories and alsoplay throughthe choice of story and coded or playing puzzle withdifferentlevels of difficulty ..We ask God to use these pages to help us remember the word ofGodand his commandments, and the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ,inorder to produce a sacred fruit in our lives and the lives ofourchildren.
Coloring Stories For Kids 3.0
The App made specially for kids it include 4stories about Jesus ( The Birth of Jesus - Miracles of Jesus - TheCrucifixion - Parables of Jesus ) where our kids can enjoy coloringthese stories with a lot of colors & brush sizes also they cansave their coloring on the device gallery.
耶稣全貌 1.0
这本有声读物将四部福音书合并成一个连贯的故事。本书旨在帮助读者了解耶稣的生平和他所传讲的真道。任何一本福音书都没有给出耶稣生平的全貌,每部福音书的作者都各有侧重。本书将马太、马可、路加和约翰四部福音书的内容整合为一个完整的故事。本书英文版使用的是《新国际读者版圣经》。这个译本是在常用的《新国际版圣经》(NIV)的基础上改写而成的,其中的语言简单易懂,特别适合刚刚接触《圣经》的读者。(与之相应,本书中文版的《圣经》译文采用《当代译本圣经》。)将四部福音书的记载合并起来的想法并非本书首创。早在公元二世纪的时候就有类似的一本书,从那以后也有很多类似的书。但是,使用浅显易懂的译本编写,本书算是首创。本书尽可能使用《圣经》原文。整个故事是福音书中字句的有机结合,但没有使用《圣经》中通常用的章节标记。那些章节标记是《圣经》写成很多年之后,学者们为了人们读经方便而添加的。将四部福音书合并成一个完整的故事并非易事。福音书各有侧重,是有良苦用心的,而合并成一个故事后,就不能体现这些别具匠心之处了。为了将这些故事合并在一起,必须做出一些取舍。福音书的作者们各自记载了不同的细节。我们认为,故事要表达的核心信息要比故事如何发生的、发生在何时何地等细节更重要。福音书的不同作者谈到了一些相似的事情,但时间或地点有些差异。我们并不知道这些事件有什么不同,也许是耶稣在不同场合谈论过同一个教导。本书中并没有重复这些雷同的情节。有些时候,如果福音书记载的细节有差异,我们就选择两部或者多部福音书相互印证的经文。其他情况下,本书选择有助于读者更好地理解这个故事的经文。本书不是《圣经》的替代品,只是为那些从来没有听过耶稣故事的人写的,旨在鼓励他们开始阅读《圣经》。本书对那些想更多了解耶稣的人会很有帮助,尤其是那些还不太熟悉《圣经》的人。对于已经熟悉《圣经》的人来说,本书可以帮助他们更好地了解耶稣的生平和他传讲的信息。All About Jesus 耶稣 圣经 福音 故事 书 朗读 有声 读物 中文 生平 电子书 当代译本圣经 四福音书马太马可 路加 约翰 AAJThis audiobookfourGospels combined into a coherent story. This book is designedtohelp readers understand the life of Jesus, and he preachedthetruth. Any one Gospel did not give a complete picture of thelifeof Jesus, each Gospel of different emphases. The bookwillintegrate the contents of the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark,Lukeand John for a complete story.The book is the English version is the new internationalreadersversion of the Bible. This translation is rewritten on thebasis ofthe used "New International Version of the Bible" (NIV),which thelanguage is simple and easy to understand, especially forjustcontact with the readers of the Bible. (Correspondingly, bookthe"Bible translation of the Chinese version of"contemporarytranslations of the Bible.)The idea was not the four Gospels recorded combined book first.Asearly as in the second century AD, when there is a similarbook,since there are a lot of similar books. However, using easytounderstand translation prepared, be regarded as thefirstbook.The book possible, use the original text of the Bible. Thewholestory is the organic combination of the wording of theGospels, butdid not use the Bible, "usually with chapter markers.Those chaptermarkers "Bible" written after many years, scholarshave addedconvenient for people to read through.The four Gospels combined into a complete story is not easy.Gospelhave focused on the care and thought, merged into a story, itdoesnot reflect the ingenuity at.To merge these stories, you have to make some trade-offs. Eachofthe authors of the Gospels record the different details. Webelievethat the story to express the core of information than thestory ofhow it happened, the more important details on when andwhere,etc..Gospel of talking about something similar, but some differencesintime or place. We did not know that these events might beJesustalked about the same teachings on different occasions. Bookanddid not repeat the same plot.Sometimes, if the details of the Gospels differ, we choose twoormore than the Gospels confirm each other scriptures. Othercases,this book helps readers better understand the storyofScripture.The book is not the Bible, "substitute, just write for peoplewhohave never heard the story of Jesus, and to encourage them tostartreading the Bible.The book would be helpful for those who want to learn moreaboutJesus, especially those who are not familiar with the Bible ".Forpeople already familiar with the Bible, the book can help themtobetter understand the life of Jesus and his preaching.Audiobooks Chinese Biography eBook contemporary translationsofthe Bible four AAJ Gospels Matthew Mark Lujiayuehan, AllAboutJesus Jesus the Bible Gospel story book reading
قصص حياة الأنبياء 1.0
هذة القصص تساعدك بالتعرف على الشخصيات الرئيسية فى العهد القديموتتيح لك الفرصه من أن تتعلم من حياتها وعلاقاتها بالله مميزاتالبرنامج: - يحتوى على 14 قصة مختلفة من قصص العهد القديم - يمكنكتحميل و الاحتفاظ بالقصص - يحتوى البرنامج على بعض نصوص القصص القصصالمتاحة فى البرنامج: 1- حياة النبى إبراهيم 2- حياة النبى دانيال 3-حياة النبى داود 4- حياة النبى إيليا 5- حياة النبى أيوب 6- حياةالنبى يونان 7- حياة النبى يوسف بالعامية المصرية 8- حياة النبى يوسفباللهجة السودانية 9- حياة النبى يوسف بالأشعار 10- حياة النبى موسىبالعامية المصرية 11- حياة النبى باللهجة السودانية 12- حياة راعوثالمواَبية 13- حياة النبى صموئيل 14- حياة سليمان الحكيم
الكتاب المقدس الدراسي 1.2
حقق هذا الكتاب المقدس الدراسي أعلى مبيعات بين المراجعالدراسيةللكتاب المقدس، حيث ترجم عن الكتاب الدراسي NIV Study Bibleإلىالعديد من اللغات. في هذه الطبعة العربية أستخدم النص الكتابيلترجمةكتاب الحياة، وهي ترجمة للكتاب المقدس بلغة عربية معاصرة. أعدالمادةالدراسية والشروح نخبة من علماء الكتاب المقدس المعاصرينالمحافظينالمشهود لعلمهم. يضم الكتاب المقدس الدراسي أيضاً ملاحظاتوافيةمعاصرة مفيدة سهلة الاستخدام، كما يعتبر الكتاب مكتبة كاملةمنالمراجع الخاصة بدراسة الكتاب المقدس. يستخدم هذا الكتاب أكثر منستةملايين دارس حول العالم بلغات مختلفة. يضم هذا البرنامج: - أكثرمن20000 ملاحظة وتعليق ومادة دراسية. - دراسات وافية عن 900شخصيةكتابية. - 16 صفحة من الخرائط الملونة. - مئات الجداولوالخرائطوالرسوم البيانية والتوضيحية. - مقدمات ودراسات وافيةللخلفياتالتاريخية والثقافية لأقسام الكتاب - المقدس المختلفة. -ملاحظاتتطبيقية نافعة للحياة الشخصية. - كما يضم ملاحق وفهارسمبوبةللموضوعات والتعليقات والأعلام. مميزات البرنامج: - تصفح نصالكتاب والتفسير فى نافذة واحدة - الاستمتاع بكتاب الحياة المسموع -عرضالآيات بطريقة ممتعة - يمكن البحث عن أى كلمة أو آية فى الكتاب-كتابة ملاحظاتك الشخصية - امكانية تصفح الجداول والخرائط -إظهارالشواهد الكتابية بجانب الاَيات - تكبير و تصغير النص - تلوينالاَياتالمفضلة لديك
التفسير التطبيقي للكتاب المقدس 3.5
ما الذي يميز التفسير التطبيقي للكتاب المقدس هل سبق يوماً أنفتحتكتابك المقدس وتساءلت بما يلي: * ما هو المقصود بهذه الفقرةالكتابية؟* كيف يمكن تطبيقها على حياتي؟ * لماذا تبدو بعض الفقراتوكأنها لاتنطبق على حياتنا اليوم؟ * ما علاقتنا نحن اليوم مع هذهالحضاراتوالمجتمعات القديمة؟ * مع أنني أحب الله، لماذا لا أستطيع أنأفهم كلما يقوله لي من خلال كلمته؟ * ما الذي يجري في حياة هذهالشخصياةالكتابية وكيف يتصرفون هكذا؟ الكثيرون من المسيحيين لا يقرأونالكتابالمقدس بانتظام. لماذا؟ لأنهم في وسط ضغوط الحياة اليومية لايقدرونأن يكتشفوا ما يربط المبادئ الروحية السامية التي يقرأونها فيالكلمةالمقدسة بالمشكلات الملحة التي يواجهونها في الحياة اليومية.•المحتويات: o نص الكتاب المقدس المضبوط بالشكل. o عناوين النصالكتابيo ملاحظات التفسير التطبيقي o الشواهد الكتابية المتقابلة oمقدماتالأسفار. o فهارس متنوعة. o خرائط مرتبطة بالأحداث. o رسومتوضيحيةوبيانية. o دراسات الشخصيات الكتابية. مميزات البرنامج: -أمكانيةالبحث في الكتاب المقدس بدون أستخدام الانترنت. - يمكنك تظليلالنصبأربع ألوان مختلفة حسب احتياجك. - الاستمتاع بكتاب الحياةالمسموعوإمكانية تحميله على جهازك المحمول. - يمكنك أضافة ملاحظاتكالشخصيةComments - يمكنك أضافة مؤشراتك الكتابية Bookmarks
ترانيم للأطفال 1.0
يسعدنا ان نقدم هذا التطبيق لأطفالنا الاعزاء, يحتوى التطبيق علىعدةألبومات ترانيم للأطفال يمكنك تحميلها جميعا على جهازك والإستماعأليها بدون الحاجة للإنترنت أو أستخدام الإنترنت للإستماعإليها.
EBC - Biblica 3.0.2
Biblical experience in Community - A Bible reading program
Reach4Life is designed to inspire youth to plug into a relationshipwith God.
Bibilia Takatifu Swahili Bible 2.1
Kiswahili Contemporary Bible
Bible - New Believers 1.1
This App teaches everyone of us about the fundamentals of theChristian faith.
Новий Переклад Українською 2.5
Biblica New Ukrainian translation of the Bible
Ang Salita ng Dios 1.0
Tagalog Contemporary Bible Read the Holy Bible in Tagalog usingourfree Bible app. Ad free and no cost. Features include:BiblicaTagalog Contemporary Bible. Biblica New InternationalVersion inEnglish that can be read side-by-side or verse-by-versewith theTagalog Translation. Bookmark and highlight your favoriteverses,add notes and search for words in your Bible. Click andshare Bibleverses with your friends via Whatsapp, Facebook, E-mail,SMS etc.Designed to run on most versions of Android. Easy Biblenavigation.Adjustable text size. Compatibility: Made for deviceswith versions4.2 (Jelly Bean) and higher. Share this app withothers that wouldlike to read The Holy Bible. Your ratings andreviews will help uscontinue to develop this app for the peoplethat use it. If youhave any feedback or questions, feel free toemail Bible App developed & published by :BiblicaBiblica, The International Bible Society, provides GodʼsWord topeople through Bible translation and Bible publishing, andBibleengagement in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America,MiddleEast, North America, and South Asia. Through its worldwidereach,Biblica engages people with Godʼs Word so that their livesaretransformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Airscape Bible Reader 0.8.7-biblica
A Bible Reader for Low-End Devices
圣经当代译本修订版 - Chinese Bible 1.1
Revised Contemporary Translation of the Bible
Святая Библия Russian Bible 1.1
Our application offers the reading of the Holy Scriptures inRussian.
बाइबिल 1.1
Holy Bible, Hindi Contemporary Version
ا‫لكتاب المقدس Arabic Bible‬‬‬ 1.3.4
Read the Bible using the free Bible app
Yoruba Contemporary Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Yoruba using our free Bible app
Reach4Life – Путь к Жизни 1.15.1
Reach4Life is designed to inspire youth to plug into arelationshipwith God.
Neno Bible 0.8.7-neno
Bible Translations texts, audios, videos, daily readings andweeklymessages
Agbenya La - Ewe Bible 1.2
Ewe Contemporary Scriptures Bible app
Shona Bible 1.1.1
Shona Contemporary Bible app
Lingala Bible 1.0
Lingala Contemporary Bible
NVI Santa Biblia 1.0.1
Read the Holy Bible using our free Bible app.
My Biblical Faith 1.0.3
My biblical faith raises bold questions in young people'smindsabout God and the Christian faith
Igbo Contemporary Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Igbo using our free Bible app
Reach4Life Asante Audio 1.3
Reach4Life is designed to inspire youth to plug into arelationshipwith God.
Asante Twi Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Asante Twi using our Bible app.
La Bible du Semeur 1.1
Read the Holy Bible in French with our Bible app.
My Bible Study 1.0.7
My textbook contains the Bible, Applied Exegesis, and theStudyBible
Hausa Contemporary Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Hausa using our Bible app.
Akuapem Twi Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Akuapem Twi using our Bible app.
Ibibio Contemporary Bible 1.0
Ibibio Contemporary Bible, New Testament
Amharic Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible using our Bible app.
Oromo Ethiopic Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible using our Bible app
தமிழ் Tamil Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible using our free Bible app. Ad free and no cost.
Hoffnung für alle 1.0
Read the Holy Bible
Chichewa Bible 1.0
Read the Holy Bible in Chichewa