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Topper full 1.0.38
ObjectiveThe Topper is a game of tricks with trump,, which is played with4 players. 24 cards is used (ie: AS to Nine). The game is played infour stages namely: provides maps, challenge, choice of asset andjousting cards.________________________________DealIn this game, it gives six cards to each player.________________________________BiddingThe player left of the dealer and other players can announce a(contract) or pass. Each listing indicates the number of tricksthat made ​​you think. The number of lifting pledged must have ahigher value than the previous ads.If 4 players pass, the cards are collected and distributed bythe player who started to bet.________________________________Choose the trumpThe player with the highest challenge must announce the assetamong 4 kinds (spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts) before startingto play cards.________________________________Play of cardThe player with the highest challenge begins playing.It is mandatory to provide the kind of the first card played. If aplayer has no card so requested, he plays the card he wants (assetor not). Little Jack is still considered to be the same sort ofasset.For example, if the asset is Spades, the Jack of Clubs isconsidered a map of Spades card and not Clover. If a player startsto play the jack of clubs (Little Jack), the other players mustplay Spades. If the first card played is Clover (while the asset isspades), a player can not play the valet Clover.The card that wins the lifting is still the highest card in thekind requested by the first departure card except if one or trumpcards were played at that moment, this is the card the more hightrump wins emergence.The player who won exercise is one that begins to play the nextround.The order of the cards is as follows: (If the trump isSpades)Jack Spade (Jack Big)Jack Club (Jack Small)Ace SpadeKing SpadeQueen Spadeten Spadenine SpadeThe other cards in Heart, Diamonds and Clubs are in thefollowing order:Ace HeartKing HeartQueen HeartJack Heartten Heartnine HeartNote: if Trump is Clubs the Small Jack is the Jack ofSpadesif Trump is Hearts the Small Jack is the Jack of Diamondsif Trump is Diamonds the Small Jack is the Jack of Hearts________________________________Calculate scoreEach exercise during the joust won is worth one point. Exceptfor the challenge, it should pick up the same number of raised orpledged more than it, otherwise it will fall in the number ofpledged lifted. If the challenge is more exercise than the numberpledged then he picks up a point won by lifting as the otherplayers.The winner is the first player to reach 21 points.
Queen Spade full 1.0.38
Aim of the gameThe goal of spades is to get the lowest score possible at theend of the game. The end of the game happens when a player exceeds100.________________________________Play cardsPlayers play in the direction of clockwise, divest a map at thecenter of the table. The first card dealt dictates the color youshould play. If you do not, you may discard any card.Whoever plays the highest card of the suit led wins the trick. Wesay he has done the trick. That player opens the next round.The order of the cards is as follows:AceKingQueentennineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwo________________________________TallyAt the end of each round, you receive:1 point for every heart that you hold;and 12 points for the queen of spades.If you win all the hearts and the queen of spades in a tower(which is a "CONTROL"), you receive no points (0 points) and eachopponent is penalized 25 points.
500 card game 1.0.38
ObjectiveThe 500 is a game of tricks with Trump, which is played 4players, in team of 2. The partners sat one opposite the other. Oneuses 46 cards (either: two joker and the ACE to the Four). The playis played in four stages, that is to say: gives cards, bidding,take the kitty and play the cards.DealDeal, bidding and play proceed clockwise. The first dealer ischosen at random, and the turn to deal rotates clockwise after eachhand. The cards are shuffled and cut and the dealer deals 10 cardsto each player and six face down in the middle of the table to formthe kitty. The cards are usually dealt as follows: a batch of 3 toeach player; two to the kitty; 4 to each player; two to the kitty;3 to each player; two to the kitty.BiddingThe bidding begins with the player to dealer's left andcontinues clockwise. The possible bids are:1. a number of tricks (minimum six) and a trump suit - for examplea bid of "eight diamonds" undertakes that the bidder, withpartner's help, will try to win at least eight tricks with diamondsas trumps;2. a number (minimum six) of "No Trumps", (also known as "No-ies")offering to win at least that number of tricks without a trumpsuit;3. a game a trump suit or "No Trumps",A player who does not wish to bid can pass. If all four playerspass the cards are thrown in.Once someone has bid, each subsequent bid must be higher thanthe previous one. Higher means either more tricks, or the samenumber of tricks in a higher suit. For this purpose No trumps arehighest, followed by Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades (lowest).Thus the lowest possible bid is Six Spades and the highest is TenNo Trumps.Scoring each bidding :Nb tricks 6 7 8 9 10 GameSpades 40 140 240 340 440 1000Clubs 60 160 260 360 460 1000Diamonds 80 180 280 380 480 1000Hearts 100 200 300 400 500 1000No Trump 120 220 320 420 520 1000If the 4 players pass or the maximum bidding remains lower than8, the cards are collected and distributed by the player havingstarted to bidding.Take of kittyThe contractor begins by picking up the six cards of the kitty(without showing them to the other players), and discarding any 6cards face down in their place. The cards discarded can includecards which were picked up from the kitty.Play of cardThe trump is determined by the kind of the strongest bidding.The player having made strongest bidding starts to play.He is obligatory to provide to the kind of the first playedcard. If a player does not have a card of the kind requested, itplays the card that it wants (Trump or not). Both Joker and theSmall Jack are always regarded as being same kind of Trump.The player who gained the trick is that which starts to play thefollowing turn.The order of the cards is as follows: (If the trump isSpades)White JokerColor JokerJack Spade (Jack Big)Jack Club (Jack Small)Ace SpadeKing SpadeQueen Spadeten Spade...four SpadeThe other cards in Heart, Diamonds and Clubs are in thefollowing order:Ace HeartKing HeartQueen HeartJack Heartten Heart...four HeartNote: if Trump is Clubs the Small Jack is the Jack ofSpadesif Trump is Hearts the Small Jack is the Jack of Diamondsif Trump is Diamonds the Small Jack is the Jack of HeartsIn No Trump, the Jokers are regarded as of Trumps, and gains thetrick where they are played, though it arrives.Calculate scoreTo gain our bidding, it is necessary to collect the same numberof trick as one bidding. (Example: bidding 8 Spades, it isnecessary to gain 8 tricks). If the attack team gains her bidding,it marks the number of corresponding points. If it loses itsbidding then it is the other team which marks the number ofcorresponding points.The winner is the first team to reach 1000 points. When the gameis bidding, it is necessary to gain the 10 tricks and it is thegame which one gains or loses according to the result.
Salad 1.0.38
Aim of the gameThe goal is to make as many points as possible.The winner is the player who has accumulated the fewest points.________________________________Step GameThe first round, do not do exercise (5 points forexercise)The second round, do not make heart cards (5 points cardheart)The third round, so do not do LADIES (25 points for eachDAME)The fourth round, so do not do PIQUE ROI (80 points for thisone)The fifth round, do not do all what has been called the first 4rounds, the same points as the first four rounds are alsoused.Thereafter, we start in the first round and continues as long asyou want.________________________________Play cardsIt is mandatory to provide the kind of the first card played. Ifa player has no card so requested, he plays the card hewants.The card that wins the lifting is still the highest card in thekind requested by the first departure card.The player who won exercise is one that begins to play the nextround.The strength of the cards is as follows:acekingladyvalettennineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwo
Salad full 1.0.38
Aim of the gameThe goal is to make as many points as possible.The winner is the player who has accumulated the fewest points.________________________________Step GameThe first round, do not do exercise (5 points forexercise)The second round, do not make heart cards (5 points cardheart)The third round, so do not do LADIES (25 points for eachDAME)The fourth round, so do not do PIQUE ROI (80 points for thisone)The fifth round, do not do all what has been called the first 4rounds, the same points as the first four rounds are alsoused.Thereafter, we start in the first round and continues as long asyou want.________________________________Play cardsIt is mandatory to provide the kind of the first card played. Ifa player has no card so requested, he plays the card hewants.The card that wins the lifting is still the highest card in thekind requested by the first departure card.The player who won exercise is one that begins to play the nextround.The strength of the cards is as follows:acekingladyvalettennineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwo
Topper 1.0.38
ObjectiveThe Topper is a game of tricks with trump,, which is played with4 players. 24 cards is used (ie: AS to Nine). The game is played infour stages namely: provides maps, challenge, choice of asset andjousting cards.________________________________DealIn this game, it gives six cards to each player.________________________________BiddingThe player left of the dealer and other players can announce a(contract) or pass. Each listing indicates the number of tricksthat made ​​you think. The number of lifting pledged must have ahigher value than the previous ads.If 4 players pass, the cards are collected and distributed bythe player who started to bet.________________________________Choose the trumpThe player with the highest challenge must announce the assetamong 4 kinds (spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts) before startingto play cards.________________________________Play of cardThe player with the highest challenge begins playing.It is mandatory to provide the kind of the first card played. If aplayer has no card so requested, he plays the card he wants (assetor not). Little Jack is still considered to be the same sort ofasset.For example, if the asset is Spades, the Jack of Clubs isconsidered a map of Spades card and not Clover. If a player startsto play the jack of clubs (Little Jack), the other players mustplay Spades. If the first card played is Clover (while the asset isspades), a player can not play the valet Clover.The card that wins the lifting is still the highest card in thekind requested by the first departure card except if one or trumpcards were played at that moment, this is the card the more hightrump wins emergence.The player who won exercise is one that begins to play the nextround.The order of the cards is as follows: (If the trump isSpades)Jack Spade (Jack Big)Jack Club (Jack Small)Ace SpadeKing SpadeQueen Spadeten Spadenine SpadeThe other cards in Heart, Diamonds and Clubs are in thefollowing order:Ace HeartKing HeartQueen HeartJack Heartten Heartnine HeartNote: if Trump is Clubs the Small Jack is the Jack ofSpadesif Trump is Hearts the Small Jack is the Jack of Diamondsif Trump is Diamonds the Small Jack is the Jack of Hearts________________________________Calculate scoreEach exercise during the joust won is worth one point. Exceptfor the challenge, it should pick up the same number of raised orpledged more than it, otherwise it will fall in the number ofpledged lifted. If the challenge is more exercise than the numberpledged then he picks up a point won by lifting as the otherplayers.The winner is the first player to reach 21 points.
Charlesmagne 1.0.38
ObjectiveThe Charlesmagne is a game of tricks with Trump, which is played4 players, in team of 2. The partners sat one opposite the other.One uses 34 cards (either: two joker and the ACE to theseven).The play is played in five stages, that is to say: gives cards,bidding, take the kitty, Choice trump and play the cards.DealDeal, bidding and play proceed clockwise. The first dealer ischosen at random, and the turn to deal rotates clockwise after eachhand. The cards are shuffled and cut and the dealer deals 8 cardsto each player and 2 face down in the middle of the table to formthe kitty.BiddingThe player left of the dealer and other players can announce a(contract) or pass. Each ad appoint a number of tricks, and musthave a higher value than previous announcements.Take of kittyThe contractor begins by picking up the two cards of the kitty(without showing them to the other players), and discarding any 2cards face down in their place. The cards discarded can includecards which were picked up from the kitty.Choice trumpThe choose player trump desires.Play of cardThe player having made strongest bidding starts to play.He is obligatory to provide to the kind of the first playedcard. If a player does not have a card of the kind requested, itplays the card that it wants (Trump or not). Both Joker and theSmall Jack are always regarded as being same kind of Trump.For example, if Trump is Spades, the Jack of Clubs is regardedas being a card of Spades and not a card of Clubs. If a playerstarts to play by the Jack of Clubs (Small Jack), the other playersmust play in Spades. If the first played card is Clubs (whereasTrump is Spades), a player can neither play the Clubs Jack, nor thetwo jokers if it still has cards of Clubs.The player who gained the trick is that which starts to play thefollowing turn.The order of the cards is as follows: (If the trump isSpades)White JokerColor JokerJack Spade (Jack Big)Jack Club (Jack Small)Ace SpadeKing SpadeQueen Spadeten Spadenine Spadeeight Spadeseven SpadeThe other cards in Heart, Diamonds and Clubs are in thefollowing order:Ace HeartKing HeartQueen HeartJack Heartten Heartnine Hearteight Heartseven HeartNote: if Trump is Clubs the Small Jack is the Jack ofSpadesif Trump is Hearts the Small Jack is the Jack of Diamondsif Trump is Diamonds the Small Jack is the Jack of HeartsIn No Trump, the Jokers are regarded as of Trumps, and gains thetrick where they are played, though it arrives.Calculate scoreTo gain our bidding, it is necessary to collect the same numberof trick as one bidding. (Example: bidding 6 Spades, it isnecessary to gain 6 tricks). If the attack team gains her bidding,it marks the number of corresponding points. If it loses itsbidding then it is the other team which marks the number ofcorresponding points.The winner is the first team to reach 21 points. When the gameis bidding, it is necessary to gain the 8 tricks and it is the gamewhich one gains or loses according to the result.
Nine full 1.0.38
ObjectiveNine is a game of tricks with asset, which is played with fourplayers in teams of 2 partners are sitting in front of theother.52 cards is used.Give cardsIn this game, given thirteen cards to each player.Play of cardThe asset is determined cyclic manner. It starts with Lance,clubs, diamonds, hearts and no trumps and then again spades.It is mandatory to provide the kind of the first card played. If aplayer does not have a map so requested, he plays the card he wants(asset or not).The player who won the lift is the one who starts to play the nextround.The order of the cards is as follows:ASkingqueentennineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwoCalculate scoreInitially, all the teams have 11 points.Must be exercised for six cover.Additional levee we reduce our six points.So if I make my points then 9 levéees will fall by 3 (6-9)So if I'm 5 levéees then my points will go up by 1 (6-5)The winner is the first team to reach 0 points.