Blue Rock التطبيقات

Random Number Generator 1.17
Blue Rock
From 0 to 99999, it's possible to make at most 999 random numbers.
Woodfish -Mokugyo- 1.04
Blue Rock
You can hit the woodfish,and can ring thebell.If you were tired of hitting the wooden fish, it is possible to hitit automatically.
Digital dice 1.13
Blue Rock
This is dice app.
単価の計算 ~コスパ比較~ 1.32
Blue Rock
Up to six possible to calculate and compare the unit price of theproduct! COSPA per unit you can see immediately.
木魚をポクポク サプライズ版 1.0
Blue Rock
友人や家族をビックリさせよう!起動直後は木魚をポクポク、りんをチーンと鳴らせます。が、木魚を12回叩くと呻き声と共にゾンビの画像が現れます。木魚を叩けるアプリだよと言って何回か自分で叩いてみせてから、友人や家族にやらせてビックリさせましょう。The attempt tosurprisefriends and family!Start immediately after Pokupoku the Mokugyo, I will ringthephosphorus and bing. But, zombie image will appear along withthevoice groan and hit the Mokugyo 12 times.Mokugyo the Hatakeru After Mise banging yourself several timestosay'm app, let's surprised to not do it to friends andfamily.
Cat Voice Piano 1.7
Blue Rock
It is a musical instrument app to play in the cries of the cat.
Dog Voice Piano 1.01
Blue Rock
It is a musical instrument app to play inthecries of the dog.Since the performance history is displayed,You can bereproducedeasily in performance of improvisation.
Simple Altimeter 1.04
Blue Rock
This altimeter will measure the altitude of the current position.
De_Light 1.01
Blue Rock
Brightness varies when you tap thecenterbutton.When this app is running, sleep mode of the terminalisinvalid.
Vision Training 1.191
Blue Rock
Raise your ability to see things other than the center of the fieldof view.
損益分岐点と損益分岐点比率の計算 1.13
Blue Rock
割引価格と元値の計算機 1.0
Blue Rock
Simple & I can easily calculate the discount price and theoriginal price.
おもしろ川柳メーカー 1.2
Blue Rock
Strange was or interesting (might be) and makes the poem.
Character & Word Counter 1.831
Blue Rock
This app can count the number of characters, words, spaces,sentences, paragraphs in many European languages. English, French,German, Spanish, Russian, etc. Auto save. ▲/▼ button moves cursorto first/end of the text. You can use 5 files. CHAR : CharactersSPAC : Spaces WORD : Words SENT : Sentences PARA : Paragraphs
CCr calculator(Cockcroft-Gault 1.427
Blue Rock
This app calculates Creatinine Clearance by Cockcroft-GaultEquation.
文字数カウントメモ 2.037
Blue Rock
The number of entered characters, number of lines, it is a simplememo to count the number of sheets of manuscript paper conversion.
消費税8%の計算機 1.21
Blue Rock
You can easily carry out the calculation of the troublesome 8%consumption tax.
Japanese income tax calculater 1.15
Blue Rock
Are you making money in Japan? Download tis app, and calculate howmuch tax you pay.
Password Generator 1.02
Blue Rock
This application generates random passwords.
Sticky Notes LS 1.0
Blue Rock
Without having to unlock the screen, youcanquickly check the schedule or see what you buy etc.
雇用保険料の計算(平成29年度以降用) 1.222
Blue Rock
平成29年度以降の料率に対応。雇用保険料の計算が簡単にできます。 事業区分を選択し、賃金を入力して「計算」をタップ。雇用保険料における従業員と事業主の負担額と割合、総額がわかります。 *平成29年度以前は料率が異なります。*本アプリではプログラムの都合上、小数点第1位を四捨五入(50銭から繰り上げ)しています。厚労省による実際の計算では51銭から繰り上げとなります。
Voice Alarm (Alarm Clock) 1.15
Blue Rock
Your smartphone wakes you up by talking.
CMI converter 1.23
Blue Rock
CMI converter converts cm, mm, and inches into different units.
アルコールの分解時間 1.03
Blue Rock
Sake, beer, alcohol and wine will calculate the time which is to bedegraded in the body. This can be calculated by summing be aplurality of types of liquor.
Sodium and Salt Calculator 1.04
Blue Rock
This application converts sodium contained in food into salt.
Torque Unit Converter 1.09
Blue Rock
This application converts units of torque to each other.
AVU(Angular Verosity Unit) con 1.03
Blue Rock
This app converts angular verosity unit.
Classical music radio 1.04
Blue Rock
Internet connection required. You can listen over 40 classicalmusicradio stations. This app has volume bar and timer. If youwant tocancel the timer, tap cancel button. By regionalrestrictions, someradiostations may not available in your country.
Greatest Common Divisor 1.01
Blue Rock
This app calculate Greatest Common Divisor.
QTc calculator 1.0
Blue Rock
This application can calculate QTc in four ways.
eGFR Calculator 1.04
Blue Rock
You can calculate eGFR using 4 equations.
HAS-BLED Score 1.01
Blue Rock
This app calculates the HAS-BLED score and displays the risk ofmajor bleeding.
LDL-Cholesterol calculator 1.05
Blue Rock
This app calculates LDL-Cholesterol or Non-HDL-Cholesterol.
BSA(Body Surface Area) calcula 1.139
Blue Rock
This application calculates body surface area.
CF converter (Celsius <=> Fahr 1.12
Blue Rock
This application can convert units of temperature. Celsius<=> Fahrenheit
Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS) 1.0
Blue Rock
This app calculates Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS).
AWG (American Wiire Gauge) Ta 1.04
Blue Rock
This app displays AWG (American Wiire Gauge) table.
FENa and FEUrea 1.01
Blue Rock
This app calculates FENa and FEUrea.
CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc 1.08
Blue Rock
This application calculates CHADS 2 / CHA 2 DS 2 - VASc score.
Glass Weight 1.08
Blue Rock
This app calculates glass weight.
Speed Unit Converter 1.02
Blue Rock
This app converts speed unit. mph m/s km/h knot speed ofsound(mach)speed of light When you input the value, the convertedvalue isdisplayed at the same time.
Pressure unit converter 1.165
Blue Rock
This app convert from atm, bar, Pa, kPa, psi, Torr, mgf/cm2 toanother.
子供の肥満度計算 1.03
Blue Rock
子供の痩せすぎ、太りすぎは親の責任! まずはこのアプリで子供の肥満度を計算してみましょう。子供の年齢を選択し、身長と体重を入力することで肥満度が計算できます。乳幼児はカウプ指数、学童はローレル指数を用いて肥満度を判定します。
YM(Yard and Meter) converter 1.05
Blue Rock
From yard to meter, meter to yard.
周辺視野トレーニング EXTRA 1.32
Blue Rock
The degree of difficulty of "peripheral vision training" is theextra version that is up significantly.
Weight unit converter 1.142
Blue Rock
This app converts weight unit from ct, gr, g, kg, lb, and oz toother unit.
Child-Pugh Score 1.0
Blue Rock
This app calculates Child-Pugh score.
Least Common Multiple 1.01
Blue Rock
This app calculate Least Common Multiple. Enter the numbersandpress the "=" button. Then Least Common Multiple is displayed.
Ohm's Law Calculator 1.05
Blue Rock
You can calculate voltage, current, resistance, and power.
Blue Rock
MEDIxCAL has over 30 medical criteria and calculators.