Cloud Pillar Limited التطبيقات

商區福音使團 1.1.2
Cloud Pillar Limited
「商區福音使團」是一個跨宗派的基督教機構,成立目的是向商界人士見證基督,以及聯絡商區信徒和地方教會,推廣商區福音工作異象和使命。內容包括 :各區「商福午餐會」資料、直撥報名功能、餐會錄音下載功能「辦公室小組」見證、「辦公室小組」培訓課程及聚會資料「職場佈道短宣計劃」培訓課程資料、學員見證,還有「商福」電子書見證集 等等
Progressive Education Centre 1.1.2
Cloud Pillar Limited
Progresive Education Centre ia a boutique cramschool focusing on quality private tuition with qualified andexperienced instructors
Lamb Bible-Jesus Baptism 1.3.3
Cloud Pillar Limited
This story includes two chapters: "Jesus wasbaptized" and "Jesus was tested".The "Lamb Bible" project is a multimedia eBook project for childrenbased on tablets and mobile devices. We welcome anyone who isinterested to participate.
Lamb Bible-The Story of Jonah 1.2.4
Cloud Pillar Limited
The story of prophet Jonah is veryinteresting! Jonah was a self-centered prophet, he ran away fromGod, and even felt angry to God. However, God taught Jonah to seewhat's the God saw and to love the ones those he did not want tolove, by a big fish and a small leafy plant.********************************************The "Lamb Bible" project is a multimedia eBook project forchildren based on tablets and mobile devices. We welcome anyone whois interested to participate.
Lamb Bible-The Story of Easter 1.3.3
Cloud Pillar Limited
The story of Easter is about Jesusresurrection, but not the Easter Egg! This story book describes howit happened thousand years ago with fantastic pictures. The book isgood for both the parents and children.The "Lamb Bible" project is a multimedia eBook project forchildren based on tablets and mobile devices. We welcome anyone whois interested to participate.
銀行同業福音團契 1.1.5
Cloud Pillar Limited
「銀行同業福音團契」( 簡稱「銀行團契」)是一間基督教機構,並不屬於任何宗派或差會,乃是教會與銀行界中的橋樑。「銀行團契」成立於1981年,團契成員大部份來自不同的教會及工作於不同銀行的弟兄姊妹。「銀行團契」不斷推展福音工作,在各香港銀行集中區域建立基督徒小組,加強同業間的關懷和接觸,使福音能更有效和更直接地傳給各同業,並聯絡及協助銀行同業進入教會,參與事奉,在銀行界中設立見證群體,為基督作見證,傳揚福音。內容包括:-團契最新消息、聚會、課程及活動的資訊-不同區域基督徒細胞小組動態 -職場見證、文章分享、視頻專輯-查經資料、詩歌總匯、相片集-直接報名功能
器官捐贈 1.0.3
Cloud Pillar Limited
This is an organ donation promotion appproviding information as well as sharings of organ recipients andprofessionals. It also hyperlinks to organ donation website of theDepartment of Health HKSAR.
路德家長專線 1.0
Cloud Pillar Limited
「路德家長專線」教養孩童走他當行的路,就是到老,他也不會偏離。 箴言22:6為家長提供身心靈及親職教育支援-24小時免費收聽:內容包括親子秘笈、管教錦囊、孩子有話兒…….等錄音節目。-熱線輔導:為家長提供即時情緒支援星期一至五 上午10:00-12:00下午 4:00- 6:00"Luther Parent Line"Train up a child in the way he walked, is old, he will notdeviate. Proverbs 22: 6Provide physical and spiritual support and parent education forparents24 hours free listen: including paternity secrets, tipsdiscipline, child Huaer ...... and so recording program.- Hotline counseling: to provide immediate emotional support forparentsMon-Fri 10: 00-12: 004:00: 00 6:00
Lamb Bible-Story of Daniel 1.3.4
Cloud Pillar Limited
The story of Daniel, a man with faithfulnessinGod, is presented with fantastic pictures. This story bookisespecially for children and parent's reading.The "Lamb Bible" project is a multimedia eBook projectforchildren based on tablets and mobile devices. We welcome anyonewhois interested to participate.