Cupkake Productions التطبيقات

Berry Munch 1.1
Cupkake Productions
One summer day, a snake, named Munchy, washanging out in grassy field, filled with leaves. He came across abunch of berries scattered throughout the field. There wereblueberries, strawberries, raspberries and many more. Help Munchyeat as many berries as he can, but watch out because Munchy yells"Ouch!" when he bites himself!This is the classic snake game with a twist. The berries you eataffect the type of body piece that Munchy gets. Also the arrowsthat control Munchy move him right and left but also up anddown.Berry Munch is an implementation of a snake game in "BeginningAndroid Games", by Mario Zechner and Robert Green.Have fun munching!!