Davan Technologies التطبيقات

Bisnix - Biathlon Race Manager 2.0
Davan Technologies
This is a demo version of a sample AndroidAppgiven to Computing Students in Waterford I.T. in Ireland.Studentsare asked to download the App and experiment with it andtry anddevelop a similar app for their project deliverable.Users of the app can log Races they've completed and includealocation on a Map. They can mark the Race as one oftheirfavourites, users can also delete/update Race details and seewherethe nearest Race is, relative to their current location.This Version uses an SQLite Database to store the Race Databutan alternative Version uses a Web Service to store the data onaremote Server.Also, as this is a demo app, a default location (WaterfordCity)is set if no connection can be found (e.g. running on anemulator)but having GPS enabled is recommended.
Waterford I.T. : Demo App #1 6.0.3
Davan Technologies
This is a demo version of a sample Android Appgiven to Computing Students in Waterford I.T. in Ireland. Studentsare asked to download the App and experiment with it and try anddevelop a similar app for their project deliverable.Users of the app can store Coffees they've tried and include alocation on a Map. They can rate the Coffees (1-5 stars) and markthem as one of their Favourites. Users can also delete/updateCoffee details and see where the nearest Coffee is, relative totheir current location.This Version uses Volley and Google+ Sign-in to authenticatewith a Web App to store the data on a remote Server.Also, as this is a demo app, a default location (Waterford City)is set if no connection can be found (e.g. running on an emulator)but having GPS enabled is recommended.
To Do List App - ToDoomi 4.0 1.0
Davan Technologies
This is a demo version of a sample AndroidAppgiven to Computing Students in Waterford I.T. in Ireland.Studentsare asked to download the App and experiment with it andtry anddevelop a similar app for their project deliverable.Users of the app can log a 'ToDo' consisting of a noteaboutsomething to do soon and a priority. Users can also delete aToDo,once it's done.
Biathlon App (NOW BISNIX 2.0!) 1.2.1
Davan Technologies
*** A NEW VERSION OF THIS APP WILL BERELEASEDSOON - BISNIX - PLEASE SEARCH FOR "BISNIX - BIATHLON RACEMANAGER"ON THE PLAY STORE AS CIRCUMSTANCES DON'T ALLOW FOR ANAUTOMATICUPDATE ON THIS VERSION OF THE APP.***This is a demo version of a sample Android App given toComputingStudents in Waterford I.T. in Ireland. Students are askedtodownload the App and experiment with it and try and developasimilar app for their project deliverable.Users of the app can log a 'Race' consisting of a skidistanceand a number of shots on target which combined, give atotal pointsscore. Users can also delete a race from the list ofraceslogged.