DefinaMedia التطبيقات

Iqro 1 - 6 1.0
Iqro adalah cara belajar memahami hurufhijayyah sehingga dapat membaca Alquran dengan tartil dan tajwidyang benar.Iqro is how to learn tounderstand the letter hijayyah so it can read the Qur'an withTajweed tartil and correct.
Resep Nasi Goreng 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan aneka resep nasigoreng spesial,nikmat dan lezatThis application containsa collection of various special fried rice recipe, delicious andtasty
Coloring 1.0
1. Select an image2. Choose a color3. Tap the picture you want colored4. Save the image5. Share the image
Aneka resep donat 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang kumpulan anekaresep donat lengkap yang tentunya sehat dan nikmat.This application containsa collection of miscellaneous complete donut recipe is certainlyhealthy and delicious.
Shoot the Birds 1.0
Shoot the bird and get the highest score
Novel Cinta Lengkap 1.0
Kumpulan Novel dan cerpen cinta dan sedihlengkapThe novel and the shortstory collection and sad love complete
Music Player 1.0
- Artists- Albums- Songs- Playlist- Genres- File- Top Charts by Genres with share option- Immaculate quality- Global music search- Stunning sound- Create own playlist- Set up sound using an equalizer- Displayed Lyrics on screen- Online Walkman- Equalizer controls- Change theme art and skins- Stream new tracks with lyrics on screen.- Artists- Albums- Songs- Playlist- Genres- File- Top Charts by Genres with share option- Immaculate quality- Global music search- Stunning sound- Create own playlist- Set up a sound using an equalizer- Displayed Lyrics on screen- Online Walkman- Equalizer controls- Change the theme of art and skins- Stream new tracks with lyrics on screen.
Kamus Bahasa Lampung Android 1.0
Kamus bahasa lampung lengkapFull lampungdictionary
Aneka Resep Brownies 1.0
Resep awal brownies adalah berupa tepung,mentega, gula, telur, coklat yang telah dilelehkan, serta kacangalmond. Hal ini menjadi satu hal yang pasti bahwa resep dasarbrownies tidak pernah berubah sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Pada saatini brownies telah mengalami banyak modifikasi dengan beragam anekarasa tambahan seperti brownies keju, brownies pisang, blueberry,strawberry, kacang-kacangan, kopi, dan masih banyak lagi variasibrownies lainnya. Begitu pula dengan cara proses pembuatannya yangtidak hanya dipanggang, namun dapat pula dengan proses pengukusanyang dikenal dengan nama brownies kukus.Beginning brownie recipeis in the form of flour, butter, sugar, eggs, chocolate has melted,and almonds. This has become one thing is certain that the basicbrownie recipe has never changed since hundreds of years ago. Atthis time has undergone many modifications brownies with a diversevariety of additional flavors such as cheese brownies, browniebanana, blueberries, strawberries, nuts, coffee, and many othervariations of brownies. Similarly, by way of the manufacturingprocess is not only baked, but can also be the steaming processknown as steamed brownies.
Resep Somay 1.0
Aplikasi tentang berbagai resep somay dengancara menyajikan mudah,sehat dan juga lezat.Application of variousrecipes somay by presenting easy, healthy and delicious too.
Pesona Batu Akik 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang pesona batu akikadapun kekuatan yang dihasilkan adalah semat-mata kekuatan dariAllah SWT.This application containsagate charm as for the power generated is solely for the strengthof God.
Kartu Lebaran 1.0
Kartu Ucapan LebaranEid Greeting Cards
Iqro Full 1.0
Metode cara belajar iqro dengan mudah dancepat.Method of learning Iqroeasily and quickly.
Resep Pilihan 1.0
Aneka Resep Pilihan :- Makanan- Minuman- Sup- JajanandllVarious options Recipes:- The Food- Beverages- Soups- Snacksetc.
Aneka Kue Bolu 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi resep-resep kue bolu yangnikmat dan juga sehatThis application containsa sponge cake recipes are delicious and healthy
Legenda Rakyat Indonesia 1.0
Legenda rakyat indonesia adalah cerita yangterjadi dimasyarakat indonesia pada jaman dahulu kala.Indonesian folk legend isa story that happened Indonesian society in ancient times.
Resep Ayam Enak 1.0
Aneka Resep Ayam EnakAssorted Tasty ChickenRecipes
Jus Segar 1.0
Aneka Resep Jus SegarAssorted Fresh JuiceRecipes
Terjemah Alquran Indonesia 1.0
Alquran terjemah indonesia :- File 1mb- ringan- Mudah dan jelas dibacaIndonesian translation ofthe Qur'an:- File 1mb- Light- Easy and clearly readable
Cerpen Indah 1.0
Cerita pendak tentang :- bahagia- sedih- senang- kesal- marahdan lain-lainPendak stories about:- Happy- Sad- Glad to- Piss off- Angryetc
Tutorial Hijab 1.0
Bagi seorang muslimah berhijab adalah seuatukewajiban yg harus ditaati sebagaimana Allah SWT berfirman : “WahaiNabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu danisteri-isteri orang mukmin, “Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan jilbabnyake seluruh tubuh mereka”. Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebihmudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan Allahadalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyanyang.” (Al Ahzab :59).For a Muslim hijab isseuatu peremptory obligation as Allah says: "O Prophet, say to yourwives, your daughters and wives of the believers," Let their outergarments over their bodies ". That is so they are easier to berecognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah isOft-Forgiving, infinite care. "(Al-Ahzab: 59).
Alquran Terjemah Indonesia 1.0
Alquran Terjemah IndonesiaQur'an TranslationsIndonesia
Nasi Goreng Enak 1.0
Resep Nasi Goreng EnakDelicious Fried RiceRecipe
Android Tools 1.0
Monitoring- cpu info- ram info- battery info- rom infoProcesses- kill selected- refreshTools- Cache clear- system info- dllMonitoring- Cpu information- Ram the info- Battery information- Rom the infoProcesses- Kill selected- RefreshTools- Cache clear- System information- Etc.
Efek Mirror 1.0
Menggabungkan dua foto- Kamera- Galeri- Simpan- Edit- ShareCombining twophotographs- Cameras- Gallery- Save- Edit- Share
Camera Selfie 1.0
Camera Selfie- Gama- Grey- Sepia- Snow- Save- ShareCamera selfie- Gama- Grey- Sepia- Snow- Save- Share
Symbol Chat 1.0
Symbol Chat- Angka- Gambar- Huruf- Copy- ShareSymbol Chat- Figures- Pictures- Letter- Copy- Share
Photo Selfie Funny 1.0
Photo Selfie FunnyFunny Selfie Photo
Aneka Batu Mulia 1.0
Aneka Batu MuliaVariousPreciousStones
Busana Pernikahan Muslimah 1.0
Busana Pernikahan MuslimahMuslim WeddingDress
Voice Translator Online 2.0
Voice Translator OnlineVoiceTranslatorOnline