Designmate التطبيقات

The Electronic Configuration 1.6
The electronic structure of an atom describes the arrangement ofits electrons around the nucleus. Have you ever realized thatelectron configurations of elements can also be used to justify theshape and organization of the Modern Periodic Table? Also, can theposition of an element in the Periodic table be used to predict itselectron configuration?Here is an app which provides all the necessary informationregarding this. Beginning with captivating and self-explanatoryvisuals depicting the arrangement of electrons within an atom, theapp takes you on a delightful ride where you relate the concept ofelectron configuration to the position of an element in thePeriodic table. Deftly presented visuals and lucidly flowing textadd to clearer understanding of the concept.All this is supplemented by a comprehensive package carefullycrafted to consolidate your knowledge of the topic. The packagecontains a range of mentally stimulating learning resources such asquiz, key terms, vivid images, and the links to other websitesgiving the learner a choice to revert to these as many times as hewants..........We, at Designmate, have been engaged in bringing science at yourdoorstep through processes that have revolutionized learning likenever before and have made it simple and hassle free forconsumption by knowledge seekers.Keywords: education,, science, periodic table,valence, shell, orbit, atomic number.
Internal Combustion Engine 1.6
In this app, we will learn how a four-strokeinternal combustion engine works. The engine converts the energy ofa fuel-air mixture into mechanical energy by burning it within acombustion chamber. The working of the engine has been explainedthrough a video in a methodical way from the basic principles.This app deals with the construction and working of afour-stroke internal combustion engine. The engine cycle, whichconsists of intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke, andexhaust stroke has been discussed in great detail with the help ofa PV diagram. The function of all the four strokes has beenelaborately explained unambiguously. The role of spark plug,fuel-air mixture, camshaft, crankshaft etc. in the engine cycle hasbeen explored to impart practical knowledge to the learners.All this is supplemented by a comprehensive ancillary packagecarefully developed to revise and test whatever has been learntbefore. This is done with the help of a quiz, key terms, the mainimage, and the links to other websites.We have remained highly involved and have continually strived tobuild and improve on the concept development through our highlyacclaimed visualization process. We have always favoured clearerexplanations to the intricate problems withoutover-simplification.We, at Designmate, help you learn science better.Keywords: free,combustion,4 stroke,engine cycle,k12content,chamber,thermodynamics,science animation,crankshaft,fuel
Fundamentals of DC motor 1.6
An electric motor changes electrical energy into rotationalmechanical energy. A motor works on the same principle as agalvanometer, except that there is no spring in motor so that thecoil can rotate continuously in one direction. Here, students willlearn in a systematic way the difficult concept behind theprinciple of a DC motor.Also, we will learn about the construction, working, and uses ofthe DC motor. It consists of a rectangular coil of wire mounted onan axle, which can rotate between poles of a magnet. Each end ofthe coil is connected to half of a copper split ring, called acommutator, which co-rotates with the coil. Two carbon blocks, thebrushes, are pressed tightly against the commutator by springs. Thebrushes are connected to a DC electrical supply to start themotor.A quiz, key terms, the main image, and links to other websitesare provided herewith. This helps us to revise and test whatever wehave learnt so far.Our primary goal is to teach students to reason throughchallenging situations. Our ultimate consumers are the teachers andthe students and we are passionate about providing them the rightexplanations to difficult concepts in science. We endeavour to makethem independent thinkers through our stimulating and appealingvideos and other related aids.We, at Designmate, help you learn science better.Keywords: education,physics,K12,3d animation,magnet,magneticfield,rule, brushes,left hand,rotational,inertia,coil
Life cycle of a Frog 1.6
Designmate takes you on an exciting journeythrough the different stages in the life history of frog.Chock-a-block with bite-sized bits of information, this App keepsyou hooked with interactive features such as• A captivating animation regarding how a single cell develops intoa fish like tadpole and is finally transformed into a frog.• A challenging quiz to congeal your concepts regarding thetopic.• Researched web links to boost your knowledge.• A glossary section to acquaint you with the technical terms andtheir proper meanings.• A conceptual image to explain the various stages in the lifehistory of frog.• An engrossing simulation to capture your imagination andelucidate about the habitat and life cycle of a frog.Keywords:eggs,frog,water,life,free,school,spawn,embryo,hatch,pond,,science,biology,animal,tadpole
Wedges and Screws 1.6
An absolutely amazing app. A “must have” forprimary students to understand and apply the basics of simplemachines in day to day life. Learning science was never so muchfun.Features include:Video- Wonderful 3d animation to make learning exciting andfun.Quiz- Test how much you have learnt by answering this quiz.Links- Curious to know more? Use other links and gather moreinformation.Key terms- Go through the important words and reinforce learning.Keywords: Simple machines, Load, Effort, Fulcrum, Split, Chisel,Spreading force, Primary, Science,
Coordinate Planes in 3D space 1.6
So far we have been confined to learning aninteresting discipline like geometry in 2 dimensions only.The present app breaks this boundary and showcases the excitingcontent in a full new avatar of 3 dimensional panorama. The 3Danimated content will sure ignite your imagination and expand thehorizons of your knowledge. Your imagination will take wings andtake you on a flight where abstract becomes concrete and you canvisualise the plane in space.The enticing app will make your perceptive easy to locate any pointin 3-d. Moreover, the quiz contained in the package issupplementary to the theme and key terms help in clearerunderstanding of the topic.The app is one more step by Designmate in the direction of makinglearning of math easy, enjoyable and exciting for the globalcommunity of young learners.Keywords: math, coordinate geometry, plane in 3d, coordinategeometry in three dimension,, space, free, point 1.5
Often while learning science and mathematics,a particular concept or an idea does not fall in place as it isdifficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answer tothese barriers which through its interesting 3D animations enablesstudents in overcoming them. '' is an award winningproduct with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” toits name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012.'' is a digital library of 3D animated content catering toK12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Eachtopic in this app is a unique combination of creative learningresources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Key terms.Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitate betterunderstanding and longer retention. Even abstract concepts like thestructure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricate chemicalbonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along with learning, italso brings an element of excitement and entertainment to studies.In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination in the rightdirection to explore and actively discover unique solutions.Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology, 3dchemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum, Awardwinning 3D software, 3D software, Education software , Designmate,Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3D Stereoscopic content,3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3D animations, Sciencecurriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtual labs, 3Dsimulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learning managementsystem, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award, eIndiaaward, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education, Secondarycurriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity, Best 3deducation software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum, IBcurriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazil localcurriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish local curriculum,National Common course standards, Streaming video, Best Digitalmedia, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM, Texascurriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum, NewYork curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabic educationsoftware, Portuguese education software, Chinese educationsoftware, Russian education software, Russian state curriculum,Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography 1.5
Often while learning science and mathematics, a particularconceptor an idea does not fall in place as it is difficult tovisualizeor understand. This app is an answer to these barrierswhichthrough its interesting 3D animations enables studentsinovercoming them. '' is an award winning productwithglobal awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” to its name.Itwas also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012.'' is a digital library of 3D animated content cateringtoK12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.Eachtopic in this app is a unique combination of creativelearningresources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Keyterms.Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitatebetterunderstanding and longer retention. Even abstract conceptslike thestructure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricatechemicalbonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along withlearning, italso brings an element of excitement and entertainmentto studies.In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination inthe rightdirection to explore and actively discover uniquesolutions.Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology,3dchemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum,Awardwinning 3D software, 3D software, Education software ,Designmate,Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3DStereoscopic content,3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3Danimations, Sciencecurriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtuallabs, 3Dsimulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learningmanagementsystem, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award,eIndiaaward, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education,Secondarycurriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity,Best 3deducation software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum,IBcurriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazillocalcurriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish localcurriculum,National Common course standards, Streaming video, BestDigitalmedia, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM,Texascurriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum,NewYork curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabiceducationsoftware, Portuguese education software, Chineseeducationsoftware, Russian education software, Russian statecurriculum,Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography 1.5
Often while learning science and mathematics,a particular concept or an idea does not fall in place as it isdifficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answer tothese barriers which through its interesting 3D animations enablesstudents in overcoming them. '' is an award winningproduct with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” toits name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012.'' is a digital library of 3D animated content catering toK12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Eachtopic in this app is a unique combination of creative learningresources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Key terms.Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitate betterunderstanding and longer retention. Even abstract concepts like thestructure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricate chemicalbonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along with learning, italso brings an element of excitement and entertainment to studies.In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination in the rightdirection to explore and actively discover unique solutions.Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology, 3dchemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum, Awardwinning 3D software, 3D software, Education software , Designmate,Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3D Stereoscopic content,3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3D animations, Sciencecurriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtual labs, 3Dsimulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learning managementsystem, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award, eIndiaaward, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education, Secondarycurriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity, Best 3deducation software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum, IBcurriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazil localcurriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish local curriculum,National Common course standards, Streaming video, Best Digitalmedia, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM, Texascurriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum, NewYork curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabic educationsoftware, Portuguese education software, Chinese educationsoftware, Russian education software, Russian state curriculum,Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography
Construction: Angle Bisector 1.6
One of the various significant applications ofgeometry in our day - today life is the construction of anglebisectors. The skill comes handy when drawing road maps for findingdirection, in locating objects and people and similar such areas.The construction of an angle bisector is not only of greatimportance but is equally interesting too. What you require is athorough understanding of the concept and the tools you need touse.The app makes the task easy for you through its crystal clearimages and graphics. Besides providing an insight into constructionof an angle bisector for any angle, the app focuses on constructinga 30 degree angle bisecting an angle of 60 degree and establishesthe relationship between the two.Here we have used a compass to construct the bisector in place of aprotractor to take you a notch above in your skill. Doing it with acompass is certainly tougher than it is with a protractor!To supplement your knowledge on the topic we have supplied you witha comprehensive package containing a quiz, key terms, the mainimage, and links to other websites.Our continued interest in the development and integration of newtechnologies in science and math using our stand alone visual-aidshas paid dividends. Our novel techniques have made the teaching andlearning of science interesting, enjoyable, and meaningful.We, at Designmate, help you learn math better.Keywords: math, construction, angle bisector, geometry tools,angle measure, construction steps,, free
Propagación del sonido 1.7
Es necesario simplificar los temas complejospara los alumnos de primaria, para construir y asistir su procesode aprendizaje. A través de esta aplicación se explica lapropagación del sonido a través de diferentes medios como elsólido, el líquido o el gas utilizando ejemplos cotidianos.Características:Vídeo: con este vídeo aprenderás y lo entenderás todo sobre lapropagación del sonido.Cuestionario: si crees que lo sabes todo, atrévete con estecuestionario.Enlaces: ¿necesitas más información? No busques más, utilizanuestros enlaces.Glosario: las palabras importantes que aparecen en el vídeoconstituyen la clave para un aprendizaje y una retención eficazKeywords: Sonido,energía,eco,vibración,longitude deonda,muelle,ondas longitudinales,primaria,educación,
Preparation of O2 from H2O2 1.6
"We all agree that oxygen is one of the mostvital elements required to sustain life. It is the third mostabundant element in the universe and makes up nearly 21% of theearth's atmosphere. Oxygen had been produced by several chemistsprior to its discovery in 1774. This app highlights one of thevarious methods of preparing oxygen in which hydrogen peroxide isdecomposed in the presence of manganese dioxide. Exploration ofthis method through this app will bring you a video whichillustrates the assembly, process and the molecular view of theactual chemical reaction happening in the flask. The app packagealso includes important key-terms, access to additional resourcesas links, and also an interactive quiz at the end for evaluation.The section on images showcases the learning objectives in anut-shell.At Designmate, we strive to make learning exciting foryou. Extending the amount of information at your disposal, our appsprovide educational content with great illustrations. It’s a greateducational tool with a variety of very useful apps produced forthe learning of science.Here is wishing you a happy learning!"Keywords: education,, designmate, science, catalyst,manganese dioxide. water, molecule, lab
Molarity of a solution 1.6
"A majority of industrial processes occur insolutions. A solution consists of at least two components, thesolvent and the solute. Is it important to keep a track of just howmuch of the solute has to be dissolved in how much of a solvent?Well, Yes!So, how does one do that?Here is an app that makes an effort to address all your queries ina manner you will find highly engrossing and delightful. Beginningwith the relation between the colour of a solution and itsconcentration, it extends further and explains the intricaciespertaining to the calculations involved in measuring theconcentrations of solutions in a very simple manner.To reinforce your knowledge on the topic, the video is supplementedwith a quiz, keyterms and relevant images. You can also link toother websites to expand your understanding of thephenomenon.We, at Designmate, help you learn science better making it allalong a pleasant experience. Carefully-thought-out anduser-friendly techniques are our forte which compel the learner toaspire for more and more.Here is wishing you success in your exploration."Keywords: education,, molar, chemistry, concentration,temperature, Avogadro, molar mass. 1.5
Often while learning science and mathematics,a particular concept or an idea does not fall in place as it isdifficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answer tothese barriers which through its interesting 3D animations enablesstudents in overcoming them. '' is an award winningproduct with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” toits name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012.'' is a digital library of 3D animated content catering toK12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Eachtopic in this app is a unique combination of creative learningresources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Key terms.Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitate betterunderstanding and longer retention. Even abstract concepts like thestructure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricate chemicalbonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along with learning, italso brings an element of excitement and entertainment to studies.In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination in the rightdirection to explore and actively discover unique solutions.Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology, 3dchemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum, Awardwinning 3D software, 3D software, Education software , Designmate,Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3D Stereoscopic content,3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3D animations, Sciencecurriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtual labs, 3Dsimulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learning managementsystem, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award, eIndiaaward, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education, Secondarycurriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity, Best 3deducation software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum, IBcurriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazil localcurriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish local curriculum,National Common course standards, Streaming video, Best Digitalmedia, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM, Texascurriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum, NewYork curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabic educationsoftware, Portuguese education software, Chinese educationsoftware, Russian education software, Russian state curriculum,Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography
Atherosclerosis 1.6
"The constant rhythmic beating of the heartcan be seriously jeopardized because of the dreaded disease calledatherosclerosis.An awesome app that endeavors to explain all you wanted to knowabout atherosclerosis.Presenting a captivating and detailed animation regarding howaccumulated cholesterol leads to thrombus formation within thecoronary artery ultimately leading to atherosclerosis.Challenge your knowledge on the topic by taking our quiz.To supplement your knowledge, we have brought to you the linkswhich tell you more about this topic.A close up view of the blocked artery with plaque formation willclarify your doubts and elucidate the topic further.A quick look at our glossary section will acquaint you with thetechnical terms and their proper meanings."Keywords: Heart-attack, disease, medical, cholesterol,education, 3d, free,, high blood pressure, smoking
Transmission of Sound 1.6
Difficult topics need simplification forprimary students to engage and assist in learning. Transmission ofsound through various mediums such as solid, liquid and gas isexplained in this app using day to day examples.Features include:Video- Watch this video to learn and understand all abouttransmission of sound through focused but attractive visuals.Quiz-If you think you know it all, check out this quiz.Links- Do you need more information? Look no further, use theselinks provided.Key terms-These important words appearing in the audio-videoprovide the key to effective learning and retention.Keywords: Sound, Energy, Echo, Vibration, Wavelength, Slinky,Longitudinal Waves, Primary, Education,
Construcción: bisector ángulo 1.7
Una de las diversas e importantesaplicacionesde la geometría en nuestra vida diaria es laconstrucción debisectores de ángulo. Esta habilidad resulta útil aldibujar mapasde carreteras para encontrar una dirección, paralocalizar objetosy personas y otras áreas similares. Laconstrucción de un bisectorde ángulo no solo tiene una granimportancia, sino que además esigualmente interesante. Lo quenecesita es una comprensiónexhaustiva del concepto y lasherramientas que debe usar.La aplicación le facilita la tarea gracias a sus imágenes ygráficosnítidos. Además de ofrecer información sobre laconstrucción de unbisector de ángulo para cualquier ángulo, laaplicación se centra enconstruir un ángulo de 30 grados bisecandoun ángulo de 60 grados yestablece la relación entre ambos.Aquí hemos usado un compás para construir el bisector en lugar deuntransportador para mejorar su nivel de habilidad. ¡Hacerlo conuncompás es sin duda más complicado que con untransportador!Para complementar su conocimiento del tema le hemos proporcionadounpaquete completo que incluye un cuestionario, términos clave,lapágina principal y enlaces a otros sitios web.Nuestro interés continuo en el desarrollo y la integración denuevastecnologías en ciencia y matemáticas utilizando nuestrasayudasvisuales independientes ha dado sus frutos. Nuestrasnovedosastécnicas han convertido la enseñanza y el aprendizaje dela cienciaen algo interesante, agradable y valioso.En Designmate le ayudamos a aprender mejor las matemáticas.Keywords : matemáticas, construcción, bisector deángulo,herramientas de geometría, medida de ángulo, pasos deconstrucción,, libre
AIDS-Portuguese 1.6
"O HIV ataca as nossas célulasimunestornando-nos indefesos durante ataques porpatógenosoportunistas.Esta aplicação coloca a seu alcance uma animação envolventequerepresenta as várias fases de ataque pelo HIV. Obtenha umavisãoclara sobre o HIV e como ataca e invade as células imuneschamadascélulas T ou células CD4, se multiplica dentro destascélulas e,por fim, as destrói.A nossa seção de questionário oferece-lhe uma oportunidade detestaro seu conhecimento sobre a AIDS que é uma das doençasinfeciosasemergentes que tem levado a vida de milhões de pessoasem todo omundo.Mais adiante na aplicação, você encontrará os endereços desitesconfiáveis que lhe fornecem informações aprofundadas sobreoHIV.Já se questionou qual é o aspeto deste HIV? A nossa seção deimagensleva você cara-a-cara com este terrível vírus.Ao dar uma rápida olhadaem nossa seção de glossário,iráfamiliarizar-lo com os termos técnicos e respetivossignificados."Keywords: Grátis, AIDS, HIV, vírus, célula, sistemaimunológico,, biologia, medicina, ciência, doença"HIV attacks ourimmunecells becoming helpless during attacks byopportunisticpathogens.This application puts your reach an animation environmentthatrepresents the various stages of attack by HIV. Obtain a clearHIVinvades and like attacks and immune cells called T cells orCD4cells, multiply within these cells, and eventuallydestroythem.Our questionnaire section offers you an opportunity to testyourknowledge about AIDS which is an emerging infectious diseasethathas taken the lives of millions of people around theworld.Later in the application, you will find the addresses oftrustedsites that provide in-depth information about HIV.Ever wondered which is the aspect of this HIV? Our picturesectionbrings you face to face with this terrible virus.By giving a quick olhadaem our glossary section will familiarizeyouwith the technical terms and their respective meanings. "Keywords: Free, AIDS, HIV, virus, cell, immune system,,biology, medicine, science, disease
Fundamentos de un motor de CC 1.7
"Un motor eléctrico cambia energía eléctricaenenergía mecánica de rotación. Un motor funciona según elmismoprincipio que un galvanómetro, excepto que no hay muelle enelmotor para que la bobina pueda girar continuamente enunadirección. Aquí, los estudiantes aprenderán de forma sistemáticaeldifícil concepto que conlleva el principio de un motor de CC.Además, aprenderemos la construcción, el funcionamiento ylosusos del motor de CC. Está formado por una bobina rectangulardehilo montado sobre un eje, que puede girar entre los polos deunimán. Cada extremo de la bobina está conectado a la mitad deunanillo partido de cobre, denominado conmutador, que gira juntoconla bobina. Dos bloques de carbón, las escobillas, estánapretadoscontra el conmutador mediante muelles. Las escobillasestánconectadas a un suministro eléctrico de CC para arrancarelmotor.Se proporciona un cuestionario, términos clave, la páginaprincipaly enlaces a otros sitios web. Esto nos ayuda a revisar yprobar loque ha aprendido hasta ahora.Nuestro objetivo principal es enseñar a los estudiantes arazonarmediante situaciones desafiantes. Nuestros usuarios finalesson losprofesores y los estudiantes, y estamos volcados enofrecerles lasexplicaciones adecuadas a conceptos científicosdifíciles. Nosesforzamos para que desarrollen un pensamientoindependiente graciasa nuestros vídeos atractivos y estimulantes ya otras ayudasrelacionadas.En Designmate le ayudamos a aprender mejor las ciencias.Keywords: educación, física, primaria y secundaria, animación en3D,imán, campo magnético, regla, escobillas, manoizquierda,rotacional, inercia, bobina 1.5
Often while learning science and mathematics,aparticular concept or an idea does not fall in place as itisdifficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answertothese barriers which through its interesting 3D animationsenablesstudents in overcoming them. '' is an awardwinningproduct with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “Worldsummit” toits name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards'2012.'' is a digital library of 3D animated content cateringtoK12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.Eachtopic in this app is a unique combination of creativelearningresources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Keyterms.Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitatebetterunderstanding and longer retention. Even abstract conceptslike thestructure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricatechemicalbonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along withlearning, italso brings an element of excitement and entertainmentto studies.In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination inthe rightdirection to explore and actively discover uniquesolutions.Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology,3dchemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum,Awardwinning 3D software, 3D software, Education software ,Designmate,Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3DStereoscopic content,3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3Danimations, Sciencecurriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtuallabs, 3Dsimulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learningmanagementsystem, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award,eIndiaaward, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education,Secondarycurriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity,Best 3deducation software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum,IBcurriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazillocalcurriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish localcurriculum,National Common course standards, Streaming video, BestDigitalmedia, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM,Texascurriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum,NewYork curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabiceducationsoftware, Portuguese education software, Chineseeducationsoftware, Russian education software, Russian statecurriculum,Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography
Day and Night Cycle 1.6
This engaging app is a sheer delightforprimary students as it simplifies and explains the day andnightcycle in a stunning 3d audio visual medium.Features include:Quiz- A quick and effective way to find out how much youhavelearned.Links- Hungry for more? Use other links provided to add toyourknowledge.Key terms- Pick up the important words and use them tounderstandand recollect learning.Keywords: Earth, Rotation, Spinning, Sunset, Sunrise, Sun,Moon,Day, Night, Cycle, Primary, Education,
Motor de combustión interna 1.7
En esta aplicación aprenderemos cómofuncionaun motor de combustión interna de cuatro tiempos. Elmotorconvierte la energía de una mezcla de aire-combustible enenergíamecánica al quemarla dentro de una cámara de combustión.Elfuncionamiento del motor se ha explicado mediante un vídeo deformametódica partiendo de los principios básicos.Esta aplicación aborda la construcción y el funcionamiento deunmotor de combustión interna de cuatro tiempos. El ciclo delmotor,que consiste en la admisión, compresión, expansión y escape,se hacomentado con gran detalle con la ayuda de un diagrama PV.Lafunción de los cuatro tiempos se ha explicado detalladayclaramente. El papel de la bujía, la mezcla de aire-combustible,elárbol de levas, el cigüeñal, etc. en el ciclo del motor sehaexplorado para comunicar un conocimiento práctico alosestudiantes.Todo ello se complementa con un completo paqueteauxiliardesarrollado cuidadosamente para revisar y probar lo que sehaaprendido hasta ese momento. Esto se lleva a cabo con la ayudadeun cuestionario, términos clave, la imagen principal y losenlacesa otros sitios web.Mantenemos una implicación constante y nos esforzamoscontinuamentepor crear y mejorar el desarrollo de conceptosmediante nuestroprestigioso proceso de visualización. Favorecemosen todo momentoexplicaciones más claras para los problemascomplejos sinsimplificar en exceso.En Designmate le ayudamos a aprender mejor las ciencias.Keywords: Libre, combustión, 4 tiempos, ciclo delmotor,contenido de primaria y secundaria, cámara,termodinámica,animación de ciencias, cigüeñal, combustible
Lentes convergentes 1.7
En esta aplicación, aprenderemos losprincipiosbásicos de refracción de la luz a través de una lenteconvexa.Definiremos algunos términos relacionados con las lentescomo elcentro óptico, eje principal, abertura de la lente, puntofocal,distancia focal, plano focal y la reversibilidad de la luz.Comentaremos por qué una lente convexa se denomina unalenteconvergente. La convergencia se puede explicar si una lenteconvexase considera como una disposición de una serie de fragmentosdeprismas triangulares con una placa pequeña en el centro. Enestecaso, la base de cada prisma apunta hacia el eje principal delalente. Descubriremos que la curvatura de los rayos alcanza elvalormáximo en los primas superior e inferior y se reduce a medidaquenos desplazamos hacia el eje principal.Revisaremos y probaremos lo aprendido antes de resolveruncuestionario. Complementaremos nuestros conocimiento sobrelamateria revisando los términos clave, la página principal ylosenlaces a otros sitios web.Ofrecemos aprendizaje a través de nuestros productos de ayudavisualinnovadores y que invitan a la reflexión. Hemos hechohincapié en eldesarrollo de conceptos, las explicacionesnarrativas y unaprendizaje imaginativo pero exhaustivo.En Designmate le ayudamos a aprender mejor las ciencias.Keywords:, educación, libre, refracción,convexo,cóncavo, óptico, centro, distancia focal, cámara, ojo,foco, 3D,primaria y secundaria
Lenses 1.6
In this app, we will understand theformationof a convex and a concave lens. We will also learn howthese lenseswork. We will learn about the terms related to theselenses such asprincipal axis, principal focus, optical centre,focal length etc.We will understand how the focal length of thelens depends on itsthickness.Lenses are thought to be made of several rectangularprismsstacked in a well-defined manner. In a convex lens, theyarestacked in such a way that their larger bases always facetowardsthe optical centre. But in a concave lens, the rectangularprismsare so arranged that their larger bases face away from theopticalcentre. The phenomenon of refraction is explained in boththe caseswith the help of these prisms. In this app, it has alsobeenexplained how real and virtual images are formed in the twotypesof lenses.A quiz, key terms, the main image, and links to otherwebsitesare provided herewith to supplement your knowledge aboutthesubject.Our continued interest in the development and integration ofnewtechnologies into science using our unparalleledvisual-aidproducts, has paid dividends. Our novel techniques havemade thescience teaching and learning interesting, enjoyable,andmeaningful.We, at Designmate, help you learn science better.Keywords: K12 content,refraction,lenses,convex,concave,thick,thin,optical centre,focallength,camera,eye,focus, 3d
AIDS 1.6
HIV attacks our immune cells renderingusdefenseless during attack by opportunistic pathogens.This app brings to your fingertips an engrossing animationdepictingthe various stages of attack by the HIV. Get a clearpicture aboutthe HIV and how it attacks and invades the immunecells calledT-cells or CD4 cells, replicates inside these cellsand ultimatelydestroys them.Our quiz section provides you with an opportunity to testyourknowledge regarding AIDS which is one of the emerginginfectiousdiseases that has claimed the life of millions ofpeopleworldwide.Further in our app you will find the addresses of reliablesiteswhich provide you in depth information regarding HIV.Ever wondered how this HIV looks like? Our image section bringsyouface to face with this dreaded virus.A quick look at our glossary section will acquaint you withthetechnical terms and their proper meanings.Keywords: Free, AIDS, HIV, virus,cell, immunesystem,immunity,,biology,medical,science,disease, - Beyond Learning 1.1.2
Eureka - Beyond Learning is a K12 educational App madebyDesignmate. The App offers an immersive learning experience inMathand Science for educators and students of grade 1-12. The appgivesan insight of the educational content in various regionallanguageslike -Brazilian Portuguese -Chinese -English -EuropeanPortuguese-French -German -Indonesian -Japanese -Korean -MalayBahasa -Polish-Turkish -Vietnamese The app has 3D educationalcontent developedby experienced educational specialists. A 400+member inhouseR&D team has developed this digital platform togive the user a‘Beyond Learning’ experience. The topics coveredenhance thelearning outcomes and give a real time experience to theusers.Designmate as a company for the last 30 years are pioneersinmaking world class educational content. The latest additions inthelearning software include Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and3DeBooks. Designmate’s Eureka content is designed to give anengaginglearning experience to the learners of all age and makethem learnthe way they always desired. Features: Videos: Animated3DMonoscopic video facilitates a virtual environment to enhancechildcentered learning. Text: The script of the topic explained inthevideo is embedded as a learning object for betterunderstanding.Quiz: Some practice questions based on the topiccovered in thevideo are included to reinforce learning. Image:Images to boostthe pupil’s ability to retain knowledge arecontained in eachtopic. Keyterm: To facilitate better retention,key terms anddefinitions are given for each topic. LearningOutcomes!Designmate’s EUREKA software is used in more than 15000+schoolsaround the world. Teachers have found increased engagementofstudents and in-depth understanding of the topics. Eurekacontentvisuals and 3-dimensional models give an extra edge to thestudentsto learn by exploring. The testimonials from educators aswell asstudents around the world vouch for our content. OurAchievementsCool Tool Award Codie 2014 Finalist Siksha Ratna AwardCodieFinalist, 2012 World Didac 2008 Best Innovation in EducationWorldSummit Award NASCCOM The Manthan Award e-India 2011 bestDigitalE-Learning Content & Many more Questions? You canconnect us Suggestions, Criticism andFeedback are mostwelcomed. - Beyond Learning (Premium) 1.18
Eureka - Beyond Learning is a K12 educational App madebyDesignmate. The App offers an immersive learning experience inMathand Science for educators and students of grade 1-12. The appgivescomplete coverage for CBSE Curriculum focusing mainly ontheconcept clearance for a student with various learning moduleslikeVideo, Interactive, Image and lot more. The app has 3Deducationalcontent developed by experienced educationalspecialists. A 400+member inhouse R&D team has developed thisdigital platform togive the user a ‘Beyond Learning’ experience.The topics coveredenhance the learning outcomes and give a realtime experience tothe users. Designmate as a company for the last30 years arepioneers in making world class educational content. Thelatestadditions in the learning software include AugmentedReality,Virtual Reality and 3D eBooks. Designmate’s Eureka contentisdesigned to give an engaging learning experience to the learnersofall age and make them learn the way they always desired.Features:Videos: Animated 3D Monoscopic video facilitates avirtualenvironment to enhance child centered learning. Text: Thescript ofthe topic explained in the video is embedded as a learningobjectfor better understanding. Quiz: Some practice questions basedonthe topic covered in the video are included to reinforcelearning.Image: Images to boost the pupil’s ability to retainknowledge arecontained in each topic. Keyterm: To facilitate betterretention,key terms and definitions are given for each topic.LearningOutcomes! Designmate’s EUREKA software is used in more than15000+schools around the world. Teachers have found increasedengagementof students and in-depth understanding of the topics.Eurekacontent visuals and 3-dimensional models give an extra edgeto thestudents to learn by exploring. The testimonials fromeducators aswell as students around the world vouch for ourcontent. OurAchievements Cool Tool Award Codie 2014 Finalist SikshaRatna AwardCodie Finalist, 2012 World Didac 2008 Best Innovation inEducationWorld Summit Award NASCCOM The Manthan Award e-India 2011bestDigital E-Learning Content & Many more Questions? Youcanconnect us at Suggestions, CriticismandFeedback are most welcomed.