
豆果美食-最贴心菜谱大全、健康顾问、减肥食谱、下厨房必备 5.4.2
舌尖上的中国-菜谱精选 1.0.0
《舌尖上的中国》向观众介绍了中国各地的诱人美食,每一集都从不同的主题入手,横跨大江南北,时而深入西南腹地探寻山林里的秘密,时而又到海边捕鱼收获来自海洋的礼物,时而走入大漠去寻找牧民们的真实生活,时而在城市里发掘各大菜系里的食材之美。豆果网将带你一同去领略《舌尖上的中国》提到的各地美食的家常做法,让你的舌尖上环绕着大自然赋予的灵动气息,重温味蕾的饕餮之旅,回归中华美食的质朴味道。感谢豆果网有这么多可爱的美食家,你们的无私分享赋予了美食更多的意义"TongueChina" introduced to the audience all over China tantalizingcuisine, each episode starting from a different theme, across theriver north and south, and sometimes in-depth to explore themountains southwest hinterland secret, but when harvested from theocean to the sea fishing gifts, sometimes into the desert to findthe real life of herders, sometimes major cuisine in the city toexplore the beauty of the food inside.Beans, fruit network will take you along to enjoy the "tongueChina" mentioned throughout cuisine homemade practice, let yourtongue around nature has given the Smart breath and relive thetaste buds gluttonous trip, return to Chinese food rusticflavor.Thank beans fruit Net There are so many lovely foodie, yourselfless sharing food gives more meaning
豆果美食HD 2.0.0
移动美食 爱的传递─豆果美食Android Pad版上线啦唯有美食与爱,我们从不妥协!8月8日,国内最强大的免费美食菜谱APP应用软件《豆果美食》终于正式登陆AndroidPad市场啦!同时全新版本的《豆果美食》for Android Pad版本也将是国内目前AndroidPad领域惟一的一款真正适应于Android 3.1系统的美食菜谱应用。一直以来我们都希望能有一款真正为用户着想的美食应用,我们尝试着在Android、iPhone平台都推出了自己的应用,也取得了可喜的成绩。但我们并没有满足,当面对用户提出的希望能有针对PAD版本的应用时,我们选择了聆听!在这款针对AndroidPad的《豆果美食》里我们首次尝试使用了全新的界面设计,我们在细节里融入了贴进我们生活的小细节,无论是冰箱上的便签效果,还是像真实菜谱图书一样的排版模式,我们都希望尝试将每一个细节做到完美!同时《豆果美食》for Android Pad版本也是目前国内惟一全面兼容各尺寸屏幕分辨率的美食应用,目前主流的AndroidPad产品,如Moto XOOM、DELL Streak 10 pro、HTC flyer等主流机型全部100%兼容适配!接下来带你领会一下我们Android Pad的特性:1、震撼的显示效果,全面优化的1280*800主流PAD显示效果,惟一适配Android3.1系统,带给你无与伦比的移动美食享受!2、超过10万道精美菜谱,包含八大菜系、西餐、小吃、饮品、烘焙、海鲜、料理等等,只有你想不到,没有找不到!全部内容与豆果网实时同步免费获取,最前卫和贴心的烹饪“利器”;3、集成互联网最受欢迎的美食阅读画报《豆果美食画报》,世界各地的诱人美食资讯、时令菜谱养生课堂、美食名家访谈;与60万订阅用户一起分享盛大的美食饕餮之旅;4、首次加入的云计算同步数据功能,采用统一的豆果网账号系统,在PAD上收藏的美食也不用担心重新安装软件或换系统会丢失,我们实时为您永久免费保存在云端,体验高科技带来的移动魅力之美;5、集成的一键分享功能,可以实时分享精美内容给好友以及分享到主流的微博账号,更可以参与评论互动;让移动的美食动起来!... ...这些只是我们的冰山一角,更多惊喜我想你一定会发现,马上行动!Mobile food of lovepass-beans, fruit cuisine Android Pad version on-line friendsOnly food and love, we never compromise! August 8, the mostpowerful free food recipes the APP application software "bean fruitgourmet finally officially landed in the Android Pad market it! Thesame time, the new version of "bean fruit dishes for Android Padversion will be the application of the the domestic Android Padfield only a true gourmet recipes adapted to the Android 3.1system.We've been hoping to have a real food applications for the sakeof users, we try to have launched their own applications inAndroid, iPhone platform, has also made gratifying achievements.But we have not met, when faced with the user's hoping for PADversion of the application, we chose to listen to! In this AndroidPad the "bean" fruit dishes, we first attempt to use a newinterface design in the details into the paste into the smalldetails of our lives, whether it is the effect of the notes on therefrigerator, or like a real recipe book the same layout mode, weall want to try to be perfect every detail!Beans, fruit dishes for Android Pad version is currently theonly fully compatible with food applications of the size of thescreen resolution, the current the mainstream Android Pad products,such as Moto Xoom, Dell Streak 10 pro, HTC Flyer mainstream modelsall 100% Compatible adapter!Next, you understand the characteristics of our Android Pad:1, exciting display, fully optimized for 1280 * 800 mainstreamPAD display, unique adaptation Android 3.1 system, to give youunparalleled mobile food to enjoy!2, over 100,000 exquisite recipes, contains eight cuisine,Western food, snacks, drinks, baked goods, seafood, cooking, and soon, only you can not think, can not find no! All content and beans,fruit net free access to real-time synchronization, the mostavant-garde and intimate cooking "weapon";3, the integration of the Internet's most popular gourmetreading Illustrated beans, fruit dishes Illustrated, around theworld gourmet food information, seasonal recipes, health classroom,interviews with famous cuisine; share with 600,000 subscribers thegrand cuisine gluttonous trip;4, first joined the cloud computing synchronous data beans fruitnetwork account system adopt a unified collection of food PAD donot have to worry about re-install software or change system willbe lost, our real-time as you are permanently stored in the cloudfor free, experience high mobile technology can bring the beauty ofthe charm;5, integrated a key sharing, real-time sharing of the fine to afriend Share to mainstream microblogging account, can participatein a review interaction; mobile food moving up!......These are just the tip of the iceberg, more surprises I thinkyou'll find that immediate action!
我爱烘焙 1.2.0
有那么一瞬间,发现斜阳照进厨房的光线是那么的妖娆。原来,所谓的“黄脸婆”,是心态,而不是面容。喜欢烘焙,不只是因为品尝一刻的甜美,更多的还有创作和分享的过程,以及我们对生活无限的热爱。为您提供全面而健康的烘焙方法;为您分享最全最靠谱的原创烘焙食谱,让我们心爱的烘焙成为最独特的烘焙;为每一位热爱烘焙的朋友提供一个分享和交流的园地;为了家人的健康,都行动起来,让坑爹的反式脂肪酸&添加剂神马的都靠边站吧!For a moment, found thesetting sun shine light into the kitchen is so enchanting. Itturned out that the so-called "yellow face" is a state of mind,rather than the face. Like baking, not just because of the sweettaste of the moment, the more there is the process of creation andsharing, as well as the infinite love of our lives.To provide you with a comprehensive and healthy bakingmethods;For you all the most likely to share the most original bakingrecipes, let us become the most beloved unique baking baking;For every friend who loves baking to provide a sharing and exchangeof the garden;For your family's health, in action, let pits father of trans fattyacids & Additives god of horses are Stand aside!
夏日冰品 1.2.0
最爱夏日的午后,一缕清新的微风吹散所有的温氲,仿佛所有的烦恼都早已随风飘散。撑一顶凉伞,邀三五好友一起动手。“做什么吃呢?”刨冰还是奶昔,亦或自创的爽口凉茶?装杯,上桌。当你沉浸在这一片笑意当中,或许不会发现,夏日已然是昨日。Favorite summerafternoon, a ray of fresh breeze blew away all the heavy atmosphereof warm, as if all the troubles are already airborne. Hold aparasol, invite a few friends together to do it."What do we eat?"Ice or milkshake, or will own the refreshing herbal tea?Mounted cups, and serve. When you immerse yourself in this a smilewhich, perhaps not found, the summer is already yesterday.
越吃越美 1.2.0
二十岁女人如花,三十岁女人似水,四十岁的女人?岁月无情,残忍的掠夺女人最为看重的美貌,身材,娴静气质,优雅仪态。年华悄然而逝的同时,望着镜中日渐清晰的法令线,眼角纹,以及再也遮盖不住的小腹和肌肤的暗淡无光...... 女人开始彷徨,焦虑。他们想尽一切办法回复昔日光彩。玻尿酸,美白针,减肥药.. ..NO!豆果告诉你,聪明的女人绝不会用摧残自己身体这一招。他们明白由内到外的呵护,日积月累的调理。她们知道食疗胜过一切时尚界鼓吹的美容方法。她们知道吃什么美白肌肤,她们知道哪种食物利于减脂,她们知道保持青春光彩曼妙身材的同时又享受到了美食是一件非常幸福的事。越吃越美是豆果网(推出的一款集瘦身,美容,养生于一体的美食推荐app。它将是你贴身的美容专家,减肥指导,养身顾问。在你收获美丽的同时,还会惊喜的发现厨艺有了飞跃!Two-year-old womanblossoming, three-year-old woman like water, four-year-old woman?Years of relentless, ruthless plunder woman most valued beauty,body, demure temperament and elegant deportment. Love quietly dieswhile looking in the mirror decree increasingly clear lines, eyepattern, and no longer live in the lower abdomen and the skincovering the bleak ...... woman began wandering, anxiety. Theyleave no stone unturned to regain its glory. Hyaluronic acid, whiteneedles, diet pills ....NO! Beans, fruit tell you, the wise woman will not destroy yourbody with this trick. They understand from the inside to theoutside of care, accumulated conditioning. They know better thanall the fashion industry advocating therapeutic approach tobeauty.They know what to eat skin whiteningThey know which foods help reduce fat,They know to keep youthful luster graceful figure at the same timeenjoy the cuisine is a very happy thing.Eat more beans, fruit beauty network ( introduced aset of slimming, beauty, and health in one of the dishesrecommended app. It is your personal beauty expert, weight lossguidance and cultivation advisers. At the same time you harvestbeautiful, but also surprised by the culinary leap!
吃得明白 1.1.0
原来食材里也有一门大学问!吃得明白,让你变身营养专家,为你和家人的每日饮食,提供诚意满满的健康指导~来自豆果食材百科数据库,卡路里、维生素、搭配禁忌、选购储藏,我们帮你了解食物的全部。餐厅里,研究菜单,热量会不会太高?超市里,怎么挑选搭配,才够营养美味?茶余饭后,朋友闲聊,你是不是那个食品安全专家?从菜市场一路服务到你家厨房。看到哪个食材觉得不错?还能跳转《豆果美食》,好多好多做法哦~豆果网(是一家专注于发现美食、分享美食、交流美食的社区。通过豆果,我们希望你也能找到属于自己的美食小幸福。:)The original ingredientswhere there are a university asked!Eat understand that allows you to transform nutrition experts, foryou and your family's daily diet, full of sincerity to providehealth guidance ~From Wikipedia database bean fruit ingredients, calories,vitamins, with taboos, buy storage, we help you understand all thefood.Dining room, study the menu, the heat will not be too high?Supermarket, how to choose mix enough nutritious and delicious?Gossip, chat with friends, you're not that food safetyexperts?Services to markets all the way from your home kitchen. See whichingredients feel good?'ll Jump "bean fruit gourmet", many, manypractices oh ~Beans, fruit net ( is a focus on the discoverycuisine, sharing food, sharing food communities. By bean fruit, wehope you can find your own gourmet small happiness. :)
美食日记 1.3.0
【捕捉一茶一饭的光辉,定格有滋有味的幸福】有关食物的每一个幸福瞬间,都值得我们记录珍藏还记得:夏天的火锅——记录在最后一次的班级聚会;午夜海鲜粥——记录在台北夜市上的邂逅;每天的早餐——记录在唤醒你的浓浓爱意......人生中的每一次吃吃喝喝,都不允许自己潦草对待【美食日记】——颠覆传统的美食软件,帮助记录你每天的饮食,形成健康饮食计划。帮你发现身边靠谱的,绝不掺水的真正好味道!用美食日记,做一个有追求的吃货吧!?忠实记录吃饭之前拍一张:珍奇的异国料理、妈妈的爱心便当...正是记录美食,回味幸福的味道。帮你创建独家的个人Timeline美食轨迹,并安排你的健康饮食计划。?真实好味道汇集来自来天南海北吃货们分享的最真实美食记录,美味绝不掺水!我们关心的不是排场、不是优惠、不是团购,而是吃到嘴里的味道好不好,这是美食日记的唯一标准!?另一种发现美食的方式赶紧忘掉以前那种搜索美食的方式吧,美食日记结合你的口味偏好、地理位置和好友们的动态,智能的给你专属推荐!没错,这就是传说中的私人贴身服务!---------------------------------------------------现在已经有超过百万人在使用美食日记,记录他们的每日饮食。这里有走到哪必然要把周围吃遍的大胃王菇凉、有旅居欧洲的型男主厨、还有每天从不间断记录早餐的有爱妹纸...我们期待你就是下一个有追求的吃货!豆果网(是一方供你发现与创造、分享与交流美食的理想国度。我们坚信,有关食物的每一个幸福瞬间,都值得记录珍藏![Capture a glorious teaameal, freeze gusto happiness]Every moment of happiness about the food, are worthy ofourrecord collectionRemember:Summer Pot - recorded in the last class reunion;Midnight seafood porridge - recorded on the night market inTaipeiencounter;Daily breakfast - recorded in the wake of your deep love......Every once in life to eat and drink are not allowed totreatyourself scribbled[Food Diary] - subvert traditional cuisine software tohelprecord your daily diet, a healthy diet plan. Help you findaroundthe fly, never watered really good taste! With food diary, doapursuit of food goods it! ? Faithfully recordBefore dinner take a: rare exotic dishes, my mother's love lunch...It records cuisine, memorable taste of happiness. Help youcreate anexclusive gourmet personal Timeline tracks and arrangeyour healthyeating plan.? True good tasteBrings together the most authentic cuisine records from eatingthegoods to far apart to share a delicious never watered! Ourconcernis not ostentation, not concessions, not buy, but badmouthdelicious to eat, this is the only standard food diary!? Another way to find foodBefore quickly forget the way it kind of search for food, fooddiarycombine your taste preferences, location and friends aredynamic,intelligent give you exclusive recommended! Yes, this isthelegendary private personal service!-------------------------------------------------- -There are already more than one million people use food diarytorecord their daily diet. Here is where one must take themushroomeaters around Chibian of cool, chef sportsman living inEurope, aswell as breakfast every day from uninterrupted record oflovesister paper ... We look forward to the next one you'retherepursuit of food goods!Beans, fruit net ( is a party for you discoverandcreate the ideal country to share and exchange food. Wefirmlybelieve that every happy moment about the food, are worthrecordingcollection!