EasyMakeUp التطبيقات

Braid Hair Styles 1.1.4
Braid Hair Styles is a new app provided by theEasyMakeUp. This app is available on absolutely free basis and canbe downloaded by everyone who wishes. This app will become a goodcatch for girls of course, not for guys. It can be users for youngladies who want to look different at school or later at college. Itcan also be used by women who wish to look gorgeous and changetheir hairstyles. You could probably not even imagine that thereexist more than 80 hairstyles with braid and they all are availableon this app. You need to install the application and try doing allof them. You shouldn’t be scared that it might be too complicated.Everything is quite simple. The app provides the picture of thehairdo, its final image. You choose the one you like and the appshows you the pictures with all the steps how to do that hairstyle.Simple and easy to understand. Share the images on Facebook,Instagram, Twitter etc. and make your friends want this appimmediately. Moreover, you can set your status in social networksor save the image on SD. You phone will be overwhelmed with lots ofbeautiful images of hairstyles. Look different every day withunique braid hairstyles.
Courage and Positive Phrases 1.1.7
Probably every person faced a moment whenhe/she didn't know what to do and what was the right way. Sometimeswe need to make am important decision and hesitate, think overabout what is wrong and what is right. Courage and Positive Phrasesapp could be a good helper for you at that very moments. Theapplication contains more than 100 phrases that will motivate,encourage, inspire, advise and help its user. Besides theencouraging function, this app also contains the positive phrase inorder to create positive mood. We all need to hear such phrasesalmost every day from our parents, children, friends, husbands andwives. The application is absolutely free. All you need to do is toinstall it on any device you have; but you need to make sure thatthe device has the Android OS. After the app is installed, you canstart reading wise and educative, funny and positive, moral andinspiring phrases on your device. Feel free to share them withother people through various social networks, email or sms. Theuser also has a possibility to save the pictures and set any ofthem as wallpaper or even save them on SD. The app has advertisingin it, so besides being an advisor, this app will help you find outmore information. Enjoy!
Hairstyles step by step 1.2.3
If you have long hair, you have probably hadthat moment when you get tired of all the hairstyles and have noclue which new one to try. Hairstyles step by step app will helpyou solve this problem. What you get after the app is installed isan Android device with lots of hairstyles and photo steps how to dothem. Doing your hair has never been so easy and variable before,you will see the difference. You will look charming at any even youvisit. Impress your friends and family with the new hairstyleseveryday! Braids, fishtail, red hair, blond, dark- anything youwish is available on this app. It can become a real discovery formothers who have tried all the hairdos for their beautiful youngladies. Your princesses will love all the hairdos you will makewith their hair. There’s nothing complicated in this app. Yousimply download and install it for free. The interface is notcomplicated and everything is quite clear. You have specialopportunities with this app like uploading the images and postingdirectly on Facebook, Instagram etc., or even sending by email,WhatsApp, Line and others. Very easy and convenient way to learnmore and become more beautiful and charming every day. The appcontains advertising that way you can get even more info from thisapp. Enjoy and stay beautiful!
Eye Makeup Step By Step 1.0.3
Incredible app for girls and women; it caneven become a true helper to professional make up artists . Theapplication Eye Makeup Step By Step contains thousands of make upideas. It won’t be difficult for you to repeat the same make upidea since the developers offer step-by-step photo description.Sometimes girls have problems with their makeup since it looks farfrom being professional. Not all of them have a possibility tocommunicate and have a talk with professional visagiste. This appwill become your expert. You won’t have to worry about your lookanymore. You will wear fantastic makeup with this app at everyparty, birthday, prom, celebration or event. It can become yourpersonal expert in the world of beauty and makeup. Feel free toshare it with your friends and family. Moreover, you have an optionto save beautiful pictures on you smartphone and share them withfriends or simply strange people through social networks. You canalso set these pictures as the wallpaper, send an email letter withthe gorgeous look to your friends, share by WhatsApp, Line etc.Lots of possibilities especially for you. The application itself iseasy and understandable. The app is free and can be installed onAndroid devices. Please consider that this app contains someadvertising.
Romantic Love Pics 1.2.2
Romantic Love Pics App is an application youcan easily install on your Android device on a free-of-chargebasis. It won’t take you much time or efforts. The app was createdas a way of expressing and showing love. This does not necessarilyneed to be love between man and woman; it can be love betweenparents and children, brothers and sisters, grandparents andgrandchildren, aunts and nephews etc. The application containsabout 1 thousand images that will express feelings towards the loveones with the quotes on them. People need to know they are lovedand needed. The pictures are amazing and express the warm feelings.The quotes are various as well. One of them, for examples, says,“You are the heart of my life”. Rather simple and known words buthow much warmth and love they express. The app gives andopportunity to share the images with other people on Twitter,Facebook, by WhatsApp etc. It can become a great idea to wake upyour beloved one with sms containing adorable picture with thewords of love. Set these images as wallpaper or save on SD. Thisapp has some ads on it that way you can get more info from the app.The EasyMakeup publisher did a great job creating this app andsharing love between people. Download the app and take your time tolook at all the images and read all the quotes that will make youfeel happier.
Best Landscapes Wallpapers 1.1.8
If you are tired from routine life and citiesoverwhelmed with people, looking at these images will givesustained energy to you for a long time. You will visit all thedream places that can ever exist, see the unique fish, flowers,observe the quietness and loneliness of the old villas. Developersof Best Landscapes Wallpapers provide more than 100 impressivepictures of various landscapes you have never seen. They will makeyou feel relaxed and calm. Harmony is the key word to this app. So,you need to install it and start watching the pictures. Theinstallation is free of charge, by the way. You choose the one youreally like and can do anything you want with it. First of all, youcan set it as wallpaper. Second of all, fee free to attach it toyour email letter or sms. Third of all, you can save it on SD andeven set your status in any social network you wish. It turns outto be a rather multifunctional app. Please notice that you caninstall this app on any device you have with the Android OS. Theapp has some advertising in it, but that won’t bother you in anyway. So, don't waste time. Install the app and enjoy it!Bring someharmony to your body and soul.
Eye Makeup Steps 1.0.2
In order to install this app. Make sure yourdevice had the Android OS. The app is provided on free of chargebasis by EasyMakeup for girls and women or male make up artists.The app is easy too use and doesn’t contain any complexity in it.Eye Makeup Steps app contains advertising in it. So, the aim ofthis app is to teach the user how to create eye makeup and lookastonishing. There is the final look of the makeup and images withsteps how to get that final look. The variety of colors, patterns,looks, techniques is huge. You can choose among every day makeup,pastel and nude, party makeup with lots of different arrows, smokyeyes, black, purple, grey shadows etc. You are the one to choosejudging by the color of your eyes, the event you decide to visit orsimply by the mood you have at that very moment. Feel free to savethe imaged on your SD or email them to your friends. You can chooseother ways of sharing with others like the social networks way.Moreover, you are offered to save the pictures as the wallpaper andinstall it on your device. Don't forget about the possibility toset the status in social network. There are no limits toperfection. So, it's never late to study. Install this applicationand prove that you can learn and create beautiful makeup for youreyes. Of course, they look fantastic even without any makeup onthem. But smart and expert combination of shadows can make themlook even more amazing.
Funny Quotes and Jokes free 1.0.6
If you feel unhappy and stressed, this appwill help you relax, have fun and laugh a lot. Joy will come backto your life. Funny Quotes and Jokes free app is provided byEasyMakeup on a free basis and requires no specific knowledge touse or download it. It will take you some seconds for the downloadand feel free to start using this app. The application containsabout 100 jokes and funny quotes. You can easily share the ones youlike most with your friends. The developers offer different ways ofdoing this. Send the jokes via email, sms, post directly onTwitter, Facebook etc. You can even set nice pictures on your phoneand set them as wallpaper. The application will be interesting bothfor teenagers and adults since the variety of jokes is huge. Aftermaking your day, you can make your friends laugh. Imagine that oneof them has had a busy day with lots of business. And after such atiring day receive a message from you with one of the jokes. Youwill do a great job by making your friend laugh or at least smile.So, it's time to forget about your worries and start enjoying life.Install the app and laugh as much as you can. Laughing makes ourlife last longer, remember that.
Religious Quotes 1.2.2
This app might interest not absolutelyallpeople, like other apps, actually. This app will be educationalandinformative for people who believe in God, Jesus, who readBible,go to church. Moreover, people who need some guidance andthose whowent wrong can use this app as the helper and guide intheir life.It can become somebody's personal advisor. One moreexercising ofthis app is also possible. The user can teach his/herkids thebasics of religion, explain the religious quotes presentedin thisapp. There are also lots of pictures demonstrating the lifeof God.The phrases are very motivating, they will make you thinkabout thesense of life, about your actions and doings. You canshare it withyour family and friends or use the images on yourphone or evensave to SD. The user of the Religious Quotes andImages App can usethe phrases and set their status in socialnetworks. Theapplication is provided for the users on afree-of-charge basis andhas some ads in it. The installation andthe usage are very simpleand understandable.