EntoGenex Industries Sdn Bhd التطبيقات

Komuniti Bebas Denggi 0.0.6
Komuniti Bebas Denggi is a programmedesignedto help communities reduce the risk of dengue.We empower and equip people with the necessary toolstoeffectively control the aedes mosquito population at the source,byeffectively eradicating larvae, and ensuring asustainableprevention and protection programme.Do you want see positive change in your community? Help us makeadifference in the fight against dengue. We're looking for a groupoflike-minded individuals to form a neighbourhood Skuad BebasDenggi.By combining resources and strategically targeting denguehotspots,we can help reduce the risks of contacting this deadlydisease.Skuad Bebas Denggi comprises trained volunteersactivelyparticipating in education, activation, and preventioninitiativesto help reduce their community's risk of dengue.Skuad Bebas Denggi is the heart of Komuniti Bebas Denggi.Inpartnership with DBKL, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, RotaryClubDistrict 3300 Malaysia, Yayasan Tunku Naquiyuddin, andvariouslocal councils and resident associations.