Fairyfire التطبيقات

Horse on fire live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful horse galloping near bright campfireon a dark night! It looks like a princess because of its long wavymane and bushy tail!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper".
Witch live wallpaper 1.0
Mysterious witch blazing with bright fire!Flame also shines in her eyes!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Burning horse live wallpaper 1.0
Horse galloping across burning earth! Amazingbeauty!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Dark angel live wallpaper 1.0
Girl with black wings blazing with brightfire! She looks like a dark angel who came from hell!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Sunny lion live wallpaper 1.1
Enjoy “Sunny lion” – awesome livewallpaper!The lion is represented close-up.It stares at you and occasionally blinks.Its mane is made of set of bright sparkling hairs.They are continuously streaming and charging everything around withenergy!The lion really looks like the Sun!Amazing spectacle!Sparkling lion really looks like king of beasts!The lion inspires bodily fear and admiration at the sametime!Set “Sunny lion” live wallpaper completely free!*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.The lion is a synonym of force, power and bravery from immemorialtimes. Therefore, people often use such expressions as " strong asa lion", "lion's heart".In Ancient Egypt lion was considered as a sacred animal.The lion is an animal which constitutes danger both to animals andto people.In the Middle Ages many Royal Courts decorate their coat of armswith images of a lion to show force and power.Here are several interesting facts about lions, showing that lionis a very interesting and terrible animal.Muzzle of a lion is like fingerprints at the person: there are notwo lions with identical muzzles.Claws of a lion can reach in length of 7 centimeters.Night sight of a lion is six times better, than a human.Despite the impressive sizes, lions have the smallest heart fromall predators living on Earth.Roar of an adult lion is so loud that it is heard at distance to 8kilometers.Still it is considered that only the sick or wounded lion attacks aman or pet.Lions are perfectly adapted for life; they can live without waterfor months.Lions like to sleep very much and do it for 20 hours a day!Enjoy this lovely free live wallpaper!
Volcanic tornado live wallpape 1.0
Colorful tornado made from volcanic fire andash! This scary monster glows brightly in the night!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Magical unicorn live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful fairy unicorn is on fire! It lookssternly and even aggressive! Magical animal!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Island of death live wallpaper 1.0
Terrible island of death is drifting in theopen sea! This fantastic island is a real cemetery of travelers. Itstrikes fear!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Warrior in red live wallpaper 1.0
Warrioress shrouded in a bright red cloth thatblazes with bright fire! That girl is one of the finest warriors inthe world!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery hair live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful girl with fiery hair sitting in alotus position! Fantastic hair look like bright fireworks shootinginto the sky!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Hot dance live wallpaper 1.0
Man dancing on his head caught with fire!Music fills people with passion!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery skull live wallpaper 1.0
Scary death's skull burning with bright fire!Awful spectacle!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Red-hot tiger live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful tiger blazing with hot fire! Theflames of fire seemed to have grown into its skin, and became partof its body!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Volcanic dragon live wallpaper 1.0
Huge fiery dragon has appeared from thevolcanic crater! This fantastic dragon is a striking sight!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Bird from flame live wallpaper 1.0
Bird is made from flame! Nearby is beautifulfiery girl in a long dress!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Zombie girl live wallpaper 1.0
Fantastic zombie-girl blazing with brightfire! Her perfect figure is covered in a red suit, making the girllook like a real superhero!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
White angel live wallpaper 1.0
Dazzling white angel fluttering over fierygirl! This fantastic action takes place in a dark forest...How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper".
Girl-bird live wallpaper 1.0
Fiery girl-bird standing alone in thedarkness! It's pouring rain... The girl wants to drain the wholeearth!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery umbrella live wallpaper 1.0
Mysterious girl with fiery umbrella! This livewallpaper is full of magic and sorcery!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Death live wallpaper 1.0
Fiery death hiding its face under a black longgown! Flames of fire are streaming over each other!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Radiant leopard live wallpaper 1.0
Sparkling leopard sitting in a majestic pose!Leopard sparkles with bright colors, repeating its spottedcoloring.How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Golden horse live wallpaper 1.1
Beautiful golden horse is sparkling andshimmering!The horse is standing majestically and gracefully, having raisedone hoof.Mane and tail are streaming with gold!The horse looks fantastically!It symbolizes luxury and magnificence.This charming animal will win your heart!If you want to cheer up and enjoy extraordinary horse, then thislive wallpaper is the perfect choice!*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.People know little about horses.Most of people watch horses only in circus or in a zoo and thinkthat horse differs a little from other animals.Actually there isn't a lot of such strong and gracefulrepresentatives of fauna on the earth.Horse always was helpmate and friend for the man.Here are some interesting facts about horses.Horse surpasses many animals and human being in opportunities ofsense organs.The structure of acoustic apparatus allows not just to acceptsounds, but also to strengthen them!Sense of smell is very developed – horses perfectly feel smells andremember them.It helps them to orientate, to find the road to a stable, to lookfor the owner.Horses have color vision.Besides, a viewing angle approaches to 360 degrees.So horses see what happens both behind, and on each side.Also horses see well in the dark.One more feature is that horses have strongly developed sense oftouch – they perfectly feel with their lips and hoofs.Horses always feel mood of the master.These animals perfectly remember happened events, understandcause-and-effect relation.It is known that horses have perfectly developed ear formusic.They even have preferences in music!Most often they like melodious and quiet compositions.Scientists have determined important fact: the biofield of a horseis capable to exert healthful influence on a human being.Depression and tiredness go away in several hours, spent near thissurprising animal.Riding relieves man from many diseases of backbone, develops goodsense of equilibrium, develops coordination of movements,strengthens mental health.This therapy affects children particularly well.Horse is one of a few animals capable to sleep upright, at the sametime horses are capable to have color dreams.Horse is a symbol of vital animal force, beauty, fidelity, graceand harmonious movement.Horse also symbolizes power, nobility, fearlessness, freedom, valorand glory.In painting horse is associated with wind, fire and a seawave.Though horse is generally associated with congenital natural force,it can also symbolize the speed of a thought, intelligence andwisdom.Folklore often allocates horses with the magic force of aprediction.According to ancient beliefs horses know the mysteries of the otherworld, therefore they were used in funeral ceremonies as conductorsto the other world.Sometimes horse is associated with sexual energy, desires orlust.Horse is a sacred animal at many nationalities of North Africa andthe Middle East.The horse combines symbolical qualities of several animals: braveryof a lion, sight of an eagle, strength of an ox, speed of a deer,dexterity of a fox.Enjoy this lovely free live wallpaper!
Near volcano live wallpaper 1.0
Horse walking near volcanic river! Flamesshine brightly in the darkness and cast beautiful shadows on thehorse!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Showy bird live wallpaper 1.0
Impressive bird is blazing brightly in adarkness! Its feathers are replaced with flames of fire! Amazingbird!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Magic of fire live wallpaper 1.0
Black angel utters magical incantation! That'smagic of fire! Feel the atmosphere of mystery!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Dancer in fire live wallpaper 1.0
So fast street dance that the dancer gotinflamed! Flickering flames look very impressive in thedarkness!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fairy horse live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful horse with a fiery red mane walkingin the night. Bright eyes shine in the darkness!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fuming horse live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful horse lights everything with itsfume! Amazing beauty!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Magician live wallpaper 1.0
Mysterious magician caught by bright yellowfire! He seems like one big wildfire!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Girl and volcano live wallpape 1.0
Mysterious girl standing in front of eruptingvolcano! Clubs of fiery smoke are streaming into the air!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Raging fist live wallpaper 1.0
Strong fist burning with orange flames offire!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and select installedwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Wildfire live wallpaper 1.0
A huge fire broke out in a forest! The sightofa bright forest fire is very striking!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
War horse live wallpaper 1.0
War horse spewing flames! It lookslikeaggressive warrior!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Blazing bird live wallpaper 1.0
Dangerous bird of prey blazing withbrightyellow flame!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Horse ablaze live wallpaper 1.0
Horse blazing with bright fire onthebackground of erupting volcano!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Giant in smoke live wallpaper 1.0
Giant man standing steadfastly in afierysmoke! He has a very strong body. He showsincrediblestrength!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fairy cat live wallpaper 1.0
Beautiful cat sparkling all over! Its eyesareabsolutely awesome!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Confrontation live wallpaper 1.0
Mortal fight of fire and water in the formoftwo predators! It's outstanding!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery town live wallpaper 1.0
Mysterious woman standing in a fiery town.Herdress is blazing with bright fire!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Black pegasus live wallpaper 1.1
"Black pegasus" - stylish free live wallpaperwith beautiful winged horse called pegasus.Black pegasus is caught by fire.The earth has inflamed!Black pegasus looks fantastically on a background of darknight!Such unusual horse can leave indifferent nobody.Pegasus bewitches with its beauty!Please yourself and surrounding with such bright bewitching imageof a magic animal!Set live wallpaper "Black pegasus" absolutely free of charge!It is possible to look infinitely at this mysterious wingedhorse!*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.Pegasus in Ancient Greek mythology is a winged horse, the favouriteof muses.This magic being is usually represented with eagle wings of whitecolor.This magnificent animal can fly by air and transfer rider toanother dimensions.The horse was born at ocean sources therefore it has been called bypegasus that in translation from Greek means "rapid stream".This being is capable to fly with speed of wind!Pegasus can create magic sources – springs from which it ispossible to derive inspiration.Pegasus delivered thunder and lightnings to Zeus.The winged horse is an attendant of muses – it uplifts poets onheaven.Pegasus symbolizes inspiration, glory, eloquence.Pegasus wasn't an immortal being.In the last day of its life Zeus has turned a flying horse into theconstellation.Pegasus symbolizes the necessity of people to soar over aprosaicness of physical existence, to find answers to eternalquestions.This mythical being possess capability to turn the evil intogood.Enjoy this lovely free live wallpaper!
Skeleton live wallpaper 1.1
Prepare for the horror with terrifying“Skeleton” live wallpaper!Let the fear overwhelm you every time you look at the screen!Skeleton is caught by flames of fire! It is scary and creepy!It’s like death is coming from hell!Skeleton is the sign of death and shadow side of the world!Skeleton stands for death and mortality.It reminds that everyone has sins!Flames or fire symbolize eternity of life.Skeleton is one of the oldest and most powerful of allsymbols.It has been used to symbolize both side of the world and thereforehave diverse meanings to different people.For some people it represents death and evil, but others viewskeleton in a different way.Skeleton may symbolize protection, strength, power, fearlessness,wisdom and even immortality!The symbolism of skeleton is that it reminds of temporary existenceof mankind in this physical world on the Earth.*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.Skulls symbolism has always been a representation of mortality anddeath, but through years has also become a great fashioninspiration.One of the more common meanings behind the image of the skull is'memento mori' - Latin for 'remember you must die.'The thought might seem depressing at first, but it is actually areminder to live life while you can.This amazing free live wallpaper will always be there on your phonedisplay to remind you to live your life the best you can!Download and set free live wallpaper with burning skull!Stunning image of burning skull is waiting for you, so download itfor free!Show your free wallpaper to your friends and family and remind themthat life is short!Download this free live wallpaper and beautify your phone withawesome skull background!Are you brave enough to set this scary live wallpaper and watch thehellfire burning on your screen?If you are a fan of the dark side and like gothic themes and scaryskulls then this free live wallpaper will be a perfect fit foryou.Enjoy free live wallpaper with burning skull!
Bright bird live wallpaper 1.0
Fiery bird glowing in the darknessandilluminating the space around!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Pegasus on fire live wallpaper 1.0
White pegasus with wings wide open walkingonburning ground! Dry grass blazes under its hooves. The animalfeelsitself safely, though fire is its native element!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Pegasus at night live wallpape 1.0
Black pegasus coming from a blazing fire!Itlooks ominous and threatening!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Dragons live wallpaper 2.1
Awesome free live wallpaper with two dragons,one of them is belching fire, and another - water!Fire and water have made a figure known as Yin and Yang!This symbol is one of the main ideas of the ancient Chinesephilosophy.First of all, this conception tells that everything is changing.Sooner or later.Secondly, opposites complete each other.In the world there should be a balance of Good and Evil, light anddark, cold and hot…Two dragons fight with each other.And this battle has no end!*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.Dragon is a magic creature mentioned in many myths andlegends.This monsters will certainly beautify your phone!Welcome to the dragon world!Don’t wait any longer - set this free live wallpaper!Make your phone look cool and mighty like a warrior dragon!This stunning live wallpaper will leave you breathless with pictureof powerful dragons.Image of this magic creatures will become a perfect wallpaper foryour phone!Decorate your screen with truly amazing and powerful mythicalmonsters and open yourself to the world of mystery and magic.Enjoy this breathtaking free live wallpaper!
Contrast touch live wallpaper 1.0
Fiery and water hands are gently touchingeachother! It's a contrast contact!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery ship live wallpaper 1.0
A terrible shipwreck has occurred in astormysea! A big ship is on fire! Hurricane winds is fanning theflames,causing the growth of fire...How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery nymph live wallpaper 1.0
Nymph burning in hot flames! She isalmostinvisible to the human sight!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery unicorn live wallpaper 1.0
Fiery unicorn has reared up in the middle ofanempty steppe! Starting with the mane the flame runs throughitsbody! Fantastic spectacle!How to change animation rate:– enter "Live wallpaper" category and selectinstalledwallpaper;– enter "Settings" ("Edit") menu;– tap "Frequency" entry and select animation rate;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
Fiery eagle live wallpaper 1.1
“Fiery eagle” – amazing free live wallpaperwith eagle made of fire.Majestic eagle is enveloped in flames of fire!The bird looks great on a dark background!Such amazing eagle can leave indifferent nobody!Set live wallpaper "Fiery eagle" absolutely free of charge!This live wallpaper will surely cheer up and charge withenergy!It is possible to look infinitely at this fiery-red eagle!*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (someantivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising asmalware).**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on devicecharacteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency andnumber of cores; RAM size).***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed valueby your own discretion:– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;– enter submenu with settings;– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother value.Eagle is an attribute of solar gods in many cultures.It also symbolizes courage, victory, pride, greatness, power andstrength.Eagle is one of the most ancient symbols.It is considered that eagle is capable to reach the sun and tounite with it.That’s why the eagle personifies inspiration!Eagle is connected with elements of air and fire.Eagle is the king in airspace as lion is the king of beasts on theearth.It unites terrestrial and heavenly spheres.In the East the eagle means the power, bravery, acute eyesight,fearlessness.In the West the eagle means spiritual power, royalty and goodluck.As it is considered that the eagle flies higher than any otherbird, it is considered as expression of divine greatness.The eagle often serves as the embodiment of divine love, justice,belief in religion.Flight of an eagle is associated with prayers, Grace of God andvictory over evil.Eagle is the lord of heaven!It lives longer than any other bird and has ability torejuvenation: when there comes the old age, it flies on the world'send and, having swum in the lake with water of life, again findsyouth.Enjoy this lovely free live wallpaper!