
Rangarang Radio Live 1.0
Political Talk Open Mic Persian Farsi Iranian.
Pain du soir 1.3
Paindusoir Portail chrétienPaindusoir Portailchrétien
Shemroon 24/7 Radio 1.0
The Best Persian Music & Talk ShowsWe are not committed to any group or political parties .Radio Shemroon is all about human rights, music, arts, cultureand ofcourse we will talk about our point of views in whatever happeningaroundthe world, specially in Iran.We like comedy so do not expect us to be serious about somestupid news.Our microphone is open to talented artists, DJs or professionalswho wantto have their own shows.Persian, Farsi, Iranian.
Srila Prabhupada live 1.0
This application is dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C.BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupada, The Founder-Acharya of International Society forKrishna Consciousness.Here we are playing complete collection from his audio archiveswhich is around 1100 hours which includes his:>Lectures on Bhagavad Gita>Lectures on Srimad Bhagavatam>Lectures on Sri Caitanya Charitamrita>his Arrival lectures>Room conversations with his Disciples or ImportantDignitaries>Morning walk conversations>Interviews>Hindi Lectures>Stories cited by His Divine Grace>Kirtans sung by His Divine GraceExclusive rights of the content belongs to Bhakitvedanta BookTrust (BBT).We value your opinion. Let us know how we are doing. You can leaveyour comment below or you can connect to us or is dedicated to His Divine Grace ACBhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupada, The Founder-Acharya of International Society forKrishna Consciousness.Here we are playing complete collection from his audio archiveswhich is around 1100 hours which includes his:> Lectures on Bhagavad Gita> Lectures on Srimad Bhagavatam> Lectures on Sri Caitanya Charitamrita> His Arrival lectures> Room conversations with his Disciples or ImportantDignitaries> Morning walk conversations> Interviews> Hindi Lectures> Stories cited by His Divine Grace> Kirtans sung by His Divine GraceExclusive rights of the content belongs to Bhakitvedanta BookTrust (BBT).We value your opinion. Let us know how we are doing. You can leaveyour comment below or you can connect to us or
Guts Radio 1.0
Official Android Application of Guts Radio.Guts Radio is an internet radio station broadcasting live fromCalgary Canada and operated by Mr. DRQ and Ms. RBA.Official AndroidApplication of Guts Radio.Guts Radio is an internet radio station broadcasting live fromCalgary Canada and operated by Mr.. DRQ and Ms. RBA.
Radio Mi Fortaleza 1.1
Radio Cristiana desde Hollywood Para ElMundo
JIBWIS Online Radio 1.0
JIBWIS Online Radio is an online radio ofJIBWIS NHQ JOS, created by JIBWIS NHQ JOSJama’atu lzaltil Bid’ahWa’Ikamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS NHQ JOS) is an Islamic organisationfounded by Ash-Sheikh lsma’il ldris Zakariyya in the year 1399AH,equivalent to 1978M to propagate and teach Islamic religion basedon the teaching of Qur’an, Sunnah, Hadith and Ijma'a (Concensus) ofAhlus-Sunnah.The aims of the organisation is to propagate the wordsof Allah (Qur'an) and His prophet (Hadith) and remove allinnovations from Islam.
SAMUI Club Radio 1.0
SAMUI Club Radio is a free application, itwill lead you to the experience of listening to the new format.Mixed by quality DJs from around the world. You can listen inanywhere and anytime continuous 24 hours non-stop.All you need is only internet access, whether it is Wi-Fi, 3G or4G.With 128 kbps sound quality and the ability to free download andlisten the best music, it does not cost anything.The story of “SAMUI Club Radio”, started from the idea of asmall group of DJs that want to present their talent in the mix forthose who like the club music in the form of streaming radio, nomatter where in the world it can be received, just have aconnection to the internet.SAMUI Club Radio can be listened to in the following way:- Website: Application: Android and iOS (free download)SAMUI Club Radio is afree application, it will lead you to the experience of listeningto the new format. Mixed by quality DJs from around the world. Youcan listen in anywhere and anytime continuous 24 hoursnon-stop.All you need is only internet access, whether it is Wi-Fi, 3G or4G.With 128 kbps sound quality and the ability to free download andlisten the best music, it does not cost anything.The story of "SAMUI Club Radio", started from the idea of ​​asmall group of DJs that want to present their talent in the mix forthose who like the club music in the form of streaming radio, nomatter where in the world it can. be received, just have aconnection to the internet.SAMUI Club Radio can be listened to in the following way:.- Website: Application: Android and iOS (free download).
Afro Radio One 1.0
Your Time Your Music
Adoration Radio (AR) is the Official RadioStation of Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria (AMEN) powered by AMENSuper News Nigeria Limited. The radio station is designed to reachout to the world with the programmes and activities of the ministryand more. We believe that God as the creator of the universe hasabsolute interest in the Welfare of man and His society and so wepromote every music, videos, events, news, articles and featuresthat concern Human welfare and would bring Glory to God and advanceHis kingdom. We also promote the features and contents of our AMENSuper Newspaper and our Company Products.This station airs the content, activities and programmes of theProphetic Messages of the Spiritual Director of world acclaimedMinistry under the Roman Catholic Church, the Adoration MinistryEnugu Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka. It also airs livecoverage of some of His activities such as the All Night FridayAdoration Programmes at UmuchigboIji Nike Enugu, His WednesdayMiracle Hour Programme (a.k.a E no dey again at Christ the KingParish GRA Enugu and His Sunday Mass at Christ the King Parish GRAEnugu).The Gospel Musical albums of Rev Fr. Ejike. Mbaka is played herealong with that of other Musical artist so long as they adore God,preach the word of God or advance the good of man and humansociety.It is also a platform to reach out to the world about upcoming andon-going Christian Programmes anywhere in the world. Here we alsoupdate the listener with news articles, features and programmesaround us that promote the societal good and human interest.It is a platform that advertises products and services that seek toadvance the course of God’s Kingdom, Human and societal welfare.God bless you as you make your donation to sustain thisevangelical serviceof Adoration Radio into the A/c No: 6000387012 (HERITAGE BANK) A/CNAME:AMEN SUPER NEWS NIG LTD for enquiries and complains call+2348037793766,+2348035013014
Radio Al Fayda 1.0
Une radio d’éducation et d’information, maisaussi une tribune pour la propagation de la paix, de l’amitié et del’entraide entre les peuples. Une tribune où seront adressés lesproblèmes de la survie et de la protection de l’enfant, de même quela promotion de la femme.An educational radio andinformation, but also a forum for the spread of peace, friendshipand mutual support among peoples. A forum will be addressedproblems of survival and protection of the child, as well as theadvancement of women.
IZALAH RADIO is an online radio of JIBWIS NHQJOS, created by JIBWIS NHQ JOS, Gombe State Branch.Jama’atu lzaltil Bid’ah Wa’Ikamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS NHQ JOS) isan Islamic organisation founded by Ash-Sheikh lsma’il ldrisZakariyya in the year 1399AH, equivalent to 1978M to propagate andteach Islamic religion based on the teaching of Qur’an, Sunnah,Hadith and Ijma'a (Concensus) of Ahlus-Sunnah.The aims of the organisation is to propagate the words of Allah(Qur'an) and His prophet (Hadith) and remove all innovations fromIslam.
IZALAH RADIO is an online radio of JIBWIS NHQJOS,created by National Youth council of JIBWIS NHQ JOS, Bauchi statechapter.Jama’atu lzaltil Bid’ah Wa’Ikamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS NHQ JOS) is anIslamicorganisation founded by Ash-Sheikh lsma’il ldris Zakariyya in theyear1399AH, equivalent to 1978M to propagate and teach Islamic religionbasedon the teaching of Qur’an, Sunnah, Hadith and Ijma'a (Concensus)ofAhlus-Sunnah.The headquarters of the organisation were in Jos, the capital ofPlateaustate -Nigeria.The founder and first leader of the organisation (Sheikh isma ilidriszakariyya) were died in the year 2000, and the current leader oftheorganisation is Sheikh Muhammad Sani Yahaya jingir.The aims of the organisation is to propagate the words of Allah(Qur'an)and His prophet (Hadith) and remove all innovations from Islam thatwereintroduced into it by its enemies (Jews, Christians and theunbelievers).
Radio Guru Nanak Phulwari 1.0
GuruNanankPhulwari RadioRadio channel of Guru Nanak Phulwari (GNP Radio)24 hour streaming available for latest kirtan and naam simranabhyaas byBhai Arvinderjit Singh Ji(kittu veerji) 24 hours 7 days aweekChandigarh JathaGuru Nanak Phulwari (GNP) is the phulwari (garden) for all thosewhobelieve in the ten sikh gurus, Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji andtheirteachings. For achieving its aim, Guru Nanak Phulwari organizesvariousevents, Kirtan Samagams, Competitions and takes up manysocio-religiouscauses and bring them to larger audiences of society throughmultipleways like use of Multimedia and Movie Making ventures. GuruNanakPhulwari was established under the able guidance of BhaiArvinderjitSingh Ji (fondly known as Kittu Veerji). Veerji has been in theserviceof Guru ji and sangat for more than 35 years and have beenpropagatingSikh tenents through Kirtan and Seva.For more info logon
Rangarang Radio FlashBack 1.0
Political Talk Open Mic Persian Farsi IranianMusic Comedy joke. 1.0 "Playing all the best jamsin Black Music in 24/7"
Radio El Tercer Elías 1.0
Radio cristiana comprometida a emitir mensajesde contenido profético que explican el tiempo final que estamosviviendo recogidos todos en la Biblia, con el fin de que el puebloremanente de Dios se prepare para la segunda venida de nuestroSeñor Jesucristo.Committed Christian Radiobroadcasting content prophetic messages that explain the finalseason we are all gathered in the Bible, so that the remnant peopleof God to prepare for the second coming of our Lord JesusChrist.
Radio Rurale de Kayes 1.2
Radio Rurale de Kayes lancé en 1987 par deuxONG italiennes G.A.O et Terra Nuova avec le soutien financier de lacoopération italienne est la radio de référence à Kayes. Une radioapte à donner la parole aux paysans et à soutenir le développementdu monde rural. Depuis sa création la radio s’est appuyée sur desassociations de prestige comme Djama Djigui, L’UTPADE, l’ORDIK, etl’URCAK. La radio s’adresse à la population rurale soninké,bambara, peulh et khassonke (Agriculteurs, pêcheurs, et éleveurs),aux migrants et associations échelles : Région, cercle, commune,inter villageois, village, GIE et autres groupements.
Alpha Punjabi Junction 1.1
Punjabi songs and Gurbani Shabad Kirtan
Basto Studio Salsa 1.5
Basto Salsa Studio, SalsaSolar. The First Virtual Issuer Rep.Dom sauceboat. Listen to us24/7just Salsa. Web Follow us onTwitter @ bastosalsaBasto Studio Salsa "SOLAR SALSERO", is a radio station SMDconceptwith programming content just for salsa. Our music programbroadcasts 24 hoursa day 24/7 through an excellent selection of songs from the 70 `sto thepresent, to accompany you throughout the day.
SagadFM 1.0
Online radio station and chat room.
KBuena Radio 1.0
KBuena Radio es la emisora oficial de losLatinos en Toronto, con una programación 100 % Urbana &tropical, dirigida a toda la comunidad latina, especialmente a losque gustan de estos géneros; Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, Dembow,Reggaeton y más.Somos la primera radio en Toronto enfocada en todos estos génerosmusicales juntos en una misma estación, es por eso que el publicoen general se siente tan identificado con nuestra programación.Nuestro target va dirigido a un publico de ambos sexo entre 13 a 50años, un nivel social de A, B Y C.Nos caracterizamos por ser una estación donde contamos con los másentretenidos y diversos programas a cargo de los más capacitadoslocutores y animadores que le dan el toque especial y variado acada show.Las 24 horas nos mantenemos colocando solo éxitos y tocamos siemprelo nuevo, somos una estación, interactiva, dinámica, familiarizadoscon nuestro publico y sobre todo actualizados en todo sobre lostemas del momento.De igual manera además de nuestra música, mantenemos al publicoinformado sobre la vida artística de los artistas del momento connuestras capsulas del espectáculo, el tiempo y también mantenemosun patrocinio constante de los mejores conciertos en todo el Gta,ofreciendo a nuestros oyentes la oportunidad de asistir de maneragratuita, así como regalos con los concursos que se realizan en eltranscurso de la semana. Indiscutiblemente, KBuena es "La K MasSuena"! Escuchala y Ponte en Buena!KBuena Radio is theofficial broadcaster of Latinos in Toronto, with a 100% Urban &programming tropical aimed at the Latino community, especiallythose who like these genres, Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, Dembow,Reggaeton and more.We are the first radio in Toronto focused on all these genrestogether in a single station, is why the general public feels soidentified with our programming. Our target is aimed at an audienceof both sexes between 13-50 years a social level A, B and C.We are known as a station where we have the most entertaining anddiverse programs run by the most qualified speakers andentertainers that give the special touch and variety to everyshow.The 24 hours we keep putting only successes and always playedagain, we are a station, interactive, dynamic, familiar with ouraudience and especially updated at all on the issues of themoment.Similarly, in addition to our music, keep the public informed aboutthe artistic life of the hottest artists of the show with ourcapsules, time and also maintain a constant patronage of the bestconcerts across the GTA, offering our listeners a chance to attendfree of charge, as well as gifts with competitions held during theweek. Unquestionably, KBuena is "The K More Sounds"! Listen it andGet in Good!
Radio ekilib fm 1.0
Ekilib fm is one of the best Haitian onlineradiostreaming 24/7 Compas/zouk/rap kreyol.You can Request your song online or by caliing the radio, We'relooking forpartners you can contact us about that also and don't forget tocontact usabout our advertiment program.
Enjoy the Mile high best radio stationstreaming live with the best music and community news and events.,Home of the Denver Broncos. We're playing the Old School Rock, RnB,Pop, latest hits and a lot more to keep you in the groove.
Wisdom Radio 1.0 DFW #1 Christian radiostation...featuring the latest in Gospel, Contemporary and Worshipmusic. Also LIVE Talk Shows and Bible teaching with a focus on TheWisdom of God.
MFM Shasha Region59 Lagos 1.1
This is an Online Radio Broadcast of Mountainof Fire & Miracles, Lagos Region 59 shasha.Stay tuned to our live services, inspired Hymns & Songs andlive changing messages, that will give your live a meaning.Mountain of Fire & Miracles, Lagos Region 59, Shasha islocated @ 7, Olaolu Street, Off Jimoh Bus/Stop, Shasha Lagos. Thisis the ministry devoted for the deliverance of the captives andgiving freedom through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Radio El Vive 1.1 es una radio Cristiana porinternet con programación quellenara tu vida del gozo y la paz del Señor Jesus Cristo.Nuestraprogramación está diseñada para ayudar a todo aquel que desea tenerunarelación más profunda con nuestro creador y salvador. Tambiénestamosdedicados a promover el evangelio de la salvación a todos aquellosque noconocen de Dios.Radio Él Vive también provee espacios promocionales paraiglesias, empresasy comercios cristianos los cuales buscan expender su alcance. Eltransmitirpor internet nos permite llegar a todos los rincones del mundo yalcázar alas naciones con la palabra del Señor. Nuestro deseo es queaquellos quecreen en Cristo puedan encontrar su propósito y plan de Dios en susvidas,y todos los que no le conocen que puedan entregar su corazón al quevive yreina por los siglos de los siglos.Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestro chat cristiano en línea yasí podercompartir en vivo con nuestros locutores. Si te interesa ser partedenuestro equipo por favor contáctanos hoy mismo para másdetalles.
Jus’ Blues Music Foundation, Inc. is a Bluesand Soul Music advocacy and outreach organization focused onpromoting the cultural heritage of Blues Music. Jus’ Blues MusicFoundation promotes Blues Music's cultural heritage through modelarts education programs, business practices, philanthropic effortsand Blues preservation by nurturing the soul of the Blues amongyouth and performing artists in communities nationwide and aroundthe world.
Spirit Vision 1.0
Spirit Vision is a gospel station that iscommitted toencourage people and informed them about the the gospel of Jesusthroughworship and the word of God.
Ikonx Radio 1.2
A station 24/7 electronic music interactively,where are probing differentgenres of EDM as: Dubstep, Drum & Bass, House. Electro,Hardstyle. Trance,Progressive, Trap and many more. They will be playing indifferentversions: new, classics, remixes.Also find a variety in programming offering, programs,interviews, games,contests and more than 20 hours of music a day. We have over 500artistsworldwide and over 50 artists from Puerto Rico and being a solidplatformfor electronic music in the Caribbean. All programming is SpanishandEnglish with some interventions (Spanglish).To create an interactive experience offer ourwebsitewhere you can talk to all our Host and DJs to request your favoritesongs.Ikonx Radio in a project 100% made in Puerto Rico.Ikonix -
Aparajito Betar 1.0
A radio to promote Bengali culture, music,news, heritage, tourism, sports, and socio - economic activitieslike education, agriculture, financial services, health, insuranceetc to connect & enable Bangla speaking and Bangla well wishingpeople worldwide.
MusicArtclub Radio 1.1
Download Musicartclub radio application andlisten Live radio witheclectic music,alternative rock,lounge,downtempo,electronic.Radio musicartclub since 2008 broadcasting music nonstop noads.Radio station from Thessalonikh Greece,Visit for moreinformations.
Salsa Warriors 1.0
24-Hour Salsa Radio Station playing the BestSalsa on the Planet including Classic Salsa (Ray Barretto, HectorLavoe,Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, La Lupe, Eddie Palmieri, Willie Colón, ElGranComba, Sonora Ponceña, Joe Cuba, Orquesta Dee Jay, Joe Bataan,JoeAcosta, Creación 75, Típica 73, Orquesta Broadway) and moregreatclassics.Plus new salsa artists (Julio Cortes, Alex Wilson, Siglo XXI, BioRitmo, Salsa Céltica, Chino Ramos, Grupo Salsafon, Salsa ConConciencia (SCC), Eddie Montalvo) and much more. Live DJs spinningdaily (Mr. Hard Salsa, DJ Mar Y Soul, DJ José Calderón, DJ ReyBoricua, Vicki Sola, DJ Carmen La Salsera4Ever, La Charanguera, DJHarry T, DJJoey Acosta, DJ Marito, DJs Howie and Evelyn, and DJ King Louie).Formore information visit the official website www.salsawarriors.comFollow us on facebook
פילפל ים תיכוני 1.3
פילפל ים תיכוני תחנת המוסיקה הכילוהטת ברשת24 שעות ביממה של מוסיקה משובחתללא הפרעות ודיבורים מיותריםהתחנה משדרת מארצות הברית ואירופהונועדה לקשר בין ישראלים ויהודים בכל העולםאנו מתעדכנים כל יום, כל שעה במוסיקה הים תיכונית בישראלהאזנה ערבה לכולםPepper Mediterraneanmusic station asPassionate network24 hours of fine musicWithout interference and unnecessary talkThe station broadcasts from the United States and EuropeAnd is designed to connect Israelis and Jews around the worldWe update every day, every hour music Mediterranean IsraelListening pleasure for everyone
AAB Radio 1.1
AAB Radio is a Baltimore Based station playingyourfavorite Hip Hop and R&B. We also have several talk showsthrough-out theweek on a wide range of topics. We also showcase unsigned artist ofallkind in our attempt to unite artist from across the country.Description long-AAB Radio is a Baltimore Based station playingyourfavorite Hip Hop and R&B. We also have several talk showsthrough-out theweek on a wide range of topics. We also showcase unsigned artist ofallkind in our attempt to unite artist from across the country.You cansee aschedule of our show at You can also find us onTwitter@aabradio Facebook- AAB Baltimore Email - AABRadioNetwork@gmail.comStationPhone Number 443-731-6AAB
Portland Metro Records 1.1
Inspired by a plethora of artists of allgenres in and around the Portland area. Portland Metro Recordsbegan an internet radio station to give a platform for localartists to be heard. Also offering needs like recording, mix &mastering, and Production from a Grammy Winning Producer. AllGenres can be heard on this platform, including jazz andcomedy.
My Radio Sri Lanka 1.0
In 70's , 80's and 90's popular sinhalesesongs, hindi , tamil and english songs all the tastes of the musiccollection bring you by My Radio. Our brothers and sisters stayingin foreign countries to be a faithful friend is our mission. Wenever hurt your ears with same programs and music throughout theday.More tasty ! It's My !While listening to My Radio if you are living far away from yourrelations you will be feel that you are in Sri Lanka.We have a programme format to listen any age groups. Not only that, we never limit our duty for the studio. We are participatingextra activities and organizing community services.People join to us with online listening and android app.We are dedicate our time to publish our national pride to theworld.
Balla Radio 1.0
Cameroon Music 24/6 | La musique Camerounaise24h sur 24.Cameroon Music 24/6 | TheCameroonian music 24 24.
Radio with all the music of Ecuador.
Radio Motel 1.2
Here at Radio Motel you always hear the bestof Romantic music and flash back of the 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000.Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, GINNO Vanelli, DionneWarwick, Elton John, Gladys Night, Roberta Flack Carpenters, PaulMcCartney, Carly Simon, Bee Gees, James Taylor, Billy Paul,Chicago, Anita Baker, Phil Collins, Joe Cocker, Madonna, AlJarreau, George Benson, Patti Austin, Ray Charles, Barry White,Seal, Mario Biondi Barbra Streisand, Marvin Gaye, Michael McDonald,Kenny Rodgers, Lionel Richie, Paul Simon, Air Supply, Abba, PhyllisHyman, Louis Armstrong, Nancy Wilson, Madonna, Nat King Cole,Natalie Cole, Eart Wind Fire, Chicago, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion,Janet Jackson, Eric Clapton, Genesis, The Commodores, George Duke,Simply Red, The Jones Girls, All Gren, Daryl Hall, Olivia NewtonJohn, Johnny Mathis, Deniece Williams, Rod Stewart, Brenda Russell,John Lennon, Kenny G, Kim Karnes, Ray Parker Jr, Neil Diamond,Whitney Houston and many other songs specially selected foryou.
Rima Njeim Radio 1.0
Rima Njeim Radio is a radio stationbroadcasting via the Internet owned by Rima Njeim a Lebanese RadioBroadcaster Who Worked in this field for 18 years with her liveshow which happens to be the highest rated program of its kind.ViaRima Njeim Radio all the listeners around the world will be able todive in the world of Music and High Quality Songs.
CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY RADIO (CCR) The Radiostation was officially launch to the Charlotte County Floridapublic on July 12th 2015. CCR is a dynamic and innovativeStation...we are here to give our listeners the best entertainmentthrough our music, as well as, through the talent of our vibrantand magnetic on air personalities (both past and present). Theseare the reasons that we take pride in calling ourselves “ThePeople’s Community Station”.Musics and Shows from Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad Tobago, Anguilla,Antigua, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, DominicanRepublic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles,Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent.
Radio 247 Malawi 1.0
Radio 247 malawi is run by Malawians living inthe UK and the directors are Chalo Mvula , Davie Chirwa and AmosPhiri. the radio them is Bringing malawians together , meaning allmalawians in diaspora ( UK, USA , CANADA , JAPAN etc) can be ableto listen to music,News and other malawian cuture programs beingaired online through the radio by many mawians DJ all over theworld.
Funmaza24 1.0
The Funmaza24 is Based on Web Radio with LiveChat Join now Free asian chat room and web radio, Tune us If youwant to Listen Latest songs with a lot of Fun Masti also you canalso find latest movies on our site, Are You Looking for DesiIndian or Pakistani girls and boys for chat? Then, you're in theright place join our free chat rooms to enjoy a clean desi chatwith South Asians around the world.The Funmaza24 is Based onWeb Radio with Live Chat Join now Free asian chat room and webradio, Tune us If you want to list Latest songs with a lot of FunMasti also you can also find latest movies on our site, Are YouLooking for Desi Indian or Pakistani girls and boys for chat? Then,you're in the right place join our free chat rooms to enjoy a cleandesi chat with South Asians around the world.
Radio Nazareno de Greenville 1.1
La iglesia delNazareno en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, a donde pertenece laradio, es unacongregación con corazón familiar. Un lugar donde usted y sufamilia sesentirán como en su hogar. Jesús es el centro de nuestra iglesia yestamos decelebración ya que sabemos que todas nuestras necesidades estánsuplidas en El,gócese en la Presencia de Dios.Entendemos que Dios nos ha responsabilizadocon la Gran Comisión y queremos llevarla a cabo con excelencia yprudencia. Lamotivación para existir como iglesia es la gente, gente como ustedque estábuscando un verdadero cambio y un encuentro real con Cristo.Somos una iglesiadonde reina el amor y la restauración de nuestro Salvador, así queBienvenidosa un lugar de paz y tranquilidad. Un lugar de transformación, dondelas heridasson sanadas y los cautivos son puestos en libertad.La palabra de Diosdice que somos nuevas criaturas cuando estamos en Cristo Jesús, lascosasviejas pasaron y todas son hechas nuevas. En esta verdadcreemos!!.Participa yacójase a un nuevo estilo de vida, únase a un equipo ganador yusted verá unnuevo comienzo en su vida.Cuando una iglesiaes fundamentada, en santidad a Jehová, los frutos del EspírituSanto llegan asu vida: Amor, Gozo, Paz, Paciencia, Benignidad, Bondad, Fe,Mansedumbre yTemplanza. Adicional a esto, es necesario para su nueva vida serparte delcuerpo de Cristo que es la iglesia Nazareno.No se quede fuerade las bendiciones de su Padre Celestial, Él le Ama y tiene unpropósito parasu vida.Le esperamos,Javes y EdithMuñoz
La Mia NY 1.1
la emisora que te pone a gozar con la mejoressalsas de todos los tiempos , programas en vivos , especiales detus artistas favoritos , y mucho mas , en esta que esverdaderamente tuya !!!
Slow Jams Radio 1.1
Slow Jams Radio is a 24/7 internet radiostation that plays a compilation of the world’s most famous andloved slow jams. Slow Jams is one of the fastest growing internetradio stations.