Flat Out Habit App Life Coach Achieve Goal Success التطبيقات

Habit reCode Change Life Coach 1.0.7
How many times have you tried to transformyourlife or achieve success and daily goals - but failed?Imagine how your life would be different if youhadsucceeded.Good habits are not easy to build. Habit trackers andgoodintentions are not enough.Habit reCode is unique, it’s the only daily life coachandaccountability partner habit strategy app.You can continue to rely on the willpower method andreadanother book that you quickly forget about or you can trythisfirmer, science based approach.THIS HABIT APP IS UNIQUE:Habit trackers are not effective as there are no consequencesforfailure to follow through.Success is optional and humans chooseimmediategratification.Habit reCode overrides this easy option and leveragesanotherhuman bias to boost discipline.HOW & WHY:Not only do you get success coaching to keep you focussed,andconsistent about the routine, but this app will compel youtofollow through with those sessions by leveraging your human biasofloss aversion.If you don’t follow through with a coaching session,youforfeit $2 immediately.If you recoil at the thought of forfeiting $2, an amount thatisrelatively tiny, then think of what an effective motivator itwillbe, compelling you to follow through with the routine &createa habit.The fabulous part is that instead of paying $100's for a coachorcourse and not following through, you determine how much(ifanything) you are going to pay based on your commitment.THE BASICS:- Choose a success principle habit (see below)- You get 30 days of success coaching with practical tipstomaintain goal focus.- Build on existing routines by selecting a morning routineandevening routine check-in time.- Commit to the consistent 5 minute, twice dailycheck-ins(commitment contract)- Check-in at the committed times (as verified by a shortjournalentry) OR fail to check-in and forfeit $2 immediately.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE HABITS:• Keystone - Habit coaching and tips to build daily routinesthatset the tone for the day.• The One thing – Build a Productivity habit, identify whatmattersmost and implement strategies that make progress ondailygoals• Zen Habits - Add mindfulness & gratitude into yourdailyroutines for happiness & calmness.FEATURES:• Reminder Notifications – help you to check-in.• Effective Science Based behavior modification strategiesthatboost discipline.• A habit / success coach with practical advice to maintaingoalfocus and make the habit stick.• SAFETY with PayPal (Only PayPal has access to yourpaymentinformation)• Quitters can cancel at any time (*TERMINATE button or fromwithinPayPal).Start small, just 5 minutes of your evening and morningroutinecan impact your daily achievements & selfimprovement.Harness the power of habit and leveraging these times andtakeaction on your daily goals to transform your life.IMPORTANT:1) If you try the app and it’s not for you, you can terminateviathe green “Terminate” button or from within your PayPalaccount.MERELY DELETING THE APP WILL NOT VOID YOURCOMMITMENTCONTRACT.2) Timezone does NOT update according to your location.Harness the power of habit, take daily action and achievegoalsuccess with forced improvement, daily life coachingandaccountability.In A NutshellIt’s a daily success coach / habit app that helps youmaintaingoal focus & boosts discipline by leveraging a humanbias –loss aversion.It compels you to take daily action & create daily routines -amorning routine & evening routine - to impact your dailygoals,achievements and success.*The owners of ‘Zen Habits’, ‘The Power of Habit’ and ‘TheONEthing’ are not affiliated with this habit app. I believe theirworkcoupled with daily routines, life coaching, & thesciencebacked habit strategy of accountability can effectivelycreate /make a daily habit stick so that you can achieve goalsuccess.