GMX التطبيقات

GMX Mail
GMX Mail App – Your All-in-One EmailAppEverything you've come to expect from a GMX webmail account can nowbe utilized on your Android mobile device with our official emailapp. Enjoy convenient and easy access to your free email accountwherever you are. Quickly find contacts in your address book, view,receive and reply to messages, all at the touch of your fingertips.Experience unparalleled mobility and freedom with our emailapp.✰ Some of the features of the GMX Mail app at aglance:✓ Available on every Android device✓ Optimized, simple and intuitive usage✓ Email with OPO, SMTP, and IMAP✓ Access to all your email accounts, including Gmail, Yahoo &Outlook✓ Battery saving push notifications for incoming emails✓ Secure access with PIN protection mode✓ Read and save attachments easilyGMX’s free email app is not only designed to be easy to use, butsimple to install, too. Once downloaded, you'll have access to allthe same features as on your desktop. No longer will you beanchored in one place to receive an email, but you will be affordedthe flexibility to view and receive emails while on the go.Ease of UseSending and receiving emails should be as easy as possible, andit's that ease of use that has gone into the design of the GMX Mailapp. Regardless of your provider, collect all of your emailaccounts in one single place. Navigating and managing emails is asimple task with the use of swipe gestures, and your address book,inbox and other folders are never more than a click away. Savingattachments is effortless and will allow you to keep them on handfor later use.✰ Customizable and IntuitiveJust as everyone lives a different lifestyle, we understandeveryone has different expectations and requirements from an emailclient. With this in mind, we have made our app customizable tosuit all tastes and needs. Whether you'd like to set custom alertsfor emails, enjoy a more low-key mail experience with a vibrationnotification, or change the way emails are presented to you, GMXMail enables you to do this and more.✰ Always take your Email with youNever miss another urgent email with GMX's mail app. Our pushnotifications will alert you to incoming emails, meaning you won'teven have to have the app open to be informed of new messages. WithGMX's PIN protection mode, you can rest assured that your mail willalways remain safe and secure, and will be privy only to you. Nevermiss another email with our free mobile app, courtesy of GMX.✰ At your serviceIf you have any questions or comments regarding the app, we love tohear from our customers. For more information, contact us atmobile-apps@1und1.deHave fun using the GMX Mail app!
GMX File Storage
GMX File StorageThe free cloud with GMX:The GMX File Storage is the safe storage place for your photos,videos, music and documents; your safe hiding place for all of yourdata—online, protected, stable. Your GMX File Storage is a free GMXonline backup solution that you have access to anytime, anywherethanks to the corresponding GMX File Storage app. Whether bymobile, tablet or PC, as long as you have an internet connectionyou have complete access to all of your files, keeping your mostimportant files always at hand. Take your files in GMX with youwherever you go—your virtual file storage location, your own cloudon the internet, your absolutely safe online backup space—and allfor free!GMX File Storage at a glance:✓ Photos, videos, music, documents quickly uploaded:There is enough space for all important data and media.✓ Download option(Download from files in the download folder)✓ List view and tile view✓ Slideshow / gallery view for pictures✓ All important files safely stored online:Tip: move photos from your camera memory card directly into thecloud.✓ Free additional space:After downloading, there’s even more additional file storage spaceincluded for free!✓ Online access via smartphone, tablet and PC:Everything is always at hand – selected files availableoffline.✓ Secure file storage in the GMX data center:Storage in US is in accordance with US data protection laws.✓ Camera full? No space on your phone? Enter the FileStorage!With the GMX File Storage app, you will always have your GMX cloudstorage: save documents, videos, music or other files in your FileStorage and access it through your app when and wherever you want –on vacation, traveling, at a friend’s, in the office, or at home.It's no longer a problem when the memory card in your camera isfull! The File Storage is the perfect picture storage solution.You’re at a party and want to show your friends pictures or videosfrom your last vacation? Easy! You want to put important documentsinto the GMX File Storage immediately? No problem.The GMX File Storage app allows you mobile access to all of yourdata and files anytime and anywhere in the free GMX FileStorage—your virtual hard drive from GMX. This is data backup atits finest: nothing is ever lost again! Save space on your camerawith the photo backup feature, or space on your computer hard drivewith the use of music storage and file storage.✓ GMX free mail - far more than an emailaccount!The GMX File Storage is a free component of all GMX email accounts.Once you set up a GMX email address, you have immediate access toyour free cloud backup with GMX.✓ Data protection and secure data centers:The GMX File Storage represents the highest level of privacy. TheGMX File Storage is operated only in our high-security datacenters.✓ Note:In order to be able to comfortably share selected folders from theGMX File Storage with your contacts, the app will requestpermission to access your contacts.
GMX Fotoalbum 4.0
***Wichtige Information zur GMX Fotoalbum App***Die GMX Fotoalbum App wird in Kürze von der GMX MediaCenter Appersetzt – und ist dann nicht mehr nutzbar.Unser Tipp: Laden Sie sich einfach jetzt schon die GMX MediaCenterApp herunter, natürlich kostenlos.So haben Sie auch weiterhin Ihre Fotos und Fotoalben immer dabei!Liebe GMX Kunden,wir freuen uns, Ihnen eine rundum erneuerte Foto-App anbieten zudürfen. Das aktuelle Update liefert ein frischeres Aussehen der Appsowie neue, praktische Funktionen, die für einen noch größerenmobilen Foto-Genuss sorgen.Alle Bilder des kostenlosen GMX Fotoalbums stehen Ihnen von nunan auch unterwegs mit der GMX Fotoalbum App auf Ihrem AndroidSmartphone zur Verfügung. Speichern Sie Ihre Lieblingsbilder onlineim GMX Fotoalbum. Melden Sie sich danach einfach und sicher mitIhren Nutzerdaten bei der GMX Fotoalbum App an und schon stehenIhnen Ihre Fotos und Alben auch unterwegs immer zur Verfügung.- Durchstöbern Sie überall Ihre Bilder in der komfortablenVorschau- Schauen Sie sich bequem Ihre Bilder als Diashow an- Senden Sie Ihre besten Bilder einfach per Mail an IhreFreunde- Laden Sie einzelne Fotos vom Smartphone auf das GMXFotoalbum- Veröffentlichen Sie Bilder bei Facebook- Nutzen Sie die Backup-Funktion und sichern Sie komfortabel alleAufnahmen von Ihrem Smartphone auf GMX FotoalbumViel Spaß mit Ihren Fotos wünscht IhnenIhr Team von GMX!***Important Information GMX photo album app ***The GMX photo album app will be replaced shortly by the GMX MediaCenter app - and is no longer usable.Our tip: Just download now the GMX Media Center App already, ofcourse, free.So you have to continue your photos and photo albums always withyou!Dear GMX customerswe are pleased to offer you a completely revamped photo app. Thelatest update provides a fresh look of the app, as well as new,convenient features that provide an even greater mobile photoenjoyment.All images of free GMX photo album you are from now on the movewith the GMX photo album app on your Android smartphone available.Save your favorite shots online in GMX photo album. Then log on toeasy and secure with your user data in the GMX photo album app andalready you have your photos and photo albums on the move alwaysavailable.- Browse all your photos in the comfort preview- Look at your pictures in a slide comfortably- Send your best pictures just send an email to your friends- Upload individual photos from your smartphone to the GMX photoalbum- Publish pictures on Facebook- Use the backup feature and secure comfortable all recordings fromyour smartphone on GMX photo albumHave fun with your photos wishes youYour team of GMX!
FreeMessage - free Messenger
The FreeMessage app is the free chat app thatconnects you to everyone you know in real-time. Designed to protectyour information while helping you to connect with peopleeverywhere, the FreeMessage messenger app is fully encrypted andcomes with a host of smart tools in its streamlined, easy-to-useinterface. Send messages and photos to your contacts or creategroup chats in just a few swipes. And best of all, it does not costa thing!Why choose the FreeMessage Secure & Private Messengerapp?FULLY ENCRYPTED SERVICESay whatever is on your mind – No need to worry: Your privacy isour top priority. With the FreeMessage Secure & Private app,your messages are protected by end-to-end encryption. This meansthat every text or image sent using the instant messenger is onlyavailable to the people who are meant to see it – preserving yourprivacy online and protecting your information.SIMPLE, STREAMLINED DESIGNEase of use. Built around its users, the intuitive interface of theFreeMessage messenger apps is designed to streamline IMcommunication, whatever device you are using, and make connectingwith people a breeze – anytime, anywhere. Plus, because it is sopared-down, your communication is always fast. It is easy to getstarted. Once you have downloaded the app, you can start texting,create a group chat with other FreeMessage app users, and sendpictures right away! All it takes is a few swipesGROUP CHATSmart tools that make your professional and personal life a breeze!Tired of seemingly endless texts while trying to organize an event?The FreeMessage app makes that kind of communication a thing of thepast. Create a group chat with up to 100 members and put an end toback-and-forth conversations. Schedule an office meeting or plan aget-together with old friends – with the FreeMessage Secure &Private app, everyone you need to talk to is in one place, so youcan exchange messages, ideas and pictures with ease.CONTACT ANYONEContact anyone in your contacts list with the instant messenger.With the FreeMessage app, you are not limited to contacting otherusers. With our service, you can write to any of your contacts viaSMS – regardless of whether or not they use the FreeMessage Secure& Private app and even if they are international. So you cantext who you want, when you want: simply, quickly andconveniently.APP LOCK SECURITYIn addition to keeping your data encrypted, we also provide anextra layer of security with the PIN app lock feature. This ensuresthat if your phone ever finds its way into someone else’s hands,your IM data and personal information are kept out of sight.FREE CHATBest of all, the FreeMessage messanger app is completelyfree!RealEmotionGive your messages the stage they deserve with RealEmotions:Send animated chat bubbles to better express your feelings!FreeMessage Secure & Private features at aglance:✓ Easy and encrypted✓ Instant messenger✓ Stay up to date with push notifications✓ Simple, streamlined design✓ Focused on the essential✓ Group chats✓ Write to any contact✓ App lock protection✓ 100% free✓ RealEmotion chat bubblesWe are hard at work on exciting new features. Stay tuned!Note: Non-messenger contacts cannot be added toFreeMessage free chat groups, but they can be contacted viaSMS.Feedback: We would be glad to receive yourfeedback in our app forum.Emoji art supplied by Emoji One.
GMX Search 0.10
With the GMX search you can quickly and safely find what you arelooking for
GMX Tresor 1.0.7
Free & secure encryption for your files with GMX