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無盡戰記-王者歸來 1.7.3
Gamecaff LTD
「無盡戰記」是一款西方魔幻風格的第三代放置型RPG手機遊戲,遊戲最大程度還原了當年MMORPG端遊打怪掉寶的遊戲樂趣,並加入新奇玩法;專為上班族,學生族,懶人以及忙碌的人設計,且不用一直盯著手機屏幕,打怪練功升等升級都在您休息時間點進去過過任務就好,每次升等還會送鑽石和獎勵禮包。帶您回歸經典黑暗時代,重溫熟悉的畫面,挑戰神魔,放置掛機,離線也在不間斷戰鬥,打裝備獲得經驗!客服通道 或者寄信【遊戲特色】*懷舊的風格,絢麗的特效,交織成為「無盡戰記」這一款具有獨特魅力的冒險魔幻RPG;*遊戲復刻了戰士,魔法師,弓箭手3大經典職業,保留了拍賣行、翅膀、裝備流光等經典元素;*同時還開闢了爭奪戰場,野外PK,金幣搶奪、守护矿洞等各種全新玩法;*傭兵轉職任你組合陣容; 裝備強化,傳承,吞噬,洗煉是您的裝備更具殺傷力;*添加好友、副本組隊、戰盟交互讓您不再感到是一個人在戰鬥;*八大特色功能:激戰BOSS讓您快速過關獲得大量經驗、利用翅膀飛升快速掛機升等、跨服PK搶奪讓您有機會搶奪千萬金幣、絕世神兵系統祝您英雄屬性更上一層樓、交易拍賣讓您不用的道具輕鬆換取鑽石、更有英雄助戰、華麗時裝、多人團戰等特色功能;*寶石時裝是您成為一名無盡英雄的必備裝備。*讓放置變得與眾不同!還等什麼,叫上戰友,一起再創奇跡!"Endless Wars" is aWestern fantasy style RPG type placed third generation of mobilephone games, games to maximize the reduction of the year end tourMMORPG game Daguai lost treasure of fun and add new games areplayed; designed for office workers, students family, lazy and busypeople design, and not staring at the phone screen, Daguai practiceShengdeng upgrade all the points go to your rest time worked ontasks like each Shengdeng will send diamonds and rewardspackage.Takes you return to the classic dark ages, reliving familiarpicture, mythical challenge, placing hook, off-line is also ongoingfighting, play equipment to gain experience!Service Channel: send a letter[Game Features]* Nostalgic style, brilliant special effects, intertwined into"Endless Wars" This is a fantasy adventure RPG with a uniquecharm;* Game engraved warrior, mage, archer three major classical career,retained the auction house, wings, equipment streamer and otherclassic elements;* It also opened up the competition for the battlefield, field PK,snatch gold, the guardian of the mine and other new games areplayed;* Mercenary you transfer any combination of the lineup; equipmentto strengthen, heritage, swallowed, the purification of yourequipment more lethal;* Add a friend, a copy of the team, Zhanmeng interactive so you nolonger feel a person in combat;* Eight Features: BOSS battle lets you quickly cross the border toget a lot of experience, take advantage of soaring wings fast hangSheng Deng, cross-service PK snatch gives you the opportunity tosnatch ten million gold coins, I wish you a hero ingenious magicsystem property to the next level, trading props auction so you donot easily exchange for diamonds, more heroic assist in the fight,gorgeous fashion, multiplayer team battles and otherfeatures;* Gemstone fashion is you become a hero of endless essentialequipment.* Let placement made all the difference! So what, called on hiscomrades, along with another miracle!