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Theft Alarm DEMO 1.5.1
IMPORTANT:1.) Login-Attempts with less then 4 digits are not evaluated fromAndroid. Here the alarm sound will not appear.2.) NO PATTERN SUPPORTED only PIN (Numbers)3.) For proper work you have to activate the admin as the app tellsyou.DEMO VERSION OF: not spam reviews if you do not follow this instructions.Thank you!Currently Pattern pin is not supported!Differences between Demo-Pro:- Demo has only default ringtone, full version multiple + ownsounds- Demo has no nice looking icon in notification bar----------------------------------Description:How does this work, take a look on the description of the proversion please.-> see pro-version
Red Ball 1.5.0
Hardy the Game Jump and roll your way through this physics basedaction 2D-Platformer-Game and enjoy the handcrafted levels as wellas the cool soundtracks. Or just beat the record in the endless run(side-scrolling) game mode. Be prepared to solve puzzles, unlockcool content, while performing highly precise jumps. Push yourskills to the limit as you collect coins, diamonds, hearts and getaccess to secrets. Find your own style to clear the levels asefficient and elegant as possible, while you are learning themechanics. NEW!Endless run (side-scroller) is the game mode, whereyou have to beat your own record by running as much meters as youcan without getting catched from the enemies. Playlist anddemonstration you a casual game player or a core gamer, either way you willlove Hardy the cute ball! Features: - handcrafted cool levels -endless run: side-scroller/side-scrolling game mode - physics-basedgameplay - cool soundtracks - nice graphics - force feedback -animations - challenging and highly precise physics based controls- stylish hand-drawn tutorials - over 40 challenging achievements -leaderboard Have fun and do not give up to soon! Once you figuredout the control-mechanics, you will love them, really! Please letus know what you liked! Review the game and share it with yourfriends. Be fair when you review it. Hardy is still underdevelopment and currently in Alpha-Version phase. We are adding newcontent and features in weekly cycles. Thank you! Your Developers
Theft Alarm 2.2.1
IMPORTANT: 1.) Pin and Pattern supported 2.) Login-Attempts withless then 4 digits on pin mode or 4 knots on pattern mode are notevaluated from Android at all. Here the alarm sound will notappear. 3.) For proper work you have to activate the admin as theapp tells you. Select from pre-defined sounds or use your OWNsounds for the alarm. How to add a sound? 1. Start the App thefirst time -> The app will create a folder on your externalstorage Name: 2.Put the .mp3 sound in this folder. You can add as many as you want.Make sure the mp3 is not to big less then 1MB. Otherwise loadingtime can be long. 3. Restart the app. 4. Chose YOUR sound from thelist :-) 5. Have fun! Set your favorite alarm sound frompre-definied sounds! Permission 1. Read/Write from externalstorage: Important to create the external folder for the feature ofadding own sounds! And to read the added sounds from the createdfolder. Disclosure: This app uses the Device Administratorpermission to observe invalid login attempts in order to providethe main functionality: the alarm. Secure your mobile by alarm.Anti theft alarm. If someone tries to enter your phone and giveswrong pin, your ringtone will sound on very high level, hence theevil person is scared and backs off! :-) Security for your mobilephone. Very simple app with only one simple and effective function.This is a very funny app to also scare you are friends. And makejokes:-)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Functions: 1. Enable/Disable the alarm within the app. (This has noinfluence on the device admin). 2. Adjust login attempts beforealarm 3. Select your favorite alarm sound 4. Add own sounds. Soundsfrom the folder"" are loadeddynamically into the app 5. Activate/Deactivate Alarm sound in app6. Activate/Deactivate App in app-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New! The app will give you direct access to the deviceadministrator, no need for complexity!!! For deinstallation, youhave to deactivate the app. Installation: After installing the appgo to Settings>Security>Device Administrator and enable theapp. This has no security issues. The app is only using theAndroidOS-Function to watch if login are performed successfully ornot. No data can be saved or looked into! De-Installation: Firstdeactivate the device administrator, than uninstall the app. Withthis technology no extra charge of your battery is used!
Ernährung Pro 4.1.2
Arugs Ernährungs-Manager Die App bietet eine umfangreicheDatenbankmit Lebensmittel (ca. 10.000 Einträge) die alle wichtigenNährwerte(Vitamine, Mineralien und Spurenelemente) enthält. Sowieeinegenaue Aufschlüsselung der Kohlenhydrate, Aminosäuren undFette.Dies macht eine gezielte Ernährung möglich. Einige Features:-Umfangreiche Suche- und Filter Funktion von Lebensmittel nachallenNährwerten. - Vergleichen von Lebensmitteln. - Statistik(Tages-,Wochen-, Eigener-Zeitraum-Durchschnitte) - und vielesmehr...Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung! DISCLAIMER: ALLENÄHRWERTEWURDEN GEWISSENHAFT RECHERCHIERT UND ENTSTAMMEN IMWESENTLICHEN DERKANADISCHEN DATENBANK FÜR LEBENSMITTEL (CanadianNutrient File).DIE NAMEN DER LEBENSMITTEL WURDEN DURCH AUFWENDIGERECHERCHEN DERIN DEUTSCHLAND ÜBLICHEN NAMEN ANGEPASST. ES WIRDKEINERLEI GARANTIEFÜR DIE RICHTIGKEIT DER NÄHRWERTE GEGEBEN. ARGUSERNÄHRUNGSMANAGERGIBT KEINE NAHRUNGSEMPFEHLUNGEN. DER ANWENDER ISTSELBST FÜR SEINEERNÄHRUNG VERANTWORTLICH. ES WIRD KEINERLEI HAFTUNGÜBERNOMMEN.