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Guia de Barcelona Low Cost 2.0
Guía de Barcelona con los lugares a bajo costeo gratis de la ciudad. Una guía alternativa para no gastar muchodinero en tu próximo viaje.Encontrarás información sobre los museos gratis de la ciudad,exposiciones con entrada libre y atracciones turísticas paravisitar sin gastar un euro. También los mejores sitios para comer ysalir de forma económica.Se puede viajar barato, ¡Barcelona te espera!Más información en:http://www.guialowcost.es Guide withplaces at low cost or free city. An alternative to not spend muchmoney on your next trip guide.You'll find information on free museums, exhibitions and freeentry to visit tourist attractions without spending a euro. Alsothe best places to eat and get out cheaply.You can travel cheap Barcelona awaits!More information at:http://www.guialowcost.es
Guies de Barcelona 2.1
Barcelona, és un dels principals destinsturístics europeus, té caràcter dinàmic i agradable, convida al'oci, a passejar i a gaudir. Poseeix una impresionant ofertaturística, cultural i gastronòmica, tot i que és passejant pelsseus carrers o prop del mar on gadiràs al màxim la tevaexperiència.Guidemeup recull dins d'aquesta app gratuita un conjunt de guiesde temàtica variada i elaborada desde diferents punts de vista pelsnostres usuaris. Independentment del teu perfil (turista, viatger,amb familia, amb amics, low cost...) trobaràs una guia adaptada ales teves necessitatsAlgunes de les guies que pots trobar en "Guies de Barcelona"són:- Barcelona Low Cost & Gratis: Descobreix llocs de baix costi/o gratuits a la ciutat. Una guia alternativa per no haver degastar massa diners en el teu viatje. Elaborada Tourism With Me Barcelona: Guia del blog que porta el matiexnom i que et permetrà descobrir llocs de Barcelona que maihaguessis pensat que existien.- Guia de Barcelona de l'Hotel Curious: Els treballadorsd'aquest cèntric hotel han confeccionat una fantàstica guia deBarcelona per ser gaudida al màxim tant pels seus clients com noclients.Barcelona te un estil de vida propi que la fa única. Descarregales teves guies en "Guides de Barcelona" i experimenta laciutat!Barcelona is one of themain tourist destinations in Europe, is dynamic and friendlyinvites leisure to stroll around and enjoy. Possesses an impressivetourism, cultural and gastronomic, but is walking the streets ornear the sea where gadiràs the most of your experience.Guidemeup in this free app collects a set of guidelines andproduced various topics from different perspectives by our users.Regardless of your profile (tourist, traveler with family, friends,low cost ...) you will find a guide tailored to your needsSome of the guides you can find on "Guides Barcelona" are:- Barcelona Low Cost & Free: Discover low cost locations and/ or free city. An alternative guide to not have to spend too muchmoney on your travel. Made by With Me Barcelona Tourism Guide blog that takes matiex nameand you will discover places in Barcelona that I never thoughtexisted.- Barcelona Guide Hotel Curious: The workers of this city centerhotel have made a fantastic guide Barcelona to be enjoyed the mostby both clients and non-clients.Barcelona has a special lifestyle that makes it unique. Downloadyour guide on "Guides Barcelona" and experience the city!
Ruta Costa Brava 1.0
Entre Girona y Barcelona te presentamosestepaisaje tan agreste como espectacular, con pueblos depescadores,bellas calas de aguas transparentes y unainfraestructura turísticaque hace las delicias de todos losviajeros.Fieles a nuestro principio de que el camino es tan importantecomoel destino, tendrás TODO INCLUIDO en una sola ruta, para viajarsinmás.Nuestras rutas no se tratan de un navegador convencional si noderecorridos y sitios perfectamente marcados y estudiadospornosotros mismos (o colaboradores) en muchos lugares del mundo yquete ofrecen:- Probablemente la ruta más bonita para tu destino conduciendotupropio vehículo o de alquiler con rincones encantadoresy,muchasveces, por carreteras secundarias que el turismo másconvencionalsuele ignorar y que te harán descubrir las bellezasocultas dellugar.- ¡¡¡Fácil!!! Descárgate nuestra ruta, activa el receptor GPSentu móvil Smartphone o tablet, y síguela totalmente off line.Sincoste telefónico ni conexión de datos o a expensas de lacobertura.Solo tienes que seguir nuestra línea en el mapa a pie, encoche, enmoto o como tu desees.- Lugares de interés turístico pero además, los pequeñossitiosque normalmente se apartan de las rutas más visitadas y quesondesapercibidos y que guardan un atractivo especial- Opciones de hoteles, campings, restaurantes, bares y lugaresdeocio que por alguna razón, sea su calidad o singularidad oambientecreemos que debes tener en cuenta y encontrarásperfectamentemarcados en el mapa de tu Smartphone.- Los mapas que te ofrecemos junto con la ruta introducida entuteléfono móvil también te permiten pasear por las ciudadesypueblos sabiendo en todo momento tu posición duranteelrecorrido.- Nuestro deseo de que disfrutéis de nuestros recorridosavuestro aire, sin prisas y saboreando los lugaresdelrecorrido.Características de la ruta:Distancia: 57 km.Días sugeridos: 2-3 días aunque es una zona perfecta parapasarvuestras vacaciones.Época del año: todo el año. En verano para disfrutar de sus playasacambio de gran afluencia turística.Dificultad: nula.Apta para: Perfecta para la familia, amantes de la historia, delanaturaleza, del senderismo y de la gastronomía y delbuenvinoVehículo: automóvil, motos, autocaravanas y cicloturismo.Precio: GRATUITARutas alrededores: Costa Brava Sur completa. Costa BravaNortecompleta.Between GironaandBarcelona bring you this very rugged and spectacular scenerywithfishing villages, beautiful coves with clear water and atouristinfrastructure that will delight all travelers.Following our principle that the journey is as important asthedestination, you all included in one route, to travelwithoutmore. Our tours are not about a conventional browser if notwell-markedroutes and sites and studied by ourselves (or parties)in manyparts of the world and they offer:- Probably the most scenic route to your destination drivingyourown vehicle or rental with charming corners and, often, backroadsthan the more conventional tourism usually ignore and youwilldiscover the hidden beauties of the place.- Easy! Download our route activates the GPS receiver toyourmobile smartphone or tablet, and pursue it completely off line.Nophone or data connection cost or expense of coverage. Justfollowour line on the map by foot, by car, by bike or as youwish.- Tourist attractions but also small sites that normallydepartfrom the most visited and routes that are unnoticed andkeeping aspecial attraction- Options hotels, campgrounds, restaurants, barsandentertainment venues for some reason, is their qualityoruniqueness or environment we believe that you have to considerandfind well-marked on the map of your Smartphone.- The maps that we offer along with the path you enter onyourmobile phone also let you wander the cities and towns knowingyourposition at all times during the tour.- We wish you enjoy our tours at your leisure, savoringunhurriedand travel places.Route characteristics: Distance: 57 km.Suggested days: 2-3 days although it is a perfect location tospendyour holidays.Season: all year. In summer to enjoy its beaches in exchangeforlarge tourist population.Difficulty: no.Suitable for: Perfect for families, history buffs, nature,hikingand gastronomy and good wineVehicle: car, motorcycle, RV and cycling.Price: FREETours around Costa Brava full South. Costa Brava Nortecomplete.
Montserrat official Guide 3.5
Montserrat. Nature, Culture and Spirituality
Next Stop City Guides 2.0
The project Next Stop is the brainchildofHabitat Apartments, a company based in Barcelona that hasbeenrenting tourist Barcelona apartments since 2001.In this guide we want to tell you why and how.The information, in short, has multiplied. And, as a change isinthe air, we felt it was time to begin a new journey: to shareallthis information and make it circulates. We want to offer ourusersour experiences, our tips, some breakfast, some dinner,favouritelibraries and shops, many stories and the passion we putinto everyguide about our cities.It is a pleasure to share all this information with you!Enjoy the journey.
Barcelona Curious Guide 2.7
The Barcelona Curious Guide App is a freeguideto the city of Barcelona written by the staff of theHotelCurious.Inside you will find photos, descriptions, maps, restaurantsandshops recommendations and our suggested routes, so you do notmissthe best of Barcelona: from the main points of interest ofthehistorical-architectural level to the best cultural gems,thoseonly popular among the local population. Once downloaded onyourmobile, you will not need Internet connection to consult theapp.You can open your Barcelona Curious Guide from anywhere in thecityand find all the information we offer, plus a usefuldictionarySpanish - Catalan - English so you won’t have troublewhileexploring the city.Do not hesitate to contact us via email, phone or socialnetworks24H.We hope you enjoy the Barcelona Curious Guide!
8 Bits Wiki MSX Edition 3.1
8 Bits Wiki es una guía donde podrásconsultarlos vídeo juegos que se crearon en los micro ordenadoresde 8 bitsen los maravillosos años 80.Podrás consultar cualquier juego para MSX y saber saber enquérevista de la época puedes encontrar su valoración, elmapacompleto, su solución paso a paso , los famosos pokes ycargadores,o simplemente un avance del mismo.Para empezar estamos incluyendo la revista MicroManía ytambiénla revista MSXClub. Inicialmente hemos centrando losesfuerzos enla edición de la guía para MSX, pero la idea quetenemos es poderir sacando ediciones para cada sistema.La guía está basada en la tecnología de GuideMeUp ( es la primera plataforma que permite a profesionalesyempresas crear sus propias guías interactivas de ocio, viajeyturismo para móviles y tabletas.Para la construcción de la guía nos hemos basado en elblog8bitsWiki: esta guía podrás navegar por las diferentes categoríasodirectamente buscar por plataforma, año, compañía y títulodeljuego.8 Bits Wiki is aguidewhere you can see video games that were created in 8-bitmicrocomputers in 80 wonderful years.You can consult any MSX game and know know what magazine youcanfind the time valuation, the entire map, the solution step bystep,and pokes the famous boots, or just a preview of it.For starters we are including the magazine and themagazineMicroManía MSXClub. We initially focusing efforts on theedition ofthe guide to MSX, but our idea is to tease out issues foreachsystem.The guide is based on technology GuideMeUp ( is the first platform that allows professionalsandbusinesses to create their own interactive guides leisure,traveland tourism for mobile and tablets.For the construction of the guide we have relied on blog8bitsWiki: this guide you can browse the categories or searchdirectlyby platform, year, title company and the game.
Outdoor routes in Catalonia 4.3
Outdoor routes in Catalonia now on mobile devices!
Welcome To Barcelona 2.0
Do you want to discover the less touristy Barcelona following yourpersonal rhythm? With Welcome to Barcelona self-guided route youcan see, touch, taste, smell and experience the city at your ownpace and discover the most authentic Barcelona, its curious sidesthat do not appear in the guides, as well as what is to be aBarcelonian. Download Welcome To Barcelona and get special benefitsand discounts on tickets and tourist experiences in Barcelona!
GuideMeUp 6.3
GuideMeUp is a web platform that lets you easily generate yourowninteractive tourist, entertainment or culture guide,forsmartphones without any technical knowledge. With anincredibleprice and time, lower than any other and with betterquality. Ifyou want to make your own guide app, get in contact withus GuideMeUp lets you make your own guidewith: -Your own microsite in the app, linked to your WEB. -Online/offlinemaps from the whole world. - Places, pictures, videos&contents placed. - Recomend routes to your users or clients.-Store with all published guides. Available guides: *Gaudí *Artandculture in Figueres *Barcelona 3 day guide (by CuriousHotel)*Catalonia Outdoor routes: Montseny (by Senderisme iTeca)*Catalonia Outdoor routes: Vall de Nuria (by Senderisme iTeca)*Catalonia Outdoor routes: La Garrotxa (by Senderisme iTeca)*Catalonia Outdoor routes: Cadi Moixeró (by Senderisme iTeca)*Rural tourism cottage: Santu Colas, Cangas de Onís -Spain*Tourism With Me: Barcelona Guide (by MeritxellGarcia, blog owner) *LowCost andFreeBarcelona City Guide (by *LowCostandFree Berlin City Guide (by *LowCostandFree Venice City Guide (by *LowCostandFree Madrid City Guide (by *LowCostandFree New York City Guide (por*LowCostand Free Chicago City Guide (por*LowCost and Free Moscow City Guide (por