Hangzhou Microants Technology Co., Ltd. التطبيقات

YICAIBAO-Yiwu Small Commodities Wholesale 1.1.8
YICAIBAO is the official B2B small commodity wholesale and retailprocurement platform, the official APP of Yiwu Small commodityWholesale Market. Yiwu purchases a large-scale physical market(Yiwu Small commodity Wholesale Market) to move online, Supportmultilingual purchasing, with the strong strength of 75,000 shops,1000,000 suppliers and 2.0million kinds of goods, as buyers,Businesses and individuals provide controllable, credible, andtraceable transaction guarantees. A large number of foreignmerchants, 1688 wholesalers, Taobao sellers, Tmall sellers,micro-store micro-sellers, physical business households, andshop-opening entrepreneurs have chosen to purchase goods throughYiwu. YICAIBAO is committed to creating to be a more efficientcross-border trade purchasing tool. Global sources, rapidpurchasing, all in YICAIBAO!