Heifer International التطبيقات

World Ark Magazine
Heifer International
World Ark is the magazine of HeiferInternational, a global nonprofit that seeks to end hunger andpoverty through gifts of livestock and environmentally soundagricultural training.The magazine brings the struggle and heart of development workhome with stunning photography and compelling stories about thepeople Heifer works with. It reaches beyond Heifer's work toinclude infographics, interviews, book reviews, documentaryreviews, videos and originally reported features on developmenttopics such as urbanization, health, agroecology and permaculture,peace and community building.World Ark also highlights innovations in development work asthey're happening at Heifer International as well as cutting-edgeresearch and solutions of note from peer nongovernmentalorganizations, partners, governments and grass-roots groups andentrepreneurial individuals around the world.The magazine has regular interviews with innovators and leaderson topics such as small farming, the local foods movement, women'sempowerment, conservation of finite resources and improving theenvironment of our shared planet. In the print issue, which Heiferhas been producing as World Ark and Sharing Life since 1974,subjects have included Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,Rajiv Shah, social musician Dan Zanes, Millard Fuller, DanielleNierenberg of the Worldwatch Institute, Erin Ganju of Room to Read,Ellen Gustafson of 30 Project, authors Patrick Rothfuss, JoelSalatin, Marion Nestle and Dan Pallotta. Contributors includeBarbara Kingsolver, Lester Brown and author and poverty economistStephen Smith of George Washington University.The story-telling function of World Ark is key to explainingHeifer International's values-based development model thatencourages self-sufficiency and celebrates the vital role of womenas catalysts for change and peace, as experienced and dedicatedsmallholder farmers and small-business entrepreneurs and as familyand community builders.World Ark's alternative-gift catalog gives donors the honor ofproviding two gifts at once. The first, to honor or celebrate aloved one who appreciates the spirit of making the world a betterplace, and again to the recipient, who receives livestock andtraining to improve nutrition, income and health for their familiesand communities.