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美女连连看 1.2.0
儿时的记忆,再次重温。每当一局赢后,就可以欣赏高清美女靓照了。游戏采用“连连看”游戏的基本规则,玩家选择图案相同的两张图片连线,此连线是在避开其他图片后,呈现的路径以不超过二转弯为主,如符合规定则消除此一对图片。Childhood memories,reliveagain.Whenever a game to win, you can enjoy HD Videos of thebeauty.Using the basic rules of the game "Lianliankan" game, playerschoosethe same pattern of two pictures connection, this connectionisafter avoiding other pictures, showing the path to no more thantwoturn-based, such as the elimination of this compliance one pairofpictures.