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Janne Jesa : General Knowledge and News in Hindi 3.2.1
Innovative Apps of India
Read all the Interesting News and Information related to Technology(तकनीक), Entertainment (मनोरंजन), Cooking (रसोई घर), Health(स्वास्थ्य), Spiritual (आध्यात्मिक), Talent (प्रतिभा), Laughter(हंसी) and Quotes in the Hindi Language. ✔ Only in Hindi ➜Each andevery Article is written and explained in Hindi only. ✔ InterestingArticles ➜You will find something different and unique in all ofthe Articles. ✔ Choice of Categories ➜We have left no stoneunturned and made sure that you get something unique every day. ✔Quotes in Hindi ➜Excellent Quotes displayed on an Attractive Imagewill make up your Day. ✔ Save Articles ➜You can Save the Articlesthat you Like and Read it again instantly anytime. ✔ Upload yourStories ➜Send your Articles to us and if approved it will bepublished with your Name. ✔ WhatsApp Messages ➜Upload your OwnMessages, View Others Messages and Share it instantly if you Like.➜You can also add Messages to Favorites and view or share it laterinstantly. In Janne Jesa, you will find lots of interesting news,stuff, and features that are well explained in depth to make youget interested. We know how it feels when you desperately want toread something but you don't understand the English Language inwhich it is written. But feel no shame in it because Hindi is ourMother Language and we should be proud of it instead of feelingdisappointed that we don't know English. Janne Jesa is ideal forthose people who want to check in some interesting news articlesdaily that create anxiousness while reading. There are many otherApplications that provide interesting facts, articles and many morethings to read but in English. This is why, Janne Jesa can beextremely useful to all of the Indian people because here you willget all the latest updates and interesting news, facts, quotes andeverything in Hindi. Don't think that if it's in Hindi, you willonly get updates related to Indian... No No No!! You will getArticles from all around the World's different Places andCountries. Are you curious to know what type of Articles we publishin our Categories? Then Check it Below. ❅ Technology (तकनीक) Allthe current trends as well as information from the technologicalWorld. ❅ Entertainment (मनोरंजन) Box Office Updates, Film starsNews, Upcoming Movies... All the Latest updates from theEntertainment World. ❅ Cooking (रसोई घर) Daily delicious RecipesUpdates from some of the World's best-known Cooks. ❅ Health(स्वास्थ्य) Get Information on How to keep yourself healthy in thisPolluted World. ❅ Spiritual (आध्यात्मिक) Know and Learn aboutdifferent religions and their recognition. ❅ Talent (प्रतिभा)Discover Hidden Talents of People from all around the Globe. ❅Laughter (हंसी) Get Jokes updates, Funny Videos, and much more tokeep yourself stress-free. ❅ Quotes Excellent Quotes Updates aboutCourage, Mother, Life, Fight, etc.. well described on theattractive image. Up to this point, you must have had Glimpses ofwhat's there around in the Application. But make sure that you doDownload and Check what's there in Application for you!
Best short stories with moral: The English Story 1.5
Innovative Apps of India
Have you been looking for an application with the best shortstories, then you have arrived just at the right place! Parentsoften do Story telling sessions with their Toddlers to broadentheir imagination and Understanding through Stories. Here is thebest Application, Which provides you with an amazing storyCollection. All those who are able to read can learn & enjoythe amazing short stories in English. While you have been searchingfor the stories around google and newspapers, ✌ We’ve handpickedsome of the most famous stories which you will definitely like.More than 2500 best short stories has been embedded into thisapplication with a variety of categories which are: ✎ Akbar BirbalStory ✎ Tenali Raman Stories ✎ Panchatantra Stories ✎ ArabianNights ✎ Stories with good moral ✎ Inspirational Stories ✎ FamousStories ✎ Bedtime Stories ✎ Funny Stories ✎ Moral Stories ✎Motivational Stories and ✎ Other best short stories ✎ Bedtimestories for toddlers Within these categories, you’ll find manyinteresting bedtime stories. This app is very simple andeasy-to-use in just three steps: (1) Once you download ourapplication, ‘Best short stories with moral: The English Story’,there will be a range of famous stories you can choose from. (2)Select the tale you want to read or listen to. (3) There you findthe apt story for story telling too!! Simple! Isn’t it? What arethe features that we provide there? ➺ Distinct categories ofinspirational stories ➺ A wide range of tales inside ➺ Option toselect ‘Night-mode’ if you are reading out bedtime stories. Thatwill not disturb their sleep! ➺ If you really like that story, youcan mark it as a favorite with the star above the story. So thatnext time, you don’t have to search for that best-loved Englishstory and can easily find it in the ‘Favorites’ collection you’vecreated. ➺ Don’t stress the eyes of your little one with the verysmall letters! You can increase and decrease the font size of thetext with the options available on the top bar. ➺ An option of the“Mark as Read” story will help you to identify which stories areleft to read! ➺ If you think, the fable you read out to your babymight bring a smile to someone else’s face or might inspire anotherperson, you can also share it directly with them directly. ➺ Prettysimple and easy-to-use interface! ✌ After all, the short storiescould be moral stories for all too! Still wondering if you shoulddownload this app? Well! Here are a few points why this is the bestEnglish story application for you!! ✨ NO INTERNET connectionneeded, ✨ Attractive design and graphics, ✨ 12 awesome categoriesof bedtime stories, ✨ 2500+ short stories in English, ✨ Tales thatwill educate your little one, ✨ Easily find your favorite fable, ✨Relive the famous stories of childhood, ✨ Can help beginners toimprove their reading skills, ✨ Akbar Birbal story and Tenali Ramanstories can make beginner smarter, ✨ Share some funny stories,bedtime stories or moral stories with your loved ones, ✨ ABSOLUTELYFREE of cost! ✌ Now, you don’t have to search for interestingstories. Get it all in this app itself! Download and check itout!!! ★ And, do tell us, which English Story did you like? :)
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita & Gita Saar with Gita Updesh 1.1.6
Innovative Apps of India
Jai Shree Krishna! It is believed that ‘Shrimad BhagavadGita’offers a solution for each and every problem in our lives.Still,instead of reading “Bhagawat Gita”, people keep complainingabouttheir complications in daily life! Worry not! You’ve comejustright! Take out a few minutes daily to gain some peace of mindfromGita Updesh! ✨ Now Get “Shrimad Bhagavad Gita” withexcitingfeatures! ✍ Easy to understand ‘Gita Saar’ in simplelanguage! ✍Give a Spiritual start to your day with ‘Quick Read’feature. ✍Bookmark your ‘Favourite’ Sanskrit Shlok from BhagwatGitaUpanishads by pressing ‘❤️’. ✍ You can (A+) Increase or(A-)Decrease the ‘Font Size’. ✍ ‘Mark As Read’ option will help youtopick up where you left off reading! ✍ Offer ultimate Blessingstoyour Friends and Relatives by ‘Sharing’ this Srimad BhagavadGitaApp! What's New? 9 different languages in a single app! ➺SrimadBhagavad Gita in English ➺ Bhagwat Geeta in Hindi ➺ BhagavadGitain Gujarati ➺ Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta in Marathi ➺ BhagavadGitaTelugu ➺ Gita in Bengali ➺ Bhagavad Gita Odia ➺ BhagavathGeetha inKannada ➺ Bhagavad Gita Malyalam ◇ ‘It is a wholeconversationbetween Lord Krishna and Arjuna during ‘Mahabharata’war which tookplace around 5000 years ago - Gita Updesh summarisedhere! ▲ Theessence of Bhagwat Geeta Summary lies in five basictruths! ✔Ishwara (The Supreme Controller) The Supreme Beingsituated asSupersoul in every heart controls the activities ofliving beings.Srimad Bhagavad Geeta identifies that Supreme Beingas Krishna, theGodhead! ✔ Jiva (The Living Entity) Besides theIshwara, thereexist individual souls who occupy the universe indifferent bodyforms. Hence, the Lord holds the power of liberatingus frommaterial entanglements. ✔ Prakriti (Nature) Shrimad BhagwatGeetaSaar, a part of the 5th Veda and Indian Epic Mahabharatateachesthat the ‘Prakriti’ is not independent, it is working underthedirection of Ishwara. ✔ Kala (Eternal Time) Kala means ‘Time’.Itoffers us both happiness and pain, which is all predestined! AsperSrimad Bhagavad Gita Saar, Kala’s business is to kill ordestroy! ✔Karma (Activity) Karma is the actions which bind us inthe cycle of‘Birth and Death’. Bhagwat Geeta Saar says destiny isnothing but afruit of karma! ▲ In this Bhagawad Gita app, we aregiving atranslation of ‘700 Sanskrit Shlok’ from Shrimad BhagwatGeeta inthe language which is easy to understand by any age group!🎁 Allthe eighteen chapters of Gita Updesh (Part ofMahabharatacontaining 700 Sanskrit Shlok) are mainly divided intothreesections. The First Six chapters are concerned with the Karmaorthe “Actions” that brings an individual closer to theAlmighty.Chapter 1 - 6 ✎ Vishada Yoga ✎ Sankhya Yoga ✎ Karma Yoga ✎JnanaYoga ✎ Karma Vairagya Yoga ✎ Abhyasa Yoga In Bhagavad GitaSaar,the next Six chapters have been classified as Bhakti thatbringsone near to the God. Chapter 7 - 12 ✎ Paramahamsa Yoga ✎AksaraParabrahman Yoga ✎ Raja Vidya Guhya Yoga ✎ Vibhuti VistaraYoga ✎Visvarupa Darsana Yoga ✎ Bhakti Yoga The Final Six chaptersofBhagwat Geeta Upanishads have been designated as Jnana orthe“Knowledge” that one uses in pursuit of the divine. Chapter 13 -18✎ Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yoga ✎ Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga ✎PurushottamaYoga ✎ Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga ✎ Shraddha TrayaVibhaga Yoga0✎ Moksa Upadesa Yoga "When doubts &disappointments stare me inthe face, and I see not one ray of hope,I just turn to Gita Updeshand immediately begin to smile in themidst of overwhelmingsorrow!” ✨ Say ‘Radhe Radhe’ and Click the‘INSTALL’ button NOW!Derive fresh joy and Learn the real meaning ofLIFE with ‘ShrimadBhagavad Gita & Gita Saar with Gita Updesh’!
Fake GPS Location & Spoofer 1.0
Innovative Apps of India
Simulate Your Phone's Location Worldwide with Fake GPS in aSingleClick!
Video To MP3 Ringtone Maker 1.0.5
Innovative Apps of India
Superb video editor for adding music to videos to makethemstunning.
Calculator With Saved History 1.0
Innovative Apps of India
See past calculations, fix mistakes, and make your owncalculations:Calculator