Innovative Product Group التطبيقات

LuluChat - meet me on video chat, find friends 1.49.0
Innovative Product Group
🔥LuluChat is the best online video chat app and you can video chatwith strangers and find friends from all over the world. 😍ChooseWho You LIKE -With a swipe of your finger, you can choose who youlike, and of course get rid of the people you don't like. -Easy tofind friends with video chat and video chat to who you like allover the world. -To video chat with beautiful local single peopleevery day. -When you become friends, you can meet them anytime,anywhere. 💬One on One Video Chat With Strangers - You can make livevideo chat on your phone anytime and anywhere. - HD(HighDefinition) and smooth video chat provide the best experience toknow each other clearly. -Make video chat with strangers and videocall to lovers all over the world. 👋Come across and find friends -Encounter different interesting people around the world with videochat. - Only users with authentic profiles can join the video chat.- If things get awkward, you don’t need to be afraid of hanging upto end the video chat, or even block them! - Have video chat ortext chat with your friends, show your friendly attitude andsupport! 🎀More Amazing Gifts - A good gesture to find friends,sharing gifts through video chat. -Video chat with your lovers andshow your love with more amazing gifts. -More new and fun featuresto video chat better are on the way. 💥Now, LuluChat offers you aplatform to video chat with humorous and nice people. Then, itbecomes simpler to find friends and video chat with strangers. Itis the best way to approach new people and find friends all overthe world. 💏Now, go to know new friends with millions of peoplehere!
Soul Master-Aging Face App, Gender Swap, Horoscope 3.3.0
Innovative Product Group
🔥Soul Master - the fantastic aging face app, gender swap,dailyhoroscope, astrology, future baby face prediction. 👵【AgingFaceApp】 Do you want to know what you look like in thefuture?Uploading your current photo, Soul Master will let you seeyourselfin 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, or even 50 years, andinstantlytakes you through time and space. Getting old is also averyinteresting thing! 💏【Fingerprints】 Love prediction in the formof afingerprint scanner is a new tool that opens the door to arange oflove. 💞【Gender Swap】 Gender swap provides many powerfulpredefinednatural gender transformation makeup styles to enjoy thegreatestface changing experience in just a minute! 👶【BabyPrediction】 Haveyou looked forward to your future baby? Soul Masterwill predictyour cute future baby based on the photos you provide,satisfyingyour great curiosity. Although I haven't started to be aparent, Iam the first to see the look of a cute baby. It must beamazing!💖【Love Compatibility】 Soul Master gives you an insight intoyourlove relationships. Test your couple with zodiac signs tolearnwhat does not work and overcome problems. This love testusesastrology to match the compatibility of 2 people based ontheirzodiac signs. ✋【Palm Reader】 What does your palm say aboutyou? Trythe palm reading test in Soul Master to be amazed!Palmistryreveals individual personality, character traits, and lovesecretsthrough the reading of the shape, size, and lines of thehands andfingers. 🌟【Daily Horoscope】 With Soul Master, you caneasily getyour horoscope, and see your life path through theastrolabe. Here,you can know more about yourself in love, career,finance, and moreinsights. Soul Master covers all zodiac signsincluding: ♈ Aries ♉Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra♏ Scorpio ♐Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces