International Point of Sale التطبيقات

Point Of Sale - Sircle POS 1.3
BUY NOW - Tablet Point of Sale with Star Micronics mPOP NOW - PartnerTech PAT-100 & SirclePOS All-In-One Bundle POS is a free Point of Sale solution satisfying the dailycash register needs and much more for retail and quick servicerestaurants.It is ideal for managers who want to automate orders,payment processing, and inventory in their business. Sircle POS appis the most cost-efficient and easy Point of Sale solution forbusinesses to take control of their store. Sircle POS softwareorganizes your inventory stock, keeps track of sales and profit,and prints invoices for customers. The Sircle Back office websiteworks in tandem with Sircle POS app to allow for easy management ofemployees, departments, and more on your Point of Sale. ***We workwith several Merchant Processors that can save you money onprocessing credit cards!*** North American Bancard Chase PaymentechConvenience Payments Gateway Elavon EVO TPS First Data NashvilleFirst Data Omaha Global Payments JetPay Mercury Payments Newtek SPGTPI Gateways TSYS Vantiv We have various payment processingterminals you can choose from , please visit for more information.Check out our guides for easyto follow how-to's and quick reference guides! Check out our videos for Sircle POS tutorials!Compatibility: - Compatible with 10 inch tablets and Bluetoothprinters and cash drawers. - Optimal tablet resolution is 1280*800with medium density and 160 dpi. - Local tax support for the UnitedStates and Canada. - English and French language support. -Compatible with any currency. Features: - Cloud-based Point ofSale. - Easily update departments, employees, inventories, taxrates, and more at our Backoffice Scan items, use on screen buttons, or manually look up inventoryitems to ring up! - Easy upload of Inventory. - Ring up payouts onthe same invoice. - Line item discounts and whole invoice discountby percentage or dollar amount. - Single item void and wholeinvoice void. - On screen keypad lets you ring up different itemswithout prior entry. - Line item price and quantity overrideoption. - Print receipt with yes/no/prompt options. - Split invoiceinto cash/credit/debit etc... - Ready dollar amount buttons forfast checkout. - Set up modifier groups and modifiers for items. -Rearrange items by department, item no, item stock. - Ring up taxinclusive items. - Tax override option for an individual item orfor whole invoice. Support: - 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday(EST) phone support keywords: point of sale pos pos app pos systemcash register pos and inventory Cash register Register app Registersirclepos sircle pos sircle point of sale Convenience POSConvenience Point of Sale Grocery POS Grocery Point of Sale POSSoftware POS System Cashier System Liquor POS Liquor Point of SaleShop POS Shop Point of Sale Tablet POS Tablet Point of Sale Quickservice Restaurant QSR Fast Food POS Fast Food Point of Sale possystem restaurant point of sale for android point of sale cashregister point of sale and inventory google spreadsheet
Sircle POS Pizza Shop 1.3
Sircle POS Pizzeria is an easy to use Point ofSales system software that can easily keep up with the demand ofbusy pizzerias. Sircle organizes and keeps track of your inventorystock, while keeping track of sales and profit. The SircleBackoffice website works in tandem with the Sircle software toallow for easy management of employees, departments, and more.Checkout options include cash, credit and debit*. For more detailson payment processing please visit the payment processing tab at: Compatible with 10 inch tablets and Bluetooth printers and cashdrawers.- Local tax support for the United States and Canada.- English and French language support.- Compatible with any currency.Features:- Cloud-based POS System.- Easily update departments, employees, inventories, tax rates, andmore at our Backoffice Scan items, use on screen buttons, or manually look up inventoryitems to ring up!- Easy upload of Inventory.- Ring up payouts on the same invoice.- Line item discounts and whole invoice discount by percentage ordollar amount.- Single item void and whole invoice void.- On screen keypad lets you ring up different items without priorentry.- Line item price and quantity override option.- Print receipt with yes/no/prompt options.- Split invoice into cash/credit/debit etc...- Ready dollar amount buttons for fast checkout.- Set up modifier groups and modifiers for items.- Rearrange items by department, item no, item stock.- Ring up tax inclusive items.- Tax override option for an individual item or for whole invoice.Support:- 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday (EST) phone support at1-866-468-5767 and Chat support at our website
Sircle POS Ice Cream 1.3
Sircle POS Ice Cream is a Point of Sales system software that caneasily keep up with even the busiest Ice Cream parlors. Sircleorganizes and keeps track of your inventory stock, while keepingtrack of sales and profit. The Sircle Backoffice website works intandem with the Sircle software to allow for easy management ofemployees, departments, and more. Checkout options include cash,credit and debit*. For more details on payment processing pleasevisit the payment processing tab at: Compatibility: - Compatible with10 inch tablets and Bluetooth printers and cash drawers. - Optimaltablet resolution is 1280*800 with medium density and 160 dpi. -Local tax support for the United States and Canada. - English andFrench language support. - Compatible with any currency. Features:- Cloud-based POS System. - Easily update departments, employees,inventories, tax rates, and more at our - Scan items, use on screenbuttons, or manually look up inventory items to ring up! - Easyupload of Inventory. - Ring up payouts on the same invoice. - Lineitem discounts and whole invoice discount by percentage or dollaramount. - Single item void and whole invoice void. - On screenkeypad lets you ring up different items without prior entry. - Lineitem price and quantity override option. - Print receipt withyes/no/prompt options. - Split invoice into cash/credit/debitetc... - Ready dollar amount buttons for fast checkout. - Set upmodifier groups and modifiers for items. - Rearrange items bydepartment, item no, item stock. - Ring up tax inclusive items. -Tax override option for an individual item or for whole invoice.Support: - 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday (EST) phone supportat 1-866-468-5767 and Chat support at our website
Sircle POS Coffee Shop 1.3
Sircle POS Coffee is an easy to use PointofSales system software that is perfect for quick servicecoffeeshops. Sircle organizes and keeps track of your inventorystock,while keeping track of sales and profit. The SircleBackofficewebsite works in tandem with the Sircle software to allowfor easymanagement of employees, departments, and more. Checkoutoptionsinclude cash, credit and debit*. For more details onpaymentprocessing please visit the payment processing tab at: Compatible with 10 inch tablets and Bluetooth printers andcashdrawers.- Local tax support for the United States and Canada.- English and French language support.- Compatible with any currency.Features:- Cloud-based POS System.- Easily update departments, employees, inventories, tax rates,andmore at our Backoffice Scan items, use on screen buttons, or manually look upinventoryitems to ring up!- Easy upload of Inventory.- Ring up payouts on the same invoice.- Line item discounts and whole invoice discount by percentageordollar amount.- Single item void and whole invoice void.- On screen keypad lets you ring up different items withoutpriorentry.- Line item price and quantity override option.- Print receipt with yes/no/prompt options.- Split invoice into cash/credit/debit etc...- Ready dollar amount buttons for fast checkout.- Set up modifier groups and modifiers for items.- Rearrange items by department, item no, item stock.- Ring up tax inclusive items.- Tax override option for an individual item or for whole invoice.Support:- 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday (EST) phone supportat1-866-468-5767 and Chat support at our website
Sircle POS Sushi 1.3
Sircle POS Sushi is an easy to use PointofSales system software that is perfect for quick servicesushirestaurants. Sircle organizes and keeps track of yourinventorystock, while keeping track of sales and profit. TheSircleBackoffice website works in tandem with the Sircle softwaretoallow for easy management of employees, departments, andmore.Checkout options include cash, credit and debit*. For moredetailson payment processing please visit the payment processingtab at: Compatible with 10 inch tablets and Bluetooth printers andcashdrawers.- Local tax support for the United States and Canada.- English and French language support.- Compatible with any currency.Features:- Cloud-based POS System.- Easily update departments, employees, inventories, tax rates,andmore at our Backoffice Scan items, use on screen buttons, or manually look upinventoryitems to ring up!- Easy upload of Inventory.- Ring up payouts on the same invoice.- Line item discounts and whole invoice discount by percentageordollar amount.- Single item void and whole invoice void.- On screen keypad lets you ring up different items withoutpriorentry.- Line item price and quantity override option.- Print receipt with yes/no/prompt options.- Split invoice into cash/credit/debit etc...- Ready dollar amount buttons for fast checkout.- Set up modifier groups and modifiers for items.- Rearrange items by department, item no, item stock.- Ring up tax inclusive items.- Tax override option for an individual item or for whole invoice.Support:- 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday (EST) phone supportat1-866-468-5767 and Chat support at our website
Smart 360 POS 1.3
Smart 360 POS is designed to work only with 10 inch Tablet,bluetooth printer and cash drawer sold by us. Optimal tabletresolution is 1280*800 with medium density and 160 dpi. Please fillout our inquiry form and we will call you : Smart 360POS is a Point of Sale Solution for Retail Store Owners or Managerswho want to automate order, payment processing and inventory intheir business. Smart 360 POS is the most cost-efficient andeasiest solution for small businesses to take control of theirstore. Smart 360 POS organizes your inventory stock, keeps track ofsales and profit, and prints invoices out for your customers. ***Wework with several Merchant Processors that can save you money onprocessing credit cards!*** North American Bancard Chase PaymentechConvenience Payments Gateway Elavon EVO TPS First Data NashvilleFirst Data Omaha Global Payments JetPay Mercury Payments Newtek SPGTPI Gateways TSYS Vantiv We have various payment processingterminals you can choose from , please visit for moreinformation. Smart 360 POS supports local taxes for United Statesand Canada. Smart 360 POS can give discounts on individual items oron the invoice, and manage costs/prices on inventory. Smart 360 POSsupports English and French languages. Smart 360 POS is compatiblewith any currency! If you’d like to learn more, please check outour website: Smart 360 POS has a add-onmodule for iOS, allowing you to check your reports andadd/update/delete inventory at any time . http://smart360pos.comfeatures : - Cloud-based POS - 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday(EST) Chat support at our website and phonesupport at 1-866-468-5767 - Easily update of departments,employees, inventories , tax rates at our backoffice website( and Login to backoffice) - Compatible withRoyal Sovereign's Bluetooth Printer and Cash Drawer - Scan, use onscreen buttons, or manually look up inventory items to ring up! -Easy upload of Inventory. - Unlimited number of departments andinventory items - Ring up payouts on the same invoice - Line itemdiscounts and whole invoice discount by percentage or dollar amount- Single item void and whole invoice void - On screen keypad letsyou ring up different items without prior entry. - Line item priceand quantity override option - Print receipt with yes/no/promptoptions - Split invoice into cash/credit/debit etc... - Readydollar amount buttons for fast checkout TOPICS: smart360pos smart360 pos smart 360 point of sale Convenience POS Convenience Pointof Sale Grocery POS Grocery Point of Sale POS Software POS SystemCashier System Cash Register Liquor POS Liquor Point of Sale ShopPOS Shop Point of Sale Tablet POS Tablet Point of Sale
Sircle POS CFD 1.0
Sircle POS CFD (Customer Facing Display) allows customer to viewtheir product as the cashier is scanning/entering it into theSircle Point of Sale. Sircle POS CFD Features : Works with SirclePoint of Sale Customizable advertisements Support: - 10:00 AM to6:00 PM Monday to Friday (EST) phone support TOPICS: sirclepossircle pos sircle point of sale Convenience POS Convenience Pointof Sale Grocery POS Grocery Point of Sale POS Software POS SystemCashier System Cash Register Liquor POS Liquor Point of Sale ShopPOS Shop Point of Sale Tablet POS Tablet Point of Sale Quickservice Restaurant QSR Fast Food POS Fast Food Point of Sale
Sircle POS QSR 1.3
Sircle POS QSR is a cost efficient Point of Sale solution forquickservice restaurants and is ideal for swiftly taking orderswhilekeeping track of payment processing and inventory. Sircleorganizesyour inventory stock, keeps track of sales and profit, andprintsinvoices for customers. The Sircle Backoffice website worksintandem with Sircle POS QSR to allow for easy managementofemployees, departments, and more. Checkout options includecash,credit and debit*. For more details on payment processingpleasevisit the payment processing tab at: - Compatible with 10 inchtablets and Bluetoothprinters and cash drawers. - Optimal tabletresolution is 1280*800with medium density and 160 dpi. - Local taxsupport for the UnitedStates and Canada. - English and Frenchlanguage support. -Compatible with any currency. Features: -Cloud-based POS System. -Easily update departments, employees,inventories, tax rates, andmore at our - Scanitems, use on screenbuttons, or manually look up inventory itemsto ring up! - Easyupload of Inventory. - Ring up payouts on thesame invoice. - Lineitem discounts and whole invoice discount bypercentage or dollaramount. - Single item void and whole invoicevoid. - On screenkeypad lets you ring up different items withoutprior entry. - Lineitem price and quantity override option. -Print receipt withyes/no/prompt options. - Split invoice intocash/credit/debit etc...- Ready dollar amount buttons for fastcheckout. - Set up modifiergroups and modifiers for items. -Rearrange items by department,item no, item stock. - Ring up taxinclusive items. - Tax overrideoption for an individual item orfor whole invoice. Support: - 10:00AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday(EST) phone support at 1-866-468-5767and Chat support at ourwebsite