Ionut Iarca التطبيقات

Rádios do Brasil 2.0
Ionut Iarca
The application requires an Internetconnection and it is preferable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network,or you can use the mobile Internet service provider, which couldlead to additional costs. You can run this application in thebackground and use in the same time other functions of your device.For any other information/suggestions please contact me:radio {at} yoya {point} ro
United Kingdom Radio 1.0
Ionut Iarca
The application requires an Internet connection and it ispreferableto be connected to a Wi-Fi network, or you can use themobileInternet service provider, which could lead to additionalcosts. Youcan run this application in the background and use inthe same timeother functions of your device.For any other information/suggestions please contact me:radio {at} yoya {point} ro
Rock FM 2.2.1
Ionut Iarca
Aceasta aplicatie va permite sa ascultatiradio Rock FM Romania.Postul Rock FM Romania din aceasta aplicatie este stream live siil puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatia necesita conexiune la Internetsi este de preferat sa fiti conectat la o retea Wi-Fi, sau putetiutiliza serviciul de Internet mobil de la furnizorul dumneavoastra,ceea ce ar putea duce la costuri suplimentare. Puteti rula aceastaaplicatie in fundal, putand utiliza telefonul pentru altefunctii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rog sa macontactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} ro.Drepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie nu este oficiala si nu este asociata in niciun fel cu Rock FM Romania.Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autor apartinproprietarilor de drept.This application lets youlisten to FM radio Rock Romania.Romania Rock FM station in this application is live stream andyou can listen 24 / 24h. The application requires internetconnection and it is preferable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network,or you can use mobile Internet service from your supplier, whichcould lead to additional costs. You can run this application in thebackground, you can use the phone for other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact:{at} yoya radio {dot} com.Copyright:This application is not official and is not associated in anyway with Rock FM Romania.All text, images, content and copyright of their respectiveowners.
Pro FM 1.0.5
Ionut Iarca
Postul radio PRO FM din aceasta aplicatie estestream live si il puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatia necesitaconexiune la Internet si este de preferat sa fiti conectat la oretea Wi-Fi, sau puteti utiliza serviciul de Internet mobil de lafurnizorul dumneavoastra, ceea ce ar putea duce la costurisuplimentare. Puteti rula aceasta aplicatie in fundal, putandutiliza telefonul pentru alte functii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rog sa ma contactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} ro.Caracteristici cheie:-Redare / Pauza / Stop-Serviciu redare in fundal-Mesajul de notificare-Functioneaza atat in Mod Portret si Mod Peisaj-Suporta Android 2.2 API 8 & UpDrepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie nu este oficiala si nu este asociata in niciun fel cu Radio PRO FM.Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autor apartinProprietarilor de drept.PRO FM radio station inthis application is live stream and you can listen to 24 / 24h. Theapplication requires an Internet connection and is preferred to beconnected to a Wi-Fi network, or you can use the mobile Internetservice from your supplier, which could lead to additional costs.You run this application in the background, you can use the phonefor other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact: {at}radio {dot} en yoya.Key Features:-Redare / Pause / Stop-Serviciu Play in the background-Mesajul Notification-Works In both Portrait mode and Landscape ModeSupports Android 2.2 API 8 & UpCopyright:This application is not official and is not associated in anyway with PRO FM Radio.All text, images, content and copyright of their respectiveowners.
Radio Intens Romania 2.0
Ionut Iarca
Postul Intens Romania din aceasta aplicatieeste stream live si il puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatia necesitaconexiune la Internet si este de preferat sa fiti conectat la oretea Wi-Fi, sau puteti utiliza serviciul de Internet mobil de lafurnizorul dumneavoastra, ceea ce ar putea duce la costurisuplimentare. Puteti rula aceasta aplicatie in fundal, putandutiliza telefonul pentru alte functii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rugam sa necontactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} roCaracteristici cheie:-Redare / Pauza / Stop-Serviciu redare in fundal-Mesajul de notificare-Suporta Android 2.3 API 9 & UpDrepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie este oficiala si apartine postului de radio"Intens Romania".Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autor apartinproprietarilor de drept.Item Intense Romania inthis application is live stream and you can listen to 24 / 24h. Theapplication requires internet connection and is preferred to beconnected to a Wi-Fi network, or you can use the mobile Internetservice from your supplier, which could lead to additional costs.You run this application in the background and can use the phonefor other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact us:{at} radio {dot} ro yoyaKey Features:-Redare / Pause / Stop-Serviciu Playing in background-Mesajul NotificationSupports Android 2.3 API 9 & UpCopyright:This is the official app and is owned radio station "VividRomania".All text, images, content and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners.
Radio Bandit 1.0.2
Ionut Iarca
Postul Radio Bandit din aceasta aplicatie estestream live si il puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatia necesitaconexiune la Internet si este de preferat sa fiti conectat la oretea Wi-Fi, sau puteti utiliza serviciul de Internet mobil de lafurnizorul dumneavoastra, ceea ce ar putea duce la costurisuplimentare. Puteti rula aceasta aplicatie in fundal, putandutiliza telefonul pentru alte functii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rugam sa necontactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} roCaracteristici cheie:-Redare / Pauza / Stop-Serviciu redare in fundal-Mesajul de notificare-Functionează atat in Mod Portret cat si Mod Peisaj-Suporta Android 2.2 API 8 & UpDrepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie este oficiala si apartine postului de radio"Radio Bandit".Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autor apartinproprietarilor de drept.Radio Bandit of thisapplication is live stream and you can listen 24/24h. Theapplication requires internet connection and it is preferable to beconnected to a Wi-Fi network, or you can use the mobile Internetservices from your supplier, which could lead to additional costs.You can run this application in the background, can use the phonefor other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact us:radio {at} yoya {dot} ukKey Features:-Play / Pause / StopService-rendering in background-Message notification-Works both in portrait and landscape modeSupports Android 2.2 API 8 & UpCopyright:This application is official and belongs to the radio station"Bandit Radio".All text, images, content and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners.
The Recipe Box 1.0
Ionut Iarca
The Recipe Box gives you the opportunity tofind easy-to-prepare recipes, explained step by step. Internationalrecipes for quick meals, snacks, soups and broths, salads, homemadecakes and other specialities.
Radio Tequila 3.0.0
Ionut Iarca
Aceasta aplicatie va permite sa ascultatiposturile de radio Tequila.Toate posturile Radio Tequila din aceasta aplicatie sunt streamlive si le puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatia necesita conexiune laInternet si este de preferat sa fiti conectat la o retea Wi-Fi, sauputeti utiliza serviciul de Internet mobil de la furnizoruldumneavoastra, ceea ce ar putea duce la costuri suplimentare.Puteti rula aceasta aplicatie in fundal, putand utiliza telefonulpentru alte functii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rog sa ma contactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} ro.Posturi:RT DanceRT Hip-HopRT ManeleDrepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie este oficiala si apartine postului de radio"Radio Tequila".Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autor apartinproprietarilor de drept.This application lets youlisten to radio stations Tequila.All Tequila Radio stations in this application are live streams andyou can listen 24 / 24h. The application requires internetconnection and it is preferable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network,or you can use mobile Internet service from your supplier, whichcould lead to additional costs. You can run this application in thebackground, you can use the phone for other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact: radio {at}yoya {dot} com.posts:RT DanceRT Hip-HopRT ManeleCopyright:This app is the official and belongs to the radio station "RadioTequila".All text, images, content and copyright of their respectiveowners.
BlackBeats FM - Brasil 1.0
Ionut Iarca
The application requires an Internetconnection and it is preferable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network,or you can use the mobile Internet service provider, which couldlead to additional costs. You can run this application in thebackground and use in the same time other functions of your device.For any other information/suggestions please contact me:radio {at} yoya {point} roKey Features:- Play/Pause/Stop Stream- Background Service/Playback- Notification Message- Display Album, Artist & Track Info (if the server isproviding this information)- Works with both Portrait & Landscape Mode- Supports Android 2.2 - API 8 & UpCopyright:This application is not official and is not associated in anyway with BlackBeats FM.All text, images, content and copyrights belong to theirowners.
Los 40 Principales España 2.1
Ionut Iarca
The application requires an Internetconnection and it is preferable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network,or you can use the mobile Internet service provider, which couldlead to additional costs. You can run this application in thebackground and use in the same time other functions of your device.For any other information/suggestions please contact me:radio {at} yoya {point} roCopyright:This application is not official and is not associated in anyway with Los 40 Principales Espania.All text, images, content and copyrights belong to theirowners.
Radio Romania 2.3
Ionut Iarca
Aplicația Radio România vă permite săascultațimajoritatea posturilor de radio din România, avândopțiunea de aadauga și alte posturi de radio preferate dedumeavoastră.Aplicația Radio România este stream live și îl putețiasculta24/24h. Aplicația necesită conexiune la Internet și estedepreferat să fiți conectat la o rețea Wi-Fi, sau putețiutilizaserviciul de Internet mobil de la furnizorul dumneavoastră,ceea cear putea duce la costuri suplimentare. Puteți rulaaceastăaplicație în fundal, putând utiliza telefonul pentrualtefuncții.Pentru orice alte informații/sugestii vă rog să mă contactați:radio{at} yoya {punct} ro.Radio Romania app letsyoulisten to most radio stations in Romania, having the option toaddother Talk to your favorite radio stations.    Radio Romania app is live stream and you can listento24 / 24h. The application requires an internet connection andispreferred to be connected to a Wi-Fi network, or usemobileInternet service from your supplier, which could lead toadditionalcosts. You can run this application in the background,may useother phone functions.    For any further information / suggestions pleasecontactme: {at} radio {dot} en yoya.
Povesti audio pentru copii 2.0.0
Ionut Iarca
Aceasta aplicatie va da acces la o gamalargade povesti audio, cei mici, dar si cei mari avandposibilitatea dea-si da frau imaginatiei, de a intra intr-o lumefantastica, undeorice este posibil. Va invitam in lumeapovestilor!This app gives youaccessto a wide range of audio stories, children, and the adultshavingthe opportunity to give vent to their imagination to enterafantasy world where anything is possible. We invite youmanystories!