Jmscapplications التطبيقات

body fat calculator 1.6
** Now available Body fat calculator Prowithout advertisingBody fat calculator estimates in a simple and intuitive fatpercentage using 1 of 2 methods , measurement of body folds or bodycircumferences measuring, you decide which is best for you. Alsoshows other indicators such as the BMI your ideal weight and leanmass Kg. Records data and keep track with beautiful graphs for eachindicator. Losing weight has never been easier.*********************************************************** Allows fat percentage estimate both men and women as a functionof age.* Records data in graphs easy to edit* Estimate your body mass index and ideal weight.* Calculate the lean mass.
Calorie counter Pro 1.7.1
With calorie counter application you will keeptrack of the foods you eat and their nutritional value quickly andeasily thanks to the implemented tools that make calorie counting asimple task to control your weight.Features:* Copy and Paste Option: The only calorie counter applicationthat account with this option, Enables reuse of stored foods, thusreducing the time food log.* Food frequently used: Calorie counter stores the food you usemost and displays them in a list sorted according to the number oftimes it has been used.* Favorite Food: You can mark a food as a favorite and find itin a list of all the food of your choice.* Searching for food: A browser built in calorie counter makesit easy to find your food* Chart of calories, lets you view the log of the consumption ofcalories by filtering the desired food, very useful if you want tocontrol the calories you eat in the dinner.* Plans your next day meals : You can change the date to planmeals in the days ahead, or edit records in the previous days byswiping with the arrows located at the top of the main page (bypressing on the date you moved to the current date).* Database with more than 300 foods. In addition lets you modifyand add food of your choice, add categories and subcategoriesmaintaining orderly your base of food.* Create rations for each food item, you don't have to indicatethe amount of ounces or grams each time you go to register ameal.* Estimate of calories and macro-nutrients: The estimate ofcalories and macro-nutrients uses scientific methods to suit yourcharacteristics (sex, age, weight, activity level) and offers you aregime to lose weight in a controlled manner without abrupt changesthat can generate rebound effect. However you can modify objectivesin such a way manual in the options menu.Don't wait any longer to start your diet, start to lose weightnow with the calorie counter.
GI glycemic index 1.1
Now available the pro version withoutadvertising and ability to store and edit your foods in the cloudwith DropboxGI glycemic index is ideal for people who want to control theamount of glucose in the blood, either to take control of thediabetes or to diets low glycemic level. Quick and intuitive, easyto search for food by filtering according to their level.With over 300 food glycemic index GI is the best choice you canfind on google play and is totally free.Download it Now!
Quit smoking Pro 1.2
Quit smoking is possible today.Quit smoking, The best application to leave this habit, easy touse, it gives you all the information you need to motivate you toquit.We had been led to believe that replace the tobacco by theelectronic cigarette is a benefit for health, but the reality isthat nicotine is a carcinogenic in any of their presentations andmaintain its consumption we create physical dependence,deterioration of our health and we gave away our money to ruthlessentrepreneurs who profit from our effort.If you want to improve your health the better option is to stopconsuming this poison. Stop smoking presents indicators of healthwith achievable goals in the short and long term. In addition showsyou information of interest, such as the amount of nicotine, tarand carbon monoxide that beam left to enter your body.In addition to worry about your health Quit Smoking will help yousave a lot of money to buy those things you've always desired.Enter the price of the product and Quit Smoking will tell you whenyou've saved enough to buy it.Quitting is easier when you are motivated, get all the medals andawards improving yourself every day.Today is a good day to start. Download now Quit smoking, improveyour health and save money.
moving boxes 1.0
moving boxes is a game where you must thinkfast, your mission is to organize as many boxes as you can, whichare launched by a crazy crane. Push the boxes and pull them toavoid exceeding the height limit. The crane that sheds the boxeswill be increasing the speed and the frequency of boxes. You haveto dodge the boxes either running or jumping to avoid being hit inthe head. Not everything is as difficult as it seems. By bringingtogether 4 boxes of the same type they explode, Also you willreceive life falling from the sky, but be careful, do not let thelives touch the floor or be hit by other boxes.Features* Push and pull boxes to move them* Run and jump to avoid the boxes* Group 4 boxes of the same type to destroy them* 3 lives per game* Moving boxes is incredibly simple to play.Compete with your friends and see who reaches to order moreboxes
Calorie counter 1.7.1
** Now available Calorie Counter ProwithoutadvertisingWith calorie counter application you will keep track of thefoodsyou eat and their nutritional value quickly and easily thanksto theimplemented tools that make calorie counting a simple tasktocontrol your weight.Features:* Copy and Paste Option: The only calorie counterapplicationthat account with this option, Enables reuse of storedfoods, thusreducing the time food log.* Food frequently used: Calorie counter stores the food youusemost and displays them in a list sorted according to the numberoftimes it has been used.* Favorite Food: You can mark a food as a favorite and find itina list of all the food of your choice.* Searching for food: A browser built in calorie counter makesiteasy to find your food* Chart of calories, lets you view the log of the consumptionofcalories by filtering the desired food, very useful if you wanttocontrol the calories you eat in the dinner.* Plans your next day meals : You can change the date toplanmeals in the days ahead, or edit records in the previous daysbyswiping with the arrows located at the top of the main page(bypressing on the date you moved to the current date).* Database with more than 300 foods. In addition lets youmodifyand ADD food of your choice, add categories andsubcategoriesmaintaining orderly your base of food.* Create rations for each food item, you don't have toindicatethe amount of ounces or grams each time you go to registerameal.* Estimate of calories and macro-nutrients: The estimateofcalories and macro-nutrients uses scientific methods to suityourcharacteristics (sex, age, weight, activity level) and offersyou aregime to lose weight in a controlled manner without abruptchangesthat can generate rebound effect. However you can modifyobjectivesin such a way manual in the options menu.* Backup your data with DropboxDon't wait any longer to start your diet, start to loseweightnow with the calorie counter.
Body fat calculator Pro 1.0
Body fat calculator estimates in a simpleandintuitive fat percentage using 1 of 2 methods , measurement ofbodyfolds or body circumferences measuring, you decide which isbestfor you. Also shows other indicators such as the BMI youridealweight and lean mass Kg. Records data and keep track withbeautifulgraphs for each indicator. Losing weight has never beeneasier.*********************************************************** Allows fat percentage estimate both men and women as a functionofage.* Records data in graphs easy to edit* Estimate your body mass index and ideal weight.* Calculate the lean mass.
GI glycemic index Pro 1.1
GI glycemic index is ideal for people whowantto control the amount of glucose in the blood, either totakecontrol of the diabetes or to diets low glycemic level. Quickandintuitive, easy to search for food by filtering according totheirlevel.With over 300 food glycemic index GI is the best choice youcanfind on google play.GI glycemic index Pro removes advertisingDownload it Now!