Joshua Carson التطبيقات

Days Since and Date Tracker 1.047
Joshua Carson
This is an event tracker, now with countdownto and from your event.Date Tracker is a date/time tracking tool. It allows you toseetime stamped listings of important events that happenedtoyou.* Sort your events by Name, Date, Time, Notes etc.* See how far away the event is or was.In this way you can start to maybe see a pattern. Or keepnoteson individual time stamps.Track important data that you need to relay to someone.* Medical conditions* When you last changed the furnace filter* How many drinks did you have in a night* When did you visit your parents last* What ever you can think of.Alerts!Or get a heads up with if you think something may be happening onaregular basis. Alerts can be sent to the user based onyourselected interval.* Birthday Alerts* Pay bill reminder* It has been a month since ...
Golf Practice 1.0
Joshua Carson
* This golf practice tool can give youadviceon why you are not hitting the sweet spot on the club face.* Use the counter to track the number of good hits versusoffcenter strikes.* Tips on why you are toeing, topping, heeling the ball.Whichever your fault is.* Also keep notes on your current top swing thoughts.