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Frases para Pensar en Positivo 7.13
Encuentra la clave para un cambio de vida. El poder del pensamientopositivo te ayudará a tener una vida plena, saludable y feliz.Permitirá la mejora de tu autoestimaLa energía del pensamiento positivo te permitirá recuperarte de laapatía, el desgano, la falta de entusiasmo, la ansiedad.Aprende la técnica que te permitirá relajarte y enfocarte en elpensamiento positivo.Cientos de frases de grandes pensadores que te ayudaran a cambiartu modo de ver las cosas.
How to be Confident 1.5
Believe in Yourself. Earn self-confidenceWe are all human and have flaws. Even if your physicalappearance or social skills aren't what you wish they were, thatdoesn't have to stop you from being confident.You want to be confident and feel confident, but what if you'restarting with little or no confidence? How do you get from Point Ato Point B? True self-confidence isn't an overnight acquisition. Ittakes dedication to realize you are a good human being that isworthy of respect and love.Here's how to believe in yourself.With this technique, you will lead a more satisfyinglifestyle.You will also find interesting tips, warnings and inspirationalquotes. Share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and more …!!!
Relaxation Techniques 1.5.1
A relaxation technique is a method that helpsa person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; orotherwise reduce levels of anxiety, stress or anger. Relaxationtechniques are often employed as one element of a wider stressmanagement program and can decrease muscle tension, lower the bloodpressure and slow heart and breath rates, among other healthbenefits.When stress overwhelms your nervous system your body is floodedwith chemicals that prepare you for “fight or flight”. While thestress response can be lifesaving in emergency situations where youneed to act quickly, it wears your body down when constantlyactivated by the stresses of everyday life. The relaxation responseputs the brakes on this heightened state of readiness and bringsyour body and mind back into a state of equilibrium.Try with this method, you will also find simple tips to reducestress. Recommend it to your friends!!!