Latinawine التطبيقات

Latinawine 5.0.14
Latinawine is the most comprehensive app on South American wine byindependent wine critic Florent Michel. Designed for travellingconnoisseurs, wine lovers, or professionals and covering Argentina,Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. 
Florent Michel is aFrench wine critic based in Uruguay. He dedicates his work to bringindependent, objective and expert opinion to wine consumers.Florent Michel has no interest in the wine trade or business in anyway. 
The app is private and has no advertising from the wine tradeto preserve a total independence in wine ratings. All the wines arepersonally tasted and rated by Florent Michel. 
 Feed: Afeed is permanently proposing new wines, winery information, jokes,events and other posts to the user. 
The app coverswines produces in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru and Bolivia andBrazil. This includes 49 key wine regions of South Americaincluding the largest ones such as Mendoza, San Juan, Neuquén inPatagonia and Salta for Argentina; Maipo, Aconcagua and Maule forChile or Canelones for Uruguay. 
Full detailed synopsisand description on 300 + wineries across South America includingkey information, ranking, pictures, and detailed access maps withGPS coordinates. 

Tasting Notes: 
The user has access to thousandsof tasting directly from the feed or by using a comprehensive setof filters. Wines are added on a permanent basis. The user canshare tasting notes with friends via mails and all his socialnetworks. Tasting notes all include the picture of the bottlesticker, a technical description of the wine and a completequalitative tasting note justifying the rating. Key grapes producedin the region are covered including Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon andTannat. The tasting nota also show the wine price in any currencyand at estimated local prices. Best Buys automatic notification: Atits option the user can choose to be instantly notified of any newBest Buys included in the wine database. He can select the countryhe wants to receive notifications on.

Food Pairing: 
Everydetailed tasting note contains food pairing recommendation. What toeat with a good Malbec, Carmenere or Tannat? 

My wines, favouritesand taste profile: 
Manage your favourite wines, rate them, andcomment them. As soon as the user enters more than 20 wines he isbeing recommended wines that correspond to his tasting profile.Shops and on line shops: We help the user find where the winery isdistributed close to him using geolocalization. The user can easilysee on the map a wide range of shops including wine shops andsupermarkets. The map also shows shops that are generally cheaperand on-going promotions. Latinawine conducts frequent store checksto provide the most accurate information. Key on-line shops wherethe winery is distributed are also proposed. Latinawine is andindependent wine guide that does not sell wine. 

Acomplete study and rating of vintages per country resulting fromthe average opinion of key winemakers in each region.

Best Buysand small budget 
A simple tool to discover best buys by pricerange and country. Small budget are a selection of best buy forless than 8 usd.

Top Ten: 
Top ten wines per country updated on apermanent basis. Languages: Available in English, Portuguese andSpanish

• Title of publication: Latinawine • Free access:unlimited 
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