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Grim Reaper Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Grim Reaper Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Creepy Art Images Free Download !Wikipediaaaaaaaaaaquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii56linhasAmazing Grim Reaper and Horror Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts:WikipediaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaParteeee45Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Clown , Horror House,Florest Dark , Blood Moon in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Violin Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Violin Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Music Art Images Free Download !The violin is a wooden string instrument in the violin family.Itis the smallest and highest-pitched instrument in the familyinregular use. The violin typically has four strings tuned inperfectfifths, and is most commonly played by drawing a bow acrossitsstrings, though it can also be played by plucking thestrings(pizzicato). Violins are important instruments in a widevariety ofmusical genres. They are most prominent in the Westernclassicaltradition and in many varieties of folk music. However,violins arealso frequently used in jazz, in some forms of rockmusic, andgenres of folk including country music and bluegrassmusic.Amazing Violin and Piano Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Turkic and Mongolian horsemen from Inner Asiawereprobably the world’s earliest fiddlers. Their two-stringeduprightfiddles were strung with horsehair strings, played withhorsehairbows, and often feature a carved horse’s head at the endof theneck. The violins, violas, and cellos we play today, andwhose bowsare still strung with horsehair, are a legacy of thenomads.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Drums , Bass , Music,Rock , Guitar in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Dark Forest Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Dark Forest Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Creepy Art Images Free Download !A forest is a large area of land covered with trees orotherwoody vegetation. Hundreds of more precise definitions offorestare used throughout the world, incorporating factors such astreedensity, tree height, land use, legal standing andecologicalfunction.Amazing Dark Forest and Blood Moon Pictures HD Wallpapers-Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : Human society and forests influence each otherinboth positive and negative ways. Forests provide ecosystemservicesto humans and serve as tourist attractions. Forests canalso imposecosts, affect people's health, and interfere withtouristenjoyment. Human activities, including harvesting forestresources,can negatively affect forest ecosystems.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of horror House ,HorrorClawn , Creepy , Fear in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Rottweiler Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Rottweiler Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !The Rottweiler is one of the oldest of herding breeds. Withahistory possibly dating back to the Roman Empire, theRottweilermay be a descendant of ancient Roman drover dogs; amastiff-typedog that was a dependable, rugged dog with greatintelligence andguarding instincts. During their quest to conquerEurope, the Romanlegion traveled in large numbers across thecontinent. Thenon-existence of refrigeration meant the soldiers hadto bringherds of cattle with them on their excursions for food.Thesedrover dogs were not only used to keep the herds ofcattletogether, but to guard the supply stock at night.Amazing Rottweiler and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : A town in this region was eventually given thenameRottweil. It became an important trade center and thedescendantsof the Roman cattle dogs proved their worth by drivingthe cattleto market and protecting the cattle from robbers and wildanimals.The dogs are said to have been used by traveling butchersatmarkets during the Middle Ages to guard money pouches tiedaroundtheir necks. The dogs eventually came to be calledRottweilerMetzgerhunds, or butcher dogs.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Pitbull , Boxer , SharPei, Doberman , Akita in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Bat Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Bat Photo Gallery - WallpaperUniqueIllustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !Bats are the second largest order of mammals (after therodents),representing about 20% of all classified mammal speciesworldwide,with about 1,240 bat species divided into two suborders:the lessspecialized and largely fruit-eating megabats, or flyingfoxes, andthe highly specialized and echolocating microbats. About70% of batspecies are insectivores. Most of the rest arefrugivores, or fruiteaters. A few species, such as the fish-eatingbat, feed fromanimals other than insects, with the vampire batsbeinghematophagous, or feeding on blood.Amazing Bat and Nature Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : Analyses of the sequence of the "vocalization"gene,FoxP2, were inconclusive as to whether laryngeal echolocationwassecondarily lost in the pteropodids or independently gained intheecholocating lineages. However, analyses of the "hearing"gene,Prestin, seemed to favor the independent gain inecholocatingspecies rather than a secondary loss in thepteropodids.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Dark , Wild , Birds ,Fly, Owl in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Black Panther Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Black Panther Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Lion Art Images Free Download !Melanism in the jaguar (Panthera onca) is conferred by adominantallele, and in the leopard (Panthera pardus) by arecessive allele.Close examination of the color of these blackcats will show thatthe typical markings are still present, but arehidden by the excessblack pigment melanin, giving an effectsimilar to that of printedsilk. This is called "ghost striping".Melanistic and non-melanisticanimals can be littermates. It isthought that melanism may confer aselective advantage undercertain conditions since it is more commonin regions of denseforest, where light levels are lower. Recently,preliminary studiesalso suggest that melanism might be linked tobeneficial mutationsin the immune system.Amazing Black Pantherand Panther Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : Melanistic leopards are the most common form ofblackpanther in captivity and they have been selectively bred fordecadesin the zoo and exotic pet trades. According to Funk andWagnalls'Wildlife Encyclopedia, captive black leopards are lessfertile thanspotted leopards, with average litter sizes of 1.8 and2.1,respectively. This is likely due to inbreeding depression.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Animal , Big Cats,Panther , White lion in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Rocket Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Awesome Rocket Pack 2 Art Wallpapers-Incredible Illustrations - Space Photo Gallery Free !A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehiclethatobtains thrust from a rocket engine. Rocket engine exhaust isformedentirely from propellant carried within the rocket beforeuse.Rocket engines work by action and reaction and push rocketsforwardsimply by expelling their exhaust in the opposite directionat highspeed, and can therefore work in the vacuum of space.Rocket and Sky Images HD - Digital Wallpapers in HighDefinition!Chemical rockets are the most common type of high powerrocket,typically creating a high speed exhaust by the combustion offuelwith an oxidizer. The stored propellant can be a simplepressurizedgas or a single liquid fuel that disassociates in thepresence of acatalyst, two liquids that spontaneously react oncontact(hypergolic propellants), two liquids that must be ignitedtoreact, a solid combination of fuel with oxidizer (solid fuel),orsolid fuel with liquid oxidizer (hybrid propellant system).Check our other WALLPAPERS !All Wallpapers in perfect quality -The best artistic images of Galaxy , Star , Earth , Marsofall!Perfect for your Tablet and Smartphone !Questions? Please send an email , Thank you!
Sunrise Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Sunrise Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Sun Art Images Free Download !Although the Sun appears to "rise" from the horizon, itisactually the Earth's motion that causes the Sun to appear.Theillusion of a moving Sun results from Earth observers being inarotating reference frame; this apparent motion is soconvincingthat most cultures had mythologies and religions builtaround thegeocentric model, which prevailed until astronomerNicolausCopernicus first formulated the heliocentric model in the16thcenturyAmazing Sunrise and Sunset Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Sunrise occurs before the Sun actually reachesthehorizon because the Sun's image is refracted by theEarth'satmosphere. At the horizon, the average amount of refractionis 34arcminutes, though this amount varies based onatmosphericconditions.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Nature , Sand , Beach,Sunset in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Creepy Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Creepy Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Fear Art Images Free Download !Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to, or hasthecapacity to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle their readersorviewers by inducing feelings of horror and terror.Literaryhistorian J. A. Cuddon has defined the horror story as "apiece offiction in prose of variable length... which shocks orevenfrightens the reader, or perhaps induces a feeling of repulsionorloathing". It creates an eerie and frightening atmosphere.Horroris frequently supernatural, though it can benon-supernatural.Often the central menace of a work of horrorfiction can beinterpreted as a metaphor for the larger fears of asociety.Amazing Creepy and Ghost Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The genre of horror has ancient origins with rootsinfolklore and religious traditions, focusing on death, theafterlife,evil, the demonic and the principle of the thingembodied in theperson. These were manifested in stories of beingssuch as witches,vampires, werewolves and ghosts.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Vampire , Horror House,Clown , Witch in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Carousel Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Carousel Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Girls Art Images Free Download !A carousel (American English: from French carrousel andItaliancarosello), roundabout (British English), or merry-go-round,is anamusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platformwithseats for riders. The "seats" are traditionally in the form ofrowsof wooden horses or other animals mounted on posts, many ofwhichare moved up and down by gears to simulate galloping, totheaccompaniment of looped circus music.Amazing Carousel and Kids Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Carousels are commonly populated with horses,eachhorse weighing roughly 100 lbs (45 kg), but may include avarietyof mounts, for example pigs, zebras, tigers ormythologicalcreatures such as dragons or unicorns. Sometimes,chairlike orbench like seats are used and occasionally mounts canbe shapedlike aeroplanes or cars.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Kids , Girls , Boy,Colors in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Star Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Star Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Space Art Images Free Download !A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by itsowngravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other starsarevisible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearingasa multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due totheirimmense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominentstarswere grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightestofwhich gained proper names. Astronomers have assembledstarcatalogues that identify the known stars and providestandardizedstellar designations.Amazing Star and Galaxy Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : However, most of the stars in the Universe,includingall stars outside our galaxy, the Milky Way, areinvisible to thenaked eye from Earth. Indeed, most are invisiblefrom Earth eventhrough the most powerful telescopes.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Space , Moon , Sun ,Earthin the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Macaron Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Macaron Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Cupcake Art Images Free Download!A macaron is a French sweet meringue-based confection madewithegg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder orgroundalmond, and food colouring. The macaron is commonly filledwithganache, buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between twocookies.The name is derived from the Italian word macarone,maccarone ormaccherone, the meringue.Amazing Macaron and Food Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The intricate confection is characterized bysmooth,squared top, ruffled circumference as the, and a flat base.It ismildly moist and easily melts in the mouth. Macarons can befoundin a wide variety of flavors that range from thetraditional(raspberry, chocolate) to the new .They are often saidto bedifficult to make.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Cupcake , Macaron , Food,Strawberry in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Coffee Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Coffee Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Food Art Images Free Download !Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffeebeans,which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. ThegenusCoffea is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar, and theComoros,Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.Amazing Coffee and Hot Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : Coffee is slightly acidic and can have astimulatingeffect on humans because of its caffeine content. Coffeeis one ofthe most popular drinks in the world.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Cupcake , Macaron , Food,Milk in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Iceland Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Iceland Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Bora Bora Art Images Free Download!Iceland, also called the Republic of Iceland, is a Nordicislandcountry between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Ithas apopulation of 332,529 and an area of 103,000 km2 (40,000 sqmi),making it the most sparsely populated country in Europe.Thecapital and largest city is and the surrounding areas inthesouthwest of the country are home to over two-thirds ofthepopulation. Iceland is volcanically and geologically active.Amazing Iceland and Hawaii Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : According to Landnámabók, the settlement ofIcelandbegan in the year AD 874 when the Norwegian chieftainIngólfrArnarson became the first permanent settler on the island.In thefollowing centuries, mainly Norwegians and to a smallerextentother Scandinavians settled Iceland, bringing with themthralls ofGaelic origin.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Beach , Lake , Blue,Island in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Black Smoke Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Black Smoke Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Fire Art Images Free Download !Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquidparticulatesand gases emitted when a material undergoes combustionorpyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrainedorotherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly anunwantedby-product of fires (including stoves, candles, oil lamps,andfireplaces), but may also be used for pest control(fumigation),communication (smoke signals), defensive and offensivecapabilitiesin the military (smoke-screen), cooking, or smoking(tobacco,cannabis, etc.). Smoke is used in rituals where incense,sage, orresin is burned to produce a smell for spiritual purposes.Smoke issometimes used as a flavoring agent, and preservative forvariousfoodstuffs. Smoke is also a component of internal combustionengineexhaust gas, particularly diesel exhaust.Amazing Black Smoke and Hot Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The naked eye detects particle sizes greater than7µm (micrometres). Visible particles emitted from a firearereferred to as smoke. Invisible particles are generally referredtoas gas or fumes. This is best illustrated when toasting bread inatoaster. As the bread heats up, the products of combustionincreasein size. The fumes initially produced are invisible butbecomevisible if the toast is burnt.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Fire , Fire Guitar,Volcano , Fire Pit in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Bowling Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Bowling Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Game Art Images Free Download !Bowling refers to a series of sports or leisure activitiesinwhich a player rolls or throws a bowling ball towards a target.Itis one of the major forms of throwing sports. In pinbowlingvariations, the target is usually to knock over pins at theend ofa lane. When all the pins are knocked down on the first roll,thisis a strike. In target variations, the aim is usually to gettheball as close to a mark as possible.Amazing Bowling and Soccer Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : About 400 AD bowling began in Germany as areligiousritual to cleanse oneself from sin by rolling a rock intoa clubrepresenting the heathen, causing bowlers to becalledkeglers.In 1299 the oldest known bowling green for target style bowlingtosurvive to modern times was built, Master's Close (now theOldBowling Green of the Southampton Bowling Club) inSouthampton,England; it is still in useDownload also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Game , Soccer , Chess,Hockey in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Star Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Star Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Space Art Images Free Download !A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by itsowngravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other starsarevisible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearingasa multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due totheirimmense distance from Earth.Amazing Star and Galaxy Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : For at least a portion of its life, a star shinesdueto thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in itscore,releasing energy that traverses the star's interior andthenradiates into outer space. Almost all naturally occurringelementsheavier than helium are created by stellar nucleosynthesisduringthe star's lifetime, and for some stars bysupernovanucleosynthesis when it explodes. Near the end of itslife, a starcan also contain degenerate matter.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Star , Spaceship ,Rocket, Black Hole in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Cocker Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Awesome Cocker Pack 2 Art Wallpapers-Incredible Illustrations - Dog Photo Gallery Free !Cocker Spaniels are dogs belonging to two breeds of thespanieldog type: the American Cocker Spaniel and the EnglishCockerSpaniel, both of which are commonly called simply CockerSpaniel intheir countries of origin. In the early 20th century,CockerSpaniels also included small hunting Spaniels.Cocker and Animal Images HD - Digital Wallpapers inHighDefinition !Cocker Spaniels were originally bred as hunting dogs intheUnited Kingdom, with the term cocker deriving from their usetohunt the Eurasian woodcock. When the breed was brought totheUnited States, it was bred to a different standard, whichenabledit to specialize in hunting the American woodcock. Furtherphysicalchanges were bred into the cocker in the United Statesduring theearly part of the 20th century.Check our other WALLPAPERS !All Wallpapers in perfect quality -The best artistic images of Akita , Pitbull , Rottweiler , Pugofall!Perfect for your Tablet and Smartphone !Questions? Please send an email , Thank you!
Big Cats Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Big Cats Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Jougle Art Images Free Download !The informal term "big cat" is typically used to refer to anyofthe four largest (living) members of the entire Pantheragenus.Among the five total species within the Panthera genus, thesefourare the only animals that are able to roar. In descending orderoftheir maximum potential size, these four species are:tigers,lions, jaguars and leopards.Amazing Big Cats and Lion Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Despite enormous differences in size, variousspeciesof cat are quite similar in both structure and behaviour,with theexception of the cheetah, which significantly stands outfrom theother big and small cats. All cats are carnivores andefficient apexpredators. Their range includes the Americas,Africa, Asia, andEurope.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Jaguar , Lion , Tiger,Panther in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Nordic Mythologyc Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Nordic Mythologyc Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Medieval Art Images FreeDownload!Norse mythology is the body of mythology of the NorthGermanicpeople stemming from Norse paganism and continuing aftertheChristianization of Scandinavia and into the Scandinavianfolkloreof the modern period. The northernmost extension ofGermanicmythology, Norse mythology consists of tales of variousdeities,beings, and heroes derived from numerous sources from bothbeforeand after the pagan period, including medievalmanuscripts,archaeological representations, and folk tradition.Amazing Nordic Mythologyc and Antique Pictures HD Wallpapers-Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : Norse mythology has been the subject ofscholarlydiscourse since the 17th century, when key texts werebrought tothe attention of the intellectual circles of Europe. Byway ofcomparative mythology and historical linguistics, scholarshaveidentified elements of Germanic mythology reaching as far backasProto-Indo-European mythology.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Medieval , Vikings,Kraken , Antigue in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Sunset Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Sunset Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Moon Art Images Free Download !The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment whenthetrailing edge of the Sun's disk disappears below the horizon.Nearto the horizon, atmospheric refraction causes the ray path oflightfrom the Sun to be distorted to such an extent thatgeometricallythe Sun's disk is already about one diameter belowthe horizon whensunset is observed.Amazing Sunset and Sun Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : Locations north of the Arctic Circle and south oftheAntarctic Circle experience no sunset or sunrise on at leastone dayof the year, when the polar day or the polar nightpersistscontinuously for 24 hours.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Nature , Sea , Beach,Sand in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Black Cat Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Black Cat Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Cat Art Images Free Download !Any cat whose fur is a single color, including black, isknownas. A "solid black" cat may be coal black, grayish black,orbrownish black. Most solid-colored cats result from arecessivegene that suppresses the tabby pattern. Sometimes thetabby patternis not completely suppressed; faint markings mayappear in certainlights, even on a solid black cat. A cat havingblack fur withwhite roots is known as a "black smoke.Amazing Black Cat and Animal Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : A black cat is a domestic cat with black fur thatmaybe a mixed or specific breed. The Cat Fanciers'Associationrecognizes 22 cat breeds that can come with solid blackcoats. TheBombay breed is exclusively black. All-black furpigmentation isslightly more prevalent in male cats than femalecats. Their highmelanin pigment content causes most black cats tohave yellow(golden) eyes (irises).Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Siamese Cat , Maine Cat,Cute Cat , Cat and Dog in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Samurai Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Samurai Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Samurai Girl Art Images FreeDownload !In Japanese, they are usually referred to as bushi. Accordingtotranslator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍wasoriginally a verb meaning "to wait upon" or "accompany persons"inthe upper ranks of society, and this is also true of theoriginalterm in Japanese, saburau.Amazing Samurai and Fighter Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Following the Battle of Hakusukinoe againstTangChina and Silla in 663 AD, which led to a retreat fromKoreanaffairs, Japan underwent widespread reform. One of themostimportant was that of the Taika Reform, issued by PrinceNaka-no-Ōe(Emperor Tenji) in 646 AD.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Japan , Samurai , KungFu, Karate in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Black Cat Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Black Cat Photo Gallery - WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Cat Art Images Free Download !Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong,flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teethadapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular andpredatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or toohigh in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice andother small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most othermammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smellthan humans.Amazing Black Cat and Animal Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlledbreeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, ahobby known as cat fancy.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Siamese Cat , Maine Cat ,Cute Cat , Galaxy Cat in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
German Shepherd Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible German Shepherd Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !German Shepherds have a two-layer coat which is close anddensewith a thick undercoat. The coat is accepted in twovariants;medium and long. The long-hair gene is recessive, makingthelong-hair variety rarer. Treatment of the long-hairvariationdiffers across standards; they are accepted but notcompeted withstandard coated dogs under the German and UK KennelClubs whilethey can compete with standard coated dogs but areconsidered afault in the American Kennel Club.Amazing German Shepherd and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : Well-trained and socialized German Shepherds haveareputation of being very safe. The Centers for Disease ControlandPrevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 4.5 million people intheUnited States are bitten by dogs each year, but bully breedsareless often to blame than many other breeds, including chowchowsand German shepherds.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Akita , Malamute , Chow,Chow , Pug , Boxer in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Swan Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Swan Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !Swans are birds of the family Anatidae within the genusCygnus.The swans' close relatives include the geese and ducks.Swans aregrouped with the closely related geese in the subfamilyAnserinaewhere they form the tribe Cygnini. Sometimes, they areconsidered adistinct subfamily, Cygninae. There are six or sevenspecies ofswan in the genus Cygnus; in addition there is anotherspeciesknown as the coscoroba swan, although this species is nolongerconsidered one of the true swans. Swans usually mate forlife,though "divorce" does sometimes occur, particularlyfollowingnesting failure, and if a mate dies, the remaining swanwill takeup with another. The number of eggs in each clutch rangesfromthree to eight.Amazing Swan and Duck Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : The swans are generally found intemperateenvironments, rarely occurring in the tropics. A group ofswans iscalled a bevy or a wedge in flight. Four (or five) speciesoccur inthe Northern Hemisphere, one species is found in Australiaand NewZealand and one species is distributed in southern SouthAmerica.They are absent from tropical Asia, Central America,northern SouthAmerica and the entirety of Africa. One species, themute swan, hasbeen introduced to North America, Australia and NewZealand.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Lake , Nature , Duck,Water in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Colored Smoke Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Awesome Colored Smoke Pack 2 Art Wallpapers-Incredible Illustrations - Smoke Photo Gallery Free !Colored smoke can be used for smoke signals, often in amilitarycontext. It can be produced by smoke grenades, or byvarious otherpyrotechnical devices. The mixture used for producingcolored smokeis usually a cooler-burning formula based on potassiumchlorateoxidizer, lactose or dextrin as a fuel, and one or moredyes, withabout 40-50% content of the dye. About 2% sodiumbicarbonate may beadded as a coolant, to lower the burningtemperature.Colored Smoke and Colors Images HD - Digital Wallpapers inHighDefinition !Smoke released from aircraft was originally based on a mixtureof10-15% dye, 60-65% trichloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene, and25%diesel oil, injected into the exhaust gases of the aircraftengines.Most commonly, teams now use specifically prepared liquiddyes andonly gas oil, light mineral oil or a food grade white oilwithoutharmful chlorinated solvents.Check our other WALLPAPERS !All Wallpapers in perfect quality -The best artistic images of Ink , Colors , Smoke , Black Smokeofall!Perfect for your Tablet and Smartphone !Questions? Please send an email , Thank you!
Tornado Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Tornado Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Sea Art Images Free Download !A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that isincontact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbuscloudor, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. They areoftenreferred to as twisters or cyclones, although the word cycloneisused in meteorology to name any closed low pressurecirculation.Tornadoes come in many shapes and sizes, but they aretypically inthe form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrowend touchesthe earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debrisand dust.Amazing Tornado and Wind Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The word tornado is an altered form of theSpanishword tronada, which means "thunderstorm". This in turn wastakenfrom the Latin tonare, meaning "to thunder".Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Nature , Tsunami , Sea,Shy in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Husky Siberian Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Husky Siberian Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !Husky /ˈhʌski/ is a general name for a sled-type of dog usedinnorthern regions, differentiated from other sled-dog types bytheirfast pulling style. They are an ever-changing cross-breed ofthefastest dogs. The Alaskan Malamute, by contrast, is "thelargestand most powerful" sled dog, and was used for heavierloads.Huskies are used in sled dog racing. In recent years,companieshave been marketing tourist treks with dog sledges foradventuretravelers in snow regions as well. Huskies are also todaykept aspets, and groups work to find new pet homes for retiredracing andadventure trekking dogs.Amazing Husky Siberian and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : The word husky originated from the word referringtoArctic people in general, Eskimos (aka Inuit), "...knownasHuskies, a contraction of Huskimos, the pronunciation given totheword "Eskimos" by the English sailors of trading vessels." UseofHusky is recorded from 1852 for dogs kept by Inuit people.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Akita , Malamute ,Pitbull, Rottweiler , Boxer in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Storm Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Storm Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Atom Art Images Free Download !A storm is any disturbed state of an environment orastronomicalbody's atmosphere especially affecting its surface, andstronglyimplying severe weather. It may be marked bysignificantdisruptions to normal conditions such as strong wind,hail, thunderand lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation(snowstorm,rainstorm), heavy freezing rain ice storm), strong winds(tropicalcyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting some substancethroughthe atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm,etc.Amazing Storm and Energy Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Shipwrecks are common with the passage ofstrongtropical cyclones. Such shipwrecks can change the courseofhistory,as well as influence art and literature. A hurricane ledtoa victory of the Spanish over the French for control ofFortCaroline, and ultimately the Atlantic coast of North America,in1565.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Sky , Rain , Raindrop,Water , Energy in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Rain Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Rain Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Raindrop Art Images Free Download !Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that havecondensedfrom atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated—thatis, becomeheavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a majorcomponent ofthe water cycle and is responsible for depositing mostof the freshwater on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions formany typesof ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric powerplants andcrop irrigation.Amazing Rain and Water Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : The major cause of rain production is moisturemovingalong three-dimensional zones of temperature and moisturecontrastsknown as weather fronts. If enough moisture and upwardmotion ispresent, precipitation falls from convective clouds(those withstrong upward vertical motion) such as cumulonimbus(thunder clouds)which can organize into narrow rainbands.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Sun , Sunset , Frozen,Cold in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
White Tiger Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible White Tiger Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Jaguar Art Images Free Download !The white tiger is a pigmentation variant of the Bengaltiger,which is reported in the wild from time to time in theIndianstates of Assam, West Bengal and Bihar in the Sunderbansregion andespecially in the former State of Rewa. Such a tiger hasthe blackstripes typical of the Bengal tiger, but carries a whiteornear-white coat.Amazing White Tiger and Lion Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The white Bengal tigers are distinctive due tothecolor of their fur. The white fur caused by a lack of thepigmentpheomelanin, which is found in Bengal tigers with orangecolor fur.When compared to Bengal tigers, the white Bengal tigerstend togrow faster and heavier than the orange Bengal tiger. Theyalsotend to be somewhat bigger at birth, and as fully grownadults.White Bengal tigers are fully grown when they are years ofage.White male tigers reach weights of 200 to 230 kilograms andcangrow up to 3 meters in length.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Jaguar , Panther ,WhiteLion , Tiger in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Rainbow Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Rainbow Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Sky Art Images Free Download !A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is causedbyreflection, refraction and dispersion of light in waterdropletsresulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. Ittakes theform of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlightalwaysappear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.Amazing Rainbow and Nature Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : In a primary rainbow, the arc shows red on theouterpart and violet on the inner side. This rainbow is caused bylightbeing refracted when entering a droplet of water, thenreflectedinside on the back of the droplet and refracted again whenleavingit.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Ladybug , Flowers , Rain,Water in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Boston Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Boston Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Moscow Art Images Free Download !Many of the crucial events of the American Revolution—theBostonMassacre, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's midnight ride,thebattles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill, the SiegeofBoston, and many others—occurred in or near Boston. AftertheRevolution, Boston's long seafaring tradition helped make it oneofthe world's wealthiest international ports, with the slavetrade,rum, fish, salt, and tobacco being particularlyimportant.Amazing Boston and London Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The Embargo Act of 1807, adopted duringtheNapoleonic Wars, and the War of 1812 significantlycurtailedBoston's harbor activity. Although foreign trade returnedafterthese hostilities, Boston's merchants had found alternativesfortheir capital investments in the interim.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of England , USA , TOronto,Hawaii in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Werewolf Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Werewolf Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Horror Art Images Free Download !A werewolf (from Old English: wer, "man") or lycanthrope, isamythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshiftintoa wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature,eitherpurposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction(e.g.via a bite or scratch from another werewolf). Early sourcesforbelief in lycanthropy are Petronius (27–66) and Gervase ofTilbury(1150–1228).Amazing Werewolf and Creepy Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The word werewolf continues a late OldEnglishwer(e)wulf, a compound of were "man" and wulf "wolf". Theonly OldHigh German testimony is in the form of a given name,Weriuuolf,although an early Middle High German werwolf is found inBurchardof Worms and Berthold of Regensburg. The word or conceptdoes notoccur in medieval German poetry or fiction, gainingpopularity onlyfrom the 15th century. Middle Latin gerulphusAnglo-Norman garwalf,Old Frankish *wariwulf.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Horror House , GrimReaper, Horror Clawn , Florest dark in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Ireland Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Ireland Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Hawaii Art Images Free Download !Politically, Ireland is divided between the Republic ofIreland(officially named Ireland), which covers five-sixths of theisland,and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom,in thenortheast of the island. In 2011 the population of Irelandwasabout 6.4 million, ranking it the second-most populous islandinEurope after Great Britain. Just under 4.6 million live intheRepublic of Ireland and just over 1.8 million live inNorthernIreland.Amazing Ireland and Bora Bora Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : The island's geography comprises relativelylow-lyingmountains surrounding a central plain, with severalnavigable riversextending inland. The island has lush vegetation,a product of itsmild but changeable climate which avoids extremesin temperature.Thick woodlands covered the island until the MiddleAges.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Florida , Beach , Sand,Sea in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Neptune God Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Neptune God Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Mythologyc Art ImagesFreeDownload !Depictions of Neptune in Roman mosaics, especially those ofNorthAfrica, are influenced by Hellenistic conventions. Neptunewaslikely associated with fresh water springs before the sea.LikePoseidon, Neptune was worshipped by the Romans also as a godofhorses, under the name Neptunus Equester, a patronofhorse-racing.Amazing Neptune God and Antique Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : A different etymology grounded in thelegendaryhistory of Latium and Etruria was proposed by PrellerandMüller-Deeke: Etruscan Nethunus, Nethuns would be anadjectivalform of toponym Nepe(t), Nepete (presently Nepi), town ofthe agerFaliscus near Falerii. The district was traditionallyconnected tothe cult of the god: Messapus and Halesus, theeponymous hero ofFalerii, were believed to be his own sons.Messapus led the Falisciand others to war in the Aeneid.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Athena , Medieval,Templar Knight , Antique in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Unicorn Wallpaper 1.2
Incredible Unicorn Photo Gallery - WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Fantasy Art Images Free Download !The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been describedsince antiquity as a beast with a large, pointed, spiraling hornprojecting from its forehead. The unicorn was depicted in ancientseals of the Indus Valley Civilization and was mentioned by theancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers,including Ctesias, Strabo, Pliny the Younger, and Aelian.Amazing Unicorn and Pegasus Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Medieval knowledge of the fabulous beast stemmedfrom biblical and ancient sources, and the creature was variouslyrepresented as a kind of wild ass, goat, or horse.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Horse Fire , dark fairy ,Pink Fairy , Magic in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Emerald Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Emerald Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Ruby Art Images Free Download !Emeralds, like all colored gemstones, are graded using fourbasicparameters–the four Cs of Connoisseurship: Color, Clarity,Cut andCarat weight. Before the 20th century, jewelers used theterm water,as in "a gem of the finest water", to express thecombination of twoqualities: color and clarity. Normally, in thegrading of coloredgemstones, color is by far the most importantcriterion.Amazing Emerald and Diamond Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : In gemology, color is divided into threecomponents:hue, saturation and tone. Emeralds occur in hues rangingfromyellow-green to blue-green, with the primary hue necessarilybeinggreen. Yellow and blue are the normal secondary hues foundinemeralds. Only gems that are medium to dark in tone areconsideredemerald; light-toned gems are known instead by thespecies namegreen beryl.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Gold , Stone , Diamond,Silver in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Emerald Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Awesome Emerald Pack 2 Art Wallpapers-Incredible Illustrations - Metal Photo Gallery Free !Emerald tends to have numerous inclusions and surfacebreakingfissures. Unlike diamond, where the loupe standard,magnification,is used to grade clarity, emerald is graded by eye.Thus, if anemerald has no visible inclusions to the eye ) it isconsideredflawless. Stones that lack surface breaking fissures areextremelyrare and therefore almost all emeralds are treated toenhance theapparent clarity.Emerald and Ruby Images HD - Digital Wallpapers inHighDefinition !Most emeralds are oiled as part of the post-lapidary process,inorder to fill in surface-reaching cracks, improving theirclarityand stability. Cedar oil, having a similar refractive index,isoften used in this generally accepted practice. Otherliquids,including synthetic oils and polymers with refractiveindexes closeto that of emerald such as Opticon, are also used.Check our other WALLPAPERS !All Wallpapers in perfect quality -The best artistic images of Golden , Chrome Metal , Ruby ,Moneyof all!Perfect for your Tablet and Smartphone !Questions? Please send an email , Thank you!
Germany Flag Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Germany Flag Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Russia Flag Art ImagesFreeDownload !Germany has two competing traditions of nationalcolours,black-red-gold and black-white-red, which have played animportantrole in the modern history of Germany. The black-red-goldtricolourfirst appeared in the early 19th century and achievedprominenceduring the 1848 Revolutions. The short-lived FrankfurtParliamentof 1848–1850 proposed the tricolour as a flag for aunited anddemocratic German state. With the formation of the WeimarRepublicafter World War I, the tricolour was adopted as thenational flagof Germany. Following World War II, the tricolour wasdesignated asthe flag of both West and East Germany in 1949.Amazing Germany Flag and Argentina Flag Pictures HD Wallpapers-Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : After the Austro-Prussian War in 1866,thePrussian-dominated North German Confederation adopted atricolourof black-white-red as its flag. This flag later became theflag ofthe German Empire, formed following the unification ofGermany in1871, and was used until 1918. Black, white, and redwerereintroduced as the German national colours with theestablishmentof Nazi Germany in 1933, replacing German republicancolours withimperial colours until the end of World War II.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of USA , England , London,Boston in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Dalmatian Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Dalmatian Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !The Dalmatian is a breed of large dog, noted for its uniqueblackor liver spotted coat and mainly used as a carriage dog inits earlydays. Its roots trace back to Croatia and its historicalregion ofDalmatia. Today, it is a popular family pet, and manydogenthusiasts enter Dalmatians into kennel club competitions.Amazing Dalmatian and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The Dalmatian is a large, well-defined, musculardogwith excellent endurance and stamina. When full grown, accordingtothe American Kennel Club breed standard, it stands from 19 to23inches (48 to 58 cm) tall, with males usually slightly largerthanfemales.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Akita , Pitbull,Rottweiler Shar Pei in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Angel Warrior Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Angel Warrior Photo Gallery -Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Mythologyc Art Images FreeDownload !An angel, especially according to Abrahamic religions andZoroastrianism, is a spiritual being superior to humans in powerand intelligence. Angels are typically described as benevolene,dreadful, and endowed with wisdom and knowledge of earthly events,but not infallible; for they strive with each other, and God has tomake peace between them. Most of them serve either asintermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardianspirits.Amazing Angel Warrior and Antique Pictures HD Wallpapers -Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : Later Christians inherited Jewish understandings ofangels, which in turn may have been partly inherited from theEgyptians. In the early stage, the Christian concept of an angelcharacterized the angel as a messenger of God. Later cameidentification of individual angelic messengers: Gabriel, Michael,Raphael, and Uriel. Then, in the space of little more than twocenturies (from the 3rd to the 5th) the image of angels took ondefinite characteristics both in theology and in art.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Magic , Fantasy , NeptuneGod , Medival , Vikings in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Hockey Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Hockey Photo Gallery - WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Basketball Art Images Free Download !Games played with curved sticks and a ball can be found in thehistories of many cultures. In Egypt, 4000-year-old carvingsfeature teams with sticks and a projectile, hurling dates to before1272 BC in Ireland, and there is a depiction from approximately 600BC in Ancient Greece, where the game may have been calledkerētízein or kerhtízein because it was played with a horn orhorn-like stick In Inner Mongolia, the Daur people have beenplaying beikou, a game similar to modern field hockey, for about1,000 years.Amazing Hockey and Game Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Bandy is played with a ball on a footballfield-sized ice arena (bandy rink), typically outdoors, and withmany rules similar to association football. It is playedprofessionally in Russia and Sweden and is considered a nationalsport in Russia. The sport is recognised by the IOC; itsinternational governing body is the Federation of InternationalBandy.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Soccer , Sport , Voley ,Game in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Orca Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Orca Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !The killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca) is a toothedwhalebelonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is thelargestmember. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from ArcticandAntarctic regions to tropical seas. Killer whales have adiversediet, although individual populations often specializeinparticular types of prey. Some feed exclusively on fish,whileothers hunt marine mammals such as seals and dolphins. Theyhavebeen known to attack baleen whale calves, and even adultwhales.Killer whales are apex predators, as there is no animalwhich preyson them.Amazing Orca and Dolphin Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Orcinus orca is the only recognized extant speciesinthe genus Orcinus, one of many animal species originallydescribedby Linnaeus in 1758 in Systema Naturae. Konrad Gessnerwrote thefirst scientific description of a killer whale in his"Fish book" of1558, based on examination of a dead stranded animalin the Bay ofGreifswald that had attracted a great deal of localinterest.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Sea , Ship , Starfish,Fish , Koi Fish in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Vikings Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Vikings Photo Gallery - WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Antigue Art Images Free Download !Vikings, from Old Norse víkingr, were Germanic Norse seafarers,speaking the Old Norse language, who raided and traded from theirScandinavian homelands across wide areas of northern, central andeastern Europe, during the late 8th to late 11th centuries. Theterm is also commonly extended in modern English and othervernaculars to the inhabitants of Viking home communities duringwhat has become known as the Viking Age. This period of Norsemilitary, mercantile and demographic expansion constitutes animportant element in the early medieval history of Scandinavia, theBritish Isles, Ireland, France, Kievan Rus' and Sicily.Amazing Vikings and Mythology Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : One etymology derives víking from the feminine vík,meaning "creek, inlet, small bay". Various theories have beenoffered that the word viking may be derived from the name of thehistorical Norwegian district of Viken (or Víkin in Old Norse),meaning "a person from Viken". According to this theory, the wordsimply described persons from this area, and it is only in the lastfew centuries that it has taken on the broader sense of earlymedieval Scandinavians in general. However, there are a few majorproblems with this theory. People from the Viken area were notcalled 'Viking' in Old Norse manuscripts, but are referred to asvíkverir (Modern Norwegian: vikvær), 'Vík dwellers'.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Athena , Kraken , Rome ,Europe in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Chow Chow Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Chow Chow Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !The Chow is a unique breed of dog thought to be one of theoldestrecognizable breeds. Research indicates that Chow Chows areone ofthe first primitive breeds to evolve from the wolf. RecentDNAanalysis confirms that this is one of the oldest breeds of dogthatprobably originated in the high steppe regions of SiberiaorMongolia, and much later used as temple guards in China,Mongoliaand Tibet.Amazing Chow Chow and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : A bas-relief from 150 BC includes a huntingdogsimilar in appearance to the Chow. Later Chow Chows were bred asageneral-purpose working dog for herding, hunting, pullingandguarding. From what records survive, some historians believethatthe Chow was the dog described as accompanying the Mongolianarmiesas they invaded southward into China as well as west intoEuropeand southwest into the Middle East in the 13th centuryAD.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Pitbull , Akita , Boxer,Pug in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Wings Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Wings Photo Gallery - WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Fly Art Images Free Download !The word "wing" from the Old Norse vængr for many centuriesreferred mainly to the foremost limbs of birds (in addition to thearchitectural aisle.) But in recent centuries the word's meaninghas extended to include lift producing appendages of insects, bats,pterosaurs, boomerangs, some sail boats and aircraft, or theinverted airfoil on a race car that generates a downward force toincrease traction.Amazing Wings and Angel Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital Art HighDefinition !Fun Facts : A wing's aerodynamic quality is expressed as itslift-to-drag ratio. The lift a wing generates at a given speed andangle of attack can be one to two orders of magnitude greater thanthe total drag on the wing. A high lift-to-drag ratio requires asignificantly smaller thrust to propel the wings through the air atsufficient lift.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your android mobilephone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Sky , Flying , Birds ,Toucan in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
White German Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible White German Photo Gallery -Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !The White Shepherd emerged from white-coat lines of the GermanShepherd dog in Canada and the United States and from Europeanimports. The German Shepherd and the white German Shepherd are thesame dog, though their coat colours vary. The White Shepherd breedwas officially recognized by the United Kennel Club on April 14,1999. It has the same origins as the White Swiss Shepherd (BergerBlanc Suisse, Weisser Schweizer Schäferhund), which is recognizedas a separate breed by the Hogg Fédération CynologiqueInternationale.Amazing White German and Dog Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : White Shepherds often have longer fur than thetraditional German Shepherd, and do not always have a double coat.The standard calls for less angulation in the front and rear hipand shoulder bone structure. Additionally, the desire for a flattopline, and the acceptability in the conformation ring to haveeither plush or long coats. These differences give White Shepherdsan overall more square and upright look and lighter frame ascompared to the show lines of German Shepherds, and they have verydifferent side gait when comparing movement.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Rottweiler , Pitbull ,Boxer , Pug in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, Reviews andQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Octopus Wallpaper 1.0
Incredible Octopus Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Animal Art Images Free Download !Octopuses inhabit diverse regions of the ocean, includingcoralreefs, pelagic waters, and the ocean floor. They havenumerousstrategies for defending themselves against predators,includingthe expulsion of ink, the use of camouflage and deimaticdisplays,their ability to jet quickly through the water, and theirabilityto hide. They trail their eight arms behind them as theyswim. Alloctopuses are venomous, but only one group, theblue-ringedoctopus, is known to be deadly to humans.Amazing Octopus and Dolphin Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Around 300 species are recognized, which isoverone-third of the total number of known cephalopod species. Theterm'octopus' may also be used to refer specifically to thegenusOctopus.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of While , Sea , Anchor,Ship , Fish in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!